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JournalofFood Engineering 26 (1995) 131-146

Copyright 0 1995 Elsevier Science Limited

Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserwd
ELSEVIER 0260-8774(94)00019-O

Application of Separation Theory to Hydrocyclone


Lev A. Rovinsky

Scientific-Industrial Corporation of Food Equipment, Moscow, Russia

(Received 1 February 1994; accepted 25 April 1994)


This study considers the dynamic model of the rotating flow of a two-
phase liquid into a hydrocyclone, and its influence on inherent particles.
The geometrical parameters of rotating liquid flow,the relative movement
of particles and their separation are described using specific properties of
liquid and particles, the energy losses due to viscosity and processing
requirements. Theoretical analysis and experimental data lead to a
calculation method for the main hydrocyclone design parameters and
their optimal correlations. Experimental data and numerical examples
for water and milk are presented.


A,a,,,a, Coefficients
B Parameter of ratio of radii
c Constant for initial conditions
Particle diameter
r Force
Fr Froude number
h,H Height
g Gravity constant
n Losses parameter
G Coefficient
P Parameter of sedimentation equation
P Pressure
q Parameter of sedimentation equation
Q Flow rate
r, R Radius
132 L. A. Rovinsky

t Time
T Temperature
V Velocity
V Volume
X,YJ Orthogonal coordinates

a Parameter
I9 Transit time
p Viscosity
PYAP Density (density difference)
x Number defining separation effect
w Angular rate

172 Liquid flow at radii R , , R2
C Centrifugal
Free surface
I Liquid
P Pressure
pa Particle
r Radial
re Resistance
s Solid
sd Sedimentation
t Tangential
x,y,z Coordinates

0 ‘Heavy’ particle
0 ‘Light’ particle
opt Optimal


Hydrocyclones are used for processing of food liquids to obtain clarified

products, to assist sedimentation of the dispersed phase of solid particles (in
suspensions) or liquid particles (in emulsions), and for classification of particles
into size classes.
Previous studies on hydrocyclones consider the analysis of liquid flow hydro-
dynamics (Taryan, 1953; Shestov, 1967; Svarovsky, 1984), the statistical
description of particle aggregates (Nepomnjashzii, 1973; Vedernicov et al.,
198 1) and aspects of calculation and design (Povarov, 1961; Vaidukov et al.,
1982). The correlations between processed liquid characteristics and design
parameters have been insufficiently developed.
In this work attention was focused on: (i) a study of the influence of processed
product properties (energy losses due to viscosity) and contained particles (size,
density, phase state) on the separation ability of a hydrocyclone; (ii) the theore-
Application of separation theory to hydrocyclone design 133

tical basis for choosing the main design parameters; (iii) experimental determi-
nation of empirical parameters.


The rotating liquid flow

A conventional hydrocyclone (Fig. 1) has one inlet for liquid (flow rate Q:I
tangential to the cylinder body (radius R,), or to an internal central tube (radius
&). The liquid is thus rotated into the body and leaves by an upward and
downward path. Consider the forces on a rotating liquid flow. Isolate a thin
(thickness dr) cylindrical layer of liquid at radius r rotating around vertical axis
(Fig. 2). Initially the ‘plane’ problem is considered, i.e. gravity is ignored.
There are three forces influencing the layer: the pressure force on the inside,
F,,,,=p, where f is the layer inside surface area and P is static liquid pressure;
the force exerted by the outlet pressure F,,.,, = (p+ dP ) cf+ df), where dP and d f
are the pressure and area increments, respectively; centrifugal force
dF,.= dm. 02r= dm. uf/r, where dm is the mass of the layer, w the angular rate
and v, the tangential velocity. The force balance gives dF,,= F,,,,, - F,,,, = dF, . In
previous work, Vinogradov et al. (1973) developed a relationship for the
dependence of pressure on radius P(r) assuming that (a) viscous friction in the
liquid is zero, and (b) the area df is small and is ignored:

P(r)= P, -p,vf,ln J5
( r 1

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of a hydrocyclone.
134 L. A. Rovinsky

