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Final Examination
Semester: Summer 2021
Program: MBA Batch: Mixed Section: 1
Course Code: BUS 504, Course Title: Research Methodology in Business
Course Teacher: Parisa Islam

Time: 2 Days Full Marks: 30

Instructions & Information:

 Answer any Four questions.
 All questions carry equal marks
 Answer all parts of each question consecutively.
 Answer each question from a fresh sheet.
 Examinees are not allowed to carry any book/ note/ written document in the exam hall.
 Examinees are not allowed to bring mobile phone in the Examination hall.
 Examinees are not allowed to share calculator in the exam hall.

Question No. 1 7.5

a) Describe the objectives of secondary data studies. Provide example for each objective.

b) What are the advantages of Personal Interviews? Describe in details.

Question No. 2 7.5

a) What are the types of Fixed-Alternative Questions? Describe and provide example for each one.

b). Draw the Stages in the Selection of a Sample. Describe Random Sampling Errors and
Systematic Sample Errors.

Question No. 3 7.5

a) Describe the characteristics of Mall Intercept Interview in details.

b) There are different types of questions used in surveys. Provide guidelines for constructing questions.
Question No. 4 7.5

a) Describe different Non-probability sampling techniques with examples.

b) Describe the techniques that can help to Increase the Response Rates for Mail Surveys.

Question No. 5 7.5

a) You are conducting a survey research on “Customer’s Perception regarding the Marketing Mix (4P)
of Food Panda”, develop 10 questions suitable for the survey.

b) Describe the disadvantages of Secondary Data. Provide examples.


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