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Final reflection

What areas, if any, were challenging?

What went well?
This was not a challenging coaching
I think that sharing resources and helping her
experience. Mary is very open minded and
reflect on the strategies she used in the class
willing to try new things in the classroom.
went well. Mary is someone I have gotten to
Although in the beginning it was a little
know very well over the last year (we share
daunting trying to think of what
kids) and it made for a low stress coaching
resources/strategies to use because there are
experience. Still a little nervous for when I start
just so many out there!
coaching those teachers whom I do not know
as well! She was very receptive to all the
resources and very easy to talk to. Asking her
follow up questions after she taught the lesson
went well and she was able to reflect on her
own given prompts.

What did you learn from this experience? Describe how your beliefs about coaching
have grown.
I learned that you need to listen to the teacher
that you are coaching. Teachers will identify
their areas of need and ways they would like Coskie et al. (2005) discusses providing
to improve their teaching practices. It is teacher support, developing content
important to let them lead those conversations knowledge and skill in literacy and fostering a
professional learning community. I think this
and then offer your support. I also learned
really encapsulates my beliefs as a coach. I
there are so many things I still do not know need to supportive rather than evaluative
about literacy! I need to continue to read and when it comes to supporting teachers. I also
do research even after I finish my UH classes need to be well versed in both my knowledge
if I want to be a successful and and my practice of literacy skills. I can help
knowledgeable literacy coach moving forward. support my teachers with ongoing
professional learning experiences to create a
learning community.
What did you initially believe about coaching? What do you believe now?

Initially I believed that coaches were the Paramore (2007) states “there is no way
experts. As a literacy coach you need to know literacy coaches could be experts on the
everything about everything and have had lots students in every classroom”. This is very true.
of experiences in the classroom implementing Each student is so different, their teachers
literacy practices. I believed that you were know them best, know how they learn best,
supposed provide resources and tell the know how they function. I think that you must
teachers exactly what they needed to do. In work with the teachers and provide them with
my head I guess I thought it was more of a role resources because they are the experts when
where I say do this and you do it. it comes to knowing their students.

Explain if you lived your beliefs about

What else would you still like to know?
coaching in your interactions with your
I would like to know more about facilitating job coaching partner, i.e. in what circumstances
embedded professional development. did your coaching mirror your beliefs and
Shanklin (2006) discusses the importance of where did your coaching diverge from your
on going embedded learning to increase beliefs?
teacher capacity to meet student needs. I
I think my coaching mirrored my new beliefs
know this is an area of weakness as I have not
about coaching in general. I tried really hard
yet entered into a formal coaching position
to really listen to my teacher’s concerns and
and still have a lot to learn. I think I will need to
areas of need. I did not say use this specific
also learn what sorts of things would be
strategy, rather I gave a variety. I explained
valuable to help teachers/ what they would
how to use them and then gave her the choice.
even like to learn more about! I think creating
I think I am doing well with learning my new
a google form and ask for teacher input would
role as a teacher supporter.
be the way to go!

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