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Reading Comprehension

ROSSETA STONE 5. What does the lone sentence in the third paragraph
In the year 1799, an officer of the French Army a. The owner of the Rosetta Stone tried to sell it to
was stationed in a small fortress on the Rosetta River, a scholars.
mouth of the Nile, near Alexander, Egypt. He was b. The Egyptians scholars were puzzled by the
interested in the ruins of the ancient Egyptian civilization, inscriptions found in the Rosetta Stone.
and had seen the sphinx and the pyramids, those
c. The founder of the Rosetta Stone knew of its
mysterious structures that were erected by men of
value and turned it over to the proper authorities.
another era.
One day, as a trench was being dug, he found a d. The officer did not think the Rosetta Stone had
piece of black slate on which letters had been carved. He much value and therefore gave it away.
had studied Greek in school, and knew this was an 6. What literary technique was used by the writer in
inscription written in that language. There were two more developing the passage?
lines carved into the stone: one on the Egyptian a. Detailed analysis
characters he had seen on the ruins , the other in
b. Comparison and contrast of ideas
completely unfamiliar characters.
The officer realized the importance of such a c. Narrative chronological order of events
find, and relinquished it to scholars who had been d. Repetition of important points for emphasis
puzzling over Egyptian inscriptions. 7. What conclusion may be drawn from the passage?
In 1802, a French professor by the name of a. Egypt has a rich civilization dating back to the
Champollion began studying the stone in an attempt to earliest times.
decipher the two unknown sets of characters using the
Greek letters as a key. He worked with the stone for over b. Egypt has a mysterious culture which remained
twenty years, and in 1823, announced that he had unknown.
discovered the meaning of the fourteen signs, and in c. Egypt was an ancient country with no significant
doing so, had unlocked the secret of ancient Egyptian history.
writing. d. Egypt’s civilization benefited only those in
Some 5000 years after an unknown person had ancient times.
made those three inscriptions, the Rosetta Stone
became a key, unlocking the written records of Egypt
and sharing the history of that civilization with the rest of
the world. Studies have consistently pointed to at least
three major immediate factors that push children to stay
or live on the streets. These are the poverty of the family,
QUESTIONS: family relationship factors (physical or sexual abuse) the
1. What is the main idea of the selection? peer influence. Poverty and peer influence when
a. French scholars worked hard in studying ancient compounded with problems and stresses in the family life
such as family break-up, child abuses and neglect,
domestic violence by step parents, underemployed
b. Ancient Egyptians wrote and preserved their parents, etc. altogether create under pressure on the
history in stones. child to leave home and find solace, protection, and
c. The discovery of the Rosetta Stone led to a better support from peers on the street, eventually becoming
susceptible to their influence and lifestyle.
understanding of the history of Egypt.
In Metro Manila, population growth,
d. A French Army officer studied the Rosetta Stone urbanization, and migration have increased through this
and the inscriptions carved into it. year. Children are often forced try circumstances to help
2. In which country was the Rosetta Stone their family eke out of living or tend themselves on the
street. Most of them are children of poor parents who
migrated from rural areas in the hope of finding better job
a. Egypt c. France opportunities in the city, but whose lack of education
b. Greece d. Alexandra rendered them ill-equipped to struggle for survival in the
3. What word would best describe ancient Egyptians urban jungle and are thus curtained to a life of object
based on the selection? poverty
a. dedicated c. wise For the street children, life on the street is a
constant struggle the overcome the various negative
b. resourceful d. gifted comment that threaten to overtake them and destroy
4. What might have happened if the Rosetta Stone were their hopes for survival. They work under the heat of the
not found? sun or in the dark of the night from six to 10 hours, seven
a. Egyptian civilization would have flourished days a week, often in a …. Of occupation” each……a
b. Ancient Egypt would have not reached the peak legitimate ….way to survive.
of its glory.
c. Ancient Egyptians would have not known of their QUESTIONS:
cultural heritage. 1. “Eke of living” means ____?
d. Egyptian civilization would have not been fully a. to earn income
understood by the modern world. b. To live with others
c. To stay in the street

created to have dominion over every living creature on
2. Based on the selection, what values seems to be earth should one day be overpowered by an environment
missing in the families of street children? he has helped to pollute. The catastrophe can hopefully
still be averted.
a. loyalty
b. honesty
c. kindness
1. What does the selection generally urge man to
d. solidarity
8. What is the most important factor that will equip rural
a. The threat of environmental pollution to each
people to survive in the city?
a. money
b. The necessity of taking immediate steps to solve
b. education the pollution problem
c. food c. The scope of the problem of environmental
d. home pollution
9. The selection is simply about_____. d. The steps to take in checking the impending
a. providing hoes for the poor. pollution disaster
b. helping street children get an education 2. The phrase “mushrooming of factories” are used in the
fourth paragraph of the selection refers to factories which
c. factors why children live in the streets.
d. how to lessen pressure on the family
a. built c. maintained
10.Based on the text, we can conclude that street
b. destroyed d. abandoned
children are________.
