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1. Proclamation of the Philippine Independence

 Finally, after 333 years of Spanish domination, Philippines obtained independence.

 The sun and stars flag was officially unfurled at the Aguilnaldo’s mansion.
 The flag was made of silk.
 White Triangle contains a sunburst in the center with eight rays and a five-pointed star at each angle.
 The flag also have a blue upper stripe and a red lower stripe.
 Same as the Philippine National March ( Lupang Hinirang, Marcha Nacional Filipina ) was played in public.
 Marcha Nacional Filipina ( formely Marcha Filipina Magdalo, named after Aguinaldo’s Nom De Guerre ), it was played
by the town band of San Francisco De Malabon.
 Republic Act 8491 - provides the rules and guidelines on the proper display and use of the flag, as well as the singing
of the National Anthem.
 The Act of the Declaration of the Philippine Independence - includes the explanation for the design and color of the
flag. It was signed by 98 people with 1 American.

2. The Incredulous Battle of Manila

 The Spanish authorities decided to surrender.

 The Americans established a government in the Philippine, after the surrender in Manila.
 The Philippines was ruled by the President of the US.
 Army Appropriations Act - this law carried the Spooner Amendment, which removed from the US President the
 The treaty of Paris was signed between representatives/diplomats United states and Spain at Paris, France
 It officially ended the Spanish - American war. The pull out of Spanish military in the Philippines was
provided in the Treaty of Paris.
 Treaty of Paris - It provided the following:

1) Spain ceded the Philippines to the united States;

2) Spain received from the U.S. an indemnity of $20,000,000;

3) Guam and Puerto Rico were ceded by Spain to the United states;

4) Spain recognized the Independence of Cuba; and

5) U.S. agreed to give Spain the right to ship commodities to the Philippines for a period of Ten (10) years.

3. The Malolos Republic

 A total of 93 representatives took part in the Congress, 35 of them were directly elected. Many of them
were holders of academic degrees from Universities of Europe.
 It studied the three Constitutional drafts submitted - The Mabini plan, Paterno plan and the Calderon plan.

1. The Mabini Plan was the Constitutional Programme of the Philippine Republic.

2. The Paterno Plan was based on the Spanish Constitution of 1868.

3. The Calderon Plan was a Constitution based on the Constitution of France, Belgium, Mexico, Costa
Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Brazil.

 After thorough examination and deliberation, the Committee choose the Calderon Plan and submitted it to
the Malolos Congress for approval.

 Del Rosario spoke in favor of the Principle of separation of Church and State. Calderon on the contrary
wanted to make Catholicism as State religion.

 For MABINI, independence would not simply mean liberation from Spain but also educating the people for
autonomy and refraining from colonial mentality.

 A system of free and compulsory elementary education was provided.

 Military training for the officers in the Army of the Republic was offered in the Military Academy of Malolos
whose Director was Major Manuel Sityar, a former Spanish lieutenant of the Spanish Guardia Civil.

 Four (4) flag was hoisted on that day:

1) The tricolor flag of the Philippine Revolution:

2) The white flag of surrender:

3) The National Flag of Spain and

4) The pontifical flag.

These fiags were symbols of the forces operating in the Philippines at that time.


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