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Rea HiaaaMer i An inieatteen yo fate Ue Follewrg altientton, Cota tne ad yen ebay nls fly at teat that Ie due soar You alto have fv lot mnysoyt orb as ha Fst yt ye th Net Awana ar Yontrinedd foment with the foard of Directors re gieatanauasarly mati Abe feast rane wl be vet tonight and vex! Uta He th abso at Ak Aeon cat i flea aaiton, yew have sever ese tathoe tpn tht inciting the tuaareh meting. Yow are Centing aM eous Annee ie avinpaliticulty eanronteatinnnnel getting things ene. You feet ule io many leections i a1 Henig vety ati weuntl (uild natin Inti anh Retina aol awed Caialeled # Via dhe namnanee | Years mmaboye ne weblog for wealelonce + Me tare ol bare tine Tobi Niew wiute yon (appronte a1 Storytelling, (15 marks) 4 Sections 4. Laila has been working for Green-Tech Industries for 3 years. Starting 35 © fresher busin’ development executive, she achievedall her Pls, and was promoted tice inthe spanol 3 year She is now planning to switch to another firm, Red-Tech Commerce, Her qualifications ard achievements match perfectiywith the profile requ vementsof the organization exceptone thi Her new firm requires candsdates to have skils in using 2 deslening and editing software (1h photoshop, aftereffects, orilustrator). Lucky for Lala, shehas got 2 from Red-Tech butane ls a vtocs about her lack of technical expertise. If she cracks the interview, Re tech would expe herto join within a month but her present company policy demands Wo manthnotice to quit ‘Task 1: Fromthe polnt of view of the Interviewer at Red Tech, what negotiation skills would you deploy during the interviewto suecessfullyhaveon board 3 potential assetemployee tke Laila at the lowest possible rae from her present packee: {Smarks) swear Hom the point of view of Laia, Row many negotiation fronts do vou foresee? What negotiation skills would you deploy during the interview to be on board Red-TechCormmesce wth lucrative offer? (10 marks) Mentionany assumptions you make while analysing thesituation- 5, Identify the ignifiercatezory forthe following images/descriptions: {20 marks) [Seach] a _ stenifier bb. Youare walking at Ashwem beach and see footprints ahead onthe sand, © Thefootprintsare e/an signifier e. Yousee a McDonalds ad in thenewspaperwithanoffer. You clek a pictureand send it 0 your friend © The picture yousend is a/an, signifier ‘= The McDonalds logoin the ads 2/an signifier Page a of4 6 Keeping in mind the different Cs of communication, rewrite the following sentences. Be clear, correct, courteous, concise and coherent. (10 marks} [2 each] 1. Youdid not assemble the partscorrectly, andso the product is malfunction!Og- Uk, This letter i510 Inform you that you will have toattendthe upcomingmandatory meeting. Ito extremely famous and well-known consumer advocates spokeeloqvently in favourof the proposed important legislation, Wy. Lacknowledge receipt of your letterand | begto thank you your formls not submittedon time, you wil not be able to attend the event 3. How are culture and communicatlonintertwined? tlustrate with 3examples. [Approximately 250 wards) (10 marks) Page 4 of 4 she ‘ GOA INSTITUTE OF MANAGED EIN) Seti sm rote, start Goxe o Praggramy RGDNUNCA Academy year N9.20 Cram. tnd Term Wolghtage: 30% Term Maximum Marks: 100 Section A Duration: 2 hours 30 miautes Courye: Management Communication 2 pate iio Name ot Instructor: Andy Siveira ond Karman Khanna Instructions: = Closed book + Attempt all questions on a separate answer sheet except Question S * You can apply a combination of different concepts covered through the course toanswer each question Section 1. Youare amanager inan organizationand you have asituation that you need to resolve. Context: A pair of co-workers, Akansha and Manasa, working on 3 presentation are running into a Conflict, Aansha tedoes the entire presentation onher own, erasing her