3. In what part of the passage can you read of the ways
a. independent we can prevent pollution?
b. malnourished
a. First paragraph
c. helpless person
b. Fourth paragraph
d. victims of poverty
c. Fifth paragraph
d. Last paragraph
POLLUTION 4. Who is referred to in the phrase “a messy animal” in
the second paragraph of the passage?
The complacent Filipino majority may not have a. Fishes and whales
been awakened yet to the reality of a ravaged
b. Flora and fauna
environment; nonetheless, the evidence must be
overemphasized. Automotive vehicles for one, c. Scientist
reportedly contribute 94.6 million tons of waste released d. Man
into the air each year, a commuter can only imagine how 5. What is implied in the last paragraph of the passage?
polluted the air that gets into his respiratory system is.
a. Man failed to realize the seriousness of the
Pollution experts are inclined to single out man pollution problem.
as the culprit of his own destruction. Man, rightly referred
b. Pollution, if unchecked, can bring about the
to as a “messy animal,” has helped being about untold
destruction of man.
environmental decay.
c. Man does not deserve to be the master of
Imperilled by the pollution of air, water and land His creation.
are not only human lives. The marine species as well as
c. There is no need to be alarmed of the pollution
the flora and fauna are just adversely affected. Mass
suicides of fishes and whales have been witnessed along
Australian and American shorelines. 6. What would be the likely outcome if we continue
polluting our environment?
The mushrooming of factories and plants along
river banks have been largely responsible for the a. Man will be destroyed by an environment he had
pollution of the different bodies of water, indiscriminate polluted.
disposal of industrial waste makes festering sinks of the b. Less births and less gadgetry will save the world
rivers. Too much dumping of industrial waste renders to from catastrophe.
water stagnant. Many of the rivers that used to flow along c. Technology can help check the problem on
industrial banks can use some dredging. And yet what environmental pollution.
good will dredging of a river do if in no time at all it will
d. Man’s wasteful ways will contribute more to the
serve again as dumping basin? The initiative has to
pollution of the environment.
come from the factory owners.
7. Which of the following statements show a cause and
A great number of scientists like or think that new
effect relationship?
technology can be called upon to check the impending
pollution disaster, others are of the opinion that fewer a. Man’s wasteful ways are a perennial
births and less gadgetry may yet provide the answer to problem.
the devastating dilemma. It cannot be denied, however, b. Man’s brutality toward his destruction.
that man’s wasteful ways call for some measure of
c. The marine species and the flora and fauna are
adversely affected.
Man’s brutality toward his environment will only lead to
his unmarking. It is ironical, indeed, that he who was
d. Mass suicide of fishes and whales have been 6. What literary technique was used by the writer in
seen along coastlines. presenting his ideas?
a. Narration
LACK OF CONFIDENCE b. Detailed analysis
c. Comparing ideas
One reason that so many people fail is that
they lack confidence in themselves. If you think of d. Giving suggestions
yourself as being unworthy of great achievement, you 7. According to the author, what is one of the surest ways
will never achieve greatness. If, on the other hand, to achieve self-confidence?
you know yourself and understand what your abilities a. Read lots of informative books
are, and if then you are determined to accomplish and
gain confidence in yourself. b. Deal with people who have achieved greatness
One of the surest ways to accomplish this is for c. Be-friend people who are self-sufficient
you to associate with persons who have really d. Develop a strong and independent personality
achieved greatness. It is impossible, however, for 8. Based on the selection, what conclusion may be
most people to come frequently into the actual drawn?
presence of the great. The next best thing, perhaps, a. Confidence in oneself is crucial in achieving
is for you to spend part of your time in reading about success
great achievers. Biography is a powerful stimulant to
action. b. Associating with well-known individuals is
But these processes will not work unless you rid enough to propel one to succeed
yourself of a sense of inferiority and determined to do c. Reading the biographies of great people is
the best that you possibly can. One of the great essential for one to become successful
philosophers expressed the idea in a single sentence d. Confidence in the ability of others is needed to
when he said that each individual should hitch his boost one’s chances of succeeding
wagon to a star.
1. What is the main idea of the selection? Let me do my work from day to day,
a. Self-confidence is hard to achieve In field or forest, at the desk or loom,
b. Many people suffer from an inferiority complex In roaring market-place or tranquil room;
c. Knowing oneself leads to great achievement in Let me find it in my heart to say,
life When vagrant wishes beckon me astray,
d. Self-confidence is the key factor in This is my work, my blessing, not my doom
achieving success in life “Of all who live, I am the one by whom
“This work can best be done in the right way.”
2. Which paragraph/s gives/give specific suggestions on
how to develop confidence in oneself? Then shall I not see it not too great, nor small,
a. Paragraph 1 To suit my spirit and to prove my powers,
b. Paragraph 2 Then shall I cheerful greet the laboring hours,
c. Paragraph 1 and 3 And cheerful turn, when the long shadows fall
d. Paragraph 2 and 3 At eventide, to play and love and rest
3. What word is synonymous or closest in meaning to the Because I know for me my work is best
word “hitch” as used in the last sentence of the selection?
a. drive b. fastens
c. detaches d. remove
1. What is the main idea in the selection?
4. Successful people are different from those who are not
b. whatever task we set to do, we must do it the best
because they
we can.
a. Work hard at having faith in their abilities.
b. Persevere to achieve greatness.
