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The physical examination of the female genitalia may create client anxiety. The client
may be embarrassed about exposing her genitalia and nervous that an infection or
disorder will be discovered. Be sure to explain in detail what will be doing throughout the
examination and to explain the significance of each portion of the examination.

Encourage the client to ask question. Begin by sitting on a stool at the end of the
examination table and draping the client so only the vulva is exposed. These help to
preserve the client’s modesty. The nurse should shine the light source so it illuminates
the genital area, allowing the nurse to see all structures clearly.

Preparing the Clent

1. The client should be told ahead of time not to douche for 48 hours before
gynaecological examination
2. Ask the client to urinate before examination, so she will not experience bladder
discomfort. If a clean-catch urine specimen is needed, provide a container and a
vaginal wipes
3. Ask the client to remove her underwear and bra (if breast examination will also
perform) and to put on a gown with the opening in the back. The nurse should
leave the room while the client changes
4. Put the client in a lithotomy position
5. Ask the client to just put her arms on the side instead of putting it over the head
(it mat tightens the abdominal muscles)
6. Allow the nurse to maintain eye contact with the client during examination and
enables the client to see what the nurse doing or offer the client a mirror so she
can view the examination

Equipments and Supplies

 Stool
 Light
 Speculum
 Water-soluble lubricant
 Cotton-tipped applicators
 Chlamydia culture tube
 Culturette
 Test tube with water
 Sterile disposable gloves
 Ayre spatula (plastic)
 Endocervical broom
 ph paper
 Feminine napkins
 Mirror

Key points during examination :

a) Respect the client privacy
b) Wash hands, don gloves, be sure equipment is between room and body
c) Inspect and palapate female external and internal structures correctly
d) Use examination and laboratory equipment properly
e) Recognize the difference between common variations and abdominal findings

Assessment procedure Normal findings Abnormal findings
Inspect the mons pubis.  Pubic hair is distributed  Absence of pubic hair in
Wash your hands and put in an inverted triangular the adult client is
on gloves. As you begin the pattern and there are no abnormal
examination, note the sign of infestation  Nice or nits at the base
distribution of pubic hair. of the pubic hairs
Also be alert for signs of indicate infestation with
infestation. pediculosis pubis. This
condition, commonly
reffered to as “crabs” is
most often transmitted
by sexual contact
Observe and palpate  There should be no  Enlarged inguinal lymph
inguinal lymph nodes enlargement or swelling nodes may indicate a
of the lymph nodes vaginal infection or may
be a result of irritation
from shaving pubic hairs
Inspect for labia majora and  It must be equal in size  Lesion may be form of
perineum. Observe for and free of lesion, infection such as herpes
lesion, swelling, excoriation swelling and excoriation. or syphilis. Excoriation
A healed tear or and swelling may be
episiotomy scar may be from scratching or self-
visible on the perineum treatment of the lesions.
if the client has given All lesions must be
birth. The perineum evaluated and the client
should be smooth referred for treatment
Inspect the labia minora,  It appear symmetrical,  Asymmetric labia may
clitoris, urethral meatus, dark pink, and moist. indicate abscess.
and vaginal opening. Used The clitoris is a small Lesion, swelling, bulging
your gloved hand to mound of erectile tissue, in the vaginal opening,
separate the labia majora sensitive to touch. The and the discharge are
and inspect for lesion, normal size of the abnormal findings.
excoriation, swelling and/or clitoris varies. The Excoriation may result
discharges urethral meatus is a from the client
small and slitlike. The scratching or self
vaginal opening is treating a perineal
positioned below the irritation
urethral meatus. Its size
depends on sexual
activity or vaginal
delivery; it may covered
partially or completely
by a hymen.
Palpate Bartholin’s glands.  It is usually soft, non  Swelling, painand
Place your index finger inthe tender , and drainage discharges may result
vaginal opening and your free from infection and
thumb on the labia majora. abscess. If you detect
With a gentle pinching motion,
abscess obtain a
palpate from the inferior
portion of the posterior labia
specimen to send to the
majora to the anterior portion. laboratory for culture
Repeat on the opposite side
Palpate the urethra. Insert  No drainage should be  Drainage from the
your gloved index finger noted from the urethral urethra indicates
into the superior portion of meatus. The area possible urethritis. Any
the vagina and milk the usually soft and discharge should be
urethra from the inside, nontender cultured. Urethritis may
pushing up and out occur with infection with
Neisseria gonorrhoea or
Chlamydia trachomatis

