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2 HAIDER SHADMAN 18-36505-1

3 MONDOL,MD.SAIM 18-36499-1

4 RAHMAN TANIN 18-37340-1

Digital marketing for sustainable business.
Digital marketing has changed the way businesses interact with their clients around the world in
recent years. The increase in the use of social networks and the manner in which users connect
with businesses on the Internet has given rise to new business models focused on the specular
reflection of contact between businesses and users of the Internet. Via this new online platform,
digital marketing, fresh business models, online advertisement campaigns, and other digital
tactics have collected user opinions and comments. Businesses have thus begun to see the digital
ecosystem not only as their present, but also as their future. From this long-term perspective,
companies are concerned about sustainability and the growth of their business models. On the
Internet, there are new business models that promote social causes, new channels that promote
social and environmental initiatives, and digital advertisement campaigns that promote
sustainability. This Special Issue's overall objective was to examine the progress of these
emerging techniques and their effect on the viability of digital marketing strategies. Therefore, in
a digital world that is increasingly concerned with the sustainability of business models and
behavior on the Internet, we aimed to examine how businesses implement these emerging

The medium by which companies develop their business is digital technology. The digital
platform is used to advertise goods and services and is referred to as digital marketing to attract
customers. Digital marketing patterns, such as mobility, social media, content marketing,
marketing for search engines and predictive analytics. The organization analyzes the consumer
behavioral data. Several contact points have been established as goods and services are conveyed
to consumers. Radio, families, sales force, television, mobile applications, e-commerce, social
networks, direct mail are the touch points.

Background of the study:

Digital marketing requires the creation and promotion of goods and services that meet the needs
of customers and business users by making responsible use of the natural, human, and cultural
resources of society to ensure a better quality of life now and for future generations. Sustainable
marketing is not just about taking steps to appear to customers to be more environmentally
friendly or more socially aware and to advertise that fact. It is more important and substantive.
Sustainable marketing is based on conventional marketing strategies and includes the following
in addition.

 Understanding of consumer’s values, emotions, and buying behavior related to

 Knowledge of the evolving sustainability marketplace.
 Organizational commitment to sustainability and to positive relationships with their
customers, communities, and the planet.
Objectives of the study
1. To explore the business owner’s perception of digital marketing
2. To know about the future business prospects.

Today, businesses or organisations had to concentrate more than ever on their barding because of the
rivalry that came from other products. So make sure they are using the digital marketing tools and
tactics these days to achieve their goal. The use of digital marketing is thus growing tremendously. So
why am I choosing this subject between 20 other topics?

1. Because of covid-19 individuals, the restriction of going outside starts the online business. So,
in that case, with the help of digital marketing tools, they may advertise their product online.

2. SME business are heavily depends on digital marketing.

3. Heavy internet use has allowed people purchase their goods from an online store. Therefore,
online marketing also has a major influence on that side. So these are the key contents of this
subject collection for me.

Literature Review
1.Article Name: Smart Digital Marketing Capabilities for Sustainable Property Development: A
Case of Malaysia
Author Names: Sheen Low, Fahim Ullah, Sara Shirowzhan, Samad M. E. Sepasgozar and Chyi
Lin Lee
Publication Site:
Great progress has been made in the field of marketing and sustainability. Never the less, there is
still an important gap between the behavior and beliefs of society and markets about
sustainability, and companies’ capability to understand and face this trend. Digital marketing is
key to filling this gap. However, research in digital marketing and sustainability is very scarce.
A research agenda has been developed that shows the main challenges for the digital marketing
and sustainability field customer orientation and value proposition digital consumer’s behavior;
digital green marketing; competitive advantage; supply chain and capabilities. This work
contributes to the development of the research in digital marketing and sustainability, and
favoring the development of a new research approach capable of reducing the existing gap
between society and business on sustainability issues
2.Article Name: The Phenomenon of Moslem-Based Fashion Business Digital Marketing
towards Business Sustainability in Micro Small Medium Enterprises in West Java
Author Names: Maria Apsari Sugiat and Martha Fani Cahyandito
Publication Site:
Development of digital technology and e-commerce ultimately has affect to the pattern of public
spending. The influence of internet marketing on corporate marketing strategy in many ways.
Increased segmentation, with the internet market segmentation is increasingly widespread,
because the reach of marketing increasingly widespread. The Internet does not limit the breadth
of the reach of marketing because all consumers around the world can access it easily. Develop a
faster strategy in time with the flow of turnaround time is faster and easier than the marketing
strategy can be more quickly developed.
3.Article Name: Does Social Media Marketing and Brand Community Play the Role in Building
a Sustainable Digital Business Strategy?
Author Name: Ching-Wei Ho and Yu-Bing Wang
Publications site:

This study investigates the effects of customer relationships on a brand’s social network website
for virtual and physical retail channels in the digital business environment. The authors also
further explore the sustainable customer relationships with virtual and physical retail channels
(i.e., consumer–community identification, CCI; and consumer–retailer love, C-R Love) and
customer attitudinal/behavioral loyalty toward a retailer (re-purchase and word of mouth,
WOM). Consumers who share an interest in a brand often form brand communities, which
influence the group’s perceptions and behaviors, including loyalty . Companies can utilize the
role that brand communities play in building a consumer–brand relationship . With the
prevalence of social network websites (SNs), people often depend on SNs to communicate; and
companies have set up brand communities on various social network websites (BSNs)
4.Article Name: Sustainability of Digital Marketing for Future Business Prospects.
Authors: Surabhi Singh.
Publications site:

Digital technology is the medium through which the companies grow their business. The digital
channel is used for promoting product and services and to reach consumers is called digital
marketing. The trends of digital marketing like mobility, social media, content marketing, search
engine marketing and advanced analytics. The company analyzes the customer behavioral data.
Objectives of Study are to explore the business owner’s perception of digital marketing to know
about the future business prospects.
5.Article Name: Research Challenges in Digital Marketing: Sustainability
Author Name: Francisco Diez-Martin, Alicia Blanco-Gonzalez and Camilo Prado-Roman
Publications site:

Digital tools and marketing have been widely adopted in various industries throughout the world.
These tools have enabled companies to obtain real-time customer insights and create and
communicate value to customers more effectively. The main challenges for the digital marketing
and sustainability field: customer orientation and value proposition, digital consumer’s behavior,
digital green marketing, competitive advantage, supply chain and capabilities. This work
contributes to the development of the research in digital marketing and sustainability, suggesting
various challenges for the field that lead to future lines of research, and favoring the development
of a new research approach capable of reducing the existing gap between society and business on
sustainability issues.
6.Article Name: Internet of Things – The Next Industrial Revolution
Author Name: Mihael Radovan
Publication site:
This paper investigate the Internet of Things came as a new industrial revolution. Sometime
referred to as Industry 4.0. All kinds of electronic devices and other non-electronic items and
equipment buildings, homes, cars, clothes and medicaments can be equipped with sensors and
actuators, which can then be connected to the Internet and exchange data. Although most people
under the term Internet of Things automatically think on consumer usage smart home
devices, sport gadgets or smart clothes, the Industrial Internet of Things began to capture
significant attention in the world of business, and became lead technology for digital
transformation and the No. 1 for 92% techno-companies. Technological development must be
used to manage with resources on optimal way. Smart cities and smart industry solutions
are keys to have a sustainable development in this important environments.
7.Article name: Value Migration to the Sustainable Business Models of Digital Economy
Companies on the Capital Market.
Author name: Marek Jablonski

The subject of an economical plan of action is at present the subject of much logical exploration
that covers a wide scope of themes, from expressed angles to viewpoints identified with the
effect of manageability factors on organization advancement. Up until this point,
notwithstanding, the subject of supportability in plans of action working in electronic business
sectors has simply been concentrated somewhat. This article covers expansive examination into
the worth movement to reasonable plans of action of organizations working in the advanced
economy on the capital market. The point of the article is to introduce key aftereffects of
examination into esteem movement to supportable plans of action of organizations working in
the advanced economy on the capital market. The important writing on the patterns in the
utilization of the manageability idea in the computerized economy, the properties of plans of
action, and the translation of significant worth inside the idea of plans of action is likewise
investigated. The outcomes got are vague.