2.LOOM means ______?
c. Hesitate to take risk by themselves.
d. machine for weaving
d. Disregard the opinions of others.
5. What does the saying “Each individual should hitch his
3. concluded that action emphasis?
wagon to a star” mean?
b. pride in hard work
a. One should try to fulfil all his ambitions in life.
b. A person should emulate his ideal person.
4. passage developing using ___.
c. A person should aim as high as he could reach.
d. poetry
d. One should wish upon a star to make his dreams
come true.
5. Work is something we can be -proud of


The knee is the largest joint in the body and one Asia’s new generation of kids has more than
of the most complicated. At the same time, the knee joint just youth in common. Whether in Manila, Hongkong,
swing like a hinge and lifts like a liver. It flexes to absorbs Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Jakarta or Tokyo, whether
shock as we walk or run to protect our other bones from rich or poor, urban or rural, delinquent or not Asia’s
jarring or grinding. Without the knee, humans could not youngsters share many things. They go to schools,
stand up, walk climb or kick. sing along bars, fast food outlets, rock concert and
rallies. They are dressed in wild costumes of screaming
Every day, every knee receives a routine
colours or black, leather jackets, outsize t-shirts and
workout. But the runners and other athletes in high-
candy-coloured sneakers.
impact sports, the knee receives a serious pounding.
Overdue can lead to serious injury. In fact, one out of In Manila, they are particularly called “begets”.
every four sports injuries involves the knee. “Runner’s Their pursuits, though seemingly inane are innocent –
Knee” is the most common injury from overuse. People singing-along with the gang at the malls, sharing
with runner’s knee complain of dull, aching, pain under cheeseburgers and sodas or cruising the commercial
or around their kneecaps. The pain seems to worsen center of the Cubao and Makati.
when they descend stairs or run down hills. To protect In Bangkok, they will wander about the Siam
their knees, athletes should look at their shoes. Exercise Shopping Center, In Singapore, in the shopping
shoes must fit and wear well in order to minimize risk to complexes of the Orchard Road. They are kids of
the knee. Asia’s great cities, avant-garde, rebellious,
If an athlete wishes to increase the time or modernized. They are exposed to imported television
intensity of his workout, this must be done slowly in a that usher in international values.
step-by-step fashion. Athletes should work to strengthen In Hongkong, the kids have been described as
their quadriceps, the large muscles group on the front of precocious, world-wise, and materialistic, governed
the thigh, in many runners the quadriceps are not as less by teachers and parents than by the omnipresent
strong as the hamstring. This uneven strengthen the television. Peer group influence is great. Their
quadriceps muscles. Many serious runners which off trademarks are smoking, foul language, bizarre and
between cycling and running as they train. attention-getting appearance, ang rude mannerisms.
In Japan, they look different race to the old
Questions: generation. There is rising drug abuse, sexual freedom,
crime and homosexuality among the youth. There’s
1. The selection emphasizes the value of ___.
less respect given to parents and the aged.
a. Healthy habits
b. Mental Sharpness
c. Physical Fitness
1. The passage is about Asia’s _______.
d. Spiritual growth
a. last generation
2. According to the selection, the knee joint lifts like a
b. delinquent youth
liver and swing like a ______.
c. urbanized society
a. Bats
d. new generation of youth
b. Runner
2. It can be inferred from the passage that Asia’s youth
c. Hinge
a. have senseless pursuits
d. Cycle
b. shares many common goals.
3. The word jarring bones means ______.
c. have been influenced by western culture
a. aching bones
d. have varied dreams and ambitions.
b. bending bones
3. What is worth observing and good about the youth
c. attack on the bones
beneath the modern image and westernized lifestyle?
d. strong shaking of the bones
a. the youth are still the easy-go-lucky type
4. The selection communication the theme of ___.
b. Many of them still believe in traditional
a. The importance of the knee values
b. The function of the human bones c. they share a common character as influenced by
c. How to protect leg muscles the media
d. Sports Injuries during workout d. the values of the new generation
5.What type of text of this selection? e. have been modified by modernization
a. Literary 4. when the author said that Asian youth are event-grace,
b. Journalistic it means that they
c. Scientific a. are behind the times
d. Academic b. have old-fashioned thoughts
c. are promiscuous and stubborn
d. practice new and experiment ideas
5. What conclusion can be drawn out of the selection?
a. Peers, are just companions, they don’t influence
b. Print and broadcast media have a great influence d. giving to others
on the youth. .4. What is meant by the line “We must get outside and
c. discipline at home has nothing to do with the focus on others joy or sorrow”.
character of the youth today a. showing interest in others will get them interested
d. character is hereditary; the environment has in us
nothing to do with what was become of the youth b. we must share with others our secret longings
today and dreams
6. If the youth are exposed to too much western c. we must try to involve ourselves in a personal life
television they will likely of others
a. developed foreign values and forget traditional d. showing concern for others makes us forget our
ones. pre occupation with ourselves
b. Become complacent and indifferent 5. The idea of the author about happiness conveyed
c. Become aggressive and violent through______?
d. Develop an independent mind. a. comparing a thought with others experiences
7. what literary technique was used by the author in b. sharing other’s experiences on the construct
writing the selection c. narrating a story and quoting a verse.
a. Comparing d. explaining and citing examples
b. Describing
d. Narrating events
In the light of social changes, we come to the question:
what qualifies should distinguish the educated Filipino
HAPPINESS today? I venture to suggest that the educated Filipino
should first be distinguish by the power to do.
