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one breakdown catchupen comeupwith fallfor goahead old on look inte look upto run into DELL le yout meaner cores aad ‘a thingsfanidey iv acacneamoencn ioe omaamal tmeccidenliealze tial ypuioeesomeone.| + " dowharyouive been plenningio | w Vocabulary: Phrasal Verbs-Inseparable 2 Match the phrasal verbs wich their definitions. Vocabulary: Phrasal Verbs-Inseparable 3 Complete the sentences. Click on the box and choose the correct answer. 1 The players really look up to ¥. Coach Haskins. They respect him a lot. Can I borrow your newspaper? I need to catch upon ¥ the news. kate is trying out ¥ for 6 part in the play. She's a very good actress. Movie stars often fall for ¥_ other movie stars. This plan isn't going to work. We need to come up with a new plan as soon as possible. Dean ran into ¥ an old friend on the street last night. Amy is going to look into ¥ the problem with the printer as soon as she can. Tony told Alex to go ahead and do the research on the banking scandal. ‘The operator asked her to hold on ¥ while he wed co complete the call 10 How often does your printer break down ¥ 7 Ours is never working! ASKING FOR OPINIONS: Do you think Do you fee! Nick did it? Do you believe What do you think of What's your opinion about What are your thoughts on the Nick Crawford story? What are your feelings about What do you make of GIVING OPINIONS Softening Actually, To tell the truth, I (think/believe/feel) he didn't do it. Frankly, If you ask me, In my opinion, he didn't do it. Tm pretty sure that Avoiding really can't say. You know, I'm not really sure. 1d rather not say. I don't have anything to say about that. No comment. [for news conferences] Read the dialog. Then read the question and choose the correct answer. ‘What do you think of the new mayor? John: If you ask me, he's great. What is another way Mark can ask John’s opinion? Do you think about the new mayor? What do you make of the new mayor? v Who is the new mayor? 2 John: what are your thoughts on the Jenkins story? ‘Amy: To tell the truth, it wasn't very good. What is another way that Amy can soften her opinion? I'm positive that I don't have anything to say about that Frankly ¥ Do you think that Talia likes Nick? I think she does. What did Micky probably say? No comment I'm not really sure Actually v 4 Max: Do you feel Dean Bishop will play well in the qualifying match? Tony: Tony avoided giving his opinion. What did he probably say? Ifyou ask me, he won't. In my opinion, he will T'd rather not say. ¥ Grammar: Inseparable Phrasal Verbs 1 Complete the sentences. Click on the box and choose the correct answer. Hold on ¥ ! Don't change the channel. The news is on. But Iwant to see how the game turns out ¥ It's almost over. You can catch up on ¥ the game when the sports news comes on. OK. I'll go along with ¥ thet if you'll waich Players at 9:00. Thaven't watched that for a while. What's going on 4 ? Linda, the main character, justtried out ¥ for the basketball team. Iremember that she really looks up to ¥_ the coach. Ed: Right. But that coach is too tough. She's gotto lighten up ¥ a little. coach: Linde: coach: Linde: coach: Linde: coven: Wihacs going on with ¥_ you? Are you having problems? ‘Things arent working out for ¥_ me, Coach thnk should just qu the team. Quit You know what think of ¥ quiters! Yeah, quiers never wan But, Coach ‘You forgot the second part—inners never quit How willyou fel when your team ends up ¥ losing the playotis? you drop out ¥ nov. thats what vall happen 1 don twantthar te happen, but have to eateh up on ¥ so much schoolwork. m really behing (0%, you dom have o show up for ¥ practice this week Pll excuse you. Wel sea how you fel nexc week, Grammar: Gerunds and Infinitives 1 Complete each sentence. Click on the box and choose the correct answer. 