8.Article name: Digital Marketing for Sustainable Growth: Business Models and Online
Campaigns Using Sustainable Strategies
Author name: Jose Ramon Saura, Pedro Palos-Sanchez, Beatriz Rodríguez Herraez

Lately, computerized showcasing has changed the manner by which organizations speak with
their clients around the globe. The expansion in the utilization of informal organizations and how
clients speak with organizations on the Internet has offered ascend to new plans of action
dependent on the directionality of correspondence among organizations and Internet clients.
Computerized showcasing, new plans of action, web based promoting efforts, and other
advanced systems have accumulated client sentiments and remarks through this new online
channel. Thusly, organizations have begun to consider the to be environment as their present, yet
in addition as their future. From this drawn out viewpoint, organizations are worried about
maintainability and the development of their plans of action. There are new plans of action on
the Internet that help social causes, new stages pointed toward supporting social and feasible
ventures, and advanced publicizing efforts advancing supportability. The all-encompassing point
of this Special Issue was to investigate the improvement of these new methodologies just as their
effect on the supportability of computerized showcasing systems. In this way, we intended to
break down how organizations embrace these new advances in a computerized climate that is
progressively worried about the supportability of plans of action and activities on the Internet.

Theoretical framework

Media ( Facebook,
Instagram, apps)
Digital Marketing


1- Media type has no significant impact on effectiveness of digital marketing used by businesses
H1- Media type has significant impact on effectiveness of digital marketing used by businesses
2.Media type has significant impact on effectiveness of digital marketing used by businesses.
3.There is no significant relationship between monthly income and product preference to buy
through Digital marketing.

Time Frame
Not applicable.
Not applicable.

Research Designs.
A standardized questionnaire for gathering primary data will be developed to research the use of
the digital marketing strategy for sustainable business. Of the 32 respondents, the primary data
will be obtained. Respondents from industry organizations and new SME start-ups and students
who are interested in online business will be chosen. Primary data in structured format will be
collected through direct questionnaire to respondents which is direct through survey method. The
research will be a descriptive research.
Research Question-
1. Is digital marketing produce a great impact on branding
2. Digital marketing can work for b2b sector
3. Creativity is a great tool for digital marketing
4. Digital marketing has an efficient chance to connect with customer.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 19-29 28 90.3 90.3 90.3
30-39 3 9.7 9.7 100.0
Total 31 100.0 100.0

We saw the table most of the percipient 19-29 age and rest of the 30-39.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Female 6 19.4 19.4 19.4
Male 25 80.6 80.6 100.0
Total 31 100.0 100.0
Interpretation: in this research out of 31 respondents 80.6% are male and 19.4% are female respondent.
Which defines more male respondent are being taken than female because it was not that much easy to
reach female respondents.

Marital status
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Married 4 12.9 12.9 12.9
Single 27 87.1 87.1 100.0
Total 31 100.0 100.0

Interpretation: This figure is showing that out of 31 respondents, 27 respondents are not married which
87.1% of total respondents, 4 respondents are married which is the 12.9% .
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Job holder 1 3.2 3.2 3.2
Professional 11 35.5 35.5 38.7
Student 19 61.3 61.3 100.0
Total 31 100.0 100.0

Most of the respondent are student and professional.