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the rotating liquid layer.

where P, and u,, are the liquid pressure and velocity at radius R,. The energy
losses from viscous friction in real liquids can be defined by Taryan ( 1953)
v,r”= C=v,,R;, where -1lnll (2)
The force balance with eqn (2) leads to the differential equation
(dP/df)=p,C2r-2”-‘, where ,oL is the liquid density. Its solution yields


Finally, a more accurate relationship for P(r) can be obtained if the assump-
tion that df= 0 is rejected. The force balance dFp= dF, can be rewritten as

Pdf+fdP=*v; (4)

if the term dP. df is disregarded. Denoting the layer height as h, one can write
f= 2xrh; df= 27th dr; dm=p, dV=2z,oLrhdr, (5)
where d V is the layer volume.
The substitution of eqns (2) and (5) into eqn (4) gives the linear differential

dP; P_PLC2
-- (6)
dr r r2n+’

With boundary conditions P( 0) = PI, r( 0) = R,, eqn (6) has solutions

(a) when n = 0.5: P(r)=[P,+pLvfln(?)]$ (7)

Application of separation theov to hydrocyclone design 135

(b) when rr f 0.5:


The eqns (7) to (9) enable the free surface radius rr (i.e. the rotating liquid
border) to be determined. If the hydrocyclone is open to atmosphere and all
pressure values are gauge (above atmospheric pressure) then the pressure into
the hydrocyclone PI= 0 substituted in eqns (7) to (9) gives r= r, and becomes

r+= BR,. where i,_if-&$$-“” i 10j

According to eqn (10) the radius r. depends on the processing conditions

(P,, u,,) and liquid properties ( n,pL ). his is more adequate than the formula
r,.= O-606 R, proposed by Shestov (1967), which takes no account of the
processing conditions.
Now gravity is considered, in order to determine the profile of the vertical
liquid-free surface. The section of rotating liquid is shown in Fig. 3 along the z-
axis. The forces’ orthogonal projections (F,, cy, F2) are associated with a pressure
dP=pL(F,ax+ F,.ay+ F?z) (11)
and the partial derivations on the axes are

ap ap ap
ax= p,_W2X; Fy= PtdY;
at=- PLX /\ 12)

The forces projections on the axes are F, = m&x; cv= mw2y; F7= - mg, and
the centrifugal force is F, = m w2 r.

Fig. 3. The profile of the free surface of the rotating liquid.

136 L. A. Rovinsky

Substitution of these expressions and eqn (12) into eqn (11) gives the
differential equation
this becomes
02rdr=gdz (13)
If the energy losses are ignored (co = const.), then the solution of eqn (13) is
given by Rovinsky ( 199 1):


An exact equation can be derived from eqn (13) with energy losses for real
liquids given by eqn (2)

r (14)

Its solution with the initial condition z 1d,,)= z( 0) is

r-2n(z) = r-2n(0) + 2gnk$)- zl


and gives the free surface profile of the rotating liquid. The value z is the
distance along the hydrocyclone z-axis from the initial value z( 0) corresponding
to the inlet port position.

Particles in rotating liquid flow

Consider the movement of a particle rotating with the liquid into the hydro-
cyclone. In centrifugal separation theory (Shestov, 1967; Sokolov, 1976)
disperse particles, which move according to Stokes’ equation, are normally con-
sidered with w constant and no energy losses. In previous work (Rovinsky et al.,
1986a, b) the particle movement according to Stokes was considered with
energy losses due to friction (v,r” = C). The more common case will be extended
below for different particle sizes.
In the general case, a particle is rotated together with the liquid and moves
radially relative to the liquid, with a radial velocity u,. A particle is influenced by
centrifugal force F, and resistance force F,, which depend on velocity and
particle size (equivalent diameter D). There are well-known equations for
Application of separation theory to hydrocyclone design 137

particle velocity and resistance force in such circumstances which have a com-
mon form (Povarov, 196 1)
F, = mkvi; (16)
These are given in Table 1, where ,uL is the liquid viscosity, Ap is the density
difference between particle and liquid.
Under forces Fc and F, a particle moves radially according to the equation

dv ’
m_r=mli,_mkv~ ( 1’7)
dt r

Incorporating v I = (dr/dt) and eqn (2), eqn ( 17) becomes


For steady velocity (dv ,./d t = 0) eqn ( 18) is rewritten as


Under the initial condition r [ ,=,) = r( 0) eqn ( 19) has the solutions

for rz= - l.p= 1: (20)

for other combinations of n and p:


For a specific process liquid (pL , pL , n) and particles (diameter D), parameters k
and p can be obtained from Table 1, and the kinetics of particle movement r(t)
calculated according to eqns (20) and (2 1).

The particle density

The particles contained in a liquid may have a density pPu higher or lower than
the liquid density pL. If a particle is solid (for suspenstons), then (usually)
AP= ppu - pL > 0, but for an emulsion (as an example ‘oil in water’) is usually
Ap< 0. In the first case a particle will be termed ‘heavy’ and marked with (*:I,
and in the second case termed ‘light’ and marked with (0).
A particle fed to a hydrocyclone together with a liquid may be in an arbitrary
position initially. Under centrifugal and Archimedes forces the ‘heavy’ particle
moves to the outside of the rotating flow, but a ‘light’ particle moves inward
towards the hydrocyclone axis. At worst, a ‘heavy’ particle must move from R2
to R, (i.e. for this case r(0) = R2), or a ‘light’ particle from R, to R, with r(0) = R,.
138 L. A. Rovinsky

Application ofseparation theory to hydrocyclone design 139

For these cases, eqn (2 1) can be simplified as

?(t)=(R;+qAt)“’ (A>O) (22)
?(t)=(R;+qAt)“” (A<O) (23)

2n+p+ 1,
4= (24)
P ’

The time required to move from R, to R, or vice versa becomes

1’ =R:-R;
\e (A> 0) (25)


The time when n= - 1 and p= 1 follows from solution 20

t,,= ($/““‘ln[$$] (27)

The particle phase state

The formulae presented in Table 1 are for solid spherical particles. For
emulsions containing the particles in the form of a drop, these formulae need
correction. As an example, for Dr0.175 mm, instead of Stoke’s equation the
equation of Ribchinsky-Hadamar (Protodiaconov & Chesnocov, 198 1) is
applied and the liquid drop velocity is


where ,uudis the viscosity of the drop material. When ,u(,- CO(solid state) eqn (28)
is transformed to Stoke’s equation

v =@‘AP
J (29)

Comparison of eqns (28) and (29) show that vL= v,.3(y,+p,)/(2~,+ 3yJ.
Substituting ,u~,= a,pt_ this becomes

(1+& 1 P

As a, > 0 eqn (30) shows that vL > us:. It is preferable to have liquid particles
in a state as close as possible to the solid state (i.e. cscdecreases). For example,
the separation of fat globules from milk can be carried out at low temperature
140 L. A. Rovinsky

when the fat globules are solid, but at higher temperatures dairy fats are trans-
formed into liquid drops.

Choosing the main hydrocyclone design variables

On the basis of the above results some important correlations between the main
hydrocyclone design variables can be proposed.

Feed location
The difference between the tseexpressions for ‘heavy’ and ‘light’ particles shows
the possibility of influencing the separation effect by choosing the liquid feed
location. To date, liquid feed is always at the outer surface (at radius R,), but for
special cases it is suggested that the liquid feed go through an internal tube (at
radius R2) as shown in Fig. 1 (broken line). Let us compare both methods.
For a ‘heavy’ particle, eqn (25) can be rewritten as

?, = k”‘“‘(R:-R;)
‘(’ qu(0)‘mr(O)(w (31)

This gives the time for a particle to move from R, to R, (i.e. the worst case).
If the liquid feed to the hydrocyclone is at radius R, (as usual) then the value
of v(O)must beu(O)=v,=u,(R,/R,)“and r(O)=R,. Substitutionintoeqn(31)