1 Nick enjoys working ¥ out at the health club. 2 He avoids drinking ¥ coffe= 3 He wantsto live ¥ ahealthy Ife 4 He can'twalcto find ¥ proof of his innocence, 5 Talia keeps trying to discover the truth 6 She won't quit investigating this story. 7. She really hopes to become 7 a reporter. 8 Her boss expects her nat to become ¥ emotionally involved in an investigation. Complete the dialogue. 10 bbe get kick play Join become give work out ‘Are you considering joining v the heath lub? Actually, ve decided to become ¥_ a member next month. usually don’t work out much, but Tagreed to.ive v ita chance, and itrealiyiskind of fun ‘That's great. tm sure youtike i. What about you? How offen do you come here? [Almost everyday. sed tobe ona soccer team, burt quicplaying ¥ soccer when injured my knee That's too bad. Do you enjoy being va member here? Well miss Kicking va ball around all day, but yes this fs really @ good place to work out. You meet some reat people too \Whacme wilyou finish working out ¥ 1 just have about 15 more minutes. Hey, would you lke to get ¥ something to drink a the juice bar? Sure! thear they make realy ood smoothes, Grammar: Future Time Clauses 1 Complete each sentence. Click on the box and choose the correct answer. 1 Dean will watch the news as soon as he gets ¥ home. 2 Beforehe hes ¥ dinner, he'll cal his sister. 3. Jackie won't change ¥ her clothes before she goes out later tonight 4 She's going to cry out for another move part as soon as she finishes +7 her acting classes. 5. Nickwill stay at the health club until the news is 4 over. 6 He's going to find Talia after he leaves ¥ the health club. 7 Talia will be surprised when she hears ¥ about jackie. 8 When they finish work tonight, Talia and Amy are geing to go ¥ to school together. Grammar: Future Time Clauses 2 Rewrite each pair of sentences as one sentence with a future time clause, Click on each box and choose the correct answer. 11 Furst she'll get to the health club. Then she'll put on her exercise clothes. ‘When she gets to the health club v . she'll put on her exercise clothes ¥ 2. Shelll exercise for an hour. Then she'll ake a shower. She'll take @ shower ¥ after she exercises for an hour 7 3. Shelllhave @ smoothie. Then she'll go home. Before the goes home v , she'll have a smoothie ¥ 4. She'll have a smoothie. At the same time, she'll talkto Patty While she has a smoothie v she'll talk to Patty ¥ Grammar: Future Time Clauses 2 Rewrite each pair of sentences as one sentence with a future time clause, Click on each box and choose the correct answer. 5 Shellleave the club. Then shell drive home. After she leaves the club ¥’, she'll drive home v 6 Shell get home. Then shell turn on the TV. [As soon as she gets home v’, she'll turn on the TV 7 7 Shell eat dinner. atthe same time, shell watch the news. She'll watch the news while she eats dinner ¥ 8 Shellread. Then, shell fall asleep. She'll read ¥ until she falls asleep ¥ Complete each sentence. Type the simple present or future form (with willor be gomg to) of the vers in parentheses into each blank. In this actwvity you are graded on capitalization (lowercase and UPPERCASE) Example. i think james isn’t fun, x I think James isn't fun. 4 41 Amy will make ¥ (make) dinner as soon as she gets ¥ (get) home tonight. 2 Altershe has ¥ (have) dinner, she will call ¥ (cal her friend Josh. 3° Before josh goes ¥ (go) cut tonight, he will waech # (watch) the news. 4 Hewill leave ¥ (leave) as soon as the news is ¥ (be) over. 5 Party will wash ¥ (wash) the glasses before she leaves ¥ (leave) the health club. 6 Wihile she does ¥ (do) the glasses, she will isten ¥ (listen) to some music 7 Before John goes ¥ (go) to work tomorrow, he will buy ¥ (buy) several newspapers. 8 Hewill read # (read) them while he takes ¥ (take) the train to the office. ss AA PALANAN) ag nner e- 2 ® € 9 0 nettiemmatienimnenWTaRNite S20 sa 0 . +o > >a +e sa 0

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