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Academic Year 2010/2011

MPZ 5140/5160-Assignment No. 02

(01) (i) Draw each of the following graphs. Indicate which are simple or not.

(a) G   V, E  where V  aa, ab, bc, ac and the edges are given as
1   aa, ab  , 2   ab, ac  , 3   ac, bc  , 4   bc, bc  and
5   bc, aa  .
(b) G  V, E ; where V  V1 , V2 , V3 , V4 , V5 , V6 , V7  and
E  1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6  with
1   V1 , V4  , 2   V1 , V2  , 3   V2 , V3  , 4   V4 , V3  , 5   V5 , V6 
and 6   V2 , V5 

(02) (i) Determine the number of edges in a graph h with 6 nodes 2 of degree
3 and 4 of degree 2 and draw two distinct such graphs.
(ii) Draw at least one graph that satisfies each of the following sets of
specifications or indicate why it is impossible to do so.

(a) A graph with 3 vertices, 10 edges, and no parallel edges.

(b) A simple graph with 6 vertices all of degree 2 or greater and at
least 2 vertices of degree 3.

(03) (i) Define a connected and complete graph, and draw the complete graph
on five vertices.
(ii) G is the graph whose adjacency matrix a is given by

 0 1 0 1 1
1 0 1 0 0 
 
A   0 1 0 0 0
 
1 0 0 0 1 
1 0 0 1 0
(a) If V  G   a, b, c, d, e find the number of paths of length four
(4) joining vertices d and e.
(b) Without drawing a diagram of G, determine whether G is
connected or not.

(c) Draw the graph of following adjacency matrices.

0 1 1 1 0
1 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 1 1 
1 1 1 
P  Q  1 0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0  
  0 0 1 0 1
0 0 1 1
1 1 1 0 0 

(04) (i) Define a Trees graph.

(ii) Draw a tree with 6 vertices, exactly 3 of which have degree 1.
(iii) Draw a tree with 10 nodes each of which has either degree 1 or degree
3. Show that it is impossible to draw such a tree with 11 nodes.
Repeat the problem by showing that you can draw such a tree with 16
nodes but that it is impossible to do so for 15 nodes. Characterize the
size of the node set for which such a tree exists.

Please send the answers to the following address on or before due date according to the
activity schedule.

Course Coordinator MPZ 5140(or MPZ 5160)

Dept. of Mathematics and Philosophy of Engineering
Faculty of Engineering Technology
The Open University of Sri lanka, Nawala

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