If the liquid feed is at radius R,, then v( 0) = Y , (assuming the same feed rate),
but if r(0) = R, substitution into eqn (3 1) gives

The F,,, ratio for both variants is


It is evident from eqn (33) that if n> 0 then !.,r,H,> !Jc,K,, i.e. separation effect
is achieved with the hydrocyclone feed at radius R, (usual case), but if II < 0 (for
certain liquids and processing conditions) then !Jr,Rz< fse,R,, i.e. liquid feed at
radius R, gives a decrease in separation time. Similar results can be obtained for
‘light’ particles.

The correlation between the main hydrocyclone design variables

The above theoretical results give rise to practical recommendations for

choosing the main hydrocyclone design variables. To assess the separation
ability for given particles, the separation time (t,,) and the liquid residence time
Application of separation theory to hydrocyclone design 141

for the hydrocyclone variants should be compared. For a separation process in a

hydrocyclone of cylindrical height H (see Fig. 1), the volume of the liquid in the
system is V= nH( R: - R ;) and the liquid residence time is


where Q is the flow rate into the hydrocyclone. Particles with certain diameters
will be separated if 0 is sufficient, i.e. 02 t,,. Applying this to eqn (3 1) or (32)

where c=u r(O)q


whence the height H of the hydrocyclone is


The light liquid fraction is removed through the central tube and its radius R,
must be greater than the liquid-free surface radius r,.. According to eqn (10)
R,>r,=BR, (37)
where parameter B is defined by eqn ( 10). The limitation of eqns (36) and (37)
make it possible to relate the main geometric parameters of the hydrocyclone.
By analogy with centrifugal theory (Sokolov, 1976) the hydrocyclone separa-
tion effect is defined by the number 2 : I: =f. Fr, where f is the sediment surface
and Fr is the Froude number. The number Fr may be written using eqn (2)

Fr_wZr_rZ_C’ r-2n-l
g -gr- g
assuming that f= 2nHr,, where rsd is the sediment surface radius. Substitution of
the values H, f and Fr gives

c = 2QK(“” rsd R:-R;

qv(0)2’p * r(0)‘2n’p)’ R: - R’,

remembering that for a ‘heavy’ particle F,, = R,, but for a ‘light’ particle r”,, = R,.
If liquid is fed to the outside of the hydrocyclone (at radius R, ), then r(0) = R, in
eqn (38); if feed is at radius R,, then r(0) = R,. Introducing a coefficient of ratio
of radii a, = R, /R, and rewriting eqn (38) gives

== 2Qk’l”’ RY_l rJd a;- 1

qv(0)i2/P’ 2 ,((pP) . a; _ 1

or in simplified form

142 L. A. Rovinsky

where the coefficient M contains all terms except u,, and the parameter a has
four meanings

a[‘,R,]= 1- y ; I_ 2n
o[o, R__
II= --

a[.,R*]= 1; a[O, R2] = 0 (40)

according to possible combinations of the particle types (0) and (0) and the
liquid feed location (at R, or R2).
The consideration of eqn (39) and its variant (40) leads to an understanding of
the influence of a,, the radii ratio, on the number C. In the case a[O, R2] = 0, it is
necessary to know the value of q. If q < 2 then the hydrocyclone efficiency will
increase with a decrease in a, (‘narrow and high hydrocyclone). If q = 2 then the
number 2 is independent of a,. If q> 2 then it is necessary to increase a, (‘wide
and low’ hydrocyclone). The other Q cases according to variants (40) are more
complicated because the number Z depends on the parameters II and p (liquid
property and particle size) and the feed location (R, and R2). Therefore, specific
cases must be considered individually.
For example, for a[~, R2] = 1 an optimal value of u;Pt exists when the number
2 reaches a maximum. The condition (dZ/da,)= 0 (for a = 1) leads to the
(q- l)a?-2 + a,2-(q+ l)u?+ 1 =o (41)
the solution of which gives the value u;Pt.
For a given flow rate of processed liquid, Q, one can choose an internal tube
radius R, by using eqn (10). Next, the hydrocyclone height is found from eqn
(36), and finally the coefficient a,Optfrom eqn (41) and the inlet radius from
R 1=aWr R 2.


