Applied Clay Science: A. Seco, L. Miqueleiz, E. Prieto, S. Marcelino, B. García, P. Urmeneta

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Applied Clay Science xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

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Research paper

Sulfate soils stabilization with magnesium-based binders

A. Seco a,⁎, L. Miqueleiz a, E. Prieto a, S. Marcelino a, B. García b, P. Urmeneta c
Dept. of Projects and Rural Engineering, Public University of Navarre, 31006 Pamplona, Spain
Ingeniería Cartográfica, Geodésica y Fotogrametría, Universidad del País Vasco, 01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain
Magnesitas Navarras S.A., 31630 Zubiri, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Sulfate soils' stabilization is a very interesting subject with technical, economic and environmental implications.
Received 1 August 2016 The difficulty of their stabilization is due to the fact that the usual stabilizer additives are based on calcium. In
Received in revised form 18 October 2016 these soils, sulfate combines with the calcium from the additive and the aluminum from the clay, resulting in a
Accepted 20 October 2016
highly hydrated expansive mineral named ettringite. This provokes the swelling of the treated material and
Available online xxxx
even its destruction. This study analyzes the result of the substitution of the calcium based additives by one alter-
native additive based on magnesium, an industrial byproduct named PC-8, in the stabilization of five different
Sulfate soil sulfate soils. From a mechanical point of view soils treated with PC-8 reached similar resistance values to the
Soil stabilization lime treated ones, of about 2–3 MPa for 4% dosage and 2–5 MPa for 8% dosage, being usually better with the
Valorization PC-8 results than with the lime ones. When PC-8 was combined with GGBS the resistance values increased up
Construction material to 11–13 MPa and the lime-GGBS reached the 6–7 MPa. The natural swelling of the soils treated with PC-8 de-
Ettringite creased substantially and maintained constant even for immersion at long-term. In the case of the soils treated
with lime, long-term swelling increased up to very high values even in the case of soils without natural swelling.
XRD analysis of these samples demonstrated the existence of ettringite in 4 of the 5 soils when they were treated
with lime and there was not expansive minerals in the PC-8 treated soils, agreeing with the swelling observed
behavior of the soils when treated with both additives.
© 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V.

1. Introduction and silicon (S) from the clay matrix are solubilized and combine with
the available calcium (C) generating hydrated (H) cementitious com-
Soils' stabilization based on lime or cement is a widely used tech- pounds schematically named CSH, CAH and CSAH (Nalbantoglu, 2004;
nique to improve the soils' properties as a construction material. The Guney et al., 2007; Yong and Ouhadi, 2007; Chen and Lin, 2009).
use of these additives is particularly suitable in clayey soils, which usu- These compounds are responsible of the improvement of the mechani-
ally have inadequate properties like high plasticity, bad workability as cal properties of the stabilized soil upon curing time, as pozzolanic reac-
well as low bearing capacity (Guney et al., 2007; Lin et al., 2007; tions develop. The kinetics of these reactions depend on the amount and
Göktepe et al., 2008). Clayey soils consist in aluminosilicate mineral availability of the concerned oxides and they can last even years (Wild
layers with negative surface charge that, by electrostatic repulsion, et al., 1998). The clay matrix usually has enough aluminum and silicon,
maintain an open structure. With the addition of lime, Ca2+ ions fixa- which allows the use of lime instead of cement, being a cheaper and ef-
tion takes place, electrostatic charges of the clay layers are balanced fective treatment (Chen and Lin, 2009). In those soils where enough sil-
and electrochemical repulsion forces between them are reduced. This icon and aluminum are not available, they have to be added with the
causes the adhesion of the clay particles in flocs where the clay layers additive. In these cases it is recommended the use of products like Ordi-
are now linked by Ca2+ ions, resulting in a soil with improved proper- nary Portland Cement (OPC), rich in available SiO2, Al2O3 and CaO, that
ties: a more granular structure, higher permeability and lower plasticity provides the needed oxides, shortening also the reaction time (Wild et
(Kinuthia et al., 1999; Lin et al., 2007). In addition, the lime's hydration al., 1998; Degirmenci et al., 2007). The improvement of the obtained
releases OH– ions that increase the pH up to about 12.4. Under these properties will depend on the quantity and richness of the additive,
conditions pozzolanic reactions take place in the soil: Aluminum (A) the soil's mineralogy, its particles' size and shape and the curing condi-
tions (Misra et al., 2005; Yarbasi et al., 2007; Göktepe et al., 2008).
Despite the demonstrated technical, economic and environmental
⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (A. Seco),
suitability of the use of calcium based additives as stabilizers for
(L. Miqueleiz), (E. Prieto), (S. Marcelino), soils, this type of treatment may cause adverse effects in some soils (B. García), (P. Urmeneta). and even lead to the total destruction of the stabilized material.
0169-1317/© 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V.

