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The Self: Its Nature and Significance

 By: *Ethel Magalona MAP, LPT,

*Elline Regina M. Cruz, MAEd, LPT *Evelyn Sadsad, PhD *Michelle
Chan Lauigan, RPm, MAGC
Learning Outcome
At the end of this lesson, the learner is
expected to:
 1. Define the concept ‘the self’.
 2. Discuss the meaning of ‘identity’.
 3. Discover the process of understanding the self.
 4. Identify the concepts associated with the self.
 5. React to the quadrants shown as illustrated in the
Johari Window.
Perhaps the most critical issue that
anyone can experience in a lifetime is
to be in conflict with one’s self.
 Indeed it is ironic that one can be in
conflict with his or her self if such
entity is one’s abode and refuge.
Several junctures in our life as
unique individuals lead us to be in
contradiction to our own desires,
thinking, decisions, goals etc.
But as we grow and mature we unfold
and become one with our very self. Such
is a process of metamorphosis, a change
that leads us to happiness and self-
And so several thinkers and theorists
have posited varied insights as to what
really is the self? What is its purpose?
The Nature of the Self
There are varied terminologies that can
be considered synonymous with the ‘self’.
It can be as diverse as ‘self-awareness’,
‘consciousness’, ‘identity’, ‘self-esteem’,
‘self-concept’, ‘ego’ and the like.
But all of those terms and concepts
direct us towards our ‘inner being’
and our ‘soul’.
It takes much intelligence and
awareness to determine that there is
a being inside of us who experiences
every undertaking that we have.
The ‘self’ is thinking and a feeling being
within ‘us’, and within ‘ourselves’.
The ‘self’ generally is the distinct
identity which is a summation of
the experiences of an individual.
The ‘self’ is related to the awareness
and consciousness of a rational being.
Our journey towards our life goals
is a quest to determine what makes
us happy, contented and fulfilled.
Such requires a deep understanding
of the ‘self’ towards the achievement
of self-determination.
The essence of our humanity and
the meaning of our existence
demand an appreciation of who we
are as a person, as a member of the
community and as a member of a
larger institution of people.
TheJohari Window: Getting to
Know ‘The Self’
The Johari Window

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The Johari Window model was developed in
1955 at the University of California Los
Angeles by Joseph Luft and Harrington
Ingham who are both American psychologists.
This model allows participants to understand
themselves well and their corresponding
relationship with the significant others through
the four quadrants determining traits relative
to one’s self and other’s judgment.
Determining the Four Quadrants
The Arena – These are the traits or
descriptions that one sees in the ‘self’
similar to that perceived by the
significant others. Example of this is
‘being outgoing and sociable’.
This is also known as ‘the public self’ as
it is evident to the self and to others.
Facade – These are traits that are
known to the ‘self’ but not to the
significant others. An example
includes ‘being emotional and
sensitive despite being a man’.
This quadrant is also known to be the
‘hidden’ quadrant as it covers those
that we desire not to expose to others.
Blind Spot – This includes traits that the
subject is unaware of but the significant
others claim to be possessed by the
subject. This quadrant cover those that
others perceive to characterize the
subject such as ‘being down to earth
and soft-spoken’.
Unknown – This quadrant covers traits that
both parties do not recognize and consider as
comprising the subjects traits. This is a mystery
that waits to unfold in the proper time. Such
ideally means that there is still much that needs
to be discovered in the individual ‘self’ as we
go through the process of discovering our
unique identity.

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