1 Personal Data and Family

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 Read the following text about the story of the dishwasher.
 Your task is to put the sentences (A-G) in the correct order and write the letters
on the lines as shown in the example (0).
 There is one extra letter that you do not need.

The first dishwasher appeared in 1850 when a man named Joel Houghton made a machine out
of wood that splashed water over the dishes inside when you turned a handle.
0) ____C_____
1) __________
2) __________

She also liked to entertain friends and frequently held social events at her home, which
resulted in a lot of dishes needing to be washed each time.

3) __________
4) __________
5) __________

There were small baskets made of wire for the plates and cups, and hot soapy water poured
out on them like rain, which made the washing very effective. She showed her invention in
the 1893 World's Fair in Chicago, and won its highest award.

A) She built a machine which had a wooden wheel in a metal boiler which could either be
turned by hand or driven by a power source.
B) The cups and saucers she used for entertaining were expensive and were often broken by
the servants while they were washing up.
C) The second one was created by a man named L.A. Alexander in 1865, and this new
dishwasher spun the dishes around in water when you turned a handle.
D) The real breakthrough was made by Josephine Cochrane, a wealthy woman, whose
grandfather was a famous inventor, and who was interested in engineering.
E) Manufacturers have taken different ways to keep their dishwashers as quiet as possible.
F) She got so fed up with this that she decided to build a dishwasher that could wash dishes
quickly without breaking them.
G) Both of these were very simple and made only of wood, and did not actually clean dishes
very well.
 You are going to read a text about an old couple. Some words are missing from
the text.
 Your task is to write the missing words on the dotted lines (1-10) after the text.
 Use only one word in each gap.
 There is an example (0) at the beginning.


Fred Landis has a Valentine's Day ritual. Sometime, somewhere, he'll lean over to (0)
____his____ wife, Gwen, and say, "I love you." They say he's been doing that on Valentine's
Days (1) ________ 1928, when they got married.
In October, Fred, 102, and Gwen, 101, celebrated (2) ________ 77th wedding anniversary. It
is almost a record as the longest current marriage, according (3) ________ the 2006 edition of
Guinness World Records, is 78 years, 296 days. On Valentine's Day 2006, Fred will say "I
love you" a bit louder (4) ________ he used to because Gwen is hard of hearing. Fred also has
health problems, and that has kept (5) ________ from writing poetry for her. Gwen says Fred
wrote poems to her during their courtship, a gesture (6) ________ may have won her heart.
They met in 1924 as college students in Seattle. Fred attended a church where Gwen's father
was the pastor. Gwen remembers receiving $800 (7) ________ their relatives, then losing it
all in the stock-market crash (8) ________ following year. The Landises spent the next four
decades working and raising four children. Fred was the pastor at several small churches in
the Northwest. Gwen played (9) ________ piano and organ and taught Sunday school. He
retired in 1970, and they (10) ________ lived in Salem since then. They moved to a
retirement center in 1994. They have eight grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren.

LISTENING 1 Link (1:56) /10

 In this section you will hear the story of the famous Siamese twins.
 Your task will be to decide whether the following statements are true, false or we
do not know because the text does not say, and write the appropriate letter next
to the statement. Write A if the statement is true, write B if the statement is false,
and write C if the text does not say.
 First, you will have some time to look at the task, and then we will play the whole
recording in one piece.
 Then, after a short pause, you will hear the recording again, but this time we will
play the text in shorter sections to give you enough time to write down your

0) The mother in the story gave birth to twin girls.

1) The two babies were joined at their arms.
2) The young twins were famous in their home country before they went to the USA.
3) They were taken to the USA against their will.
4) They visited their family back in Siam when they had collected enough money.
5) They traveled across the USA for more than ten years before they settled down.
6) Adelaide was much older than Sarah.
7) The sisters took turns to stay in the brothers' house for four days at a time.
8) Both couples had a lot of children.
9) The brothers didn’t always get on very well with each other.
10) The Siamese twins died of cancer.

