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Tujuan Pembelajaran:

Setelah mempelajari Unit ini mahasiswa di harapkan mampu

1. Memperkenalkan diri dalam Bahasa Inggris

2. Menjelaskan tentang subject – verb agreement
3. Menjelaskan tentang Subject – Verb agreement menggunakan =
There + be
4. Menjelaskan tentang beberepa ketidakaturan dalam subject-verb
5. Menjelaskan tentang subjek dan adjective pronouns dari subjek itu
6. Subject – verb agreement menggunakan Expression of Quantity

Agreement/Concord adalah kesesuaian antara penyusun-penyusun suatu kalimat berdasarkan

aturan kebahasaan tertentu. Misalnya, didalam bahasa Inggris, bentuk kata kerja (dalam pola
present tense) akan berbeda antara subject orang pertama tunggal dan orang ketiga tunggal.

Penggunaan concord dalam bahasa inggris :

A. Subject-Verb Agreement (Kesesuaian antara Subjek dan kata kerja ( verb))

1. Didalam bahasa Inggris, terdapat aturan tertentu tentang kesesuaian antara subjek dan kata
kerja dalam suatu kalimat. Jika subjek dalam bentuk tunggal maka kata kerja yang
digunakan juga harus disesuaikan, begitu pula jika subjek dalam suatu kalimat berbentuk

Contoh :

Incorrect : His knowledge of languages and International relations aid him in his work

Correct : His knowledge of languages and international relations aids him in his work

Incorrect : Nato were going to hospital by himself yesterday

Correct : Nato was going to hospital by himself yesterday

Incorrect : My mother cook delicious fish

Correct : My mother cooks delicious fish

Incorrect : Since the shipment of supplies for our experiments were delayed, we will have
to reschedule our work

Correct : Since the shipment of supplies for our experiments was delayed, we will have
to reschedule our work

Incorrect : The production of different kinds of artificial materials are essential to the
conservation of our natural resources

Correct : The production of different kinds of artificial materials is essential to the

conservation of our natural resources

Task 1

Part A : Choose the correct answer.

Groups of tissues, each with its own function, …………. In the human body

A. It makes up the organs

B. Make up the organs
C. They make up the organs
D. Makes up the organs

Part B : Choose the incorrect word or phrase and correct it.

The Zoning Improvement Plan, better known as zip codes, enable postal clerks to speed the
routing of an ever-increasing volume of mail.

2. Jika dalam suatu kalimat terdapat dua subjek yang dihubungkan dengan penghubung
“either …or”, “neither …. Nor…”, dan “not only …but also ….” Maka kata kerja yang
digunakan harus menyesuaikan dengan subjek terakhir (yang paling dekat dengan kata kerja)

Contoh :

Incorrect : Either my brother or my sister love watching action movies

Correct : Either my brother or my sister loves watching action movies
Incorrect : Not only sister but also my parents is here
Correct : Not only sister but also my parents are here
Incorrect : Neither my mother nor my sister are here
Correct : Neither my mother nor my sister is here
Incorrect : Not only the teacher but also the student are here
Correct : Not only the teacher but also the student is here
Incorrect : Neither my sister nor my friends likes watching movie
Correct : Neither my sister nor my friends like watching movie.

Task 2 : Error analysis : paired conjunctions. Directions: what is wrong with these
1. Either Jhon will call Mary or Bob
2. Not only sue saw the mouse but also the cat
3. Either Mr. Anderson or Ms. Wiggins are going to teach our class today
4. I enjoy not only reading novels but also magazines
5. Yes, either Omar or Rosa have my book.
3. Jika indefinite subject (kata ganti tak tentu) digunakan dalam suatu kalimat, maka kata kerja
yang digunakan adalah kata kerja bentuk tunggal
Beberapa bentuk indefinite subject

1. Anybody 8. Neither
2. Anyone 9. Everyone
3. Anything 10. Everybody
4. Each 11. Everything
5. Either 12. Nobody
6. no one 13. somebody
T 7. hnothinge f o
14. someone l l o w i n g
or context from the sentences:

1. all

2. any
3. some
4. the rest
Avoid using plural verb with singular subject, and singular verbs with plural subjects.