Assessment procedure Normal findings Abnormal findings
Inspect the size of the  The normal vaginal  Any loss of hymenal
vaginal opening and the opening varies in size tissue between the 3
angle of the vagina. Insert according to the client’s o’clock position and the
your gloved index finger age, sexual history, and 9 o’clock position
into the vagina, noting the whether she has given indicates trauma. This
size of the opening, then birth vaginally. The findings is not as
attempt to touch the cervix. vagina is typically tilted relevant in adult
posteriorly at a 45-
degree angle.
Inspect the vaginal  The client should be  Absent or decrease
musculature. Keep your able to squeeze around ability to squeeze the
index finger inserted in the the examiner’s finger. examiner’s finger
client’s vagina opening. Ask Typically, the nulliparus indicates decrease
the client to squeeze woman can squeeze muscle tone. Decreased
around your finger. tighter than the tone may decrease
multiparous woman sexual satisfaction
Use your middle and index  No bulging and no  Bulging of the anterior
fingers to separate the labia urinary discharges wall may indicate a
minora. Ask the client to cystocele. Bulging of the
bear down posterior wall may
indicate rectocele. If the
client cervix or uterus
protrudes down, the
client may have uterine
Inspect the cervix. Follow  It is normally smooth,  In non pregnant woman,
the guidelines for using the pink, and even. a bluish cervix may
speculum. Normally it is midline in indicate cyanosis; in a
position and projects 1 non menopausal
to 3 cm into the vagina woman, a pale cervix
may indicate anemia.
Redness may be from
Inspect the vagina. Unlock  It should appear pink,  Reddened areas, lesion
the speculum and slowly moist, smooth and free and colored,
rotate and remove it. of lesion and irritation. It malodorous discharges
Inspect the vagina as you should be free of any are abnormal and may
remove the speculum. Note colored, malodorous indicate vaginal
the vaginal color, surface, discharge infection, STD’s, or
consistency and any cancer
Guidelines for using a Speculum
1. Choose the correct size of speculum for the client
2 basic type of speculum :
a. Graves speculum – appropriate for most adult women and available in
various lengths and widths
b. Pederson speculum – appropriate for virgins and some postmenopausal
women who have a narrowed vaginal orifice
2. Encourage the client to take a deep breaths and to maintain her feet in the
stirrups with her knees resting in an open, relaxed fashion
3. Place two fingers of your non dominant hand against the posterior vaginal wall
and wait for relaxation to occur
4. Insert the finger of your dominant hand about 2.5cm into the vagina and spread
them slightly while pushing them down against the posterior vagina
5. Lubricate the blades of the speculum with vaginal secretions from the client
6. Hold the speculum with two fingers around the blades and the thumb under the
screw or lock
7. Insert the speculum between your fingers into the posterior portion of the vaginal
orifice at a 45-degree angle downward.
8. Continue inserting the speculum until the base touches the fingertips inside the
9. Remove the fingers of your non dominant hand from the client’s posterior vagina
10. Press handle together to open blades and allow visualization of the cervix
11. Secure the speculum in place by tightening the thumb screw or locking the
plastic clip

Assessment procedure Normal findings Abnormal findings
Palpate the vaginal wall.  Vaginal wall should feel  Tenderness or lesion
Tell the client that you are smooth and the client may indicate infection
going to do a manual should not report any
examination and explain its tenderness
purpose. Apply water
soluble lubricant to the
gloved index and middle
fingers of your dominat
hand. Then stand and
approach the client at the
correct angle. Placing your
non dominant hand on the
client’s lower abdomen,
insert your index and
middle fingers into the
vaginal opening. Apply
pressure to the posterior
wall, and wait for the
vaginal opening to relax
before palpating the vaginal
walls for texture and
Palpate the cervix.  It should be feel firm  Hard, immobile cervix
Advance your fingers until and soft (like the tip of may indicate cancer.
they touch the cervix and your nose). It is Pain with movement of
run fingers around the rounded, and can be the cervix may indicate
circumference. moved somewhat from infection
Palpate for : contour; side to side without
consistency; mobility; eliciting tenderness
Palpate the uterus. Move  The fundus is normally  Enlarged uterus above
your finger intravaginallly round, firm and smooth. the level of the pubis is
into the opening above the It is usually at the level abnormal; irregular
cervix and gently press the of the pubis; the cervix ahape suggest
hand resting on the is aimed posteriorly. abnormalities such as
abdomen downward, However several other myomas (fibroid tumor)
squeezing the uterus position are considered or endometriosis
between the two hands. normal
Note uterine size, position,
shape and consistency

Attempt to bounce the  The normal uterus  Fixed and tender uterus
uterus between your two moves freely and is non may indicate fibroids,
hands to assess mobility tender infection, or massess
and tenderness
Palpate the ovaries. Slide  Ovaries are  Enlarge size, masses,
your intravaginal fingers approximately 3x2x1 immobility and extreme
toward the left ovary in the cm(size of a walnut) tenderness are
left lateral fornix and place and almond shaped abnormal and should
your abdominal hand on be evaluated
the left lower abdominal
quadrant. Press your
abdominal hand toward
your intravaginal fingers
and attempt to palpate the
ovary.  They are firm, smooth,  Large amount of
Slide your intravaginal mobile and somewhat colourful, frothy, or
fingers to the right fornix tender on palpation malodorous secretions
and attempt to palpate the  A clear, minimal amount are abnormal. Ovaries
right ovary of drainage appearing that are palpable 3 to 5
on the gloves from the years after menopause
vagina is normal are also abnormal.