We strive for happiness, generally in self-
centered ways. We expect others to favour us with their The oriental excels in reflective thinking he is a
attention, for example, or we wait for invitations or gifts. philosopher. The occidental is a doer; he manages
We have probably tried to buy happiness with purchase things, men and affairs. The Filipino of today needs more
of a new dress or shoes. Fleeting moments of happiness of this power to translate reflection into action. I believe
are grained, that’s all. And soon we are discontented that we are coming more to this power to translate
once again. And the search begins anew. reflection into action.
But things may have changed for some of us. We are coming more likely to the conviction that
We are learning, maybe slowly, how to find more no Filipino has the right to be considered educated
permanent happiness. And we know that happiness that unless he is prepared to take an active and useful part in
comes from “getting” is elusive. Giving to others, giving the work, life, and progress of our country as well as in
attention, sharing hope, sharing our stories with others, the progress of the world.
listening to theirs, is the key to finding the happiness for
which we have searched so long. We must get outside QUESTIONS:
of ourselves and focus on other’s joys or sorrow. Only 1. What is the best paraphrase of the last paragraph in
then do we get a clear perspective on who we are and the passage?
the necessary role we play in the lives of others who
need our attention and who have a message we also a. participation in the work and progress of our
need to hear. country is sought by every Filipino
b. the country’s progress and advancement depend
primarily on educated Filipino
c. A truly educated Filipino participates actively in
1.The underlined word in the selection connotes ______. the work and progress of the country and the
a. hard to possess. world as a whole.
b. easy to achieve d. To be considered educated, one has to be
c. difficult to lose globally competitive and willing to take risks.
d. easy to understand 2. As used in the selection, what does word “conviction”
2. From the ideas presented in the selection we can infer mean?
that happiness a. intellectual guess
a. can never be truly attained b. strong belief
b. is temporary and fleeting c. verdict
c. which comes from giving is more lasting and d. allegiance
permanent. 3. What trait Is found in most Orientals but needs to be
d. is achieved when we get something from others. deepened in Filipino?
3. It can be concluded that the value being iven emphasis a. Action oriented
in the selection is ______. b. Patience
a. being true to oneself c. Goal in managing
b. being true to others d. Reflective thinker
c. receiving from others

4. What is meant by this line “the oriental are the c. More aggressive action against global warming is
philosopher” needed
a. Oriental people are contemplative d. Drought will intensify in the coming years
b. Oriental people have the blood of great 4. Another way of expressing the idea in the sentence “it
philosophers is the grain most vulnerable to high temperatures”
c. They have a tendency to become philosophers _____?
d. They think like Great Solomon a. Most affected under intense heat
b. Likely to flourish when it gets warm
5. What value is implied in the same passage above? c. Strongly at risk in temperate areas
a. justice d. Inclined to wither if it gets very hot
b. courage 40. The idea in the passage is develop using ___?
c. hyperactivity a. Narration
d. active involvement b. Exposition
c. Description
WORLD OF PASTA d. Illustration

A World without pasta seems inconceivable.

Macaroni and cheese loving children across the US VERB
would howl in protest, Italy might suffer a heart attack; The verb is the business end of a sentence, the
social unrest could explode in china where noodles are sentence’s reason for being. That’s where the action is.
the main staple. Without a verb, even if it’s only suggested, there’s
But if humans want to keep eating pasta, we will nothing going on, just a lot of nouns standing around with
have to take much more aggressive actions against their hands in their pockets. A verb is easy to spot. Just
global warming. Pasta is made from wheat, and a large look for the moving target, the center of activity, the part
growing body of scientific studies and real world that tells you what’s going on. No wonder the verb is the
observations suggest what wheat will be hit especially most interesting word in the sentence. It is also the most
hard as temperatures rise and storms and drought complicated. Because the verb expresses action, it has
intensify in the years ahead. something that other word lack-time. It has to tell you
Three grains-wheat, corn and rice account for whether something happened in the past, the present,
most of the food that humans consume. All these are the future or some combination of times: sneeze,
already suffering from climate change, but wheat stands sneezed, will sneeze, would have sneezed and so on.
to fare the worst in the years ahead, for it the grain most The verb has another aspect, too. It varies
vulnerable to high temperatures. That spells trouble not according to who or what is performing the action:
only for pasta but also for bread, the most basic food of sneeze, he sneezes, they sneeze, and so on.
