Formative Assessment (1Pt Each) : True False True True

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Lastimosa, John Kevin A.



1. I enjoy communicating with persons who are like me in terms of interests and with the same 
socio-economic status, as much as I enjoy communicating with those who do not ‘like’ me. True
2. I am equally sensitive to the concerns of all groups of society, and I genuinely care about the
plight and issues surrounding them. True
3. I can tell when persons with different cultures do not understand me or are confused by my
actions. False
4. I am not afraid of interacting with members of minority groups nor with members of a
dominant culture. True
5. Persons from other cultures who do not actively participate in a conversation, debate or any
form of discussion act that way probably because of their culture’s rules. True 
6. Persons from other cultures have the right to be angry at members of my own culture.
7. How I handle conflict or disagreements with persons from other cultures depends on the
situation and on the culture they are from. True
8. My culture is not superior to other cultures. True
9. I am knowledgeable of how to behave when communicating or interacting with people from
different cultures. True
10. I respect the communication rules of cultures other than my own. True

SIMPLE ACTIVITY: Reflective Analysis (60 pts)

1. What is the message of the ad?
• The main message of the Dove campaign was that women's unique differences should be
celebrated, rather than ignored, and that physical appearance should be transformed from a
source of anxiety to a source of confidence.

2. How is the message underscored? What semiotics are used (text? images? others?)
• Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty a response to feminist critiques of the media's messages to
girls and women? It embraced those critiques and was among the first to feature women with
cellulite and frizzy hair. It embraced those critiques and was among the first to feature women
with cellulite and frizzy hair. The semiotic that they used are IMAGE and TEXT.

3. Is there any individual or group that may be offended by the ad?

• Yes, there are offensive parts of their ads. Dove drops an ad accused of racism. In a
Facebook ad for Dove body wash, a black woman removes her brown shirt and — voilà!
Underneath is a white woman in a light shirt.

4. Is there another way of presenting or delivering the message?

Yes, you just need to:
• Be authentic and real
• Be a likable presenter
• Choose your right words
5. Do you think the ad is ethical?
• All in all, Dove has successfully transformed itself into an ethical household brand. They
promote increased self-esteem in women and tries to make a real difference to the lives of its
consumers instead of simply promoting its own products and brand image to the detriment of


The main message of the Dove campaign was that women's unique differences should be
celebrated, rather than ignored, and that physical appearance should be transformed from a
source of anxiety to a source of confidence.

Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty a response to feminist critiques of the media's messages to
girls and women? It embraced those critiques and was among the first to feature women with
cellulite and frizzy hair. It embraced those critiques and was among the first to feature women
with cellulite and frizzy hair. The semiotic that they used are IMAGE and TEXT.

There is an offensive part of their ads. Dove drops an ad accused of racism. In a Facebook ad
for Dove body wash, a black woman removes her brown shirt and — voilà! Underneath is a
white woman in a light shirt.

The another way of presenting or delivering the message is to:

• Be authentic and real
• Be a likable presenter
• Choose your right words

All in all, Dove has successfully transformed itself into an ethical household brand. They
promote increased self-esteem in women and try to make a real difference to the lives of its
consumers instead of simply promoting its own products and brand image to the detriment of

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