colleague Manasa's work. Akansha redid the presentation, But why? If you ask Akansha, her root motivation is that she wants the presentation to be as good as possible and she felt the presentation they made together wasnt working. you ask Manasa why she Is upset, part of the problem is Akansha's disrespect for her work and ‘opinion, and part is that she, too, wants the presentation to be as good as possible and doesn’t think Akansha' approach will make that happen AS a manager, It's your Job to Identify common ground to help these colleagues resoke differences. What stepswould you take toresolve this issue? ‘Task: What do you think Is the reason for thls confllet? Whatactlon would you take to resolvelt? (Approximately 400 words) (15 marks) Page Lota -GOA INSTITUTE oF MANAGEMENT Sanqueliin Campus, Pariem, Satt 311, Goa Program: PGDM Hcta Academic year:2019.29 Term; | Exam: End Term Weightage: 30 Maximum Marks: 75 Duration: 2 hours Date: 11” September 2019 Section: NA, Course: Organizational Behavior Name of Instructor; Prof, Padhmanabhan Vv Instrue Ast * Closed book. Answer all the questions: O11 it'2 Pharma Company where you ate worklng as the business development manager, you are SWore that your colleagues in the R&D division are constantly telking abou ther drecion He 1s Perceived throughout the deparimentas a ruihiess man and adeiator Trey refer him as a persan who '3 10! to be antagonized (1) Among the powers (referent, Coercive, formal, and reward power|. which is the one base o! power that does net seam to be present with the director (5 Marks) Justity the reason for the selection (i) On an occasion, it is necessary for you to present him a repr, and you are very nervous about having fo deal with him. However, you have a reason to have a less fear in compatison to your colleagues cf that department ‘Among the powers ( referent, coerewe, formal, and reward power) which is the one base of power hat does not seem to be present wilh the dwector to cause feer in you (5 marks) Page 20f7 | o vurrent 2) RoctsPathologieal La fs moving fs location 10. Farge Town $0 KI fom te otrere ooo erie toretam is iat technicians fo move wi the company. He jul be some hardships asscciated with the move (15 Marks) Rea manager yOu Nave taken folowing measures 4) Yeu eounce each employee mndwaduaiy yng to essen each person's fears aeow Ime MONS by As amanager in charge ol the relocation effort, you ave affenng a RS 1,500 Ae a5 3 relocaton onus fn" any emplayee who wil go tothe new oration c)_Youhave mplemented a pormanent inward ngusiment of salaries for employees Wn? selocated to the now laeaton tExplan your approaches that you were attesting todo tnwough Lewis tse-step moae! or enaving change Page 20f7 31 During the frst week afyouning the HORA Prog Bat in he KVHP You have expenenced ; the members were less familiar and (invoduction, storming. forming. evoluto yam the PGP office nas allotied you a group to take anxiely ard uncertainty to be part of ne group where new. What part of the group devolopment stage A, Rorming, barding) you were in? (5 marks) (W) What 1s the second stage of group development? What will be your and the remaining members’ expentence dunng that stage (5 Marks) (1) Hew wil you manage the issues that you and your group members expentence in the second. ‘stage of group development and what co you call that stage as? (5 Marks) Page 30f7 ath and the HR arector is searching for TE ct leadersmp selection within cert a ereeaeg Sijvantncnyion nang me rae regranarcart rin aws ton yruut excamiae in elgg Nie 1 Oe rom nen-leaders Dy cee ee ones | the searan ended ny mfentitying tar Nair 2 5 Enmtualy neal of ammeinien and energy cols the erganraation 5 leadership pasiben? | rareduat Craracera reeertnd eracagat wth 2 area AHA crecior nas selected Mr tar for ary or om wnat ta tars, a Miran waning once eh eae GestENS, IeHP director suggests that