Tandayu, Jojo A. Bsed 2B Filipino

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1.Explain in a sentence why each education philosopher was associated with these given words:

John Locke- the empiricist

•Because he believed that knowledge was founded in empirical observation and experience.It is one
of several views of epistemology, along with rationalism and skepticism. Empiricism emphasizes the
role of empirical evidence in the formation of ideas, rather than innate ideas or traditions.
Spencer- the utilitarianist
•Herbert Spencer developed an evolutionary utilitarian ethics in which the principles of ethical living
are based on the evolutionary changes of organic development. G. E. Moore, in his Principia Ethica
(1903), presented a version of utilitarianism in which he rejected the traditional equating of good
with pleasure.
John Dewey- experience
•In John Dewey's experiential learning theory, everything occurs within a social environment.
Knowledge is socially constructed and based on experiences. This knowledge should be organized in
real-life experiences that provide a context for the information.
George Counts- Building a new social order
• In his address Counts proposed that teachers "dare build a new social order" through a complex,
but definitely possible, process. He explained that only through schooling could students be
educated for a life in a world transformed by massive changes in science, industry, and technology.
Theodore Brameld- the social Reconstructionist
•Theodore Brameld (1904-1987) founded social reconstructionism as a response to the horrors of
WWII. He believed that education had the responsibility to mold human beings into a cohesive and
compassionate society.
Paulo Freire- Critical Pedagogy vs. Banking method
•Freire’s critical pedagogy, or problem-posing education, uses a democratic approach in order to
reach the democratic ideal, and, in this sense, the goal and the process are consistent. He explains
how the teacher who intends to hold herself at some higher level of power than that of her students,
and who does not admit to her own fallible nature and ignorance, places herself in rigid and
deadlocked positions. She pretends to be the one who knows while the students are the ones who
do not know. The rigidity of holding this type of power dynamic negates education as a process of
inquiry and of knowledge gained.Freire is very critical of teachers who see themselves as the sole
possessors of knowledge while they see their students as empty receptacles into which teachers
must deposit their knowledge. He calls this pedagogical approach the “banking method” of
education. This pedagogical approach is similar to the process of colonization, given that the
colonizing culture thinks of itself as the correct and valuable culture, while the colonized culture is
deemed as inferior and in need of the colonizing culture for its own betterment. The banking method
is a violent way to treat students because students are human beings with their own inclinations and
legitimate ways of thinking. The banking method treats students as though they were things instead
of human beings.
2.Make a table summary of the philosophies of education.

Philosopher Philosophy on Aim/s and Classroom/School

Method/s of Education Application
John Locke Emperical know-how Sometimes students can share
its insight base on his or her
traditional learnings maybe it
was traditional, beliefs, culture
or cause of its religion or

Teachers can teach students

base on his or her theoretical
Herbert Spencer Survival of the fittest During the contest teacher can
test how wide student's
knowledge is.
Learning through experience When teacher tasks students to
John Dewey Schools are for the people and rely on his or her experience in
By the people connection to their topic or
George Counts Building new social order Different organizations or clubs
that improves quality life.
Team- buildings inside of the
learning area.
Theodore Brameld Social reconstructionism During the time of conflict
teacher should provide solution
to enlighten or awaken the
minds of his or her students.
Paulo Feire Critical Pedagogy School should provide freedom
or democratic act to solve
Critical Pedagogy and Dialogue problem.
vs. the Banking Model of During to the course of
Education interaction between students
and teacher, teacher should
gives a floor to the students to
impart his or her idea so that
effective learning is obtained.


Two Things I learned from this Chapter My thought/s or Reaction/s

Learning is a something that came from us- wether Just like what Paulo Freire claim I was enlighten
it is a knowledge came form teacher or unto us, that it was a fact idea that not all the knowledge or
the learners. information is derive only from teacher, meaning
students is also a receptacle of information. On the
other hand, teacher and students needed to have
a strong connection or good relationship interms
of delivering knowledge.

Experience carried learnings. With regard to this, experience can teach us

lessons in life. The environmental experiences can
mark legacy on someone's life because not every
lesson is thought in school hence we can learn also
on our own experiences.

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