Contoh :

Incorrect : Everyone who major in architecture and fine arts study History of Art 450
Correct : Everyone who major in architecture and fine arts studies History of Art 450
Incorrect : Either of these buses go past the University.
Correct : Either of these buses goes past the University.
Incorrect : Anyone who wish to participate in the state lottery may do so by purchasing a
ticket at a store that displays the official lottery seal
Correct : Anyone who wishes to participate in the state lottery may do so by purchasing
a ticket at a store that displays the official lottery seal
Incorrect : No one know where she is living right now
Correct : No one knows where she is living right now
Incorrect : Anything happen for a reason
Correct : Anything happens for a reason

Task 3 .

Part A : Choose the correct answer.

Each of the radioisotopes produced artificially ………… its own distinct structure

A. have
B. has
C. having
D. have had

Part B : Choose the incorrect word or phrase and correct it.

Everyone who has traveled across the United States by car, train, or bus are surprised to see

such a large expanse of territory with such variation among the lifestyles of the people
4. Jika kata benda dilekati oleh every atau each dan menjadi subject dari kalimat maka
bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan adalah bentuk tunggal. Sedangkan dua kata benda atau
lebih dihubungkan dengan “and” menggunakan kata kerja jamak (plural verb)

Contoh :

Incorrect : Every student in this class intend to go to the music concert tomorrow
Correct : Every student in this class intends to go to the music concert tomorrow
Incorrect : Each employee want to have high salary
Correct : Each employee wants to have high salary
Incorrect : Every man, woman, and child need love.
Correct : Every man, woman, and child needs love.
Incorrect : Each book and magazine are listed in the card catalog.
Correct : Each book and magazine is listed in the card catalog.
Incorrect : My brother and sister lives in Boston.
Correct : My brother and sister live in Boston.

Task 4 . Choose the correct answer in the parentheses

1. Each girl and boy in the sixth-grade class (has, have) to do a science project
2. The extent of Jane’s knowledge on various complex subjects (astounds, astound) me
3. Lettuce (is,are) good for you
4. Oranges, tomatoes, fresh strawberries, cabbage, lettuce ( is, are ) rich in vitamin C
5. The professor and the student (agrees, agree) on that point.
6. Why (was,were) Susan and Alex late for the meeting?
7. Making pies and cakes (is,are) Mrs. Reed’s specialty
8. The subjects you will be studying in this course (is,are) listed in the syllabus
5. Kadang ada phrase yang memisahkan sebuah subjek dari kata kerjanya sendiri. Interrupting
structures ini tidak mempengaruhi basic agreement.
Contoh : The book on political parties is interesting.

The interrupting prepositional phrase on political parties tidak mempengaruhi kata kerja is,
karena kata kerja is harus ada kesesuaian dengan subjek book
Contoh :
Incorrect : The books, an English dictionary and a chemistry text, was on the shelf
Correct : The books, an English dictionary and a chemistry text, were on the shelf
Incorrect : Three swimmers from our team, Paul, Ed , and Jim, is in competition for medals
Correct : Three swimmers from our team, Paul, Ed , and Jim, are in competition for
Incorrect : My dog, as well as my cats, like food.
Correct : My dog, as well as my cats, likes food.

Task 5

Part A : Choose the correct answer.

Cupid, one of the ancient Roman gods, ………………………

A. Were a little winged child

B. Representing as a little winged child
C. Was represented as a little winged child
D. A little winged child

Part B : Choose the incorrect word or phrase and correct it.

Columbus, Ohio, the capital of the state, are not the largest city in Ohio but also a typical
metropolitan area, often used in market research.