ene of tne follawing, rae reiglul for aenttying leaders? ~ (introversicn, conscientiousness ceerrest to errerence agrecacieness, interrallocus of control) Winch one 1s that and why? (SMaces) Gt Pansies Prere Meester Imeen Finan 1s considenrg a complete closure of air space to incia 2 nase Wir aser 42d on Tuextay amid growng tensions between the two countries “PM 1s exranarce 3 cemtinie Ueaure tt ht Space to india, a complete ban on use of Pakistan Land rotea tre oan wate te Mgranistan was 2\s0 suggested in cabinet meeting legal formalives tor Tene ceessers are under Consideration Minister for Science and Tecnno‘ogy Fawad Crastrry tweeted Ch Tuesday (tet ri {Jun needs (omfnem/etemstonaieseatin contours bi erates Lanes onete sia beth eee Mae tite mata seINHD 2) Yew era ct corfiet raragerrent st/e Can be interpretad trem the Pak PA's consigeraton message? Wey Sates) Page dof? me these days With automated ‘old mes, and make Wt citficult far ren settles in before the vice consulting fmm ©) Telephone customer-service fepresentanves have A tough I teiephone systoms that croate 2 fangue for customers, result i fora Mi von actual human being A customer's frustavan of ‘an owner of a customer Sef them to speak to e mad ropresentatwe has had lime to say “hello * Mr Singh, NNonta, says. “By the tie you get te the person you naed to talk 19, YOU y, knows too well just how mad reriences—with @ customer The customer ranting and raving” “Your #%#% font tned to console the irate he heated conversation fo her supervisor and omer-service representative at a financial serwcas compan Roni Acus customers can get He sill vividly recalls one cf his worst expt ailed Robt over some charges on her credit card and began ompuiny whe do you think you ate?” yelfed tno customer Though customer by offering a refund, the customer only called Rohit an “xtrot ” almost 10 minutes At the end, Rohit, shakenly, handed the phone t continue Jol her desk Sometimes customers ean be downnght abusive One customer-service representative finally quit her job because she constantly heard abusive remarks from customers “By the time you leave, your need 1s spinng with all the complaints.” she said the result could be an emotional nightmare that doesn'i necessarily end once tne calls stop Re! ‘requently take his emotions heme. The day after he recewed ne abusive cail rom hit siated that he wou! ‘ul battle,” recal's tne customer Rohit wen name and staried a fight wilh his roommate It was “an atl Rohit. “Lyust blow up ~ () What you term Rohit effort a5? (5 Marks) (u) Under whet circumstances emotional dissonance occur? Relate with tne case scenano, (5 Marks) yn © G)US President Jent Donald Trump had said on Monday ne was easy 12 peg qynng tne G7 sumed 17 nye between ME then week wih resis potential breskinrough t2 resident Emmanuel Macron nag 30 me Mr Rounani lta Present tne ne tte final news ing at tne diplomacy and consuitations ssa7es summit saci ne would ceranly agree ment styig can be wtersre! cn Us Present safiet? why? (5 mares) fed rom the Frere onat hind of conflict man: towards US-Iran co" agement nanding sts ano pot ine above menone? issues ets tne grapn eB MSS) ing anproonal 1s Contiet Ma a orca tcaton HS 7) Deae the var page of? Tethe shop works on an Schour shi with an effective available time of 450 minutes. WAALS the praiuvtion capacity of the shop? Wher is the tuslenesh in the sysiem? If we wan! to add one machine, where should We make the investment? What are the hey inferences of this exerci Items Sales Cost of pooes sola Recewables Inventorses | casn ornere Curren rent assets For both the year's compute 2 Curren ratio b- Quick rato © huerage collection neviod °e 4 Inventory turnaver ratio Oo. iaverape cost per unit Is Rs. 10 at 60% capatity level, calculate total cost for producing 20,000 units Other information - a At masimym capacity 1,00,000 units can be produced b Variable