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Ms. Ni Made Lia Kesumayanti, S.Pd

Teacher of SMK Gandhi Usada Bali

Written by :

Kadek Agus Pradifta (31)

Class XII Hotel Accomodation of SMK Gandhi Usada Bali


The increasing number of human population in the world also increases the amount of waste
that comes from the community. Garbage is actually only objects or things that are seen as
unused, not used, not liked, or must be thrown away, which interfere with the survival of
humans and other living creatures. The waste that is most harmful to the environment is
inorganic waste or waste that is difficult to treat. For example, plastic waste, plastic waste
takes even hundreds of years to decompose, therefore all efforts are made to handle plastic
waste such as refuse, recycle, reduce, replace, reffil, repair. In addition, we can also help
reduce the amount of plastic waste by replacing all single-use plastic wrap with materials that
can be used many times such as cloth.


Waste is unwanted residual material after the end of a process. Waste is defined by
humans according to the degree of use, in natural processes. Waste based on its nature is
divided into 3, namely organic waste (can be decomposed), B3 waste (toxic waste), and
inorganic waste (not biodegradable). Inorganic waste is waste that does not decompose
easily, such as plastic food packaging containers, paper, plastic toys, bottles and drinking
glasses, cans, wood, and so on. This hard-to-decompose waste, especially plastic waste that
accumulates and pollutes the earth, takes a very long time to decompose, therefore many
efforts have been made to reduce the use of plastic and processing plastic waste to maintain
the health of the earth. And I am interested in discussing how to handle plastic waste.

Main body

Waste is one of the problems experienced by countries in the world because it is

difficult to decompose. based on the facts that I read about the plastic waste that accumulates
on earth is very harmful to the environment including other living things whose survival is
disrupted, the amount of plastic waste found on earth until 2015 reached 381 million tons per
year, this figure has increased up to 190 times, with an average increase of 5.8 tons per year.
Therefore, alternative solutions are needed so that the presence of plastic waste can be
handled properly. Alternatives for handling plastic waste include the 6 R's, as follows:
1. Refuse (re-use) is a method by reusing used goods without prior processing for the
same or different purposes from the purpose of the starting material. For example:
using plastic waste as raw material for crafts, used tires packed into seats, and so on.

2. Recycle (reprocessing): utilizing used goods by processing the material for further

3. Reduce: are all forms of activity or behavior that can reduce waste production.
Example: go shopping with a shopping basket/bag from home.

4. Replace: is a way to reduce plastic waste by replacing plastic with materials that
can be reused as an effort to change habits that can accelerate waste production.
Example: wrapping a cake with banana leaves.

5. Refill (refill): i.e. refilling containers of packaging products that have been used up.
Example: using a perfume bottle to be refilled with refill perfume.

6. Repair (repair): that is to carry out maintenance or care so as not to increase the
production of waste. Example: sandals whose straps are broken, repaired with new
straps without the need to buy new sandals while they are still worth it

The most effective handling of plastic waste is by recycling which is an effort to

manage and use used plastic so that it can be reused or processed into goods that are
beneficial to the surrounding environment and have a selling value. This action aims to
reduce and overcome pollution and environmental damage caused by littering of plastic
waste. Recycling plastic waste, of course, has very useful goals and benefits, namely:
opening new jobs for the community, preventing and overcoming environmental pollution,
reducing air pollution due to plastic waste, preventing disease, increasing people's income,
increasing creativity and skills in the community. , creating a clean and healthy environment,
recycling management does not require large space and land, and reduces energy use.

Conclusion and suggestion

Conclusion .

Plastic waste is hazardous waste because it can pollute the environment so that it can bring
various diseases, plastic waste on earth has accumulated very much and is difficult to
decompose, but many efforts have been made to reduce the amount of plastic waste on earth
such as recycling, reducing the use of plastic. and replace it with a material that can be used
many times.


We should be able to reduce the use of plastic so that plastic waste does not accumulate on
the earth. We must save our earth from environmental pollution so that our earth becomes
healthy in the future.

Reference visit in 29 august 2021, 20.00 pm visit in 29 august 2021, 20.20 pm
visit in 29 august 2021, 20.20 pm visit in 29 august 2021, 20.25 pm

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