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Case Analysis

 Frances is an inquisitive individual whose thirst for ideas is never sufficed

by the principles presented in school. Often she would question the
essence of human existence as well as the value of life. Her quest for
understanding the purpose of human life is a study in progress. As a
devoted Roman Catholic she would question other creeds and beliefs
and think that it is only through the teachings of her religion that the
essence of human existence can be genuinely explained. She honestly
thinks that the goal of life is entirely about preparing one’s self to face the
Creator which in turn causes her to frequently argue with her classmates,
peers and even with her family.
 Point to Ponder:
 How do you think that this kind of submission fail to open the individual to a
more logical and reasonable understanding of life, the self and one’s existence?

 *Reminder: Please see Activity Guide in the syllabus for doing the Case Analysis. Thanks.

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