cost per unit Rs. 3 ALL THE BEST eft OC «7 Coane Ouevations Mana Nan at tostiac tan Dr —e——wees| eI QUESTIONS: SPUTE OF MANAG aniuolin Campus, Poriem, Sattad, Goa “MENT. dA IN, sins — Ss Puangsann FBI HC Cod Toray faye: 40M, fnoeinnien Marks HO your 2010 3020 snc tna NA. Inanation 2 hours Hato 9% hocenibor 2019 tlumnar Jone Chater of quedtions: ae 5 Closer book na 5, laptony # Calculators allowed unl rfghthand shite of pages imiicate the Others AML questions wre & B narky awarded (each yuewtion £200 per month, He huys from the trea at eho ra L.A shopkeeper haw a uniform demiant oF orto nl 21000 pce unit anal the coat af procurlag is 2106 each time. The whvslonate a af the jtew cont Darter, the whalesiter alfers 10 per slick habllaye costinoatle bs 2 pee 6 nian orders between S00 an 1,000 unity ond 20 per cent discon luce Ins costs by taking advantage of m order ent diven exceed ingen equal bo FQ unity, Cua the shopkee elie OF these dive? [15 Maris 2. What are the appropriate AUC groups of inventory items? [IS Marks} AIC Analysis Stock | Annuals I. Number Volune cont of Annual Volume na) 12500 46.7 Wo. 9,000 323 to | _4.200 ie M2 S8 ry 23 rn 02 S07 oz a o4 vo fo] Page Lof 3 50.00 | 8 1,$1.60F.59 | $1,19.20000 is |e 2 [108 Cavrent Fave _Guick Ratio 03. From the informan Free thenfermain in able belo, claatte fongral ‘ urrian equity (ROL) oe Return an inyestment (RG) FE Retuin on asset 6. Price earnings rato Particulars Gross sales Sales RELUFn ar 10% Debenture [35.00.0006 ait Srafa|SO "Total oscets #7040 00009 Uquity share capital | “90 90 Other equity “pummar of equity share Mather pr ce per shar 04. From the following information determine: 2 Prteatio a aennecrate ane P/E cation Yate Feemtaan Long ter) cCaleutate the #/€ ratio FRG Teer fas lang reer raplaced by asreplaced by equity came! 10% preference share capital dd ieompany wants to maintarn current fated of 4, current Hability should be reduced by what araunt a sales ye 3g00,000 100 Tost of gaads ole = §,c4,0100.00 | TBperating expense | (Eacluding GOS cocs)__ | #10, 00,600.08 7 3,08.060 16 Tua 7 +50 000 60 | current Halines [= 150,000. aoe | Tindend 7) toca ‘share iajavia Ceramics Ud. Is given below (6 iguees in Rs. quit shane coma (VAs. 19 Pe as. Selected financial gal information an abo Page 3014 Nv PGMA (HCA) Academic year: 2019-20 : Term: | Section: -na Subject’ Healtheare Accounting Name of the instructor Or. Abhishek Ranga Duration 120 Minutes Date: 11.09.2019 Instructions: 1. Its a closed book examination, Use of calculator Ie allowed nsw table. Working needs Hi Final answers need to be provided at the relevant place In the to be done In the separate answer sheet{s) provided. li. Please submit both, ‘Answer table’ and ‘Answer sheet’ Wy. For marks please refer to the answer table QUESTIONS 1. From the following financial statements {balance sheet and profit & ozs statement) and other information calculate the following ratios = a Current ratio Quick ratio Debt / equity ratio Debt / asset ratio interest coverage ratio. Operating profit margin Return on equity (ROE) Return on capital employed (ROI) Asset tumover ratio j lnventory turnover ratio BALANCE SHEET (eoures in tans.) 2018-19 2017-18 ASSETS _ A. Current Assets Inventor - Trade Receivable 2100 | 18.22 ch _ woo | 12.14 Investments, — [963 | 835. loansandAdvances™—~—~—<“—~s*s~sS~S~w SG SD Other Current Assets Paper ola B.A firm has 1,000 “A° items (Wh avery week, 16, 5 (eountedd every 40 days), and 8,000 C° items (e nen jays), 1.000 "D" items ead every LO days) How any Herne should be counted y lay’? (5 Marky] 3. Consider the following data on jobs waiting to he processed on @ single machine in a jot shop. They are listed Nene in onter of their arrival at the machine (15 Marts] Processing Time Due date Jo (lays) lays hence) N 3 % RB 3 s c 4 n D 7 uM E 2 n Develop a schedule for these jobs based E * or these jot ‘on the following rules: FCFS, SPT. and! EDD. tn | each schedule, list the flow time, make span and lateness for cach job (the lateness of a job | that is done early equals zero), as Well as the mean for each measure 4. Determine critical path, all slacks and floats for the network shown below? 