Materials and methods

The experimental hydrocyclone was of a normal type (Fig. 1) with R, = 0.12 m.

There were several interchangable internal central tubes with different radius R,
and tangential liquid feed at radius R, and R,.
The process liquids were water and unpasteurized milk with control of the
product flow rate (Q= O-278 X 10-3-0*833 X 10m3 m3/s), temperature
(T= 8-4O”C), and input pressure (P, = 1.25 X 105-2.5 X lo5 Pa).

Determination of the parameter n

The important process liquid parameter n depends on liquid type, composition,

temperature, viscosity, suspended particles, etc. The n value can be determined
experimentally by two methods. The first method involves measurement of
liquid pressure by Prandtl’s tube at various radii in the hydrocyclone. The
Application of separation theory to hydrocyclone design 143

second method involves feeding standard size particles into pure liquid and
measuring their sediment time.
The first method was used in this work. The stabilized flow of water and milk
was fed to the hydrocyclone on radius R, with a pressure P, and velocity v 1.
Experimental data from two typical experiments are shown in Fig. 4. The
numerical value IZ was calculated from experimental data and the correlation
P(r) for known II was calculated from eqn (9) and shown in Fig. 4. For milk
(T= SC, P, = 1.2 x lo5 Pa, Q= 0.278 x 10e3 m3/s), the parameter II= -0.72.
This value was reported by Rovinsky ( 1986). For water ( T= 40°C; P, = 2 x lo5
Now the radius of the free liquid surface is estimated. According to eqn (lo),
B= 0.32 and rr= BR, = O-038 m for milk, and B= O-599; rf= 0.072 m for water.
The experimental data rr for both cases show a small divergence from the
calculated values.

The liquid feed location

First, the feed liquid was prepared with a known mass of solid particles of a
selected size. The liquid with particles was fed to hydrocyclone under the same
conditions [P,(O), v(O), Q] by two methods: the usual tangential feed at radius
R,, and the proposed tangential feed at radius R, for different R, values. Sepa-
ratedmilk(P,= 1*5X 105Pa, Q=0.416~ 10-3m3/s)withquartzsand(D=0*22
mm) was fed to the hydrocyclone at radii R, = 0.12 m and R, = 0.06 m. The
calculated separation time by eqn (33) gives
t’3r.H:= 0.5 14 L,K,
but the experimental result is ! ,‘,,K2/f,e,H,= 0.6 1.

The preliminary calculation of hydrocyclone parameters

Using the theoretical results obtained above and the experimental data, it is
possible to calculate a first approximation for the main hydrocyclone design
parameters (R,, R,, H). For example to separate a solid impurity from cold milk

r Cm)

Fig. 4. The plot of correlations between pressure in the rotating liquid and radial
position: for milk: (l l l), experimental data; (-), calculated line; for water: (0 0 O),
experimental data; (- - -), calculated line.
144 L. A. Rovinsky