Position of the Uterus

1. Anteverted
 Most typical position of the uterus
 Cervix is pointed posteriorly, and the body of the uterus is at the level of
the pubis over the bladder
2. Midposition
 A normal variation
 The cervix is pointed slightly more anterior, and the body of the uterus is
positioned more posterior than the anteverted position, midway between
the bladder and the rectum
 It may be difficult to palpate the body through the abdominal and rectal
walls with the uterus is this position
3. Anteflexed
 A normal variation that consists of the uterine body flexed anteriorly in
relation to the cervix
 The position of the cervix remain normal
4. Retroverted uterus
 Normal variation that consist of the cervix and the body of the uterus tilting
 The uterine wall may not be palpable through the abdominal wall or the
rectal wall in moderate retrovertion
5. Retroflexed uterus
 Normal variation that consist of the uterine body being flexed posteriorly in
relation to the cervix.
 The position of the cervix remains normal
 The body of the uterus may be felt through the posterior fornix or the rectal

Assessment procedure Normal findings Abnormal findings
Explain the purpose and  The rectovaginal  Masses, thickened
the procedure septum is normally structures, immobility,
Forewarn the client that she smooth, thin, movable, and tenderness are
may feel uncomfortable as and firm. The posterior abnormal
if she wants to move her uterine wall is normally
bowels but that she will not. smooth, firm, round,
Encourage her to relax. movable and non tender
Change the gloves on your
dominant hand and
lubricate your index fingers
with water-soluble lubricant

Ask the client to bear down

to promote relaxation of the
sphincter and insert your
index finger into the vaginal
orifice and your middle
finger into the rectum.
While pushing down on the
abdominal wall with your
other hand, palpate the
internal reproductive
structure through the
anterior rectal wall. Pay
particular attention to the
area behind the cervix, the
rectovaginal septum, the
cul-de-sac, and posterior
uterine wall. Withdraw your
vaginal finger and continue
with rectal examination.


Sample Objective Data

 Inspection discloses normal hair distribution, no lesions, masses, or swelling

 Labia majora pink, smooth, and free of lesions, excoriation, and swelling
 Labia minora dark pink, moist, and free of lesions, excoriation, swelling, and
 No bulging at vaginal orifice
 No discharge from urethral urethral opening
 Cervix slightly anterior, pink, smooth, slitlike os, mobile, nontender, and firm
without lesions or discharge. Vaginal walls smooth and pink
 Palpation indicates firm fundus located anteriorly at level of symphysis pubis,
without tenderness, lesions, or nodules
 Smooth, firm, almond-shaped, mobile ovaries approximately 3cm in size palpated
bilaterally, no excessive tenderness or masses noted
 No malodorous, colored vaginal discharge on gloved fingers
 Routine pap smear performed
 Firm, smooth, nontender, movable posterior uterine wall and firm, smooth, thin,
movable rectovaginal septum palpated during rectovaginal examination

Appropriate Nursing Diagnoses

Wellness Diagnoses
 Readiness for enhanced health management of genitalia
 Health-Seeking Behavior: Requests information on external genitalia examination
 Health-Seeking Behavior: Requests information on ways to prevent sexually
transmitted disease
 Health-Seeking Behavior: Requests information on ways to prevent yeast
 Health-Seeking Behavior: Requests information on birth control
 Health-Seeking Behavior: Requests information on cessation of menses and
hormone replacement therapy

Risk Diagnoses
 Risk of ineffective therapeutic regimen management (monthly external genitalia
examination) related to lack of knowledge of the importance of the examination
 Risk for infection related to unprotected sexual intercourse
 Risk for disturbed body image related to perceived effects on feminine role and

Actual Diagnoses
 Fear of ovarian cancer related to high incidence of risk factors
 Ineffective sexuality pattern related to decreased libido
 Ineffective therapeutic regimen management related to lack of knowledge of
external genitalia self-examination
 Acute pain: dysuria related to infection
 Anticipatory grieving related to impending loss of reproductive organs secondary
to gynecologic surgery
 Ineffective sexuality pattern related to perceptions of effects of surgery on sexual
functioning and attractiveness
 Acute pain related to surgical incision
 Acute pain: dyspareunia related to inadequate vaginal lubrication

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