Adverbs of Degree Quiz

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Adverbs of degree quiz

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1. That's a __________ nice jacket you've got on. Where did you get it?

A. ? so

B. ? quite

C. :-) really

2. The soup was _____________ spicy. I couldn't finish it.

A. :-) really

B. ? quite

C. ? a bit

3. 'Do you think Tom is ___________ old to run a marathon?'

'Of course not. You can do sports at any age if you're fit, and he's only 59.'

A. ? very

B. :-) too

C. ? quite
4. You're not _____________ to drink alcohol in a pub - you're only sixteen.

A. ? quite old

B. :-) old enough

C. ? too old

5. We can't have the party at my place - it's not ____________________ .

A. ? too big

B. :-) big enough

C. ? quite big

6. 'I quite like this sweater but it's ___________ big, don't you think?'
'Yes, you need one a size smaller.'

A. :-) a bit

B. ? really

C. ? very

7. This book is _________ boring. I'll fall asleep if I read any more.

A. :-) really

B. ? too

C. ? quite
8. It can get _______________ hot in the summer - about 25 to 30 degrees.

A. ? really

B. :-) quite

C. ? too

9. I love my phone. It's _____________ old but it works well and it's perfect for me.

A. ? so

B. :-) quite

C. ? too

10. You can't wear those trousers - they're __________ short. You'll look silly.

A. ? a bit

B. :-) too

C. ? quite

11. It's __________________ hot to play tennis this afternoon. Let's wait until the evening.

A. ? very

B. ? quite

C. :-) too
12. She had ___________ time at the party even though she was tired.

A. :-) quite a good

B. ? a quite good

C. ? a bit good

13. The party was _____________ good. What a pity you missed it.

A. :-) really

B. ? quite

C. ? a bit

14. We had _________ good meal. The food was nice, but the service was a bit slow.

A. ? a really

B. ? a bit

C. :-) quite a

15. I'm _____________ hungry. I fancy a snack.

A. ? really

B. ? too

C. :-) a bit

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