it is assumed that Q= 1.39 X 10m3 m3/s, P(O)= 1.2 x lo5 Pa, II= -0.72 and
liquid feed at radius R,.To separate these rather highly dispersed particles, the
case a [ l , R2]= 1 from eqn (40) applies.
The calculation of parameter k from Stoke’s equation (Table 1) for
,uu,=0.25 X lo-* N.s/m2, A,o= 1.4 X lo3 kg/m3 and D= 5 x 10m6 m gives
k= 1.29 x 10h s-l. For the given flow rate, Q, let R, = 0.05 m (for milk flow and
air vortex) and with r(0) = R, and IZ= - 0.72 the parameter C from eqn (2)
equals 1504 X 1O2m”‘28s- ‘. Next, calculating 4 from eqn (24)
&z= -0*72,p= 1]=0*56
and the solution of eqn (4 1) gives a,Opt= 2.65. Then, R, = a;p'R, = 0.133 m is
determined, using parameter B from eqn (10) (B= O-32) and the radius of the
liquid-free surface, rf= BR, = O-0426m. Because R, > r-is assumed, the hydro-
cyclone filling condition is met and it is possible to remove a cleaned product
through the internal tube. Finally, the height of the hydrocyclone can be
calculated using eqn (36), i.e. H2 O-405 m.
In conclusion, consider the possibility of separated fat globules with D = 2 pm
from milk for the following processing conditions: T= 40°C Q= O-278 x 10e3
m3/s. At this point ,uu,=O*104X 10e2 N.s/m2, Ap= 101 kg/m3, parameters
k=0*468x lo* s-l, n= -0.31 (experimental, from Rovinsky et al., 1986) and
parameter &= l] = 1.38. For a hydrocyclone with radius R, = 0.12 m and
R, =O-02 m, the parameter C= 33.57 m”.6y s-’ and the H calculation gives
H2 0.93 m, i.e. it is unacceptable. For such a case, using the usual type of hydro-
cyclone is unsuitable and it is preferable to use one with a set of conical plates as
proposed by Rovinsky, 199 1.


On the basis of hydromechanical analysis of the two-phase liquid system

processes in a hydrocyclone, new theoretical and applied results have been
1. An equation for pressure change in a rotating liquid with energy losses
due to viscous friction was obtained for common conditions. This result
gives the free surface radius of the rotating liquid as a function of the
processing conditions (P( 0),Y (0))and liquid properties ( n,,or ). The
known relationship (r = O-606 R,) can be corrected and a free surface
profile in the vertic.d hydrocyclone section obtained as a function of
rotating flow height.
2. The relationship for radial particle movement relative to the rotating
liquid was considered for solid and liquid particles for large particle sizes
(O-175 mm < DI 15 mm). By considering the energy losses and separation
time for various combinations of particle state (solid or liquid, for
example, fat globules in milk), comparison between calculated and
experimental separation times for both cases under specific conditions is
3. Correlations between the main hydrocyclone design parameters
(R,, R,,Z-f) were obtained for different cases. It was shown that for specific
Application of separation theory to hydrocyclone design 145

liquid properties (n< 0), the hydrocyclone separation effect can be

increased by feeding the liquid tangentially to the internal tube at radius
R,. An expression for hydrocyclone cylinder height (H) as a function of
hydrocyclone size (R, and R2), properties of the processed liquid,
contained particles and processing conditions has been obtained.
4. To evaluate a separation process in a hydrocyclone the well-known
separation effect number 2 was proposed. It has four cases for different
combinations of the liquid-particle system and hydrocyclone feed
location. It was shown that individual consideration of every case is
necessary, but there exists an optimal correlation between of the main
hydrocyclone design parameters (geometric sizes) for each. Such an
optimal solution produces a maximum for Z.
5. Two methods for experimental measurement of the processed liquid
parameter II (describing the energy losses due to liquid viscosity) are
proposed. The parameter II values for milk and water for different condi-
tions were determined experimentally.
6. The preliminary hydrocyclone design calculation must be carried out for
each specific case by incorporating all possible variables: the properties of
processed liquid ( T, ,uL , pL , n), separated particles (p,, D, ,u,), process-
ing conditions [Q, v (0), P(O)] and separation requirements. This
approximate method of hydrocyclone design calculation was illustrated.


1. The obtained results and calculation formulae did not take into account
some factors that might influence the effectiveness of the process, such as
liquid turbulence, diffusive and Coriolis forces, flow fluctuations, etc.
Their incorporation would increase the accuracy of the suggested hydro-
cyclone model and calculation method.
2. Only a Newtonian liquid was considered. The proposed theoretical
analysis is partially applicable to food products which are non-Newtonian,
therefore it should take into account real properties of these proposed
food liquids.
3. Some important combinations of particle properties and processing
conditions have not been considered in this short study. It would be useful
to consider in detail the identification of parameter n and its dependence
on processing conditions.


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