Please cite this article as: Seco, A., et al., Sulfate soils stabilization with magnesium-based binders, Appl. Clay Sci. (2016),
2 A. Seco et al. / Applied Clay Science xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

One of the most common causes of this type of failure is the presence the treated material (Celik and Nalbantoglu, 2013). Another probable
in the stabilized soil of sulfate (SO 24 −). Sulfate is a very common way to stabilize the sulfate soils can be the replacement of calcium
oxide as well as in many natural soils around the world as in indus- based additives by other metal cations, such as magnesium. Xeidakis
trial wastes. Other times it may stem from the water used for com- (1996a,b) demonstrated that the Mg(OH)2 fixing in the expansive clay
paction, or arise from infiltration from the surrounding terrain. layers is more rapid than that Ca(OH)2, resulting also in the clay's floc-
Whatever its origin, the reaction of the calcium supplied by the culation. He also proved the Mg(OH)2 capacity to increase the soil's
lime or cement, aluminum, silicon and the sulfate all together in pH and the theoretical possibility to generate Mg based cementitious
the presence of water, causes the formation of expansive minerals, gels.
the most common being a highly hydrated and expansive crystalline The lack of guaranties about the sulfate soils stabilization with calci-
mineral named ettringite [Ca6Al2(SO4)3(OH)12·26H2O] (Crammond, um additives, the magnesium capacity to flocculate clays and its eventu-
2002; Nobst and Stark, 2003; Ciliberto et al., 2008; Norman et al., ally cementing properties, both make the magnesium-based additives a
2013). The mechanics of the formation of ettringite are not well priority research subject.
established (Mohamed, 2000), although the conditions for its formation This study analyzes the possibility to stabilize sulfate-containing
are known (Ouhadi and Yong, 2003), which are: (1) high pH, (2) pres- soils with magnesium-based additives instead the calcium-based ones,
ence of soluble Al, (3) presence of soluble Ca, (4) presence of soluble taking into account the capacity to create cementitious gels as well as
sulfate and (5) availability of water. It is also known that the rate of the reduced potential for the formation of expansive minerals due to
ettringite formation is accelerated by high temperatures (Rajasekaran, the stabilization of both additives.
2005). Talero (2005) and Rahhal and Talero (2014) pointed out differ-
ent formation rates, shape and size of the ettringite's crystals based on 2. Materials and methods
different reactive aluminum compounds from OPC (C3A) and pozzola-
nic additions (Al2Or−
3 ). Given the right conditions, ettringite formation 2.1. Materials
is the dominant reaction, even appearing during the mixing of the ma-
terials. Mohamed (2000) determined the total time of formation of Three natural soils (I, II and III) and two based in waste artificial soils
ettringite in a natural marly soil within 48 h. In their experiments (IV and V) were considered in this study. Table 1 shows the characteri-
Ouhadi and Yong (2003, 2008) established the formation of this mineral zation of the analyzed soils from a soil mechanics and chemical points of
over one month in one case, and between the mixture of the soil with view. All the laboratory test were carried out in accordance with Span-
lime and 48 h in another experiment. From a chemical point of view, ish and European Standards, mineralogical compositions were estimat-
the reactions involved in the formation of ettringite are (Ouhadi and ed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis based on the chart proposed by
Yong, 2008): Al-Rawas (1999) and the soils composition, expressed as their most sig-
nificant oxides, were based on X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis.
CaO þ H2 O→CaðOHÞ2 Soils I, II and III were obtained from different geological formations
across the Ebro's Valley in the North of Spain. They are expansive clayey
CaðOHÞ2 →Ca2þ þ 2ðOHÞ− soils from different geological tertiary structures with different sulfate