B. Subject – Verb agreement menggunakan There + be

a. There are twenty students in my class In the structure there + be is called an
b. There’s a fly in the room “expletive”. It has no meaning as a vocabulary
word. It introduces the idea that something exists
in a particular place.
Pattern: there + be + subject + expression of
c. There are seven continents Sometimes the expression of place is omitted
when the meaning is clear. In (c) : the implied
expression of place is clearly in the world.
Singular verb Plural Verb
d. There is a book e. There are The subject follows be when there is used
on the shelf some books d :The subject is book
on the shelf e :the subject is books
f. Informal : there’s some books on the In very informal spoken English, some native
shelf speakers use a singular verb even when subject is
plural, as in f.
ketika menggunakan there +be , maka yang menjadi subjek adalah kata benda setelah kata kerja,
sehingga kata kerja akan menyesuaikan dengan subjek setelah kata kerja

Misalny “There are the results of the election.” Yang menjadi subjek dalam kalimat tadi
adalah results, sehingga be are digunakan untuk disesuaikan dengan subject results yang
bermakna plural.

Contoh :
Incorrect : There was ten people in line already when we arrived
Correct : There were ten people in line already when we arrived
Incorrect : There have been very little rain this summer
Correct : There has been very little rain this summer medals
Incorrect : I think that there were a problem
Correct : I think that there was a problem.

Task 6. Using There and Be. Direction: choose the correct answer in parentheses

1. There (isn’t, aren’t) any letters in the mail for you today
2. There is (isn’t, aren’t) any mail for you today
3. There (is, are) a lot of problems in the world
4. There (is,are) a hole in his sock
5. There (is,are) over 600,000 kinds of insects in the world
6. How many kinds of birds (is,are) there in the world?
7. Why (isn’t, aren’t) there a hospital close to those villages?
8. There (was, were) a terrible earthquake in Iran last year
9. Why (is,are) there a shortage of available apartments for rent in this city at present/
10. There (is,are) more women than men in my office.

C. Subject – Verb Agreement : Some Irregularities (tak beraturan)

Singular Verb
a. The United States is big Kadang Proper noun yang diakhiri
b. The Philippines consists of more than 7,000 islands. dengan huruf –s menggunakan
c. The United Nations has its headquarters in New York kata kerja berbentuk tunggal.
City Pronoun yang digunakan untuk
d. Sears is a department store proper noun ini adalah It bukan
They. The United States = it
(bukan they)
e. The news is interesting News adalah bentuk tunggal,
sehingga kata kerja nya juga dalam
bentuk tunggal
f. Mathematics is easy for her. Physic is easy for her too Field of study yang diakhiri
dengan huruf –ics menggunakan
kata kerja bentuk tunggal
g. Diabetes is an illness Istilah penyakit dalam bahasa
inggris yang diakhiri dengan huruf
–s adalah berbentuk
tunggal/menggunakan kata kerja
berbentuk tunggal. Seperti :
diabetes, measles, mumps, rabies,

rickets, shingles.
h. Eight hours of sleep is enough Untuk mengekspresikan waktu,
i. Ten dollars is too much to pay uang dan jarak biasanya
j. Five thousand miles is too far to travel menggunakan kata kerja berbentuk
k. Two and two is four Arithmetic(perhitungan)
l. Two and two equals four menggunakan kata kerja tunggal
m. Two plus two is equals four
n. Five times five is twenty-five
Plural Verb
o. Those people are from Canada People, police, dan cattle tanpa
p. The Police have been called diakhiri huruf s berbentuk jamak
q. Cattle are domestic animals dan menggunakan kata kerja
Singular Verb Plural Verb

p. English is spoken in q. The English drink tea Pada contoh (p) English : bahasa,
many countries s. The Chinese have an sedangkan pada (q) The English =
r. Chinese is his native interesting history orang-orang Inggris. Untuk kata
speaker benda nationality yang di akhiri
dengan huruf –sh,-ese, and –ch
bisa berarti bahasa atau orang,
contohnya: English, Spanish,
Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese,
Portuguese, And French.
t. The poor have many Beberapa kelompok Adjective bisa
problems ditambahkan the dan fungsinya
u. The rich get richer sebagai kata benda jamak (tanpa
akhiran-s) ditujukan untuk orang
yang memiliki kondisi/kualitas
tersebut. Contoh lainya: the young
(orang-orang muda), the elderly,
the living, the dead, the blind, the
deaf, the disabled. Kata benda ini

biasanya diikuti kata kerja bentuk
Note: the word “people” has a final -s (peoples) only when it is used to refer to ethnic or national
group: All the peoples of the world desire peach.

Task 7. Direction: Choose the correct answer in parentheses.

