Oral Communication Speech

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Oral Communication

Speech about the benefits of a Comprehensive Medical Evaluat39on

By: Mark Angelo D. Santiago

"Wellness is a connection of paths: Knowledge and Action," said Joshua Holtz. And I agree, a

wellbeing cannot be a single force. It is a process that involves many procedures to achieve, in
which we must put an effort to progress. 

And that is why I, Mark Angelo Santiago, am standing before you all, beautiful indigenous
women. Here to respectfully encourage you to take the necessary steps to the path of wellbeing
and show you the benefits of a comprehensive medical evaluation.

First, what exactly is a medical evaluation? A comprehensive medical evaluation assesses all

aspects of a person's health. Meaning taking this exam allows us to know what you need and
what you lack. It is also an opportunity for us to discuss with you the possible changes in
lifestyle and habits.

Simple, right? And through this comprehensive evaluation, several benefits will arise. Some of
these are: knowing your body more, creating a healthy relationship with the doctor, and the most
noteworthy is that you will see your health status.

But before that, how does the medical evaluation work? The comprehensive medical evaluation
consists of many components, each focusing on a specific field in health. Examples of said
components are Physical Exams, Laboratory Tests, and Visual Exams.

These components are there for us to evaluate your health status without missing any details.
We would not want any errors especially if it is related to your health and wellbeing. It is also to
ensure that we have all the information needed to evaluate your current status accurately.

Seeing your health status will allow us to identify possible health issues, cure them, or even
better, prevent them. With this evaluation, we will save countless lives of women who are
suffering from their diseases. And help them live healthier and better lifestyles.

To repeat the quote of Joshua Holtz, "Wellness is a connection of

paths: Knowledge and Action," for us to achieve this, we encourage you all to take Action.
Come and take the comprehensive medical evaluation then we will provide the Knowledge for
you to achieve your desired Wellness.

We only seek your good health. Nothing more, nothing less. To all the ladies in this room, we
see you as strong and independent women, you may even be a mother to a family. And that is
why we hope for you to take the necessary steps, for your good sake.
Once more, my name is Mark Angelo Santiago. It has been a privilege to be able to speak and
encourage all of you today. Thank you and good day.

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