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Prof Ed 221




2:00 – 3:30
Prof Ed 221

CGC – 1 (PE221 - ENG 2B) (M/W 2:00-3:30) MARCH 10, 2021

Leader: BAUTISTA, Joyce Ann F. - EXEMPTED (Class secretary)
Secretary: CUETO, Trisha Almae D.
Members: ALCANTARA, Andrea B. - EXEMPTED (RGC Coordinator)
PONTEJOS, Princess Dianne G.

A. Name two highlights of social constructivism

1. Each person may have different interpretation and construction of the knowledge
2. Each person generate knowledge based on his previous experience or knowledge.

B. Describe two examples of classroom activities that are keeping with social learning theory
Example 1: Teachers and parents must model appropriate behaviors and take care not to model
inappropriate behaviors.
Example 2: Teachers should expose students to a variety of other models to breakdown
traditional stereotypes.

C. Name two important reasons why students should learn and develop 21st century skills
1. It is necessary for students to master for them to experience school and life success in an
increasingly digital and connected age.
2. It is important because 21st century skills lead classroom and other environment to
encourage the development of core subject knowledge as well as media literacy, critical and
systems thinking.
D. Given all the theories presented and learned in this chapter, what gives them the characteristic
of being learner-centered?
a. They pertain to the learner and the learning process.
b. They focus on psychological factors primarily internal and under the control of the learner.
c. they deal with external or contextual factors that interact with the internal factors.
d. they are seen as organized set of principles; no principle to be viewed in isolation.
e. The principles are classified under cognitive, metacognitive motivational, affective
developmental, social and individual differences factors related to learning.
f. These principles apply not only to all learners but to everybody involved in the educational
system, as for example, teachers, administrators, parents, staff and guidance counselors.
Prof Ed 221

CGC – 2 (PE221 – ENG 2B) (MW 2:00-3:30) MARCH 10, 2021

Leader: DALWAMPO, Queenalyn E.
Secretary: ENDAYA, Apple Jane T.
Members: BICO, Marlon

A. Name two highlight of social constructivism

1. Knowledge is based on the learner’s personal experiences and expectations of the
environment and where they continuously test these expectations through social negotiation.
2. The theory preparing the individual to solve problem.

B. Describe two examples of classroom activities that are keeping with social learning theory
Example 1
Class presentations like reportings provided the opportunity for the students record their outputs
and upload it to the online learning environment to learn on opinions or feedbacks of others ,
involves changing the way students traditionally learn and into more interactive experiences for
the learners.
Example 2
Playing an educational movie or documentary that makes the students see and observed about
the behavior that being showned of the model on that way they are learning something that are
more efficient to caught their attention and gives them motivation.

C. Name two important reasons why students should learn and develop 21st century skills
1. 21st Century skills should develop in the reason that it enhances the skills of the students to
master their learning and have a life success in an increasingly digital and connected age.
2. Learning about 21st-century skills lead classrooms and other environments to encourage the
development of core subject knowledge also in terms of media literacy and systems thinking.

D. Given all the theories presented and learned in this chapter, what gives them the characteristic
of being learner-centered?
The theories that has been discussed in this chapter demonstrate characteristic of being learner-
centered in a way that it’s not a spoon feeding method. There are parts that the students need
to figure out the lesson by themselves. They focus on psychological factors that is primarily
internal like motivation, learning, attitudes and beliefs. Some of its characteristics is to suffice
students' learning needs and the approach of teachers or facilitators of learning to their
way of teaching to their students should also be aligned to what students' needs dictate.
This also considers the students' heredity, background, and everything that makes them as
individual students.
Prof Ed 221

CGC -3 (PE221 ENGLISH 2B) MW 2:00-3:30 MARCH 10, 2021

Leader: DE GUZMAN, Cyries B.
Secretary: DE GUZMAN, Dianne
VALIDO, Kyle Daniel
A. Name two highlights of social contructivism
*Learner’s knowledge constructed through social negotiations/interaction
* Based on personal experience, expectation of the environment and new experiences
, learners construct or generate ideas and knowledge.

B. Describe the example of classroom activities that are keeping with social learning theory
* Ex: Playing games that related to the topic can be one of activities that can help with the
social learning of the students, by allowing them to connect with one another and giving them
the plus point as a reward and deduction as a punishment.
* Ex: Grouping can be a perfect example of an activity in social learning theory. Ask your
students to get their group and do brainstorming about the topic you’d given and let them

C. Name two important reason why students should learn and develop 21st century skills
Current discussions about 21st century skills lead classrooms and other environment to
encourage the development of core subject knowledge as well as
*Media literacy
*Critical and system thinking
D. Given all the theories presented and learned in this chapter. what gives them the
characteristics of being learner centered?
* Of all the learning theory, cognitivism gives the characteristic of being learner centered. This
theory involves mental process of learner such as problem solving that processes need to be
explored. It can also result of thinking of leaners.
Prof Ed 221

CGC – 4 (PE221 - ENG 2B) (M/W 2:00-3:30) MARCH 10, 2021

Leader: ESTURAS, Alvin A.
Secretary: ANGELES, Cherry May
BAÑEZ, Kimberly
FLORES, Shaminie T.
SURBAN, Margarette R.