There are plenty of reason a verb can go astray. The
International agriculture research canters and the private most common is that doesn’t match the subject: one is
sector have woken up to the fact higher temperatures are singular and the other plural. For example, Pocholo and
almost inevitable and they have very little in their genetic I was sneezing. The next most common reason is that
toolbox to deal with them. the verb’s timing-its tense-is off.
(Yesterday she sneezes). This makes verb
QUESTIONS: sound daunting, but they’re really not so bad. Taken one
1. the meaning of inconceivable in the first sentence of at a time (which is how you encounter them, after all)
the passage must be_____? problems with web can be made to disappear.
a. not imaginable
b. cannot happen QUESTIONS:
c. Unable to conceive 1. The most important value of verbs is stated in the
passage that says:
d. No possibility
a. Spotting verbs in a sentences is very easy
2. The passage emphasizes an alarming future scenario
because _______? b. Verbs are the necessary key in making
a. Humans will take more aggressive actions
against global warming c. Where verbs are, action is always presents
b. China, where noodles are the main staple, could d. Without a verb, a sentence is uninteresting
have social unrest 2. According to the passage, one reason verbs are not
c. Macaroni and cheese loving children across the easy to use is because _______?
US would protest a. Unlike other words, they are bound to time
d. Three significant grains, especially wheat may b. They always indicate an on-going action
be lost to humans c. Unlike other words, their spelling changes
3. This passage entitled pasta crisis points out with the d. They cause complication in a sentence.
urgency that____.
3. Based on the passage, a verb can be defined as a
a. Higher temperature is almost inevitable word in a sentence that _______?
b. Three grains ae already suffering from climate a. Can most likely go astray
b. Is the most complicated b. Can always turn to others in order to survive
c. Can easily be spotted c. depends on others to survive
d. Expresses action d. Look at life as a burden
4. “taken one at a time” problems with verbs can be made 4. The phrase “hope springs eternal” means ____.
to disappear” is the same as saying that ________? a. To ask for hope
a. using verbs carries no necessary problem b. to rely on hope
b. difficulty with verbs can be overcome gradually c. There is no hope
c. problems with verbs are that important d. There is always hope
d. Although difficult, verb problems are easily 5. The Filipino value most exemplified selection in his
solved. _______.
5. The passage is an example of ____of an idea. a. Faith in others
a. An explanation b. Love of Family
b. narration c. Respect for elders
c. description d. Love of people
d. an analysis
Chopstick were invented in China over thousand
The Filipino is sustained by his faith and his years ago, probably evolving from twigs used to spear
music. This was the observation made many years ago food from a cooking pot. Knives took over this function in
by a noted Jesuit. This I saw, felt and believed when I the West, but Confucius, who considered knives
took a summer vacation in my father’s hometown. instrument of aggression, encouraged the use of
chopsticks as part of his teaching of non-violence. The
For example, Tata Kandong would work like a
name in Chinese is kuaizi, which means “quick little
horse the whole day as he shuttles endlessly between
fellows” came from pidgin English for kuai.
his vegetable farm and his modest piggery. In the
evenings he would play his banduria and tell a lots of Chopsticks spread throughout the orient those
stories between his pieces. Then he would sound solemn belonging to the rich made of gold, silver, ivory, or jade.
and picus in saying, “God will send us rain for our rice Most however, were-and are made of bamboo, which
field soon”. was plentiful and cheap, with no taste or smell that could
affect the food. The Japanese made them from a variety
My father’s youngest sister, Tita Cora, was a fine
of woods and lacquered them for durability. It was not the
example of wife and mother would put her young to sleep
late 19th century that disposable bamboo variety became
with her sweet lullabies. Going back to her work as a
seamstress, she would hum lovely kundiman. On one
occasion, she paused and with a lint on her eyes, she Traditionally, Chinese and Japanese chopsticks
hoped her two children would be successful differ in length and shape. The Chinese are ten inches
professionals. long, square, and blunt at the tip, while the Japanese are
rounded, come to a point, and are a couple of inches
My cousin, Josuel, just graduated from high
shorter. They are efficient enough to pick up a single
school. He had to walk five kilometres every day to
grain of rice, but the accepted way to eat rice is to use
school as there were no available means of
the chopsticks almost like scoop, moving the grains from
transportation. Some evenings we would share some
a small bowl held close to the mouth.
praise songs. “I hope”. He wishfully said once.” I can be
a lawyer, so I can help the victims of exploitation in our Chopstick etiquette says you should not gesture
town.” with them as you talk, nor should you use them to pass
food. And you’re inviting misfortune if you drop them or
Tata Kandong, Tita Cora and Josuel typify the
place them crossed on your plate, unless you do it in a
strong and resolute Filipinos. While life is difficult, hope
restaurant to show the waiter you’re finished and ready
springs eternal from their hearts, by the power of their
for the checked.
faith and music.