Level of Income (Monthly):

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 0-10,000 15 48.4 48.4 48.4
10,001-20,000 5 16.1 16.1 64.5
20,001-30,000 4 12.9 12.9 77.4
30.001-40,000 6 19.4 19.4 96.8
Above 50,000 1 3.2 3.2 100.0
Total 31 100.0 100.0

Interpretation: This figure is showing that out of 31 respondents, 15 respondent’s monthly income is
below Tk.10,000 which 48.4% of total respondents, 5 respondent’s monthly income is Tk. 10,001-20,000
which 16.1% of total respondents, 6 respondent’s monthly income is Tk. 30,001- 40,000 which 19.4% of
total respondents.

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
q1 31 1 5 4.19 .910
q2 31 2 5 4.26 .893
q3 31 1 5 4.29 .938
q4 31 2 5 4.32 .909
Valid N (listwise) 31

Variables Entered/Removeda
Variables Variables
Model Entered Removed Method
1 q4, q2, q3b . Enter
a. Dependent Variable: q1
b. All requested variables entered.

Model Summary
Adjusted R Std. Error of the
Model R R Square Square Estimate
1 .746 .556 .507 .639
a. Predictors: (Constant), q4, q2, q3

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 13.811 3 4.604 11.272 .000b
Residual 11.027 27 .408
Total 24.839 30
a. Dependent Variable: q1
b. Predictors: (Constant), q4, q2, q3

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) .461 .702 .657 .517
q2 .058 .152 .057 .379 .708
q3 .296 .159 .305 1.867 .073
q4 .513 .151 .512 3.405 .002
a. Dependent Variable: q1
q1 q2 q3 q4
q1 Pearson Correlation 1 .388* .596** .688**
Sig. (2-tailed) .031 .000 .000
N 31 31 31 31
q2 Pearson Correlation .388* 1 .504** .346
Sig. (2-tailed) .031 .004 .057
N 31 31 31 31
** **
q3 Pearson Correlation .596 .504 1 .512**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .004 .003
N 31 31 31 31
** **
q4 Pearson Correlation .688 .346 .512 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .057 .003
N 31 31 31 31
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

In this report, the image I am trying to set is how digital marketing should work for a sustainable
business. I believe from the questionnaire survey that there are still some complications
surrounding these terms. We've also had differences of opinion. There may be drawbacks, but I
think there are several examples of businesses promoting projects, priorities, objectives, plans,
and all sorts of terminology on how they are being more sustainable in the 2020 year that the
time has changed in the market. However, it's not as easy as hitching the goods to a topical
problem and then running business as usual, as we've seen when brands engage with Pride
marketing. You need to understand the nature of the problem you are taping into, how and why
your brand fits into the customer's mind as a solution, and to have clear targets (like all good
plans) so that your success can be measured.

The word 'sustainability' has evolved exponentially over the last few decades to include
numerous multidisciplinary fields in the field of business. Sustainability has played a central role
in the positioning strategies and digital identity of firms with the evolution of the Internet and
modern digital business models. Connection between businesses and users through the Internet
using eWOM has become a crucial factor in the creation and promotion of social strategies and
behavior that businesses want to disseminate online. Data created as a result of these strategies
have been used to recognize and evaluate indicators or variables that add value, identify trends
and patterns from an exploratory point of view, and increase the value of the know-how of
businesses that have embraced modern digital business models. Company business strategy and
management as well as data collection and analysis have been improved by the awareness of user
attitudes, feelings, and responses to company messages, along with proper management of the
data produced as a result of these activities. Companies may promote their sustainability
campaigns and educate users about such promotions or sustainable practices by employing these
new strategies. In short, digital marketing today has become a fundamental part of the
dissemination and communication of sustainable behavior as the ideal way to understand how
consumers behave and communicate with businesses through the Internet. Data, data
management, and objectivity of sustainable messages launched by companies are key to the
success and growth of new digital business models based on sustainable development.

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CCC 10949968/98/010031-16

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