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Answer the following questions.


1) When was the last time they saw each other?
a) Last year
b) Four years ago

2) Why has she been saving money?

a) To Go back to school
b) To Buy a car

3) What has changed in his life?

a) He got a new job.
b) He got married.

4) How long has he been dating this woman?

a) Three months
b) Three years
5) Does the woman know Rosa?
a) Yes
b) No


1) She says she was ____ .
a) watching a movie
b) sleeping

2) When did the crime happen?

a) at night
b) in the morning

3) What have the police been doing?

a) Talking with locals
b) Taking pictures

4) What was the woman likely doing at 8?

a) Watching a vampire movie
b) Committing a crime

5) Who was asking questions?

a) A fire fighter
b) The police

Summarize the lessons one can learn from a dog in not more than 70

There are so many lessons one can learn about life from a dog. Imagine this scenario: it is
raining heavily outside and you need to leave for someone's house. The dog is up and
eager, to go with you. You tell it to stay home. As you leave, you see it squeezing out
through the gap in the doorway. You scold it and order it back home. Then at every turn
you make, you suddenly see it following you sheepishly at a distance. It follows at the risk
of being reprimanded for the sore reason of being somewhere nearby. How else can we
experience so selfless an instance of love and faithfulness? We can learn a lifelong lesson
from this sincere warm display of perpetual companionship.

Observe the eating habits of your dog. It does not eat, except when hungry. It does not
drink, unless it is thirsty. It does not gorge itself. It stops eating when it has had enough.

A dog also sets a perfect example of adaptability. If it is moved to a strange place, it is able
to adapt itself to that place and to its thousand peculiarities without a murmur of
complaint. It is able to learn and adapt to a new family's ways and customs. It is quick and
ready to please. Man, being accustomed to comfort and wealth will be lost if suddenly
stripped of all he is accustomed to.

A dog also teaches us a thing or two about, unselfish love. When a dog knows death is
approaching, it tries, with its last vestige of strength, to crawl away elsewhere to die, in
order to burden its owners no more.

A dog does things with all vigor. However, when there is nothing to do, it lies down and
rests. It does not waste its strength and energy needlessly. Many working people are
burning the candles at both ends. Many suffer nervous breakdowns due to stress.
Perhaps, they should learn to rest like a dog does.
A dog above all is truly man's best friend.
dogs are not only man's best friend, these domestic animals, in addition to accompanying
us in our lives and being one more part of our families, are also a reflection of how we
should take life on many occasions, teaching us the value of loyalty, adapting to various
situations, with the best attitude, and love, teaching them that they are the noblest
beings, just by waiting for us when we arrive, showing us that they miss us, they especially
know how to forgive, leaving aside pride, or the memory of that scolding, son the beings
most full of light that there can be❤️

Summarize in not more than 70 words, describing how Sam became an

alcoholic and later kicked the habit.

" I want some more beer ..." Sam turned around and saw a dirty, unshaven drunkard
mumbling in coherently as he wobbled aimlessly along the road. Shaking his head, Sam
continued his way back home.

Sam did not bother to switch on the lights at home. Everyone must be asleep at this late
hour, he thought. He tiptoed into Marie's bedroom and found her sleeping soundly, snugly
tucked under her pink comforter. Sam bent over and kissed his beloved five-year-old
daughter's forehead. "Thanks, dear. If it was not for you, I would never have turned over a
new leaf," Sam whispered in gratitude, recalling the drunken man he saw a while ago.

A year ago, after being retrenched from his computer company, Sam felt dejected and
worried about how he was going to provide for his family. The situation worsened when
he failed to secure a job after months of intensive searching. Soon, Sam began to indulge
in alcoholic drinks to drown his sorrows. His savings which was used to sustain the family
expenses during his retrenchment was tremendously depleted by his drinking habits. Soon
his wife, Catherine, became the family's sole bread winner.

Catherine's efforts to stop Sam from drinking were futile. Alcohol had transformed the
once-gentle family man into a violent beast. Sam began to hit his wife when she refused
to give hi money for his drinks. Once Catherine tried hiding his drinking bottles, hoping to
stop Sam from drinking. Sam was so agitated when he could not find his bottles that he
locked Marie into her bedroom and threatened her into revealing the hiding place. The
incident instilled terror in Marie and thereafter, she tried her best to avoid Sam.
These traumatic incidents continued until the launch of the "stop Drinking" campaign by
the government. Striking and persuasive posters were put up in the public to persuade
alcoholics to kick their habit. None of them succeeded in bringing Sam to his senses except
one. The poster illustrated an alcoholic man abusing his wife while their terrified daughter
cried helplessly. The slogan accompanying the poster was: 'Will Your Children Be Able To
Draw A Happy Family Again?'. Sam suddenly recalled a poster entitled 'Happy Family'
drawn by Marie for school before he began drinking. As if released from a spell, he
realized how irresponsible and abusive he had been. Overcome with guilt, he quit drinking

"Sam, why aren't you going to sleep?" asked a concerned Catherine.

