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A Five-Day Programme

Developing Management Skills U P D AT
‘The Essential Skills For Today’s Managers’
Please call and ask about our discount structure for multiple bookings!

Who Should Attend? to management failure and the strategies for avoiding
Department heads, managers, senior supervisors, team
­ Through interactive exercises, you will gain a clearer

leaders, and others who need to develop their managerial
understanding of how to manage individuals, groups
skills for enhanced performance and career progression.
and tasks, more effectively

About The Programme ­✓ Enhanced communication and time management skills

­✓ A set of practical skills and useful information to draw
Run successfully over the past thirteen years in the Gulf,
on for maximum achievement in the workplace
and continually updated, this is an intensive programme
addressing key management issues, with clear, practical
guidelines every step of the way. Tutorial sessions, real
Programme Content
life Gulf case studies, practical exercises, presentations DAY ONE
and syndicate work make this an action-packed five day ­✓ What Do Managers Do?
course. Day Five focuses on HR issues – recruitment, ­­✓ How Do We Define ‘Management’?
interviewing techniques, appraisals, etc., so some ­­✓ How To Get Your Staff On ‘The Road To High
delegates may wish to attend the first four days only. Performance’?
­✓ Six Reasons For Failure As A Manager
Course Objectives ­✓ The Management Wheel
­ To set clear guidelines for effective management
✓ ­­✓ The Functions & Responsibilities Of Management
­✓ T ­ o work through key management skill areas identifying ­✓ Key Management Tasks & Competencies
the managerial role ­­✓ Being A Proactive Manager
­✓ To raise self-awareness, recognise limitations, and ­­✓ ‘Managing’ Vs ‘Doing’ – What’s The Difference?
identify areas for improvement ­­✓ Understanding The Concept Of Competencies
­­✓ To fully appreciate the ‘tool-kit’ required for the first ­✓ ­ Management Theories
class manager, e.g. delegation, leadership, motivation,
time management, communication skills, teambuilding
● Henry Fayol’s 14 Principles Of Management

skills, etc.
­✓ To understand the contribution managers make in the
development of others
­✓ To learn to work in a ‘proactive’ manner, whilst staying
aware of the parameters within which you must operate
­✓ To develop action plans for continuous development in
the workplace
­✓ To provide a comprehensive framework for future

What You Will Gain

­✓ A clear understanding of the attributes of an effective
­✓ An insight into your current leadership and influencing
style and helpful tools for identifying your areas for
ongoing development
­✓ An awareness of the traps and pitfalls that can lead

A Five-Day Programme

Developing Management Skills U P D AT
‘The Essential Skills For Today’s Managers’

DAY TWO ­­✓ Introduction To Time Management

­­✓ Management Theories (continued) ● The Value Of Time

● Some Well Known Theories Of Management
● Managing Time
● Adapting Your Style
● Definition Of An Effective Time Manager
­­✓ Your Preferred Leadership Style – Self Appraisal ● Assessing Your Time Management Skills – A Quiz
­✓ Leadership
­­✓ Leaders & Managers – Is There A Difference?
● 20 Time Management Rules

Book online on

­­✓ The Qualities & Behavioural Attitudes Required To Be DAY FOUR
An Effective Leader ­✓ Introduction To Time Management (continued)
­✓ The Challenge Of Leadership ● Understanding Your Prime Time
­­✓ Action-Centred Leadership
­­✓ Six Leadership Strategies
● Identifying Personal & Work Related Time Wasters

­✓­ Managing Yourself & Others Effectively

­­✓ Understanding Motivation ­­✓ Delegation & Work Allocation: When & How To Delegate
­­✓ Key Motivators & Demotivators In The Gulf Workplace ● Why Don’t Managers Delegate?
­­✓ Dealing With Demotivation ● Questionnaire: Assessing Your Delegation Skills
­­✓ Ways To Motivate People ­ ● Identifying Your Strengths & Weaknesses

­✓ ­ Communication ● The Process Of Delegation

● Why Is Good Communication Important?

