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1. Question: What qualities/skills do you have that make you stand out from other candidates?

Answer: I do not know what others can offer, but I know that I can offer a consistency and willingness to work, I will always look to exceed the
goals metrics, I can say that I am a metric addict. My daily goal when I working in a place is to be on goal.

2. Question: What motivates you in life and/or at work?

Answer: My motivation has always been meeting deadlines, targets or goals, I really hate when I have something pending to do, for that reason I
prefer to keep focus in my duties so I can achieve them, I don’t like my attention to be called for something I am supposed to do, I always look to
improve myself, it motivates me to listen to the others so I can learn from them.

3. Question: What would you tell me makes a good salesperson?

Answer: In order to be a good salesperson you have to know the product you are selling, you need to seek information and be upgraded about
that product, a salesperson needs to sound confident and convinced, if the customer feels the person mumbling or doubting about product,
then the customer will not accept the sale.

4. Question: Tell me about a time you went the extra mile to assist a customer?

Answer: One of the time I needed to go the extra mile was this time: the customer called stating that he was not able to receive emails, emails
troubleshooting was between my boundaries of support for that I checked on the emails settings and I realized that the auto forward option was
enabled, I asked the customer if he was the one who did, customer answered no, so I went and disabled the option. However, customer said
that received a call from someone claiming to be a Microsoft employee stating that his ip was compromised, so the customer gave personal
information the caller, it result that the caller was a hacker trying to steal customer information, I was able to help to customer changing the
password and stopping all banks transactions.

5. Question: What are your strengths and weaknesses when interacting with a Customer?

Answer: When I am interacting with a customer my strength is to be able to mirror what the customer is expressing, so I can better give a
solution to the customer concerns.

6. Question: Why is customer service important to an organization?

Answer: Customer service means going above and beyond to keep the customer happy, whether that means answering any questions they have
or resolving issues with a positive attitude. Customer satisfaction is the top priority, and hopefully creating loyal, returning customers.

7. Question: In sales, what is the most challenging objection you’ve encountered and how do you overcome it?

Answer: The most challenging objection for me has always been the price, the way I overcome that objection is letting the customer know why
the product is important, why he/she should get the product. Most of the times customers will object the price because they fell the price is too
high for the product that is being offered. However, if the salesperson explain the customer the benefits on the product, the features this
product have that outperform similar ones, then the customer might become interested is getting it.

8. Question: What has been one of your biggest accomplishments and one of the biggest disappointments in your career?

Answer: My biggest accomplishments was when I was working at Convergys, I was selected by the client LOB to be part of the QA team, he sent
an email saying that he was very impressed with my way to handle the customers and the ways I handled situations even under pressure, he said
that I was a good representation for the company, at the moment I have had any disappointments all, the places where I have worked have
always been good, nothing wrong to say about nay previous experience.

9. Question: As a job seeker, what do you look for in a company?

Answer: I look to escalate to new position by leaning the product. I do not want to keep all my time being an agent, don’t get me wrong being an
agent is not bad, but it is worst not to think farther than that, and of course we always look a job to improve our economy.

10. Question: Have you ever had to explain something complex to a customer, friend or family member that they didn’t understand?
How did you get them to understand?

Answer: When you have to explain something complex the best way to make that person understand is with examples, it does not matter how
many times you repeat yourself you need to put examples, for example I remember that I had a customer that was not understanding that if his
Internet service was working on other devices but one, then it will not be an issue with the service, the issue would be that device, I tried to
explain the customer on different ways, until I put him an example with an analogy, I said, Mr. Customer let me put you an example of this,
imagine that there is water on the kitchen sink, also on the kink that is on the bathroom, there is water on all the sinks, but there is not on the
sink that is on the Garage, what you think is an issue with the water company or an issue with that particular sink, customer said: the issue will
be with the sink, then I said that will be the same with the Internet if all the devices but one are able to connect to the Internet, then the issue
will not be the Internet itself, customer was able to understand.

11. Question: If you were spending the day at a theme park with a group of friends and no one knew where to go next, how would you

Answer: I would suggest to go to information office to ask what would be the best way to enjoy the park, no one would be able to best explain
where to go next than someone that actually works there.

12. Question: Tell me about the last time that something broke in your home, whether you rent, share or own. What approach did you
take to solve the problem?

Answer: Last time that something was broke on the house that I live, I approach to the householder and tell him that I will be assuming the cost
for the repairs.

13. Question: Give me an example of feedback you have received that has made you a better professional.

Answer: One of the best feedback I have received was when I started to work on call center, I sue to know how to empathize with the customer,
the supervisor that I have for that time let me know that all things the customer says is important, you should acknowledge that and apologize if
needed, if customer feels that you do not care about what he/she is saying it won’t have a good customer service experience.

14. Question Tell me about a really poor experience you've had with a customer service representative. What did the customer service
representative do or say that made it a poor experience? How could it have been handled differently?

Answer: The poorest experience that I have with a representative is that he did not show any empathy regards the situation I was expressing, I
expressed the representative that I was working from home and I needed to have the Internet checked, the agent did not show that he cares
about the issue, the way I would have handled this different is mirroring what the customer was expressing and even if there was nothing able
to be done at the moment I would have had made the customer feel that someone is being done, that I would be escalating the situation.

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