1. Another way of expressing the idea “chopstick spread
1. We can infer from the selection that people can
throughout the orient” is _____?
overcome life’s difficulties thru___.
a. Chopsticks are swiftly accepted in the orient
a. sense of humor
b. Chopsticks were mostly found in the orient
b. faith in others
c. Chopsticks were discovered
c. Love songs and dances
d. Chopsticks were only found in the orient
d. Love of God and Music
2. In the phrase “and lacquered them for durability” the
2. As used in the selection, the word “GLINT” means
most likely meaning of lacquered?
a. Mixed c. Coated
a. Doubt c. Sparkle
b. Dipped d. Sprayed
b. Pain d. Sadness
3. In the passage, Chinese and Japanese chopstick were
3. The theme of this selection is that Filipino ______.
described to _______.
a. Overcome difficulties by his faith and music

a. Show that the Chinese and Japanese use several weeks. Birds don’t stretch their physical limits,
chopsticks unless they have to, such as when flying over a large
b. Point out differences between the two body of water.
c. Give an idea of Where chopstick came from If they are tied, birds stop and go to sleep, while their
human counterpart often have difficulties getting some
d. points out the similarities of the two.
shut-eye on a plane. As a rule, migration doesn’t upset
4. Using a term means “quick little felloes” to refer a pair birds natural sleeping patterns. They sleep when it is
of chopstick is an example of a ____? dark and awaken when it is light.
a. Simile c. Hyperbole
b. metaphor d. Personification QUESTIONS:
5. Chopsticks show a cultural associated with people’s 1. What would be the best title for the Article?
a. birds with jet lag
a. Eating practice
b. Humans on a plane
b. Food preparation
c. The difference between birds and human on
c. Rice-eating habits travel
d. cooking traditions d. the migration of birds through time zones.
2. As used in the selection, the word “inedible” most likely
MRI means____?
A funny thing happened when researchers at a. appetizing
McLean hospital in Massachusetts were studying the b. mouth watering
brain chemistry of a bipolar people, using an MRI c. fit to be eaten
machine with a Unique electromagnetic pulse d. unfits to be eaten
sequences, the patient’s moods lifted lasting for hours or
even days. Sceptical the doctors put another 30 bipolar 3. Based on the selection, it can be concluded
adults through the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) that_______.
and 77 percent had significant mood boosts. They are a. birds migrate faster than humans
not sure why it works but there is a possible link: b. the migration of birds and that of humans are
Nerves>>>>>>> very different.
c. birds like humans, also experience jet lags.
QUESTIONS: d. humans unlike birds, migrate from north to
1. Main idea of the article? south.
a. diff. ways to lift depression of bipolar adults
b. Using MRI to lift dep. of bipolar adults
c. Efforts of doctors at McLean Hosp. to help bipolar QUESTIONS:
d. Reaction to electrical pulses to magnetic fields 1. What is the main idea of the selection?
2. In the article, the line “funny thing happened” a. Solar energy
means____? 2. What does the phrase “the Sun is our life source”
a. a hilarious thing took place mean?
b. an absurd thing happened c. The life of all living things come from the sun
c. an unusual thing occurred 3. Foe mankind, the sun is the source of ___
d. A mysterious thing cause about. a. carbon compounds
3. According to the article, depression among bipolar b. atmosphere
adults can be remedied by: c. electricity
a. changing their brain chemistry d. all heat
b. putting them through an MRI machine 4. The largest part of radiant energy directed towards the
c. Boosting the patient’s mood Earth is?
d. Making the patient laugh a. Turned into fuel
b. harnessed for electric power
BIRDS c. stored by the current season plant
d. absorbed by earth’s atmosphere
Birds don’t seem to suffer from jet lag. But then
again, they don’t suffer from airport delay, crowded 5. All useful energy on surface comes from ______?
seating, inedible airline food or lost luggage either. a. suns directly
Human jet lag seems to be bound inevitably to passing b. suns activity
rapidly through different time zones. Birds usually c. radiation of the sun
migrate from north to south often not encountering any
d. energy stored by the sun
time change in their journey.
6. The author presented the selection about the sun by?
A Veterinarian speculates that if you put a bird
on a place going east to west, it may feel jet lag, but birds a. enumerating details
unlike humans, don’t try to fly that way and cross several b. giving examples
time zones in one day. Some migrations can take up to c. describing
d. narrating c. Death is always a thief that comes in most
7. “Lets us get to the bottom” in the first paragraph means unexpected ways
a. search for reasons d. One can be wealthy but still feel unfulfilled with
his/her life
b. Discover the basic facts or cause
2. What is the mood of the selection?
c. Define the meaning
a. ironic
d. Move under the ground
b. inspiring
c. surprising
THANKSGIVING d. confusing
3. what do you think was the main reason of Richard
We have so much in life to be thankful for. We Cory for shooting himself?
walk, talk, see, hear, think, and breath-usually without
effort. Why do we have to spend so much time dwelling a. His girlfriend broke up with him
on what we can’t, don’t have and what is going wrong? b. he got tired of living at solitude
We can instantly recall the negative experiences people c. he grieved a death of a love one
and circumstances without recognizing we have the d. he was rejected by the people
ability to walk away or make a change. Perhaps we have 4. What is the sensory image of the following texts in the
too many options from which to choose. Or it could be poem?
