World Streets Weekly Edition of 11 April 2011

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World Streets Weekly - Edition of 11 April 2011

Weekly Edition of 11 April 2011

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On wrong-minded modernization of transport:

Eric Britton, editor | 10 April 2011 at 09:27 | Categories: Global South, Governance, India Streets, pedicabs,
relayed | URL:

World Streets is all about casting a broad net over transportation issues and approaches in cities around the
world -- reporting on the good, the bad and the ugly -- so that we can learn from each other. Today's
communication by Syed Saiful Alam from Dhaka reports on a familiar
Third World policy disagreement about a popular and very important
transport mode which is providing affordable, environmental, and efficient
mobility for almost a third of all trips in the nation's capital. Seven days a
week, on demand service when you need it, and with heavy use by
women and children. If you have a look at what is going on there in this
all-too familiar tussle of ideas and authority, we bet you will learn
something for your own city from Dhaka.

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Honk! Bus of the Future? (Have a stupid weekend)

Eric Britton, editor | 9 April 2011 at 14:49 | Categories: Stupid weekend, technology | URL:

Dutch astronaut unleashes 155 mph 'Superbus'.

From an article posted in the Science section of The Register, 8th April 2011. See
the Superbus in action here. You can say that you were among the first to see it in

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World Streets Weekly - Edition of 11 April 2011

Italians are moving less. But using public transport more

Eric Britton, editor | 8 April 2011 at 08:21 | Categories: behavior, Europe, Network Dispatches, Nuova Mobilita, public
transport | URL:

The economic crisis combined with the rising cost of fuel has caused significant changes in travel behavior of
Italians -- is what emerges from the year-end economic report Audimob of 2010 of the Observatory on
Mobility Behavior of the Italian National Institute for Training
and Research for Transport (ISFORT)

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Bikes, Helmets and the Long Arm of the Law

Eric Britton, editor | 8 April 2011 at 04:59 | Categories: behavior, Cycling, cyclist, health safety, Law | URL:

We had a good look at this one back in 2008 in the context of advising
local government concerning the issue of requiring cyclists to wear
helmets on the then-being considered public bike project. We asked for
the counsel of a number of international experts with backgrounds and
contrasting views in this area, and this short report summarizes their
information and recommendations. Still looks pretty good in 2011.

* Click here for report - Bikes, helmets and the law

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Picking a few bones with our old World Bank friends

Eric Britton, editor | 7 April 2011 at 14:59 | Categories: op-ed, United Nations, World Bank/IMF, WHO, ILO | URL:

We try very hard on World Streets to stay firmly on topic. But given the swirling many-sided kaleidoscopic
complexity of our concerns, we are obliged from time to time to step
outside of the usual lines. For this reason, you will find here an article
challenging the eventual stewardship role of the World Bank in a new
global Green Climate Fund (GCF) initiative which is being discussed this week in Bangkok by climate change
negotiators from 190 countries.

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World Streets Weekly - Edition of 11 April 2011
City as a time capsule: Urban highway construction mania still
booming in 2011
Eric Britton, editor | 7 April 2011 at 09:57 | Categories: Global South, bad ideas, op-ed, relayed, all-car, Governance |

Transport planning and policy in Lahore Pakistan today, as reported by public

policy consultant Hassaan Ghazali, looks like something that was dragged out of
a moss-covered time capsule on a hot day: a tawdry reminder of the kind of old
mobility thinking, interest-wrangling and mindless investments of hard-earned
taxpayer money that challenged and in many cases helped destroy the urban
fabric of cities across North America and in many other parts of the world half a
century ago.

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Guangzhou, China: Winning The Future With BRT

Eric Britton, editor | 6 April 2011 at 07:52 | Categories: BRT, China, media | URL:

Guangzhou is one of the fastest growing cities in the world. The economic
hub of China's southern coast, it has undergone three decades of rapid
modernization, and until recently the city’s streets were on a trajectory to
get completely overrun by traffic congestion and pollution. But Guangzhou
has started to change course. Last year the city made major strides to cut
carbon emissions and reclaim space for people, opening new bus rapid transit and public bike sharing

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Whence Social Media on World Streets

Eric Britton, editor | 5 April 2011 at 10:28 | Categories: editorial, musing, social media, ws-organization | URL:

If anyone knows where this whole business of balancing what just

might be highly useful linking with the constraints imposed by a
seriously time-challenged 24 hour day, I hope they will let the editor of
this journal know. True there is a great deal that is out there, and every
bit of it is in constant kaleidoscopic evolution. My first temptation is to
stick to what I know works, and give the rest a pass. But another part
of my brain tells me that this could be a big mistake.
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World Streets Weekly - Edition of 11 April 2011

North/South perspectives: When a cyclist is not a cyclist is not a cyclist

Eric Britton, editor | 4 April 2011 at 18:00 | Categories: Africa, Cycling, Global South, reprinted, Sentinels | URL:

If you look at that Sempé time-phased cartoon of the other day in World Streets, "A Short History of
Social Mobility", the lesson that leaps out at us is that what we are seeing in terms of cycling in the richer
parts of the world is a phenomenon that in both economic and social terms is
very specific to those places. And if by contrast we are looking for more universal
lessons, especially for people in the poorest developing countries where there is
a crying need for better, more affordable mobility, we may need to look
elsewhere. Let's hear what our friend Ezra Goldman has to say on this score
after an enjoyable week with the cycling buffs in Seville for the annual Velo-City global bicycling bash.
(Followed at the end with a few words on our a-borning Africa Streets collaborative project. )

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World Streets Weekly: Edition of 4 April 2011

Eric Britton, editor | 4 April 2011 at 09:53 | Categories: Weekly edition | URL:

* * * Click here for Weekly Edition of 4 April 2011 * * *

This week's titles:

10 April: On wrong-minded modernization of transport

9 April: Honk! Bus of the Future? (Have a stupid weekend)
8 April: Italians are moving less. But using public transport more
8 April: Bikes, Helmets and the Long Arm of the Law
7 April: Picking a few bones with our old World Bank friends
7 April: City as a time capsule: Urban highway construction mania still booming in 2011
6 April: Guangzhou, China: Winning The Future With BRT
5 April: Whence Social Media on World Streets
4 April: North/South perspectives: When a cyclist is not a cyclist is not a cyclist

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World Streets Weekly - Edition of 11 April 2011
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