Al2 Si4 O10 ðOHÞ2  nH2 O þ 2ðOHÞ− þ 10H2 O→2 2AlðOHÞ−
4 þ 4H4 SiO4 þ nH2 O contents.
Mx SO4  nH2 O→XMy þ SO4 þ nH2 O Soil IV comes from the fraction smaller than 5 mm, obtained from
where crushing of old concrete structures in a building site in the city of Pam-
x ¼ 1; y¼2 plona (Spain). This recycled material contains a 5% of sulfate, mainly be-
or cause of the plasterboards remains crushed together with the concrete.
x ¼ 2; y ¼ 1
Soil V consists of a mix of a 70% slag from a biomass plant that burns ce-
  real straw, with a 30% of a local marly soil to get adequate workability
6Ca2þ þ 2AlðOHÞ− − 2−
4 þ 4OH þ 3 SO4 þ 26H2 O→Ca6 Al2 ðSO4 Þ3 ðOHÞ12  26H2 O properties for the soils mechanical tests.
The second kind of materials considered are the following additives:
A second way for the ettringite formation has been observed in OPC (1) PC-8. This material is a by-product rich in MgO calcined during mag-
mortars and concretes where, after long curing periods in wet condi- nesite production by means of the calcination of natural MgCO3 rocks up
tions, sulfate attacks the CAH, generating what is commonly referred to 1100 °C. This process is carried out in a rotatory kiln with crosscurrent
to as “delayed ettringite”, which provokes the same undesirable effects air circulation, which pulls dust particles along the whole kiln. So that,
in the cementitious materials (Lee et al., 2005; Escadeillas et al., 2007; this dust contains MgCO3 (inert), calcined MgO (reactive) and vitrified
Ciliberto et al., 2008; Chen and Jianj, 2009; Pavoine et al., 2012; MgO (inert) particles and it is recovered by means of air cyclones. The
Nguyen et al., 2013). The swelling capacity of the soil in which ettringite sample used in this study was supplied by Magnesitas de Navarra S.A.
develops, and therefore its undesirable effects, are produced during the Company. (2) Commercial hydrated lime CL-90-S. Rich in Ca(OH)2, it
formation of this mineral. Once ettringite is present in the soil, it is stable has been used like reference calcium based additive for the soils treat-
and even contributes to improve bearing capacity (Kinuthia et al., 1999; ment, and (3) GGBS. This by-product of the steel production has been
Rajasekaran, 2005; Min et al., 2008). used combined with PC-8 and lime as activators. The sample used was
One way to reduce the formation of ettringite in a stabilized sulfate supplied by Hanson Cement Company.
soil is the partial substitution of lime or cement by ground granulated Table 2 shows the additives' properties and their XRF obtained oxide
blastfurnace slag (GGBS). GGBS contributes with a large amount of composition.
quickly available aluminum and silicon both of which react with the In the case of the soils the only pre-treatment made consisted on
available calcium, expending it for the cementitious gels formation, grinding and sieving to get particles sizes smaller than 2 mm to allow
avoiding the formation of ettringite. This protective effect against sulfate a better contact soil-additive and thus, a more efficient treatment. In
attack is especially intense for high replacement ratios of lime with the case of the additives no pre-treatment was necessary.
GGBS (about 83%). Furthermore, GGBS also produces a denser cementi-
tious matrix, reduces the permeability and hence the water availability, 2.2. Samples' preparation
increasing the durability against the internal and external sulfates' at-
tack (Wild et al., 1998; Tasong et al., 1999; Obuzor et al., 2012). Howev- Two kind of samples were prepared during the experimental inves-
er this way of limiting the sulfate attack must to be used carefully tigation: The first category are the samples to establish the mechanical
because all the oxides needed for the ettringite formation remain in properties of the tested combinations. The mixing of soils and additives

Please cite this article as: Seco, A., et al., Sulfate soils stabilization with magnesium-based binders, Appl. Clay Sci. (2016),
A. Seco et al. / Applied Clay Science xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 3

Table 1
Characterization of the considered soils.

Name Soil I Soil II Soil III Soil IV Soil V

Biomass slags Marl

WGS84 Coordinates:
Latitude 42°10′14.75″N 41°26′49.85″N 42°4′6.13″N 42°48′25.45″N
Longitude 1°33′13.72″W 0°43′21.03″W 1°37′3.09″W 1°39′00.05″W
USGS classification CL CL CL CL
Normal proctor
UNE 103500
Max. density (g/cm3) 1.70 1.68 1.76 1.90 1.97
Optimum wet (%) 19.2 16.6 15.4 15.0 12.2
Freedom swelling (%) 4.22 2.11 3.88 0.00 0.00 0.00
UNE 103601
Atterberg limits
UNE 103103 LL = 39 LL = 34 LL = 45 No plastic No plastic LL = 26
UNE 103104 PL = 24 PL = 22 PL = 25 PL = 18
PI = 15 PI = 12 PI = 20 PI = 8

