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IIEE Virtual OriEEntation 2021-2022

M: A wonderful afternoon to each and everyone, to our 1st and 2nd year BSEE
students, to our professors, and to our esteemed guests, we are now airing live via
Zoom for our programme: the IIEE Virtual Orientation for academic year 2021-2022~

H: before we'll formally proceed, let us all greet this programme by asking for God's
grace and mercy as we acknowledge his Divine presence... and please, do remain on
stand by for our national anthem, to be followed with the CTU and IIEE hymn..thank


H: Good afternoon once again to everyone.. Good afternoon ate Merl!

M: Good afternoon as well Klaire!

H: We hope you already had your meals beforehand because this will be a busy
afternoon for us nohh...

M: Yes, and if not gani, you may eat your snacks/meals with you to give you a boost for
a long day!

H: Indeed ate Merl! Nothing good comes out from an empty stomach.. By the way, my
name is Hannah Klaire V. Andolero, a 3rd year BSEE student from section C and we
have here with me my ever-dynamic partner, ate Ms. Merlinross Quipao from BSEE 4-9,
hello ate Merl!

M: Hi Klaire! yess, Klaire and I will be your masters of ceremony for this afternoon's
agenda. But prior to anything else, we will first be setting our house rules, highlighting
some points to be remembered for the entire session in order to have a smooth-sailing
flow of activities

H: one of our Third Year representatives, MS. CRYSTAL MAE AREGLADO, is here to
discuss the Do's and Don'ts that one should attend to for the entirety of today's event.

M: Thank you very much for your well-laid-out presentation Ms. Crystal

1) H: Now, to officially commence our program, let us all ready ourselves and hear the
opening remarks from one of our Fourth Year officers, our IIEE SC of CTU-MC's
Outgoing Vice President of Operations, ladies and gentlemen let us all welcome MS.
H: Thank you so much Ms. Anito for your opening speech, we are all the more excited
to see what's ahead of us for this afternoon
2) M: As we move along to this programme, I know our mga ka-EEs, especially our
freshmen, are anticipating to hear some words of inspiration to start their University life
with bang..
That is why now, for the welcome remarks, we have invited an important figure from the
Engineering department. Everyone, let us all hear a heartfelt message from our very
own Dean of the College of Engineering, Dr. Edgar C. Ambos.. A virtual round of
applause please
M: Thank you very much for your inspiring words, Dr. Ambos, the students surely have
learned a thing or two from your motivational speech.

3) H: Next up, we will now proceed in Introducing some of the people who serve as the
fort behind the growth of the IIEE family. Some of you may have already met them, BUT
in order for everyone to get even more acquainted, we will be formally introducing them
with you:
M: (faculty) First, we have the :
H: (officers) Then for our outgoing:
M: (EEC) Lastly, may we introduce to you our:
H: That is all, our dear students.. Now we can be assured that you have, somehow,
familiarized and gotten to know more about our IIEE faculty, officers and EEC members.

4) M: Moving on to the main Highlight of this programme, the orientation proper, in-line
with the BSEE and the University's goals, we'll be learning about the program's
requirements and policies. This section will be discussed thoroughly by our very own
IIEE-SC of CTU-MC's Outgoing President with the help of other committees. With this,
may we all first welcome, Mr. Janniel Deiparine
M: Thank you so much Mr. Deiparine and to our committees for elaborating the
requirements and policies as a BSEE student in CTU-Main Campus, which will help as
well in motivating the students to strive for the better not just for the department but also
for themsleves.

5) H: Yes, and since we have reached the peak of our programme, it's high time for us
now to hold the Presentation of Expectations from our freshmen students, which is one
of the most anticipated highlights as well for this meeting.. May I present to you dear
students our BSEE first Year Class Representatives who will be the ones to share each
of their class' expectations as they begin their EE journey;

From the two, day programs, first, let us all welcome Ms. Shella Mae Dinoy from BSEE
1-C for their presentation

thank you very much, Ms. Dinoy for imparting class 1-C's expectations
M: Up next, may we welcome another representative from BSEE 1-H for their
presentation, everyone we have Mr. Joseph Kent Lyle Pasion
thank you very much, Mr. Pasion for sharing with us the class expectations from 1-H
H: For the two evening programs, let us welcome first Mr. Luigi Abarquez to report with
us what the BSEE 1-3 students look forward to

thank you so much, Mr. Abarquez for parting what the 1-3 students expectations are.
M: Last but not the least, may we welcome Mr. Jeremiah Lausa for the BSEE 1-9

Thank you Mr. Lausa for sharing with us the class expectations from 1-9
H: That is all for this segment mga ka EE. Thank you once again to our first year
representatives for organizing & sharing what your classes are looking forward to this
academic year. We do hope that here in BSEE family, we will be able to fulfill, or
perhaps exceed your expectations to bring you a fruitful college life.

6) M: Before moving on mga KA-EE, let us sit back and relax for a while para sa atuang
ice breaker.. we will be playing a little game to give you, our dear students a boost from
today's discussions, and it will be a mini quiz game, called kahoot..