115 Marks! [Acivity [Precedence] Datation | activity x E 10 . B cE 3 € [A 2 D TA 8 | E BC 3 F D 2 | ° Ko D, 3 'A product is manufactured in a shop using a five-stage process. The first step in the process is to cut the sheet metal to required shapes and sizes using a shearing process, [After the shearing process, the components are subjected to pressing operations to alter An the third sta the shapes of the flat sheet 8 per the des of the process, welding 1 step in the process is a painting operation. is dove to join the components. The ne After painting, the components are psched and kept ready for dispatch, The time taken for each of these operations is 20,30,15.12, and 6 minutes, respectively, Presently, exch stage has only one machine for operation. Map the process and analyse the capacity with respect to the following scenarios: {15 Marks} Page2 of 3 } 142.36 | 123.49 36_| 123.49 | Total Current Assets B. Non-Current Ass pp comaiwie [tosns and Advaneey 7875 investments s Intaraibie Asset Ne au —= If 640.93 Total Non-Current Assets Other Eauity [aea75 Total Equity 8. Current Liability Trades Payable Cc NonCurrent Liabiity [Berowing: [ares | 181.96 Total Non-Corrent Liability [a7oii | 181.96 Total Liability. 476.61 | 379.96 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITY 38136 | 764.42 STATEMENT OF PROFIT AND LOSS Tigures 805) [2016-19 2017-18 “sees 367 T 899 “ccs 13 352 "Operating expense i 283, 263 Vinterest T a5 I az TH [we |S Het Praht we 35 ‘Other intormatior. 2. Number of subscribed equity shares— 50 taths Q2. From the following information please calculate the missing values in the table below: ems (in INR) [201829 | 2017-18 [2016-17 [Trade Receivables ¥90,850.00 | 82,769.50 | 7 wentones > ? ta 49,425 ¥50,30025 €43,21000! Wee .ade 267,368 00 Page 2ot & pi joa A 2 4 ] tn Gb 2 c [a | Ran nner has two acre farm. He can sell all the tomatoes. deumstich ar radishes be con rise ‘The price he can obtain iy 8 1 perkg far tomatoes. £0.78 for a heal of drumstick ant #2 per he for radishes, The average yield per acre is 2,000 ky of tomatoes, 3.00 heads of Urumstich. and 1.000 kys of radishes, Fertilizer is available at £9.50 per ky and the amuunt required per acre is 100 ky each for tomatoes and drumstick, and 50 ky for radishes | abour required for showing cultivating and harvesting per uere is 3m + for tomatoes and tadishes and 6 manalays fordrumstich, A total of 400 man-days of labour are available at 7 2") per man-day. Formutate this problem as a linear programming model (2002) 1 Formulate the problem as a standard LPP to maximize the farmer's total profit 2. As it possible to solve the problem through Graphical method? b, Short note on Shadow price (6) Page 2012 Q7. Classify the handling af waste by the BMW Rules,2016 (5 marks) Page 60f6 Qe.PoInt oUt the differentiating features of a BLS, ACLS ambulance and a Neonatal ambulance. Describe the activities carried out in an Accident and Trauma emergency service ike EMI 108. (Backend and frontend) (10 marks) Poges of 6 OS Draw a structural layaut far an ideal fediary care hospital, marking dears the Hepartments tThatare present. (Use pasitives Haat pou have pleked up freee the field acts and/or your exporwnce) (10 marhs) Page A ot 6 + wRD 2 IcU + Laboratory Cc = Radiolory 04, Describe in detail the CSSD setup and 2 other support services in a hospital, its functions, planning, layout, work process and quality control measures. (3 marks) Poge 3016 Program: PGDM HEM Acad 2019 Term tt mic year 2020 Section: Course: Marketing: Understanding the Consumer _GOA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT