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Nurse-Led Cancer Prevention / Early Detection Program

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the course

for the degree Master of Science in Nursing – Adult Health

Submitted by:

Kheneille Vaughn J. Guevarra

SPUP MSN Student

Submitted to:

Catherine Verzosa, MSN

Rois Narvaez, MSN
SPUP Graduate School Faculty

3T 2020 – 2021
Name of Program

Colon Cares

As this clinic is all about early diagnosis and cancer prevention of our colon, meaning that we
care for our body, our colon, that is why it is called the Colon Cares.


Cancer of the colon or rectum is known as colorectal cancer. It is referred to as colon cancer
sometimes. The colon, often known as the big intestine or large gut, is seen in the diagram.
The rectum is a tube that runs from the colon to the anus.

In the Philippines, colon cancer is ranked sixth overall, fifth among men, and seventh among
women, says the Department of Health. In 1998, there will be an expected 2,963 new cases,
1,548 males and 1,415 females, with 1,567 fatalities. After the age of 50, the risk of colon
cancer rises dramatically. According to World Health Organization, the Philippines has an
11.1 percent incidence of colorectal cancer, with a 10.2 percent fatality rate in 2020.

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, polyps, or abnormal growths, can
develop in the colon or rectum. Some polyps may develop into cancer over time. Polyps can
be found via screening tests and removed before they turn into cancer. Colorectal cancer
screening also aids in the early detection of the disease, when therapy is most effective.

Introduction and Purpose of the Program

Occurrence of colorectal cancer can be associated with having a personal or family history of
colon cancer; having a personal or family history of colon cancer Irritable bowel disease;
polyps in the colon; having a diet heavy in fat and low in whole grains, fruit, and vegetables.
Early colon cancer is unfortunately asymptomatic, but we now have screening tests that look
for a specific disease. We can use colonoscopy to diagnose patients who complain of
changes in bowel habits, vague stomach aches, unexplained weight loss, and anemia early,
especially among patients 50 years old and older.

Here at Colon Cares, we takes pleasure in sharing our knowledge and helps in prevent the
disease through awareness, education, and early detection screening. We focus on giving
numerous lectures to improve colorectal cancer awareness, as well as colonoscopies to
discover whether there are any colorectal abnormalities, particularly to people aged 45 and

Vision, Mission and Objectives


To raise awareness about colorectal cancer and to encourage early detection of the disease
in order to provide the optimal care and improve quality of life.


Envisions to enable people to make a social influence on colorectal cancer detection.


- To increase knowledge of colorectal cancer and how to recognize it.

- To make early detection screening tests available to everyone, especially those aged 45 and
- To encourage people to get aid when they sense something in their bodies and not ignore

Target Participants and Location

Colon Cares will begin with a limited area in Imus, Cavite, before expanding nationally to
serve the majority of those in need. This program is targeted at anyone suffering from
gastrointestinal or colorectal issues, particularly those aged 45 and up, who are more at risk
to get the condition.

Follow-ups and Referrals

Our database will hold all of the files and data we collect. All patients will be reminded to
undergo their screening test once a year, and they will be notified at the phone number and
e-mail address they provided. Those with questionable findings will be given a referral form
to present to their private doctors; however, if they do not have one, we will refer them to
one of our clinic’s nearest hospitals for further workups and examinations.
Operating Details / Resources

Clinic Human Resources


He will be the one to perform the colonoscopy to the patient.


He will assist the gastroenterologist in monitoring the patient prior to, during, and after the

Staff Nurse

He will do the history taking process, and then will preparation of colonoscopy, then
assisting the physician while the procedure, and lastly, giving home medication instructions.


We want to establish our clinic at Bayan Luma, Imus, Cavite, so that it will be accessible to
the majority of the city as well as to the necessary facilities for some referrals.

Date/s or Project start/end

This program will be launched as soon as feasible within July 2021 and July 2031, because we
want to notice the problem early, therefore we'll get started right away.

Funding Source

This program will be supported by private non-government organizations and private

individuals, with local government collaboration.

Length of Program

For the continuity of care for our patients who will undergo our services, the program will
last for ten years, from July 2021 to July 2031.


The patients' understanding of colorectal cancer and how to recognize it improved by the
end of the program. Everyone, especially those aged 45 and up, has access to early detection
screening tests. We also advised individuals to seek medical help if they feel something in
their bodies, rather than ignoring it. We discovered colorectal cancer early and treated it as
soon as possible, which resulted in a lower mortality rate and a higher survival rate.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2021). What is Colorectal Cancer?, from

Department of Health (n.d.). Colon Cancer, from


World Health Organization (2020). Cancer Country Profile 2020), from

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