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Today I woke up, it's the weekend, I hate the weekends, I have friends but each one of them

their own lives to live, I'm alone, again, things are looking grim again, it's a sunny warm day outside
but I'm indoors, I'm going to spend this weekend home alone, again.

but you know what? it doesn't have to be that bad, I spend the whole morning meditating, from 9AM
to 11:30AM, I didn't even realise it but time flew by, i enjoyed every second of it, I'm on this road
that'll lead me somwhere great; everyone can see, if you were to look infront of you right now you'd
see your room, or whatever is infront of you in whereever you are, but not everyone can see the
truth, things are shady in this playground we call life, and It needs a special kind of visual power to
see the hidden meaning behind it, like a Byakugan; one thing I've learned while strolling in my
journey, is that your brain have so much capacity, so much power rare are those to know how to
unlock, this doesn't mean that I can fly or teleport or whatever, but it surely mean I can find light in
the darkest of corners, When things are at their worst, say you have been broken up with, you would
ask, where's the bright side in this case? I've lost my girl and I will grieve on this til the day I die, that's
what you see at that exact moment, but If you awaken your spiritual view on things, you would see
freedom and oportunity, you will not be heart broken forever for time it heals all the wounds, you
just have to fill your void with dreams and hopes, and I know that they may never come true, but
that's up to you to be honest, if you want that job you will work hard for it, if you want that girl you
will work hard on yourself, wake up and see the true meaning of life, it doesn't happen to you and
only you, it happens to everbody, everybody! even the most succesful, best looking people in the
world, it happens to them too, humans are humans after all, and we can't do anything about that, if
you were to close your eyes and open your mind, let your spirit flow freely around you, infact,
imagine it as a shape of an animal or a creature that you like most, like the patronus charm from
Harry Potter, let it look on your behalf, this magical moment is when you realize that you have
darkness inside you, but light is there as well, a ying and a yang, you choose where you stand and you
act like it, I again humbily ask you to wake up, free yourself from the shakles you chained yourself
with, you are a free being, you can do anything you want and you know it, overcome your laziness,
your negativity, your demons, pick yourself up and run like the wild free spirit you are, understand
that spiritual awakening is for everyone, and you can do it at the comfort of your own house, power
is within you, you just have to tap into it and use it to its full capacity, and then and only then that
you'll see your own worth, you are perfect, if you weren't, you would not be alive by now, but you
are, you are alive and breathing, go out and try your new abilities, listen to people and see how you
will process what they are saying with your mind, not ears, forget about your sensory senses, use
your mind, use your soul, create things and enjoy life, you are a beast, you were born to be a beast,
and you deserve all what you wish for.


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