FRX analysis
Oxides Concentration (%)
Na2O 0.52 0.28 0.77 0.20 1.57 0.36
MgO 5.22 7.08 4.15 1.26 1.68 2.06
Al2O3 10.29 7.66 17.64 7.07 1.39 11.30
SiO2 22.87 19.25 39.05 20.57 27.22 30.78
P2O5 0.17 0.08 0.18 0.13 2.17 0.12
SO3 23.46 23.73 0.30 11.36 7.51 0.00
K2O 2.38 2.00 3.56 0.92 24.34 1.96
CaO 26.38 24.95 17.10 42.23 13.03 36.64
TiO2 0.37 0.34 0.64 0.36 0.11 0.53
Cr2O3 – – 0.03 – 0.06 0.03
MnO 0.03 0.04 0.09 0.04 0.06 3.43
Fe2O3 3.14 2.79 5.98 2.47 1.10 0.01
Rb2O 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.13
SrO 0.15 0.41 0.02 0.11 0.10 1.96
ZnO – – 0.013 0.016 0.015 –
ZrO2 – – 0.028 0.024 0.017 0.029
BaO – 0.055 0.088 0.056 0.081 0.061
Cl – 0.044 0.024 0.033 7.487 –
Y2O3 – 0.002 0.004 – – 0.001

DRX mineralogy
Quartz Quartz Quartz Kaolinite Quartz Calcite
Calcite Gypsum Calcite Calcite Silvite Illite
Gypsum Muscovite Muscovite Quartz Arcanite Quartz
Muscovite Kaolinite Dolomite Gypsum – Kaolinite
Kaolinite Dolomite Clorite Muscovite – Attapulgite
Dolomite – Gypsum – – Ankerite
Magnesite – – – – –

was carried out in an industrial mixer until their complete homogeniza- bibliography as follows (Oti et al., 2008; Seco et al., 2011a,b; Miqueleiz
tion. After that, water corresponding to the Normal Proctor (NP) test et al., 2012): Soils I, II and III were treated with PC-8 at 4 and 8%, lime
was added slowly to get uniform distribution. After a wet mixing time at 4 and 8%, PC-8 at 2% plus GGBS at 8% and lime at 2% plus GGBS at
the mixes were treated in a high speed homogenizer to guarantee 8%. In the case of the soils IV and V, PC-8 and lime alone were not tested
good of mixing and wet distribution. Once the quality of the mixes because of the lack of clay minerals in the crushed concrete and in the
was visually verified, 65 mm diameter and 75 mm height cylindrical biomass slags. In these soils only PC-8 at 2% plus GGBS at 8% and lime
samples were prepared, pressing the material in a mold at 8 MPa. The at 2% plus GGBS at 8% were used.
samples were immediately demolded after fabrication and maintained, The combinations with 8% of calcium and magnesium alone where
since the fabrication till the testing age, in a wet chamber at 20 °C and picked out to state the long-term stability of the treated soils against
100% HR. The additives' doses were established based on the the sulfate attack. In this case, 50 mm diameter and 2 mm height sam-
ples were prepared at NP maximum density and optimum wet content
inside oedometer sample rings. In these cases, as the materials quanti-
Table 2 ties were small (about 200 g in each case), the mixing as well as the
Additives oxides richness. compaction procedures were performed manually in accordance with
the Spanish standard UNE 103601.
Oxides (%) PC-8 CL-90-S GGBS

SiO2 3,41 35,35

2.3. Tests
CaO 7,40 41,99
Ca(OH)2 N95
Fe2O3 2,42 0,35 The characterization of the mechanical properties of the tested sam-
Al2O3 0,56 ples was carried out at the ages of 1, 7, 14, 28, 56 and 90 days, according
SO3 7,26 0,23 to the unconfined compressive test defined in the Spanish standard UNE
MgO 61,85 8,04
103400. The long-term materials stability was analyzed in two ways: On

