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The Big Trek Northwards: Recent Changes in the European Dragonfly Fauna


Dragonflies are one of the best inver- while many more examples could be Askew (1988) were compared with the
tebrate groups to document the effects added. Here some very obvious exam- actual situation (see Ott submitted)
of climatic changes: they are mobile, ples are shown, which were compiled and maps published in Dijkstra &
depend on terrestrial and aquatic and analysed for the ALARM-project. Lewington (2006), Boudot in Trockur
biotopes and so give a good picture of et al. (in print), Boudot et al. (2009)
biotope and landscape changes, their Crocothemis erythraea – the first and the websites of the French and
biology and ecology is well known, tip of the (melting) ice berg Finish odonatological societies or
they are attractive animals and easy to The first species showing very well the organisations (,
determine and finally their expansion is effects of climate change induced
studied already for a long time (Ott range expansion was already in the mid In this group there are damselflies
2001, submitted, Hickling et al. 2005). eighties and thereafter the Mediterra- (Zygoptera, 4 species), as well as drag-
Since the first observation of cli- nean species Broad Scarlet (Crocothemis onflies (Anisoptera, 9 species, plus 2):
Figure 1. Broad Scarlet or Scarlet Darter mate change effects on the range erythraea, Figure 1). After becoming in total about 15 species from nearly all
(Crocothemis erythraea, male) – maybe the best stud-
ied dragonfly species showing range expansion as a
expansion of Crocothemis erythraea and autochthonous first in different parts taxonomic families show a clear range
result of climatic changes. Photo: J. Ott. some other species (Ott 2001) mean- of southern Germany in the late sev- expansion in the last two decades;
enties and early eighties it meanwhile some more may be included, when
populated all German federal states more data will be available in the future
from south to north and in 2008 it as a consequence of different ongoing
Erythromma viridulum arrived at the northern border to dragonfly atlas projects in Europe.
Aeshna affinis Denmark (Ott 2001, 2007, submitted).
Aeshna mixta The same process of northward The Africans are coming …
Anax parthenope expansion could be shown for all Very recently a new process seems to
Trithemis annulata neighbouring countries, such as The have started: after the Mediterranean
Trithemis kirby Netherlands in the west or Poland in species populated more and more the
the east, it also arrived the United central – and partly even the northern
Kingdom crossing the Channel (Ott – parts of Europe, presently southern
submitted). In addition, the species Europe is invaded by species formerly
populated biotopes in higher eleva- typical for Africa.
tions and also other biotope types, The Violet Dropwing (Trithemis
even mooreland waters are now set- annulata), a typical species all over
tled. All these expansions are related Africa and the Middle East, formerly
with the increase of higher tempera- occurred only up to southern Spain
tures, no other reasons could be iden- and central Italy. But now it can be
tified for these changes. found even in southern France, hav-
ing crossed entire Spain and also the
Other dragonfly species of Pyrenees, in Italy it now arrived in the
Mediterranean origin expanding area of Ferrara (Boudot et al. 2009).
their range to the north Another Trithemis species – the afro-
Beside Crocothemis erythraea a lot of tropical Orang-winged Dropwing
other species with Mediterranean ori- (Trithemis kirbyi) (Figure 3) – was not
gin expanded their range in the recent known for Europe at all, but then was
years to the north which is shown in discovered for the first time in the isle
the following and in Table 1 and of Sardinia in 2003 by O. Holusa.
Figure 2. For this analysis the distribu- After being discovered in 2007 also in
Figure 2. Range expansion of Mediterranean and African Odonata in Europe – some examples. tion maps of the species published in southern Spain near Malaga by D.
Chelmick, in 2008 for the first time
Table 1. Damselfly and dragonfly species of Mediterranean origin showing clear northern range expansions in Europe compared to Askew (1988). larvae of this species were found
proving its first autochthony in
Species name Range expansion in Europe (Cano-Villegas & Conesa-
Coenagrion scitulum France, Germany, Belgium, Luxemburg, also in the East, e.g. in the Czech Republic, new in the Netherlands Garcia 2009).
Erythromma lindeni North-eastern France, parts of Belgium, northern and eastern Germany, new to Poland The third example of an African
Erythromma viridulum North-eastern France and Netherlands, northern Germany, new to Sweden and the UK resp. Asian species expanding its range
Lestes barbarus Central parts of Europe, becoming more abundant, new to the UK to the north is the Black Pennant
Aeshna affinis Northern France and Germany, Netherlands, new to the UK and Finland (Selysiothemis nigra), which is actually
Aeshna mixta UK up to the central parts, new to Ireland, Sweden and Finland found up to the area of Trieste/Venice
Anax imperator UK up to the central parts and new to Scotland, also new to Ireland, Denmark and Sweden (Boudot et al. 2009) in the eastern part
Anax parthenope Northern France, Belgium, Netherlands, northern Germany and Poland, new to UK and Ireland and up to Parma (M. Salvarani pers.
Boyeria irene North-eastern parts of France, new to Germany comm. 2009) in the western part of
Gomphus pulchellus Northern and eastern parts of Germany, also to Austria northern Italy (Figure 4).
Oxygastra curtisii Rediscovered in Germany after more than 50 years
Crocothemis erythraea All central Europe, new for the UK Conclusion: Risks for the
Sympetrum meridionale All central Europe, up to northern Germany and Poland indigenous dragonfly fauna?
Species name Increasing tendency of migrations/invasions, e.g. observed in All these examples show a clear range
Anax ephippiger Germany, also reproducing, and other central European countries expansion to the north: Mediterranean
Sympetrum fonscolombii UK, Ireland, northern France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, partly indigenous populations (second generation) species to middle and northern


Figure 3. Orang-winged Dropwing (Trithemis kirbyi, male): new to the European fauna since 2003 and expand- Figure 4. Black Pennant (Selysiothemis nigra, male), now also found indigenous in northern Italy.
ing in Andalucia, where it is indigenous. Photo: J. Ott. Photo: J.-P. Boudot.

