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Scott Bandler
Tip #1: It’s all about strategy

For some reason a lot of people think that having good grades and learning
fast is all about being born smart and having a high IQ...You have to be
aware of this: learning is not about being smart, it is about using strategies
that are proven...I know, you’ve probably heard stories about people who
don’t study at all and are straight A students...
However, the reality is much different. First of all, a lot of people lie. When
asked if they study a lot, they will say they don’t. Now the problem is this:
not everybody has the same standards in life. For that person, maybe that
studying 30 hours per week means not studying at all, whereas for someone
else, not studying means literally not even opening the books.
There has been many researches done on this topic and people who get good
grades actually study a lot. However, there are a lot of people who study a lot
but STILL don’t get good grades. The reason is simple : their strategy just
doesn’t work. It’s been proven many times that learning is related to IQ, but
what’s more important than that are the strategies. In the end it’s all that
matters. Someone not so smart but with really efficient strategies will surpass
people who are smarter but with poor strategies.
Tip #2: Your physiology

Your physiology is extremely important. I learned that from Tony Robbins

by assisting to one of his seminars. Basically, your physiology is a reflection
of your state of mind and the easiest way to change your state of mind and
ultimately how you feel is to change your physiology.

To learn faster and better, make sure to sit straight. There is nothing worse
than a bad posture if you want to learn. Having a bad posture makes you
weak and tired, which is not optimal to learn.
Tip #3: Proper blood flow

A lot of people lack from what is called lack of concentration...The reason for
this is a lack of blood flow in your body. Try this: every thirty minutes or so,
change your body to a have good blood flow. One thing you can do is to
jump for like 30 seconds and then come back to learning. You will see an
amazingly huge difference in your focus level.
Tip #4: Breakfast

The breakfast is the most important meal of your day. If you don’t eat a
healthy breakfast or even worse if you don’t eat at all, the rest of your day
won’t be as productive as it could be. You need protein and healthy fats to
feed your brain for the rest of the day.
Tip #5: Eat a light lunch

If you study in the evening, then the worst thing you could do is to eat a
heavy lunch. Did you know that digestion is the activity that drains the most
energy in your body? Ever notice how tired you feel when you eat a big
If you want to be productive in the evening or at night, eat a light lunch.
Tip #6: Ginko Biloba

This is really useful. Gink Biloba has been proven many times as a natural
supplement that improve your memory. It’s been proven to reverse memory
loss in rats and pretty much everybody that takes it has noticed an
improvement in their focus and memory.
Tip #7: Eliminate stress

Stress has been proven to reduce your ability to recall information and
therefore is not good for learning.
Stress is an absolute killer. You have to completely eliminate it from your life
if you want to perform at a peak level. There are many ways to reduce stress
out there, and one of the best is to do Yoga.
Tip #8: Take breaks


Pretty much all the straight A students out there are known to take
frequent breaks. Every 45 minutes or so, they take a five or ten minutes
break from studying. These small breaks are what allow your brain to
learn better and faster. If you study 10 hours straight, your brain just
won’t be able to function at a peak level. Don’t see breaks as a waste of
time, but as a tool to learn better.
Tip #9: Listen to music

Music has been proven to improve your memory and help you focus
better, However, not all types of music are created equal...Classic
music, and particularly Baroque, has been proven to be the best type of
music to study and maintain focus for a long period of time.
Tip #10: Write instead of typing

You probably noticed that pretty much everybody in school these days
use their computers to take notes instead of writing them. While typing
the notes is good to remember them, an even better way to do it is to
writing them by hand as it has been proven to improve your memory. A
good idea is to take note with your computer, then rewrite them by
Tip #11: Exercise

It’s been proven that memory and concentration improves after a 15

minutes exercise session.
Cardio is also really amazing because it allows your brain to get more
oxygen and therefore concentrate and learn better.
Tip #12: Sleep enough

One of the worst mistakes people do is to cut in their sleeping hours to

be able to study more. The fact is this: if you don’t have time to study,
it means you are just not efficient. Most straight A students don’t study
more than five hours per day and they sleep minimum eight hours per
day. If you don’t sleep properly, your brain won’t be able to function at
a peak level.
Tip #13: Drink water

Water is extremely important. If your body lack water, your body will
become dehydrated and this is really bad for your focus and memory in
Tip #14: Set an agenda

This is probably the best habit you could adopt. Set an agenda. Make it
a habit to always study at the same time during the day. If possible, try
to study during the morning and day, and don’t study at night. Nights
should be to relax. Make it like a job. It could be to study from 9:00 am
to 3:00 pm and take a 10 minutes break every 45 minutes. Make a
schedule and stick to it.
Tip #15: ABC

Always be compressing (ABC). Always try to fit all of the necessary

information into an easy one or two pager. This will force you to
compress the knowledge in a way that will make you remember it
better. It works because visualizing knowledge in different ways helps
to give a stronger representation in your mind.
Tip #16: Connect everything

An amazing way to learn faster is to connect everything. Try to embed

your studies with as much of your brain’s existing framework as
possible. This the tool super learners use all the time. Ever heard of
these people that learn the encyclopaedia just for fun? To remember
everything they try to connect everything.
Tip #17: Sit in front

If you happen to still be in school, you should be aware that multiple

now supports the fact that student who sits in front of the class tend to
have higher grades. Those in the front rows have higher grades than
those in the back and those in the back rows have the worst grades.
Tip #18: No multitasking

For some reason people think they will accomplish more by

multitasking...However, in reality it is quite the opposite. Multitasking
makes you less productive and more distracted. The best way to learn
faster is to just focus on ONE thing. This way, all your mental energy is
directed to that task t hand.
Tip #19: Read key information out

It has been proven that reading information out loud helps people learn
faster than reading silently. Make it a habit to read key information out
loud to maximise the way your brain learns the information. When you
read out loud, you BOTH see and hear it!

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