H: Yes, so, to play, simply proceed to your browsers and type "" and then input
the game pin that is being shared on our zoom screen right now. You will be directed to
our server as one of the players. Then, for your username, kindly type your first name
and the first letter of your Surname only. For example, if your name is Nikola Tesla...
Use Nikola T. As for the gameplay, you will be given 20 seconds to answer each
question, and the faster you answer, the greater points you may get. With that mga ka-
EE, you're ready to go!

M: Right, so now, kindly input the code dear students, we will be giving you three whole
minutes to access the server and prepare yourselves.. By the end of this game, there
will be top 5 winners who will be lucky enough to win cash prizes, ranging from 200 to
50 pesos, so good luck to everyone who will be joining and do your best to win!
H: Wow, that was totally fun! Congratulations to our winners of Kahoot. Don't forget to
claim your prizes later nya from our Outgoing Treasurer, Ms. Justeine Gee Montana.
We hope you guys are now energized again and ready to proceed for today's agenda
with a reset from all the previous duka

7) M: As we continue for our programme, we know naman mga KA-EE na we recently

had the election for our IIEE-SC of CTU-MC Organization.. With this, to officially
announce our newly elected officials, we will be holding the Induction of Officers. Our
Organization's Outgoing President will be the one to proceed for this segment, kaya
mga KA-EE, let us all welcome Mr. Janniel Deiparine
M: Thank you so much Mr. Deiparine and Engr. Undang (to confirm pa) for inducting our
newly elected officers of the IIEE-SC of CTU-MC Organization.

8) H: So now guys, for another break segment, we will be having another thrilling
activity today.. Of course, this will be a RAFFLE draw— exclusive to our 1st and 2nd
year students~ 10 lucky winners will be given load rewards and cash prizes, and if
you're lucky enough, you will be winning the grand prize of Php 200.00. Maka sana all
nalang jud ta mga higher years ani ate Merl xD

M: Yesss gyud Klaire, maka sana all gyud ta nila aning raffle.. so ready na ba ang mga
1st and 2nd years naten para manalo? If g na, react naman kayo ng heart emoji sa mga
zoom profiles nyo
(more adlibs lang ta diri ate bwahahah)

2 winners - Regular load 50

5 " - Php 50 GCASH
2 " - Php 100 GCASH
1 " - Php 200 GCASH
H: Congratulations to our lucky winners for this segment, woww, luck is on your side
today mga ka-EE. For the winners, kindly claim your prizes from ate Justeine Gee
Montana, our IIEE-SC CTU-MC Outgoing Treasurer. Thank you very much everyone,
and congratulations again sa mga winners.

9) M: Now, we are almost coming to an end na, our dear students.. we will be moving
on to the Awarding of Certificates..

[Certificate of - : We would like to present this award to -]

(the rest of the certificates will each be personally sent via email later on)
M: We are grateful to our dear professors, students, and esteemed guests who have
attended and participated for this afternoon's Virtual Orientation. Your presence is truly

10) H: For every beginning comes to an end, mga KA-EE, we are finally coming to a
close for today's programme. To formally conclude our meeting, may we listen to the
closing remarks from our very own IIEE-SC of CTU-MC Outgoing Vice-President of
Finance, everyone, let us all welcome, Mr. Julay I. Labitad.
H: Thank you very much Mr. Labitad for your closing remarks,
Mga ka-EE, before we leave, we would like to request everyone to kindly stay for a
short while for some further announcements.

M: We would like to ask everyone present in this Zoom meeting to please turn on your
front cameras for a moment para sa ating Photo Opportunity at proof of attendance. We
would also like to ask for assistance from our technical team to capture the screenshots,
thank you! -- Thank you mga ka-EE

H: For further announcements, we would like to plug our Official FB Page. Please don't
forget to like and follow IIEE-Student Chapter of CTU-MC on Facebook for more
information and updates regarding the IIEE family of CTU Main Campus. And, students,
pls don't forget to fill up the evaluation forms, which will be sent to you later on, for proof
of attendance.

M: Also, we would like to share with you all na there is an ongoing event from the IIEE
regional Council of Student Chapter, the 20th IIEE Eastern and Central Visayas
Regional Conference. Students across the region are invited to register and join the
organized event.

H: Registration fee of 120.00 is good for 4 events to attend. Join now mga Ka-EE and
"enhance your knowledge and understanding in the field of Electrical Engineering". For
more inquiries, visit their Fb page : IIEE RCSC - Central and Eastern Visayas.

M: As we are about to end this meeting, we would also like to add that our Outgoing
President, Mr. Janniel Deiparine is running for Councilor in the Supreme Student
Government. Mga ka-EE, may we support Mr. Deiparine on his campaign for the
upcoming elections.

(show video of pres. Jann's campaign/pres. Jann will share a speech)

H: So that concludes our programme for this afternoon's IIEE Virtual Orientation. Once
again, thank you so much to everyone who attended and participated in today's event.

M: We hope that this academic year, despite having an online learning set-up, will be a
productive one. Thank you everyone, have a great day and keep safe always!

This has been Merlinross Quipao

H: And Hannah Klaire Andolero

And we are your masters of ceremony for the IIEE Virtual Orientation of CTU-MC for
Academic Year 2021-2022. Thank you and keep safe mga ka-EE!

(chika chika nalang w/ ate Merl bwahahahah)

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