we simply want to complain. Maybe if we spent just a little He was a gentleman from sole to crown
time saying “thank you” for what we do have, we won’t
Clean flavoured and imperially slim
have so much time to dwell on what we lack.
a. sight
Gratitude, practice and thanksgiving activate the
b. smell
divine laws of abundance. When the universe can see
c. hearing
we are conscious of and grateful for what we have. It is
d. touch
act activated to shower us with more. Even when it
seems that the well is drying up. We can affirm, “I can
hardly wait to see the good that will come out of this”. OBEDIENT

What is obedience? It consists putting our own

1. Laws of Abundance- giving thanks will of another. It is a habit of the following a law or
2. Which expresses cause and effects- when universe command. It is a virtue necessary for everyone,
can see grateful especially children and young people. It is the basis of
order. Without obedience life will be a great disorder. It
3. why do we thankful to life- being thankful attracts more
has been said that he who rightly obeys will live right; he
blessing will sweetly, free from cares and troubles. He cannot
4. main idea- there is good in being thankful grow or progress if he does not learn to obey. He is not
safe and happy if does not obey orders.
RICHARD CORY But obedience appears unattractive to the eyes
of young people. They want to enjoy their liberty.
Whenever Richard Cory went down town Admittedly, this is the trend now or what seems to be.
We people on the pavement, look at him Therefore, it is most necessary that they be wisely
He was gentlemen from sole to crown advised.
Clean favoured, and imperially slim Always be obedient. You will find it very difficult
at times, when pride or bad temper wants to dominate.
You should learn to bow, that is to obey while you are still
And he was quietly arrayed young and you will have done a great deal to promote
And he was always human when he talked the happiness of your future life. Obedience is something
But still he fluttered pulses when he said not to be ashamed of. You cannot live without it. Even
“Good morning” and he glittered when he walked the president of the country is not exempted from
obedience. He/ She has to obey the laws h/she have
helped to make.
And he was rich- yes richer than a king So obey God, your parents, teachers, superiors,
And admirably schooled in every grace people in authority, laws of government and customs of
In fine, we thought that he was everything society. Obedience must be our law. And what a happy
in world this be if everyone is obedient.
To make us wish that we were in his place
So on we worked and waited for the light
1. What is the main idea of the selection?
And went without meat, and cursed the bread
a. Obedience is just a trend.
And Richard Cory, one calm summer night
b. Obedience is freedom from law
Went home and put a bullet through his head
c. Obedience is the key to a happy and prosperous
d. Obedience is true to both young and old.
1. What lesson in life can be best derived from the poem?
2. Which specific paragraph gives suggestions on the
a. happiness is always a choice gains of being obedient?
b. life offers us many opportunities a. Paragraph 1 and 2

b. Paragraph 1 and 4 What’s this about an infield fly?
c. Paragraph 2 and 3 Sit down, clean up, keep off the grass,
Raise your hand to take in class,
d. Paragraph 2 and 4
Raise your hand to talk in class,
3. What does the word trend mean? Rules tell me what to do and say,
a. cure They cramp my style, control my day,
b. value But without the rules, without the din,
c. manner I couldn’t play, I couldn’t win,
Life would be a dreary plight,
d. tendency Without a wrong there’d be no right.
4. Being obedient is different from those who are
disobedient because
a. obedience is a virtue for everyone to aspire for.
1. from the line “I can hardly breathe or lie in bed “Without
b. obedience seemed like a phenomenon. their chores in my head” we can infer that the
c. obedience is a tradition of our society. writer________?
d. obedience makes you feel proud yourself a. often thinks about rules
5. What do these word mean “putting our own will do the b. wants to disobey rules
will another”? c. get sick with rules
d. likes having rules
a. being obedient
b. being naughty 2. The line “But without rules…I couldn’t play, I couldn’t
c. being hard-headed win” is an example of ____?
d. being disrespectful a. Irony
6. What literary technique was used by the writer in b. simile
presenting his ideas? c. metaphor
d. hyperbole
a. narration
b. comparing ideas 3. The word “dreary” means _____?
c. detailed analysis a. valuable
d. giving suggestions b. invisible
7. Being obedient is a sign of_____. c. boring
d. entertaining
a. discipline
b. superiority 4. The author includes examples of rules to signify the
c. weakness value of ______?
d. childishness a. respect
8. Based on the solution, what conclusion can be drawn? b. obedient
a. If every Filipino citizen would be obedient, our c. loyalty
country will prosper and progress. d. entertaining
b. If every Filipino citizen would be obedient, our
country will never develop.
c. If every Filipino citizen would be obedient, we CAT
will all be a childish and childlike. QUESTIONS:
d. If every Filipino citizen would be obedient, we will 1. The word quarry means______?
be contacted.
b. Target
9. This poem is mainly about ___________? 2. Cats have a cute hearing except the white cats with
a. how to obey rules blue eyes which do not _______?
b. how to ignore rules a.
c. the harshness of rules 3. “Cat is a precision instrument” is a ________.
d. the importance of rules.
a. hyperbole
b. metaphor
c. simile
RULES d. irony
Posted here, recited here
4. The selection is mainly about _____?
It seems that rules are everywhere
Rules at home and rules at school a. how the cats differ from the dog
They’re at the park, they’re at the pool b. how the cat is like a mammal
I can hardly breathe or lie in bed c. cat is a hunting machine
Without their chores in my head
d. the cat is a house pet
Close your mouth to chew your food 5. We can conclude form the selection that the cat is an
Don’t cross your eyes and don’t be rude animal which can _____?