● How A Message Flows

● Strategies For Being A Better Delegator

­­✓ Sample Time Management Aids

● Using A Time Log

­✓ ­ Meetings
­ Communication (continued)

● Questionnaire About Your Meetings

● How Do We Communicate In Business?
● How To Run A Successful Meeting
­ ● Assessment – Analysis Of Time Spent Using
● Responsibilities For The Meeting Leader

Different Communication Methods
­ ● Skilled Communication – The Five ‘C’s
­ ● The Importance Of Agendas & ‘Action Minutes’
­­✓ Planning & Organizing For Success
● Barriers To Good Communication
● SWOT & PESTLE Analysis

­ ● Overcoming The Barriers To Effective Communication ● The ‘Dos’ Of Planning

● Using Questioning Techniques

● Six Steps For Effective Planning

● Being A Good Listener ­­✓ Setting Objectives: The Importance Of Goal Setting

­ ● Communication Media & Information Richness ● The Importance Of SMART(ER) Objectives

● Effective Corporate Communication ­­✓ The Problem Solving Process

● Im portance Of Body Language / Non-Verbal
● Divergent & Convergent Solutions
­­✓ The Johari Window
● Brainstorming / Mind Mapping

­­✓ Teambuilding – How To Build A Successful Team

­­✓ Feedback ● The Difference Between A ‘Group’ & A ‘Team’

● Supportive & Corrective Feedback
● The Stages Of Team Development
­ ● Guidelines For Giving & Receiving Feedback
● The Characteristics Of Successful Teams
­ ● Some Helpful Strategies For Giving Feedback
­✓ 5 Rules For Effective Communication
● What Teams Need To Succeed

­­✓ Self Analysis – Your Preferred Role In A Team

­✓ Hindering & Helping Behaviours For Effective ­­✓ Understanding The Role Of Coaching In Management
Communication ● The Difference Between ‘Coaching’, ‘Training’, &

● The ‘DEVELOPER’ Coaching Model

A Five-Day Programme

Developing Management Skills U P D AT
‘The Essential Skills For Today’s Managers’
Please call and ask about our discount structure for multiple bookings!

­✓ Stress Management Dates for 2011:

● Calculate Your Own Stress Rating Dubai: 20th – 24th March, 12th – 16th June,
● Understanding Stress Management Techniques

­­✓ Understanding Different Behavioural Styles –

18th – 22nd September,
11th – 15th December
Submissive, Aggressive & Assertive
● Learn How To Be Assertive

­­✓ Exercise: Decision Making – A Test Of The Skills Learnt

Abu Dhabi: 20th – 24th February, 15th – 19th May,
16th – 20th October
Qatar: 23rd – 27th January, 10th – 14th April,
Over The Past Four Days
17th – 21st July

Note: During the course, important aspects of

Cross-Cultural Management will be discussed where
they are relevant to the topics covered, e.g. Motivation /
Communication / Leadership, etc.

­✓ Human Resources Key Result Areas
­­✓ Recruitment & Selection
­­✓ Job Descriptions
­­✓ Person Specifications
­­✓ The Selection Process
­­✓ Guidelines For Interviewing
­­✓ Conducting Effective Appraisals
­­✓ Training & Developing Staff – The Manager’s Role In
Training & Development
­­✓ A Guide To Successful Counselling
­­✓ Disciplinary Procedures

Before the course each delegate will be asked to

complete a Pre-Course Briefing Form to determine their
individual objectives for attending the course. These
objectives will be used by the Tutor to give on-target
training that is focused on the individual delegates.

At the end of the course each delegate will be asked

to complete a Personal Development Plan that can be
used as part of future appraisals and that will also be an
important tool for management reference.

Total Investment: Dhs 9,300/- which includes – Training

Materials, Lunch & Refreshments


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