Type of Society

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Evolution of Societies

Type of Definition Size/ Date of Technological Social Roles and Examples of

Society Existence Innovations other groups of
Characteristics People.
Hunting and They were dependent Do not exceeds in Girls:should be the one Pila Nguru
Gathering in their environment. 40 members who does in gathering Pygmies of central
They survive by and in doing their clothes Africa
hunting,fishing and Boys: they do the
gathering plants. hunting,fishing and
Their leader is making some tools for
recognized as Shaman their hunting
They are Normadic
Pastoral Relies on the About hundreds or They believe in God or Khalkha Mongols
domesticationand even thousands of Gods Tuareg,Sahara
breeding animals for people Also Nomadic
foods. Patterns of hereditary
From the word chieftmanship begin to
“pasture’’ which means appear
to domesticate animals Cultural artifacts consists
of items that are easily
Horticultural Horticultural or plant 10,000-12,000 years Hand tools(sticks or They also practiced
cultivation Several thousands hoe-like instruments) cannibalism
It relies on its of persons Strategies based “slash-
subsistence primarily on and-burn”
the hoe cultivation of They practiced human
domesticated plants sacrificed
Evolution of Societies
Agricultural Focus on the mode of Can run several Used harnessed Male were dominate in
production primarily on millions of people animals to plow working
agriculture and They used money as a
production of large medium of exchange

Industrial Relying for its Began in mid-1700’s Used steam engine The Science emerges this
subsistence primarily on It is about 10 or society
mechanized production hundreds of milllions
Industrialism is based
on scientific knowledge

Post- Industrial All the machines and Science and Relies on the production
inventions for technologies of services and
producing and Machines information
transporting goods
reduced the need for
human labor so much
that the economy
transformed again,from
industrial to post

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