Group 1: Macro-Skill Learning Activities

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Group 1

DIRECTIONS: After reading and watching the materials uploaded in Google Classroom about
21st Century Communication Skills, please work together in ideating and creating of learning
activities (two for each skill) that would cater the macro-skills: listening; reading; writing;
speaking, and viewing. Â You will present your final output on September 21.
LISTENING Activity 1: WebCam OFF – WebCam ON
This activity is relevant especially that students today are learning

Explore the differences between listening and speaking when you

can or cannot see each other in this is a paired exercise.
Mechanics :
Round 1 – Webcam OFF – audio only: For the next 5 minutes,
Participiant#1 explains to Participiant#2 “What frustrates them
when other people don’t listen to them?” Participant#2 must be
silent for the 1st 3 minutes After that, they can only ask – “Tell
me more” or “What Else” Swap roles after 5 minutes
Round 2 – Webcam ON – audio and video For the next 5
minutes, Participiant#1 explain to Participiant#2 “What do they
struggle with when it comes to their listening?” Participant#2
must be silent for the 1st 3 minutes. After that, they can only ask
– “Tell me more” or “What Else” Swap roles after 5 minutes.
Round 3 – Webcam Off – Audio Only For the next 5 minutes,
Participant#1 debriefs with Participant #2 about how they were
listening differently with the webcam on and off. Swap Roles
after 5 minutes
For the next 5 minutes, Participant#2 debriefs with Participant #1
about how they were listening differently with the webcam on
and off.
DEBRIEF: Ask, What were the pros and cons of WebCams On
vs. Off. When did you best understand others? When did
speakers feel most heard? Does the number of participants affect
the experience?

Activity 2: TED Talk Listening Activity

Here is a TED Talk activity that will help improve students
listening skills and get them talking about interesting topics in the
TED Talk ESL Activity Preparation:
First, find a TED Talk topic related to your lesson.
TED Talk Activity Guidelines:
After selecting a video for the class, you may want to pre-teach
some vocabulary from the talk and familiarize the students with
any difficult words.
In addition, you may also want to print off the transcripts that
they provide and use them as follow-up activities. The content is
so versatile for improving listening, speaking, reading, writing
and other skills.
Introduce the video. Do some pre-discussion about the video’s
Then, have the students discuss in groups and lead feedback.
Encourage them to talk about their opinions in detail and have
them think critically about the topic before watching the video.
Next, tell the students to pay attention to the video and to be
prepared to answer a few questions related to some general points
that the speaker is going to make. They can take notes if they
Play the first few minutes of the video. Write some questions
down on some paper as you watch. You can prepare the questions
beforehand if you wish, but it isn’t necessary since it may help to
model the task to demonstrate to the students what they will be
doing in the next stages.
Stop the video after about 2 minutes. Write the questions that you
created on the board or simply ask the students directly. They can
discuss the questions in groups or pairs then lead feedback.
After the first round of questions and answers, tell the students
that they are going to watch the next few minutes of the video. As
they are watching, they should create some questions related to
what they have seen or heard on the video.
Un-pause the video and have them create their questions.
Stop the video again. The students can ask their questions in their
pairs or groups.
Finally, lead feedback and repeat the tasks again until the video is

To wrap up the TED Talk listening activity, have the students

discuss the topics covered in the presentation further. They can
express their opinions in groups.
If there is enough time remaining in class, they could do a written
synopsis of the TED talk and give their opinions about it in
READING Activity 1: Word Search Bingo
Hand out sheets of paper to the students with a list of words
from the chapter of the book you’re reading to them. As you read
the book, the students will circle the words from the sheet they
hear. At the end of the chapter, have the class discuss what words
they found.

Activity 2: Read-Aloud Together and Questions

Provide a text containing an entertaining and/or interesting
story and ask the children to read-alouds together with you.
It’s always good to do read-alouds together no matter what the
age of a child is. It enables them to learn new vocabulary and
correct their grammar pronunciation. And also through asking a
questions about what you've read like "What happened to the
main character?" "What do you think he/she will do?" will help
the children to think critically and will engage them to participate
WRITING Activity 1: Blog Writing. Choose one of the digital blogging
platforms (Wordpress, Wix, Tumblr) found over the internet
(there should only be one platform to be used for uniformity) and
use it to create a journal reflecting your weekly learning
goals and the strategies or techniques you use to accomplish
those goals. Send the link to your teacher’s email for checking.

Activity 2: Cover letter writing. Write an application cover

letter for a job or a scholarship. Introduce yourself and explain
why you are qualified for a given opportunity. Your objective is
to catch the reader’s attention and convince them that you are a
qualified candidate for the job. Follow the OABC organization
pattern and write at least 3-4 paragraphs.
SPEAKING Activity 1: Debate. Topic: Is Shakespeare’s writing universal and

The point of this debate is to get you to practice your critical

thinking skills, research skills, and speaking skills. Each debate
will involve 2 teams of 4-5 students. Thus, each student will
participate in at least 2 debates. Teams should prepare their
presentations well in advance.

Activity 2: Talk Show. Topic: Enhancing Macroskills

Pick six students who would play the roles of hosts teachers, and
students (two for each role) The goal is to answer the question,
“How do you intend to develop or enhance macroskills?” The
question should be answered in the point of view of both teachers
and students. Thus, the acting teachers must emphasize teaching
techniques to develop macroskills among learners. On the other
hand, the students should reflect on their own learning techniques
to answer the given topic. The hosts should be able to create side
questions or statements which won’t direct the conversation out
of bounds.
VIEWING 1. See, Think, Wonder
• This viewing activity helps students make careful observations
and develop their own ideas and interpretations based on what
they see when viewing a painting or photograph by asking these
three questions: What do I see? What do I think about what I see?
What does it make me wonder? The two questions help students
distinguish between observations and interpretations. The activity
stimulates students’ curiosity and helps them reach for new
connections. It is designed to be easy to remember, practical and
invite a broad range of thinking moves.

2. Interpret Me!
• In this viewing activity, provide students with visual objects
such as copies of graphic organizers. They are tasked to, as they
view, understand, interpret, analyze, look for connections, and
draw inferences from the projected objects. These example
questions can be provided to guide them: What does the graphic
organizer suggest? What connections do the presented details
have? What details will lead me to conclude about the graphic
organizer's implication? What is the over-all idea behind the
graphic organizer? Make them feel free to explore their ideas.


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