Sanquelim Campus, Poriem, Sattar, Goa Exam: nd Term Weiphtage: 40% Marks: 100 Duration: 2 Hours. Date: 9" Sept 2019 Maximu Name of Instructor: Shawnn Coutinho: Instructions: # Allthe three case questions are mandatory = Answer and ONE ol the General Questions © Closed book, no laptop Use of caleutator |s allowed Questions for Case 1. fora wine maker like Four Seasons what are the likely factors that will either deter or help promote wine as an industry in a country like india. Based on the compony's strengths what are some of the factors you would like to focus on te help promote the brand? (25 marks) 2. What In your epinion are the perceptions about the wine industry and how would you as 2 new brand manager either improve or what new perceptions would you like to create? How? (25 marks) 4. Knowing the typical ‘Buying Decision Process’, which are the likely areas you would like to influence to help promote your products? (25 marks} General Questions “Answer any ONE of the below questions ‘A. Write in brief Blue Oceans Vs Red Oceans as a strategy with a suitable example in detail (25 marks) 5. Cxplain Qualitative Market Research (25 Marks) Page 1 of 2 __ GOA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT quelin Campus, Porver, sattarh GO? Progam PGP-HCM Academie year: 2018-2020 asst : air nari omar tesa] 4 uration 2 haut’ ptember 2019 Course Know Your Healthcare Prov ; pate: 12° Se Name of Instructor: Prof Nasa Vaz Instructions + Ho choice of questions + Closed book Answer within te space provided autstions contol can wnat are the stops that ahospital must ake to prevent spread af infection and to me F {5 marks) HAI 1m with one example each from {8 marks) ferent types of Hospitals in the health syste 02. Classify the diff fences between them ‘your field trip? Bring out the differ Page 1 of 6 GOA INSTEPUPTE OF MANAGEMENT ho Cannan, Hatten WMOUINEHOM Fam Feat hou nlowie year S019 S00 Weirhtave fou ann Maths U0 Set NW | Hae WS DK | Die Sime ot Festragtes De Sanit Banna dew AM Sepiternbeer 2017 tnsteuctions . Hy: alt J, taptony suse at eat AN qunestions a yevtion. Af van fave aay doubt take ant assumption nud seve the protien dhe narky avenue asd elghe fast able of gy QUESTIONS How A evmpany his 4 HL Ais ustiieys. Met tak ine inte wecermt the eipulidities vt sale cand thea dlisticts, the campus estimates that tle east per dy in paps Hor eae safesinnat ab wal: Steet ae ninad there ane fone distetets where the exnyyany, eat ny af oie si tesin 1 2 js | | a |? x [al s | n fa s fo |7 | cia x |e x | boa s [8 li | Find the assipament of salesman to sarloyis distriets whieh sill minimize the cost bh, Write a short notes on special eases af Hinewe progeanmmsing a 6 When depencraey exist iy Trungportation problem aud linear programming cats 2 There are tlwee factories A, Bound C which supply goods to four dealers DE, D2, D8 DE ctories ane 1000, 700, YO ants PEF MOH, respectively the jmuaduetion capacities of these f fo free thee dealers aire 900, 800, SOO and SUL Wits per meNth respectively Hie requirenen The per unit return (oxelualing hansportativn costs) abe BSS, IS.7. RS 9 ALE Hee. agrees Table 1 paves the unit tamsportation vost fiom the finetories to the dealers, Determine the optinuin solution to mayimise the profit ey Page 1 of 2 _GOA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT ~ Sanquelim Campus, Poriem, Sattar, Goa Taam End Term Weighlage 30% ‘Maximum Marks! 