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Hello teacher, good morning

My favorite movie is Bring It On part three

we started talking about its main characters

(Palisades, Nueva York; 21 de agosto de 1989) es

una actriz, cantante y modelo estadounidense
Nacio en Palisades, Nueva York; el dia 21 de agosto de 1989, es una
actriz, cantante y modelo estadounidense. ella es de cabello rubio y ojos
azules y estatura pequeña.

She was born in Palisades, New York; On August 21, 1989 she is an
American actress, singer and model. she is beautiful has blonde hair, blue
eyes and short stature.

Ella nacio en Houston, Texas, 24 de junio de 1986), conocida como
Solange, ella es una cantautora, productora, actriz, directora, modelo y
empresaria estadounidense.

She was born in Houston, Texas, June 24, 1986), known as Solange, she is
an American singer-songwriter, producer, actress, director, model, and
businesswoman. She is a very beautiful black woman, she has curly black
hair, her eyes are brown and she is tall.

The film is about a cheerleader named Britney who has to leave her city
and university due to money problems in her family.
Upon arriving at the new university, she feels out of place because she is
white, however she meets Camille and her friends who are part of the team
at the new university.
As the days passed, they invited her to be part of the university team but
she did not accept because she had made an oath not to cheer again.
Then he agrees to cheer in order to get a spot to dance in the new video of
the singer Rihanna
Days later, dance practices begin to win the award.

La pelicula trata de una porrista llamada Britney la cual le toca abandonar la ciudad donde vive por
problemas de dinero en su familia.

Al llegar a la nueva universidad se siente fuera de lugar por ser de raza blanca, sin embargo conoce
camille y sus amigas quienes hacen parte del equipo en la nueva universidad.

Al pasar los dias la invitaron a hacer parte del equipo de la universidad pero ella no logra aceptar
porque habia hecho un juramente para no volver a animar mas.

Dias despues inician las practicas de baile para lograr ganar el premio


In my opinion the best scene is when Jesse apologizes to Britney for speaking lies and they decide to
have an affair.
En mi opinión la mejor escena es cuando Jesse disculpa a Britney por hablar con mentiras y deciden
tener un romance.
Britney attends a dance at the old school and finds out that her boyfriend is unfaithful with one of her
old friends from the cheerleader group.
Britney asiste a un baile en la vieja escuela y descubre que su novio le es infiel con una de sus viejas
amigas del grupo de porristas.

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