Europe during the last two decades, cations that several so called dragonfly species, as their live cycle DIJKSTRA K-D, LEWINGTON R (2006) Field
and very recently also African species Eurosiberian species show range con- Guide to the Dragonflies of Britain and
depends on the waters.
Europe. 320 pp.
to southern Europe. This phenome- tractions or local and regional popu- Another – actually strongly increas- HASSEL C, THOMPSON DJ, FRENCH GC,
non only could be explained by the lations are extinct (Coenagrion hastula- ing, but until present only poorly stud- HARVEY IF (2007) Historical changes in
increasing temperatures, even if it is tum, Aeshna juncea, Somatochlora arctica ied – risk for dragonflies are Alien the phenology of British Odonata are relat-
still unclear which are the main fac- & Leucorhinia dubia – see Ott submit- ed to climate. Global Change Biology 13:
Invasive Species (AIS). In particular
tors responsible for these changes ted). These species, being specialists invasive crayfish (e.g., Orconectes immunis, HICKLING R, ROY DB, HILL JK, THOMAS CD
(mean annual or summer temperature, of moorland biotopes, are negatively Pacifastacus leniusculus) do have without (2005) A northward shift of range in British
increased sunshine, less severe winters affected by altered abiotic conditions any doubt a negative affect on popula- Odonata. Global Change Biology 11: 1-5.
etc.) – probably it is a combination of OTT J (2001) Expansion of mediterranean
in their biotopes: changing water tions of autochthonous dragonflies, as
Odonata in Germany and Europe – conse-
all these factors. Other factors, e.g. tables, drying out of the waters, most of the crayfish are omnivorous quences of climatic changes – Adapted
like the installation of new waters like increase of water temperature etc. are and/or carnivorous and also feed on behaviour and shifting species ranges. S.
gravel pits, only play a minor role and strong negative impacts on their bio- dragonfly larvae. 89-111. – In: Walter G-R et al. (Eds),
“Fingerprints” of Climate Change. Kluwer
interestingly barriers, like east-west topes (Figure 5). In addition, there
Academic Publishers, New York.
orientated mountain chains (e.g., Alps, are also changes in the coenosis. For OTT J (2007) The expansion of Crocothemis eryth-
Pyrenees), do not show an effect. example, new predators are now pres- References raea (Brullé, 1832) in Germany – an indica-
Beside these range expansions drag- ent in the waters – such as the ASKEW RR (1988) The Dragonflies of Europe. tor of climatic changes. – In: Tyagi BK
onflies also show clear reactions in Harley Books. Colchester, 291 pp. (Ed.), Odonata – Biology of Dragonflies.
aggressive larvae of the invading
BOUDOT J-P, KALKMAN VJ, AZPILICUENTA Scientific Publishers (India), 210-222.
their biology: trends to a faster devel- Anax imperator – and can hinder the OTT J (2008) Libellen als Indikatoren der
opment of the larvae, trends to more resettlement of the former moore- CORDERO RIVERA, A., DEGABRIELE, G., Klimaänderung – Ergebnisse aus
generations and longer flight periods, land coenosis. DOMMANGET, J.-L., FERREIRA, S., GARRIGÓS, Deutschland und Konsequenzen für den
as well as general changes in the phe- JOVIC, M., KOTARAC M, LOPAU W., Naturschutz. Insecta – Zeitschrift für
In the Mediterranean until now no
MARINOV M, MIHOKOVIC N, RISERVATO E, Entomologie und Naturschutz 11: 75-89.
nology are reported for a high num- replacement of indigenous species by OTT J (Ed.) (submitted) Monitoring Climate
ber of species (Ott 2001, 2008, sub- African species is reported, but here the Odonata of the Mediterranean and Change with dragonflies. BioRisk.
mitted, Hassel et al. 2007). the lack of precipitation – in particular North Africa. Libellula-Supplement 9: 1-256. TROCKUR B, BOUDOT J-P, FICHEFET V, GOFFART
On the contrary, no species until CANO-VILLEGAS FJ, CONESA-GARCIA MA (2009) PH, OTT J, PROESS R (in print) Atlas der
in the future, see the ALARM-
Expansión de Trithemis kirbyi (Sélys, 1891 Libellen – Atlas des Libellules. Fauna und
now was reported expanding its range scenarios – will have severe effects on Flora der Großregion/Faune e Flore dans la
(Odonata: Libellulidae) en la provincial di
into the south as a result of climatic all kind of waters (Figure 6). This Málaga (S. Penísula Ibérica). Boletín de la Grande Région, Saarbrücken.
changes. But there are some first indi- means a higher risk for more or less all SEA 44: 569-572.

Figure 5. A water in the Palatinate in summer 2006, before drying out several mooreland species, like C. has- Figure 6. A small river (Vezzola) in Abruzzi Mountains (Italy) in fall 2007, dried out for a long time.
tulatum and L. dubia, were present with big populations. Photo: J. Ott. Photo: J. Ott.


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