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Disclaimer can be defined as a statement that rejects something like responsibility.

The first test MBTI is that: You regularly make new friends. I rarely make friends since am
always busy in my studies and part-time jobs. Real friends are difficulty to find since most friends
disappears in time of need hence losing the meaning of friendship

The second test is that I spend a lot of free time exploring various random topics that pique my interest.
The statement is not true since some other times I spend time researching on areas that I do not
understand. Exams also force me to study broadly.

Seeing other people cry can make me cry since sympathy is the biggest part of my heart. Love to people
can make me cry when I see them shade tears.

I don’t make a backup plan for a backup plan since I always work hard to ensure fulfillment of my set
plan. Scientists have realized that most people use resources in their plan hence fulfilling their laid down

According to scientific research most people don’t stay calm under a lot of pressure instead they put
much effort at work. Pressure make people work faster than normal times

In social events most people introduce themselves since they are new to the people. Scientists have
discovered that most people speak to the people they are familiar with.

It is true that most people take time to do one project at a time till it is completed. After completion of
one project then the next project is carried out.

It is not true I am sentimental since I make decisions when reasoning out thigs in order to achieve most
things in my life

Many scientist have discovered that most people organize their tools to ensure safety. Organizing lists to
ensure fast understanding.

A single mistake cannot make me doubt my abilities and knowledge since knowledge is inbuilt within
me. Scientists have discovered that human beings are prone to errors.

MBTI sometimes may not give an accurate information regarding an event or an activity since different
people give different opinion according to their knowledge and opinion. Introvert give different
information compared to extrovert. Scientists base their argument on nature and past experience; for
example heavy rains are caused by heavy nimbus clouds and for a student to pass in exams he or she
must put much efforts in doing revision.

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