1. The United States (has, have) a population of around 250 million
2. The news about Mr. Hogan (is,are) surprising.
3. Massachusetts (is,are) a state in the northeastern part of the United States.
4. Physics (seeks,seek) to understand the mysteries of the physical world.
5. Statistics (is,are) a branch of mathematics
6. The statistics in that report on oil production (is,are) incorrect
7. Fifty minutes (is,are) the maximum length of time allowed for the exam.
8. Twenty dollars (is,are) an unreasonable price for the necklace
9. Six and seven (is,are) thirteen
10. Many people in the world (does,do) not have enough to eat
11. The police (is,are) prepared in case there is a riot.

Task 8. Directions: correct the errors in subject-verb agreement

1. The books in my office is very valuable to me

2. All of the windows in our house were broken in the earthquake
3. All of the employees in that company is required to be proficient in a second language
4. A lot of the people in my class works during the day and attends class in the evening.
5. Listening to very loud music at rock concerts have caused hearing loss in some teenagers
6. Many of the satellites orbiting the earth is used for communications.
7. The news about the long-range effects of air pollution on the development of children’s
lungs is disturbing
8. Chinese have more than fifty thousand written characters
9. About two-thirds of the Vietnamese works in agriculture
10. More than of passengers affected by the delays was great.

D. Agreement - Subject and Adjective Pronouns
Didalam bahasa inggris harus ada kesesuaian antara subjek dan adjective pronoun yang
ditujukan untuk subjek itu sendiri.

Subject Pronous Possessive

I My
You Your
He His
She Her
It Its
We Our
You Your
They Their
Note : It ditujukan untuk bayi yang masih kecil.
Contoh :
Incorrect : Those of us who are over fifty years old should get their blood pressure checked
Correct : Those of us who are over fifty years old should get our blood pressure checked

Incorrect : Our neighbors know that when they go on vacation, we will get its mail for them

Correct : Our neighbors know that when they go on vacation, we will get their mail for
Incorrect : Wine tends to lose their flavor when it has not been properly sealed
Correct : Wine tends to lose its flavor when it has not been properly sealed.
Task 9.

Part A : Choose the correct answer.

The television programs we allow …….. to watch influence their learning

A. A children
B. Our children
C. Our child
D. Their childs

Part B : Choose the incorrect word or phrase and correct it.

Although maple trees are among the most colorful varieties in the fall, they lose its leaves
sooner than oak trees.

E. Subject-Verb Agreement: Using Expression of quantity

A particular agreement problem occurs when the subject is an expression of quantity such as
all, most, some followed by the preposition of. In this situation, the subject (all, most or
some) can be singular or plural, depending on what follows the preposition of. Ada beberapa
aturan didalam menggunakan expression of quantity + of dalam kalimat, antara lain:

 Hampir semua expression quantity of kata kerjanya di tentukan oleh kata benda (atau
pronoun) yang mengikuti of ...
Pattern nya :
Some of + singular noun = singular verb
Some of + plural noun = plural verb
1. Some of my books are there
2. Both of my friends are arrogant.
 Jika kata benda (dalam bentuk jamak ) dilekati oleh one of, each of, and every one of maka
kata kerjanya menggunakan kata kerja tunggal
Pattern :
One of + plural noun = singular verb
Each of + plural noun = singular verb
Every one of + plural noun = singular verb
Contoh :
1. Each of the students goes to hospital
2. Everyone of the children likes ice cream

 Jika kata benda dilekati oleh a number maka bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan adalah kata
kerja bentuk jamak. Sebaliknya jika menggunakan the number maka kata kerjanya
berbentuk tunggal.
Contoh :
1. The number of lecturers attends an important meeting in Malaya Hotel
2. A number of employees hold a protest for the low salary.
 Dalam bahasa Inggris formal jika kata benda dilekati oleh none of maka kata kerja yang
digunakan adalah kata kerja tunggal, sedangkan dalam bahasa Inggris informal none of
menggunakan kata kerja jamak.
Contoh :
1. None of my friends likes watching cinema (formal)
2. None of my friends like watching cinema ( informal)

Contoh lain (lihat perbedaannya)