Wipe your feet, take smaller bites a. do a lot of tricks
Don’t cut in line, do shut the gate b. be domesticated
Lick and stick the stamp on straight
c. be very dangerous
Dad and me or dad and I? d. survive on its own

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THE PRINCE AND THE RAT 5. Given the low level of Philippine monthly earnings and
a household size of about 5 persons to support, the
The rat said his life is boring. He hunts chickens, men average workers view contact employment as a
hunts him. All chicken and all men are alike. And in temporary means to secure a higher income. In addition
consequence, he is a little bored. But the prince will take to the generally increased level of living standards,
him, it will be as if the sun came to shine on his life. The overseas workers’ target include acquisition of a house
rat shall know the sound of a step that will be different and lot, setting up one’s own business, education of
form all the others. Other’s steps send him hurrying back children and family security.
under the ground. But when the prince calls him, it is like 6. By and large, OFW’s are skilled and experienced
a music that calls him out of a hole. He ask the prince to workers. Overseas jobs entail either similar or additional
gaze at the rice field down yonder. He does not eat bread. responsibilities relative to their previous jobs in the
Rice is no use to him. The rice field has nothing to say to Philippines. In most cases, employment skill are fully
him. And that is sad. But the prince has hair and the color utilized overseas but, for a minority, there is little or no
is gold. Think how wonderful that would be when the use of skills previously learned in the Philippines
prince has tamed the rat! 7. OFW’s holding positions overseas are generally very
satisfied with their jobs and working conditions. A factor
QUESTIONS: to consider in job satisfaction, however, is the country of
employment. It appears that workers in Saudi Arabia and
1. Which among the following is the theme of the
the Middle East countries are relatively less satisfied
than workers employed in Europe, America, and Asia.
a. The Prince and the Rat
b. The Life of the Rat
d. The Prince 1. What is the selection is all about?
2. what does “But if the Prince will take him, it will be as A. Solutions to problems of overseas Filipino workers
if the sun came to shine on his life” means _____. B. A profile of overseas Filipino workers
a. The rat will experience security in life C. A study made by overseas Filipino workers
b. The rat will experience freedom D. Problems faced by overseas Filipino workers
c. The rat will feel satisfaction
d. The rat will be closer to the Prince
2. Most OFW’s are in their thirties because they
3. Based on the text, the life of a rat is boring
because______? A. are more prepared to take risks and are more ambitious.
a. His life is like music. B. Are more mature and confident than those who are
b. Men keep on hunting him
c. he is stuck in the field C. Have a family to support and thus need a higher income.
d. Rice and breads is of no use to him D. Have tried working locally but were unsuccessful.

1. The unprecedented and increasing volume of 3. To whom does “their” in the last sentence of the second
Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW’s) migration from the paragraph refer to?
Philippines has unquestionably helped ease A. Parents of male and female OFW’s
unemployment and generate foreign exchange earning. B. Male and female OFW’s
2. General findings of students made about our OFW’s
C. female OFW’s
have yielded the following: OFW’s are mostly in their
thirties, educated beyond high school, most are married. D. male OFW’s
Workers who are single are more likely to be female,
relatively younger and better educated than their married 4. Which of the following statements is true, based on the
counterpart. In addition, both male and female OFW’s selection?
are for the most part, better educated than their parents A. OFW’s in the Middle East and those in Europe, America,
who hardly reached the secondary level of education. and Asia are not satisfied with their work.
3. Many of the OFWs who have established residence in B. OFW’s in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East are generally
Metro Manila are “migrants from far flung province.” For mosre satisfied than OFW’s in Europe, America, and Asia.
example, a large percentage of seamen were born in the C. OFW’s in the Middle East countries and those in America,
Visayas. At the same time, a number of hose born in Europe, and Asia are generally well satisfied with their work.
nearby regions such as Central Luzon and Southern
D. OFW’s in Europe, America, and Asia are generally more
Tagalog have retained their provincial residence. It is satisfied than those who work in Saudi Arabia and the
probable that because of proximity of these regions to Middle East countries.
the metropolitan area, such workers opted to stay in their
place origin.
5. Which paragraph mentions the countries wherein most
4. The land-based workers profile is dominated by Saudi
overseas Filipino workers are employed?
Arabia as a country of employment. Other Middle East
destinations include Iraq, United Arab Emirates, Libya, A. Fourth Paragraph
Kuwait and Bahrain. In the case of seamen, some 50% B. Third Paragraph
of ships are registered in either Liberia or Panama. Such C. Fifth paragraph
country employment focus should not prevent D. Last Paragraph
recognition of the very wide geographical dispersion of
Filipino workers in countries all over the word.

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