Please cite this article as: Seco, A., et al., Sulfate soils stabilization with magnesium-based binders, Appl. Clay Sci. (2016),
4 A. Seco et al. / Applied Clay Science xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

the one hand the dimensional stability of the samples in a long-term the lime only in soil III a small increase of resistance was observed for
swelling was determined by immersion in the oedometer test according the 90 days curing time. For the combinations with 2% of lime or PC-8
to the Spanish standard UNE 103601. On the other hand, all the samples, combined with 8% GGBS, the resistance increases were the most signif-
after the swelling test were analyzed by XRD to identify any possible icant, especially in the case of the PC-8 that, in all the soils was beyond
mineralogical changes in the samples' composition, especially the de- 11 MPa, with a maximum value of 13.4 MPa in soil IV. Lime plus GGBS
velopment of expansive minerals. treated soils demonstrated good increase in mechanical properties but
always lower than for the PC-8 plus GGBS combinations, with typical
3. Results and discussion values about 6–7 MPa and a maximum value of 8.8 MPa in soil III at
56 days. Another meaningful data is that, in all the cases, close to max-
3.1. Mechanical properties investigation imum resistance values were reached before the 28 days, shortening
significantly the expected curing time for soils stabilization. Finally,
Fig. 1 shows the samples' mechanical properties for the five soils the lack of visual damage in the specimens during the 90 days of curing
considered and the different additives combinations. should be noted. Only in samples from the combinations of soil I, with 4
In the soils I–III the use of 4% of lime and of PC-8 gave the lowest re- and 8% of lime, where some surface spalling was observed (see Fig. 2),
sistance values with no significant differences among both additives. but their XRD analyzes did not show any presence of ettringite.
The dosage of 8% of PC-8 resulted in low or moderate mechanical After the experimental investigations the remaining samples of all
strength increases that always maintain under 5 MPa. In the case of the combinations were maintained in the wet chamber for observing

Fig. 1. Unconfined compression test results of soils.

Please cite this article as: Seco, A., et al., Sulfate soils stabilization with magnesium-based binders, Appl. Clay Sci. (2016),
A. Seco et al. / Applied Clay Science xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 5

Fig. 2. Soil 1 treated with 8% lime observed surface cracks at 90 days curing age. Fig. 4. XRD difractograms of soil V and soil V treated with 8% lime, after the unconfined
compressive test.

the possible delayed appearance of damages caused by expansive min- of calcium and sulfate from the burnt remains that could combine
erals. In soils I–VI no defects were identified but in the case of soil V at with aluminum oxides from the marl, to produce small amounts of
90 days small surface cracks, which did not affect the mechanical ettringite. The swelling for the soils treated with PC-8, decreased signif-
strength of the samples, were observed. These cracks in the samples icantly, even reaching acceptable values for use as construction mate-
treated with lime continued growing up till 140 days of curing, when rials. During the entire testing time, these values remained steady
all the samples treated with lime and with PC-8 had the appearance except for soil IV where a slight swelling was observed, probably be-
shown in Fig. 3. Despite the evidence of the existence of expansive be- cause of the formation of small quantities of ettringite from the cement
havior, the XRD analyses of these samples did not identify any changes compounds and the available sulfate. The low swelling values obtained
in mineralogical composition that supported the appearance of expan- in the samples treated with PC-8 demonstrated the good properties of
sive minerals. Fig. 4 shows the XRD difractograms of soil V and the MgO like expansive clays flocculator as well as the elimination of swell-
same soil treated with 8% lime, tested after the unconfined compressive ing effects, even in the case of high dosages (8%), in immersion and at
test. long-term. In the case of the natural soils (I–III), the treatment with
lime decreased their natural swelling during the first 24 h but after
3.2. Analysis for long-term dimensional stability that, they swelled up to values much above their natural ones. In soils
I and II, the samples swelling increased during all the test duration but
Following the stated methodology, three samples of each soil with in the case of the soil III, its swelling reached its maximum value at
8% of lime, 8% of PC-8 and samples without treatment (control), were the age of 10 days remaining steady afterward, probably due to the
prepared to analyze their free swelling upon potential in immersion. whole sulfate's consumption because of its small amount (0.30%).
Fig. 5 shows the temporal evolution of the different combinations and Soils IV and V treated with lime also presented significant continuous
Table 3 summarizes them. swelling values during the test duration despite their lack of natural
The five soils showed similar behavior. The untreated samples main- swelling.
tained steady swelling values except soil V. This behavior was attributed
to the presence of unburned vegetal remains in the biomass slag that
swelled because of their water absorption or because of the presence 3.3. Mineralogic analysis of the samples