70, Duration: 120 minutes Date: 12.09.2019 Program: PGDM HOM Acadenuc year: 2019-20 Term 1 Section: Course: Managing Hospital Services (MHS) Name of instructor. Ant Raza Instructions: # All questions are compulsory, © Open Book but No Internet @ —awestions 1, Admission and discharge data of 1" week of December, 2018 is given below for a 10bed hospital, The data was taken on 7-12-2018 at 11:30 p.m. Patient_| Admission | Dscharge a _| oz-2018[ 02-12-2018 Pa | 012-2018 4-17-2018 c | orazzo18| 03-12-2018 o “01-12-2018 03-12-2018 € (02-32-2018 o7-32-2018 F 02-12-2018 03-12-2018, ¢ 02-12-2018 os-12-2018, Ho | 03.12.2018 on-12-2038, ‘0a-12-2018 06-12-2018 9 Hi ‘oriz-2018| 06-12-2018 | oaz-2018 07-12-2018 | 05-12-2018 | Currently admitted | 06-12-2018 o 06-12-2018 | Currently admitied ‘Answer the following questions based on this data (4x5 = 20 marks) 1. What is the bed occupancy tate for the period 1” to 7” December, 20187 1, On what date was the bed occupancy rate highest? lil, Whatis the Bed Turn-over rate of the hospital for the given period? 1V, Whatis the Bed Turn-over interval of the hospital for the given period? V. How would you interpret the performance of hospital based on BOR, BTR and 8TI? Page Lotz edical Records consists puivate data af patients whith should be kept conti rttol by the hospital However, the data are eestreniety useful for conduc Heh flnwhings From whieh could benef Larger poyasiataan tn Hire, Dow bo th rast hospitals receive a tot S18 from Pharmaceutical conspanies, NM citizal Hevices Companies and Pubic Healt organi HonseIe Le access Helen ical records, Whatt paticy antl system waneld you Implement in hospital to balance thy a stiality right as well as supporting the | oF objective oF medical research? (10 Marks) A pation gras arlmtted ina hospital for treat it of renal eateula ys back, Mes was, Surtgested pereutansous nephealithotony and the suigery was scheduted for oext day. The Patlent had undorpone various tests to confirm the diagoosis and determine the fitnass for Surgery. Consent was tak none day before the sui y scheduled date, However, fow hours botore the scheduled surpery tinie: paliont and his family members refised the Lreatment stating that they were unable Lo arrange money to pay the bills, They requested discharne to which hospital rephed that they must clear the tills tar Hts conducted so far and also pay for the expensns incurted by the hospital in preparation for the sui ery The famuly dictn’t had enough maney 9 pay th bitty and hospital jetused to discharge Lill ye time they clear the bills AH the patient of lis fa nity mien approach you with this problem, what advice would you give them, in Hight of both the patients’ rights and hospital's rights? (10 Marks) You recently took charge of a hospital and thought of reviewing the operational pedformance. You found {hat the heattheare associated infections {HAI} rates are very high when compared te benchmark figures. Alter discussing this with department In-chaiges you reallied that white ‘standacd precautions! is there as apart of the work manual for healthcare staff, the compliance Is very low, specifically with regards 10 handwashing and use of PPE, Deseribe various measures that you would take to Iniprove this situation and also state how would you monitor the progress. (10 marks} How will you organize and prepare to implement a ‘credentialing and priviteging policy’ for consultants in a mulit-specialty hospital which has a large number of consultants on contract and no such policy was there in place so far? {10 marks) Surgical errors is a major area of concern In patient safety. List out various errors that ean. Occur during surgery of a patient and how can it be prevented. (10 marks) Page 2 of 2 " inn a NASA change un they . baa 2 Syuta bemted need ty ath - up valmpany aneot ithe aver anh enmance the > ‘ Banrvian a towns hatiry, Botts ab wtuch We 4 ; ' res alt, won nie ee ; thesia OCs ye wert tdi . ; a st eacelence tha sth ene srry bul serch snes. ince, at Four Sepione. werhahe no coanpiumies aera commento aur 8G used te crush pase 6 OTE erty Prise & enuve that out aa aba ays fit as ia, These tones ate Temperatare-contraied 301 ican re anezqountes I ve gue ymamgurvne 2 sO RTOS Ha a nfenanietane wah the bathe ed geifect blend of 6 ant peed 10.30

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