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1. From my window, both comfort and alluring looks plays a crucial role in our lives,
especially today. However, if I was given a choice to pick, I would put my finger on
great look. The main reason is that, the outer look plays an paramount role
nowadays, as it is the main reason that distinguishes us from others and
contributes others to understand what kind of individuals we are.
2. Well, honestly speaking, it varies depending on the occasions. Let me explain this
idea with examples. So, if a person would have gone for a walk with his friends,
there is no doubt that he will go for a comfortable shoes, such as a good pair of
sneakers. Additionally, the outer looks is not really important for that
circumstance. However, on an predominant situations, as on meetings, for
example, good looking pair of shoes as well as clothes will be recommendable.
3. Based on my experience, I am really into sport shoes, as it is really pleasant to
walk with. However, going to an important events, I usually pick classical types of
shoes or something that has a good look.
4. Yes, of course. I have bought couple of shoes till this day, including sneakers,
boots and etc. For instance, the sport pair of shoes that I ordered last month was
completely outstanding – I really enjoyed it.
5. Frankly speaking, I usually buy shoes twice or maybe three times per year. Not to
mention that I am not shopaholic, so I don’t purchase many items per month.
6. That is a really interesting question. From my point of view, people buy a vast
amount of shoes either for collecting purposes or maybe to have a wide range of
choice to pick and wear, whenever they go out.

1. That is a uncommon question. From my perspective, I assume genius people feel

creative during the day, especially at night times. Moreover, they can feel awkward
to turn off their brain and unwind themselves. They can also run on very little sleep
and still find enough energy in the day to channel their ideas and creations.
2. I honestly think artists with talents should focus on it only if they are passionate
about it. Because if people are not fervent towards their professions, then they won't
be able to sustain their interest in the particular activity for long. For example, a child
of a famous musician might have innate talent towards music but if he/she do not
show any interest in music they will never become successful musicians.
3. I do not think it is feasible to predict what a child will grow up to be in the future at
such a young stage, especially at the age of 3-4. At that point in time, the majority of
the children are curious and show their interest in almost everything as they are
discovering an extraordinary world around them. Furthermore, it would be very
challenging to identify what they will become future even if the child has some
innate talent. Taking into account, most parents do not pay much serious attention
to what their child is doing at an early stage of life.
4. Honestly, I am a fanatic of talent shows and I think the primary reason why people
love watching them is entertainment. The talent shows are full of amusement that is
based on reality as compared to fictional dramas. People are able to relate a lot to
these reality-based shows and also they drive a lot of inspiration from such shows.
For instance, when I watched a few talent shows related to magic, it drove me crazy
that these acts are practicable. I even tried to sunk into this massive internet and to
try to acknowledge myself how that was possible.

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