Singular (tunggal) Plural (jamak)

Some of the book is good Some of the books are good
A lot of the equipment is new A lot of my friends are here
Two-thirds of the money is mine Two-thirds of the pennies are
One of my friends is here
Each of my friends is here
Everyone of my friends is here
None of the boys is here None of the boys are here. (informal)
The number of students in the class A number of students were late for class
is fifteen

Task 10. Direction choose the correct answer in parentheses

1. One of the chief materials in bones and teeth (is,are) calcium
2. A number of students ( is,are) absent today
3. None of the animals at the zoo (is,are) free to roam. All of them (is,are) in enclosures.
4. (Does/do) any of you know the answer to that question?

5. What percentage of the earth’s surface (is,are) covered by water?
6. Some of the fruit in this bowl (is,are) rotten
7. Half of the students in the class (is,are) from Arabic-speaking countries.
8. Half of this money (is,are) yours

Di unit ini kita sudah belajar tentang :
1. Subject – verb agreement
2. Subject – Verb agreement menggunakan = There + be
3. Beberepa ketidakaturan dalam subject-verb agreement
4. Subjek dan adjective pronouns dari subjek itu sendiri.
5. Subject-verb agreement : Menggunakan expression of quantity.


Directions: some of the sentences in this test are correct. Some are incorrect. First, find the
correct sentences, and mark them a check (√). Then find incorrect sentences, and correct

1. Thirty-five thousand dollars are the average income for a four-person family living in a
medium-sized community
2. Mary Ovington, along with a number of journalists and social workers, were instrumental
in establishing the Negro National Committee, now called the NAACP.
3. Fossils show that early people was only four feet six inches tall on average.
4. Each of the Medic Alert bracelets worn by million of American who suffer from diabetes
and drug allergic reactions is individually engraved with the wearer’s name.
5. The Yon Ho, which is still in use today and is recognized as one of the world’s great
canals, date from the sixth century.
6. Since the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation started guaranteeing bank accounts
$100,000 or less, there is no reason for small investors to fear losing their savings.

7. One hundred eight-six thousand miles per second ate the speed of light.
8. Several arid areas in Arizona has been irrigated and reclaimed for cultivation
9. In spite of its fragile appearance, a newborn infant is extremely sturdy.
10. Over 90 percent of the world’s population now uses the metric system.


Sharpe.Pamela. 2002. How to Prepare For The TOEFL Test. The Ohio State University

Azar.Betty Schrampfer.1999. Understanding and Using English Grammar. Pearson Education

Rizky Haira, Furgon Miftahul, & Hidayati Niswatin, Nurul. 2015. TOEFL Self Preparation
Course. Pustaka Baru Press.




Tujuan Pembelajaran:

Setelah mempelajari Unit ini mahasiswa di harapkan mampu

1. Menjelaskan tentang kata benda tak beraturan dan tak beraturan

2. Menjelaskan tentang bentuk-bentuk kata benda
3. Menjelaskan tentang macam-macam kata benda
4. Menjelaskan tentang kata benda yang dapat dihitung dan tak
dapat dihitung
5. Menjelaskan tentang Expression16of Quantity
6. Menjelaskan tentang Noun classes
7. Menjelaskan tentang Noun Clauses
Task 1 : Please read the text below!


Physiotherapists in Britain claimed that baby walkers could be harmful for babies. Baby
walkers are said to be responsible for injuring 4.000 children a year in Britain. Hence, these
Physiotherapists called for a ban on baby walkers.
They also claimed that baby walkers disrupt the ability of children to develop walking
and visual skills and prevent them from exploring their surroundings.
Meanwhile, physiotherapists in the US found that children who have used baby walkers
take a longer time to sit upright, crawl and walk. The findings also indicated that babies, who had
been in walkers, did not perform well in mental tests.

Perhatikan text diatas dan temukan kata benda (noun) yang terdapat dalam text tersebut.

Noun atau kata benda adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan nama orang, tempat,
hal, kualitas, juga gagasan. Nouns adalah bagian yang sangat penting dalam Grammar. Tanpa
nouns mungkin tidak ada materi pembahasan yang menarik dalam sebuah novel, Koran, majalah
dan media lainnya.