"I'm coming, Catherine," Sam replied with a smile as he headed for his room.
It all started when things in the field of work did not go very well for Sam, creating many
worries and uneasiness, from the sustenance of his family. alcohol being a tool to forget a
little about your problems. at that time his wife was in charge of the expenses. But already
seeing how her husband was getting worse every day, she began to talk to him and hide
her alcohol at that time, bringing these many misfortunes for her family because he was
already a violent man, to the point that her daughter lived in terror. Seeing all this he saw
a poster in which he reflected the life he led and fearing more for his daughter, this made
him think about his problem, and gave him a wave of tranquility, being again the man with
whom his wife fell in love and that her daughter needed


A) Complete the following text using Present perfect and past simple. Use the verbs in
Our football team _lost_ (lose) all its matches this year. It's very depressing. It __has never
happened___ (never happen) to me before. When I __was__ (be) eleven I __started__
(start) in a team called "the tigers", we also __did not win __ (not win) many matches,
but at least we __won___ (win) from time to time. Later I ___organized___ (organize) a
football team in my school. We __were___ (be) very good and ___got___ (get) 4 trophies.
As you see, I __played___ (play) for more than ten years now, but I ___joined___ (join)
this team very recently. We are not too bad, but we ___were___ (be) the unluckiest team
in the World this year.

B) Complete the sentences using Tag Questions:

1. He's still sleeping, __is not he __?
2. You do go to school, __do not you ____?
3. We won't be late, ___will we ___?
4. They had washed the car, __had not they__?
5. We must lock the doors, __must not we__?

C) Put the verbs into the correct tense Past perfect or past simple.

1. When he __wakes up__ (wake up), his mother __has had already prepared__
(already / prepare) breakfast.
2. We ___went__ (go) to London because the Queen ___invited___(invite) us for tea.
3. When she ____started___ (start) to learn English, she __had already learned____
(already / learn) French.
4. Jane ____had already typed____(already / type) ten pages when her computer
____crashed____(crash) .
5. By the time he _arrived___ (arrive) at the pub, they ____had run ___(run) out of

D) Complete the sentences using Object pronouns

1. Did you play beach-volleyball in Cancun?
Yes. I played ___it ___ for about 2 hours.

2. When will your parents take you and your brother to Los Cabos?
I’m not sure! They will probably take ___us___ there next July.

3. Do you usually see your relatives in Veracruz?

Not often. We sometimes see ___them___ for Christmas.
4. Can your brother dance?
Yes, he can. And I usually dance with __him __ at home.

5. Could you tell me when we start landing at the airport?

Don’t worry. I’ll wake ___you___ up before we land.

E) Choose the correct answer: already, since, for, yet, or just

A: I have __already___ seen this movie twice. I like it.
B: Yes, they say it's an interesting story, but I haven't seen it ___yet___.
A: I haven't seen John __for___ Sunday. He just disappeared.
B: I have __just___ met him at the hospital. I was there a few moments ago. He hasn't
been feeling well ___since___ the farewell party we had on Saturday.

Alan and Pamela have been married ___since__ twelve years.


Write about what you’ve / not done in your life until now. Minimum 70 words.

the truth I have done a lot in my life, all thanks to my mother who has always been
there and wanted the best for me, I finished my study, I have learned the art of
hairdressing, I have taken timothy letter courses, I got my license driving and the car, I
started a wonderful career which I really like, and it has led me to live a totally
different world, I have not learned English very well but I would love to improve it, I
need to travel, I have not studied many things that I still have I would like to do I think
there are many goals that I have yet to meet

Write about what people should / not, have / don’t have, can / cannot do during this
pandemic. Use any modals that can help with your ideas. Minimum 70 words.

in this quarantine, people should help at home, be able to share with their families, not
argue, have good communication, avoid conflicts, be creative, not make the environment
annoying, several with games and entertainment, see the positive side to all this,
exercising, not overeating, being patient, this will be an experience for all of us living
together and we will learn to value more

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