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Econ 11 (Introductory Economics)

FS AY 2021-2022

EXERCISE 2 (Demand and Supply)

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Name: Jomel Malones De Guzman

Section: Section 11 MTH 02:30-04:00

After providing answers to the items, you are expected to submit the document
in a printable display format (PDF) through the Google Classroom course page.
The filename must be in this format: Econ11_Exer2_SectionNo_YourSurname.

A. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS. Mark the check box that corresponds to the correct answer.
1. Assuming Good X is a normal good, which of the following cannot increase the demand for
Good X?
☐ a. an increase in income
☐ b. a decrease in the price of Good X
 c. an increase in the price of a substitute good
☐ d. an increase in the number of buyers

2. If supply rises and demand is constant,

☐ a. equilibrium price rises and equilibrium quantity falls.
☐ b. equilibrium price falls, and equilibrium quantity falls.
☐ c. equilibrium price rises, and equilibrium quantity rises.
☐ d. equilibrium price falls, and equilibrium quantity rises.

3. If the price of Good X falls and the demand for Good X is price elastic, then
☐ a. the percentage rise in quantity demanded is greater than the percentage fall in price,
and total revenue rises.
☐ b. the percentage rise in quantity demanded is less than the percentage fall in price, and
total revenue falls.
☐ c. the percentage rise in quantity demanded is greater than the percentage fall in price,
and total revenue falls.
☐ d. the percentage rise in quantity demanded is equal to the percentage fall in price, and
total revenue remains unchanged.
4. If supply rises and demand is constant,
☐ a. equilibrium price rises, and equilibrium quantity falls.
☐ b. equilibrium price falls, and equilibrium quantity falls.
☐ c. equilibrium price rises, and equilibrium quantity rises.
☐ d. equilibrium price falls, and equilibrium quantity rises.

5. Consider a market whose market demand and market supply for fish (in kilos) are specified as
Qd = 300 – 2.5P and Qs = – 20 + 1.5 P, respectively. The government has decided to impose a
price floor of Php 40 per kilo. What would be the resulting market distortion?
☐ a. Shortage of 160 kilos of fish.
☐ b. Surplus of 120 kilos of fish.
☐ c. Surplus of 160 kilos of fish.
☐ d. There would be no market distortion.

B. STRUCTURED QUESTIONS (You may use Excel Tool 2 to answer items in this section.)

Consider the market for good X. Assume that the market is perfectly competitive. Q is the market
quantity of good X, and P is the market price. The inverse market supply and demand equations are
specified as:
(inverse) demand curve (D):1 P = 200 − 20Q
(inverse) supply curve (S): P = 100 + 10Q

Plot the demand and supply curves in a diagram for the range Q=[0,10] in a PvsQ plane.

Inverse demand and supply curves are expressed as P=f(Q) instead of Q=f(P). Using the inverse functions allow you to
take advantage of properties of slope-intercept from (Y=mX + b) in plotting in a P vs Q plane.
1. What is the equilibrium price? Click here to enter text.

2. What is the equilibrium quantity? Click here to enter text.

3. What is the surplus if a price floor is at 160? Click here to enter text.

4. What is the price level where there is a shortage of 3 units? Click here to enter text.

5. What is the price elasticity of demand between P = 5 and P = 6? Click here to enter text.
Is demand price elastic, price inelastic, or unit elastic? Choose an answer.
6. What is the price elasticity of supply between P = 5 and P = 6? Click here to enter text.
Is supply price elastic, price inelastic, or unit elastic? Choose an answer.

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