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Why is the ocean so scary to me?

Since my childhood I have been passionate about the ocean. I could not understand
how something in this world can be that big, deep, and mysterious, but really
beautiful at the same time. I remember once we were on a family trip to San Andres,
a Colombian island, I got into the Caribbean Sea, everything in the water was
perfect, I saw a few fish and other marine species, my brother and I played all along
the sunny day, it was the perfect day. It was not until I saw something in the water
that scared me a lot. First of all, I felt that something touched my ankle, I thought it
was a friendly fish who was wondering about the new visitors, but when I looked into
the water… I saw a giant manta ray, so I ran out of the water as soon as I could. I
also told my brother to stay out for a little bit until it was gone. My brother did it but he
didn’t seem as scared as I was, and actually he started to laugh about it.
Now on the beach, I started to think about how many dangerous animals are in the
water and do we really know all of them?
When I wanted to go back into the water, all I could think about was that giant manta
ray, and things like a shark attack and I panicked about it since then. This happened
10 years ago, I enjoyed the rest of the trip, but since that moment I respect the fact
that the ocean is something dangerous that we barely know about.

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