A. Bentuk Regular dan Irregular dari Plural Nouns

Reguler plural noun : a. Song – songs

b. Box – boxes
- kata benda jamak beraturan dengan
c. Baby – babies
menambahkan -s/-es.
- Penambahan –es untuk kata benda
yang di akhiri dengan –sh, -ch, -s, -z,
and –x

- Untuk kata benda jamak yang
diakhiri dengan huruf y, dirubah
menjadi –ies misalnya lady – ladies
( y – ies)
Irregular plural nouns d. Man – men
Untuk kata benda tak beraturan akan Woman – women
mengalami perubahan pada bentuk jamak. Child – children
So, tidak perlu ditambahkan s or es Ox-oxen
Foot – feet
Goose – geese
Mouse – mice
Louse – lice
- Ada beberapa noun yang di akhiri e. Echo –echoes
huruf –o ditambahkan es untuk Hero- heroes
membentuk jamak(perhatikan contoh Potato – potatoes
e), Tomato – tomatoes
f. Auto – autos
- Ada beberapa nouns yang diakhiri
Ghetto – ghettos
huruf –o ditambahkan s untuk
Kangaroo – kangaroos
membentuk jamak (perhatikan contoh
Memo –memos
- Ada beberapa nouns yang diakhiri
Photo – photos
huruf -o bisa ditambahkan –es atau –s
Piano –pianos
untuk membentuk jamak (perhatikan
Radio – radios
contoh g)
Solo – solos
Soprano – sopranos
Studio – studios
Tattoo – tattoos
Video – videos
Zoo – zoos
g. Memento – mementoes/mementos

Mosquito – mosquitoes/mosquitos
Tornado – tornadoes/tornados
Volcano – volcanoes/volcanos
Zero – zeroes/zeros

- Ada beberapa kata benda yang di h. calf – calves

akhiri huruf –f atau –fe dirubah half – halves
menjadi –ves untuk membentuk kata knife – knives
benda jamak (perhatikan contoh h) leaf –leaves
- Ada beberapa kata benda yang life – lives
diakhiri huruf –f ditambahkan –s loaf – leaves
untuk membentuk kata benda jamak self –selves
(perhatikan contoh i) shelf – shelves
thief – thieves
wolf – wolves
scarf – scarves/scarfs
i. belief – beliefs
chief – chiefs
cliff – cliffs
roof – roofs
Ada beberapa kata benda yang j. one deer –two deer
memiliki bentuk tunggal dan jamak one fish – two fish**
yang sama( perhatikan contoh j) one means – two means
Contoh : one offspring-two offspring
One deer is … one series – two series
Two deer are … one sheep – two sheep
one shrimp – two shrimp***
one species – two species
Ada beberapa kata benda bahasa k. criterion – criteria
inggris yang diambil dari bahasa phenomenon – phenomena
asing lain memiliki bentuk jamak l. cactus – cacti/cactuses
(perhatikan contoh k – p) fungus-fungi

syllabus – syllabi/syllabuses
m. formula – formulae/formulas
vertebra - vertebrae
n. appendix –
index – indices/indexes
o. analysis – analyses
basis- bases
crisis – crises
hypothesis – hypotheses
oasis – oases
parenthesis – parentheses
thesis - theses
p. bacterium –bacteria
curriculum – curricula
datum – data
medium – media
memorandum - memoranda

** Fishes is also possible, but rarely used

*** Especially in British English, but also occasionally in American English, the plural
of shrimp can be shrimp.

Task 2 : Direction: write the correct form of the nouns parentheses.

1. I met some interesting men at the meeting last night. (man)
2. I need some …….. to light the fire. ( match)
3. The baby got two new ………. (tooth)
4. The farmer loaded his cart with …… of fresh vegetables to take to market. His cart
was pulled by two …… (box)

5. Alex saw some ….. running across the floor. ( mouse)
6. The north side if the islands has no …….. . There are only steep ………. No one can
climb these steep walls of rock. (beach, cliff).
7. Thunder and lighting are …………. Of nature (phenomenon)
8. Before Marie signed the contract, she talked to two …… . (attorney)

B. Bentuk-bentuk Noun
1. Concrete Noun Yaitu kata benda yang terwujud, dapat dilihat atau disentuh.
Contoh: gold, iron, table, chair, dog, cat, book, pencil, etc. 2.
2. Abstract Noun Abstract Noun yaitu kata benda yang tak dapat dilihat atau disentuh.
Contoh: agreement, kindness, statement, etc.

