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Who to Blame: The Government or The People Themselves?

Poverty and inequality in the Philippines remains a challenge. In the past four
decades, the proportion of households living below the official poverty line has declined
slowly and unevenly. Economic growth has gone through boom and bust cycles, and
recent episodes of moderate economic expansion have had limited impact on the poor.
Great inequality across income brackets, regions, and sectors, as well as unmanaged
population growth, are considered some of the key factors constraining poverty

reduction efforts. But bwho we shouls really blame on this endless issue in the

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Philip[pines? Is it the government who claims that bthey have done their best giving

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livelihood programs, free access to education, supporting all talented poor filipinos in

various fields or is it the people themselves who have the control on their lives whether
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to make it successful or not. My stand on this position paper is to blame the people
themselves. Poverty can only be made gone when the people themselves strive hard to

attain success.
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Many poor people are livinghere in the Philippines, we are even included in the
list of poor countries around the world. Over numbers of articles, it was stated that there
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is a weak local government capacity for implementing poverty reduction programs but
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my stand here still to blame the people themselves. they are the one who has the
authority in their life and in their future. They have the authority whether to work hard or
to let their crowns turn to rags. Whether the government proviodes the best poverty

reducation programs if thye people themselves were not determined to fight against it,

poverty will continue to rise. If people were not bound to attain a life more than being
poor then poverty will remain as an issue in the Philippines. If they will not make any

action to make their own life successful then nothing will ever change. Even if the
government will provide free education, if an individual doesn't want to go to school, that
free education will end up useless. That is why I believe that it is the people themselves
that should be blame if they are experiencing poverty. They hold their lives and make

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decisions for themselves so therefore, I conclude that it is the poeple who are
responsible for the poverty that is currently an issue in the Philippines not the
government itself.

While poverty is a result of many factors, the value system of the Filipinos
remains to be its major cause. I cannot understand why people would die in hunger
when there are a lot of vacant spaces where they can plant. Here, the economically
struggling family would have more children than the economically blessed. In slum
areas, a lot of parents and children are hooked on vices such as gambling instead of
looking for a decent job that can provide them means of sustenance. As the saying
goes, life is what you make it, thus, to wallow in poverty is a choice. At the end of my

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position paper, I would like to encourage everyone to do their best for it will benefit their

future and avoid poverty. Let us help Philippines rise once more.

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