After observing macroscopic swelling behavior of the treated sam-

ples, they were analyzed by XRD to establish the relationship between
the observed swelling and the presence of expansive minerals. XRD
demonstrated the presence of ettringite in samples of soils I, II, IV and
V treated with lime. Fig. 5 shows how peaks of ettringite appear in the
difractograms of these soils, revealing the presence of this mineral.
These results agree in all the cases with the swelling observed behavior
in the dimensional stability analysis of the samples, except in the case of
the soil III. This fact, together with to the small size of the ettringite's
peaks in the difractograms of the other soils where this mineral was ob-
served, suggests that the observed type of ettringite has a low crystal-
line structure or more probably, it appears in small amounts, possibly
in specific sites of the samples, making its identification more difficult
from a mineralogical point of view, even when its macroscopical effects
are evident.
As it can be seen in Fig. 6, in the case of the samples treated with PC-8
no expansive mineral was observed in any difractograms. The only dif-
ference with the soils' previous XRD characterization difractograms was
the magnesite (MgCO3) peaks related to the additive's carbonation,
agreeing with the macroscopical stability observed in the samples in
Fig. 3. 140 days soil V samples. a) Treated with 8% lime and b) treated with 8% PC-8. all the cases.

Please cite this article as: Seco, A., et al., Sulfate soils stabilization with magnesium-based binders, Appl. Clay Sci. (2016),
6 A. Seco et al. / Applied Clay Science xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

Fig. 5. Long term dimensional stability analysis test results.

4. Conclusions of their stabilization with conventional additives. In this sense, the re-
sults obtained in this study have allowed to answer some of the key
The stabilization of sulfate soils is a very interesting subject because questions about the effect of the magnesium in different kinds of sulfate
of its technical, economic and environmental implications. From a tech- soils, among them:
nical point of view their stabilization continues being a challenge be-
cause of the concurrency on them many times of circumstances that 1. The treatment of the natural soils with 4 and 8% of lime or PC-8 im-
make them bad construction materials and the practical impossibility proved their mechanical properties up to usual values obtained in
other clayey soils. In all the cases the developed resistances was
Table 3 higher for the 8% dosages than for the 4% ones, and for the PC-8
Swelling test results. than for the lime, demonstrating the ability of the magnesium as a
clay stabilizer additive from a mechanical point of view, better than
Soil Natural 24 h lime 24 h PC-8 Testing time Final lime Final PC-8
swelling swelling (%) swelling (%) (days) swelling swelling the lime.
(%) (%) (%) 2. The use of a combined binder lime-GGBS or PC-8-GGBS improved in
I 4.48 4.02 0.00 60 12.62 0.10 all the cases the mechanical properties of the treated soils, even be-
II 2.11 4.43 0.35 120 10.56 0.40 fore the 28 days curing time. PC-8-GGBS combinations reached, in
III 3.88 5.23 1.51 30 7.14 1.66 all the treated soils, the best mechanical results at all the curing
IV 0.02 0.91 0.10 50 4.83 0.40 times, demonstrating a better ability of the magnesium as pozzolanic
V 11.31 5.93 1.11 50 26.15 1.16
additives activator than the calcium.

Please cite this article as: Seco, A., et al., Sulfate soils stabilization with magnesium-based binders, Appl. Clay Sci. (2016),
A. Seco et al. / Applied Clay Science xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 7

Fig. 6. XRD of lime and PC-8 treated soils.

3. None of the samples prepared for the unconfined compressive test significant reduction of the natural swelling of the soils was observed
showed significant damage or lack of resistance during the as well as the dimensional stability of all the treated samples across
90 days of curing time in the wet chamber. Only after that age the time, except in the case of the soil IV where a small swelling
did all the remaining samples of the soil V treated with lime was observed. In nothing of the PC-8 treated samples, expansive
start to swell during the 160 days of curing time, when they minerals were identified by XRD analysis.
were completely disintegrated. The XRD analysis of these samples
didn't show the presence of any expansive minerals in them. As final conclusion it can be stated that the use of magnesium-based
4. The long-term swelling test demonstrated its ability to be an indirect additives can be a potentially good method for the valorization of sulfate
estimator of the potential development of expansive minerals in the containing materials in construction applications. Although more stud-
treated sulfate soils. In the samples treated with 8% lime, only in the ies must to be carried out in this sense, the results obtained in this study
case of the soil III, the observed 7% swelling didn't agree with the allow suggest possible replacement of calcium based additives by the
ettringite detection by XRD. In the samples treated with 8% PC-8 a magnesium ones.

Please cite this article as: Seco, A., et al., Sulfate soils stabilization with magnesium-based binders, Appl. Clay Sci. (2016),
8 A. Seco et al. / Applied Clay Science xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

Acknowledgements Nguyen, V.H., Leklou, N., Aubert, J.E., Mounanga, P., 2013. The effect of natural pozzolan on
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Please cite this article as: Seco, A., et al., Sulfate soils stabilization with magnesium-based binders, Appl. Clay Sci. (2016),

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