During your stay in the US your friend Andrew invites you to his parents’ wedding
anniversary and encloses the following invitation card:

Tom and Sally Rex invite you to share

a special moment in their lives
as they celebrate their
25th Wedding Anniversary
with a Barbecue and Pool Party
at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 12
at the Rex Residence
457 Miami Road

Write an email of 50-80 words to Andrew in which you:

 accept the invitation,
 ask him about what to wear,
 say what you intend to bring as a present and ask his opinion about it.

Begin your email like this:

Hi, Andrew,

 You are going to read an article about a new kind of family therapy. Some words
are missing from the text.
 Choose the most appropriate answer from the options (A-D) for each gap (1-8) in
the text.
 Circle the letter of the appropriate answer.
 There is one example (0) at the beginning.


Parents who give up their phones (0) ______ dinner will be rewarded with free meals for their
kids at a British restaurant chain. In December, Frankie & Benny’s is running its “no-phone”
campaign as they (1) ______ to see more families who pay attention to each other at the
dinner table.
“We looked at various ways we (2) ______ encourage people to communicate with each other
at the dinner table, and (3) ______ that giving families the chance to put down their phones
for a (4) ______ of hours is a great opportunity to bring them closer to each other,” a Frankie
and Benny’s spokesperson explained.
Psychologist Susan Atkins agrees, saying: “By putting away screens parents (5) ______ the
message that their children are important to them … Parents are role models in everything that
they do, so by talking to their kids (6) ______ reading and typing messages they are teaching
their kids when and where technology use is appropriate.”
If parents want to use the promotion, they (7) ______ put their phones in a special box before
the meal begins. After dinner, the phones will (8) ______ to them, and their children’s meals
will be free of charge.

1) A while B under C during D through

2) A are like B have liked C used to like D would like
3) A make B could C try D needed
4) A we’ve found B we’d find C we’ve founded D we might find
5) A lots B several C couple D few
6) A would get B had left C have saved D are sending
7) A and B without C while D instead
8) A need B had to C must D may
9) A sent back B hand C be given up D be returned
LISTENING 2 Link (1:39) /9
 In this section you will hear a true story about two very unusual children.
 Your task is to decide whether the following statements are true, false or we do
not know because the text does not say, and write the appropriate letter next to
the statements.
 Write A if the statement is true, write B if the statement is false, and write C if
the text does not say.
 First, you will have some time to look at the task, and then we will play the whole
recording in one piece.
 Then, after a short pause, you will hear the recording again, but this time we will
play the text in shorter sections to give you enough time to make your decision
about the answers.
0)Paul and Victoria are two and six years old respectively. B
1) The Waters kids are different from other children as they hardly ever cry.
2) Paul doesn’t even notice when he gets hurt.
3) Paul gets hurt much more often than other kids.
4) Paul’s unusual illness was discovered when he was six months old.
5) Paul’s condition was first discovered by a doctor.
6) In a test, doctors deliberately tried to cause pain to Paul.
7) This illness is a lot more common in boys than girls.
8) Paul was so jealous of his baby sister that sometimes he hit her.
9) Paul and his sister Victoria have the same symptoms.

You have read the following post on an internet forum called Career Choice:
Hi everyone. I believe it’s time for me to open up a bit more to the community. And I'll do
that by telling you all about what I plan to do once I get into college and sharing my career
problem with you.

I want to get an English Major and teach English literature to elementary school children
across the USA. All my life I have heard kids complain that they "hate" reading. Those are the
kids I want to reach out to. I want to make America literate again! (Pretty awesome slogan,

The only problem is that all my family and friends say that the last career I should choose is a
teacher’s. They say that a teacher should be hardworking and patient whereas I’m lazy and
moody. Do you agree that these are the most important personality traits of a teacher? As
simple as that? I’d like to know what you think.

Benjamin 18
Write a comment of 100-120 words to Benjamin’s post including the following
 what you think of his plans for the future,
 how important you think the two qualities of a teacher mentioned in the post are,
 if you think Benjamin would make a good teacher,
 if you think Benjamin should choose a different career and why/why not.

Begin your comment like this:


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