A. Name two highlights of social constructivism.

Two highlights of social constructivism: Social constructivism emphasizes that all cognitive
functions including learning are dependent on interactions with the others.
Therefore the learning is critically dependent on the qualities of a collaborative process within
an educational community, which is situation specific and context bound. However, learning
must also be seen as more than the assimilation of new knowledge by the individual, but also as
the process by which the learners are integrated into a knowledge community. According to
social constructivism nothing is learnt from scratch, instead it is related to existing knowledge
with the information being integrated into and expanding the existing network of
understanding. The successful learner is therefore one who embeds new ideas within old and
for whom understanding expands to encompass the new experience. Therefore, a social
constructivistic learner’s view of the world will always be subjective, as each individual will
interpret experience via a different pre- existing framework of understanding and will develop
their own unique view of the world.

B. Describe two examples of classroom activities that are in keeping with social learning theory.
Example 1:
• Teacher’s explaining a math formula.
(Students often learn a great deal simply by observing people.) The teacher will solve the math
problem, showing step by step solutions in the blackboard in front of the class, while them
students are watching. They will acquire the information and later on, they’ll apply what they
learned in answering activities.
Example 2:
• Storytelling
(Describing consequences of behavior can effectively increase appropriate behaviors and
decrease inappropriate one.)
Storytelling gives children moral lessons that will make them realize that they shoyld always
think of the outcomes of their actions. And it also manifests good examples for children to
apply in real life situations.

C. Name two important reasons why students should learn and develop 21 st century skills.
The study or exploration of 21st century learning or skills emerged from the concerns about
transforming the goals and daily practice of leaning to meet the demands of the 21st century
characterized as knowledge and technology-driven

To encourage the development of core subject knowledge as well as media literacy, critical and
system thinking. Group learning and use of thematic projects involving inquiry-based
collaborative work

D. Given all theories presented learned in the chapter, what gives rhem the characteristic of
being learned-centered?
A learner-centered teaching engages students in the preview, review, and evaluation of work.
Learner-centered teaching focuses on engaging students, teaching problem-solving skills,
motivating students to think about their thinking, giving students control, and encouraging
Prof Ed 221

CGC – 5 (PE221 - ENG 2B) (M/W 2:00-3:30) March 10, 2021 MARCH 10, 2021
Leader: MANGUIAT, Darlene B.
Secretary: BORJA, Allena U.
BORJA, Allona U.

A. Name two highlights of Social Constructivism.

• Knowledge is based on the learner's personal experiences and expectations of the
environment and where they continuously test these expectations through social negotiations.
• Knowledge is constructed from the learner's schema regardless of how one was taught.

B. Give two examples of classroom activities that are keeping with social learning theory.
Example 1
A classroom setting where the teacher use reinforcement so the learners will participate in
class. If someone observed that if his/her classmate answer and received reward the observer
will try to do the same.
Example 2
Groupings activity, where students work collaboratively, share their own opinion, and accepting
and understanding their differences and supporting each other to finish the task somehow
shows connection and each of them being oblivious of each other that makes this activity an
example of social learning theory.

C. Name two important reason why students should learn and develop 21st century skill.
The two reasons why the students should learn and develop their 21st century skills are to
enhance and further develop their knowledge as well as their media literacy, their critical and
systems thinking. And also to improve their collaboration skills that support the learning of 21st
century skills and to meet the new demands of the 21st century skills such as being
knowledgeable and technology driven. Give all the theories presented and learned in this
chapter, what gives them the characteristics of being learner-centered?

D. Given all the theories presented and learned in this chapter what gives the characteristics of
being learner-centered?
The theories presented in this chapter are Behaviorism, Cognitive Constructivism, and
Social Constructivism.
These theories are learner-centered because it focuses on individual learners, as well as their
heredity, experiences, perspectives, backgrounds, talents, interests, capacities and needs, with
a focus on learning. These theories also have policies, planning and implementation of
educational practice which focuses on learners.
Prof Ed 221

CGC – 6 (PE221 - ENG 2B) (M/W 2:00-3:30) MARCH 10, 2021

Leader: RAMOS, Judy Ann E.
Secretary: DAGUM, Marisol M.

A. Name two highlights of social constructivism

According to social constructivism, culture gives the child much of the content of their thinking,
that is their knowledge. Secondly it provides the child with the cognitive tools needed for
development, thus culture can teach children both what to think and how to think.

B. Describe two examples of classroom activities that are in keeping with social learning theory.
Example 1.
1. Teachers and parents must model appropriate behaviors and take care not to model in
appropriate behaviors.
Teachers were the standing parent when the learners are in school without their guardians.
Students adapt all the behaviors around him or her. So, it is very necessary for the teachers and
the parents to act something that they wanted their children to acquire from them
Example 2.
2. Describing consequences of behavior can effectively increase appropriate behaviors and
decrease inappropriate ones.
As a facilitator, it is our responsibility to explain our students what will be the result of every
decision they made. Helping them to understand the consequences of behaviors that they have
or they have encountered will surely help them to behave properly and became the better
C. Name two important reasons why students should learn and develop 21st century skills.
The two important reason why student should learn and develop 21st century skills is to
transform their goals and meet new demands characterized as a technology driven and
knowledge. 21st-century skills are more important to students now than ever before. They not
only provide a framework for successful learning in the classroom, but ensure students can
thrive in a world where change is constant and learning never stops. And they are also
tremendously important for our nation’s well being.

D. Given all the theories presented and learned in this chapter, what gives them the
characteristic of being learner-centered ?

Social learning theory

Socio contructivism
Experiential learning
Multiple intelligences

All this educational approach gives students a characteristic being a learner-centered by

developing their skills such as decision making problem solving, team work, and presentation
skills that are relevant to the current labor needs.

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