C. Macam-Macam nouns

1. Proper nouns ( kata benda nama diri )

Contoh: Adam, Surabaya, Medan, New York

2. Common Nouns ( kata benda umum )

Contoh: Stone, Iron, diamond, sand

3. Collective Nouns (kata benda kumpulan)

Contoh: Group, Club, Class

D. Tipe – Tipe Noun

1. Count Noun ( kata benda yang dapat dihitung)

a. Kata benda yang dapat dihitung memiliki bentuk tunggal atau jamak

b. Kata benda yang dapat dihitung bisa ditambahkan article a/an untuk bentuk tunggal

c. Kata benda yang dapat dihitung bisa ditambahkan akhiran -s/-es untuk bentuk jamak.

Dibawah ini ada beberapa kategori kata benda yang dapat dihitung yang dapat membantu
anda dalam belajar :

Kategori kata benda yang Tunggal Jamak
dapat dihitung
Names of persons, their relationship, One / a boy Two boys
and their occupations One friend Two friends
One student Two students
Names of animals, plants, insects One dog Two dogs
One flower Two flower
One bee Two bees
Names of things with a definite, One car Two cars
individual shape One house Two houses
One room Two rooms
Units of measurement One inch Two inches
One pound Two pounds
One degree Two degrees
Units of classification in society One family Two families
One country Two countries
One language Two languages
Containers of non-count solids, liquids, One bottle Two bottles
pastes, gases One jar Two jars
One tube Two tubes
A limited number of abstract concepts One idea Two ideas
One invention Two inventions
One plan Two plans

Contoh :

Incorrect: Several of the people in this class speak three of four language

Correct : Several of the people in this class speak three of four languages

Incorrect: The temperature has risen ten degree in two hours

Correct : The temperature has risen ten degrees in two hours

Incorrect: The teacher has ordered two book, but they aren’t in at the bookstore

Correct : The teacher has ordered two books, but they aren’t in at the bookstore

Task 3.

Part A: Choose the correct answer

A desert receives less than twenty-five …………… of rainfall every year.

A. Centimeters
B. A centimeter
C. Centimeters
D. Of centimeters

Part B: Choose the incorrect word or phrase and correct it.

In 1950 it was naively predicted that eight or ten computer would be sufficient to handle all of

scientific and business needs in the United States

2. Non-Count Nouns (kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung)

a. Kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung hanya memiliki bentuk tunggal

b. kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung tidak bisa ditambahkan article a/an

c. kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung tidak ada bentuk jamak, so tidak bisa ditambahkan
akhiran –s/-es.

Dibawah ini ada beberapa kategori kata benda yang tdk dapat dihitung yang bisa anda pelajari:

a. Whole of groups made up of similar items: baggage, clothing, equipment, food, fruit,
furniture, garbage, hardware, jewelry, junk, luggage, machinery, mail, makeup,
money/cash/change, postage, scenery, traffic, etc.
b. Fluids: water, coffee, tea, milk, oil, soup, gasoline, blood, etc.

c. Solids : ice, bread, butter, cheese, meat, gold, iron, silver, glass, paper, wood, cotton,
wool, etc
d. Gases : steam, air, oxygen, nitrogen, smoke, smog, pollution, etc
e. Particles: rice, chalk, corn, dirt, dust, flour, grass, hair*, pepper, salt, sand, sugar, wheat,

f. Abstractions:
 Beauty, confidence, courage, education, enjoyment, fun, happiness, health, help,
honesty, hospitality, importance, intelligence, justice, knowledge, laughter, luck,
music, patience, peace, pride, progress, recreation, significance, sleep, truth, violence,
wealth, etc.
 Advice, information, news, evidence, proof, etc.
 Time, space, energy, etc
 Homework, work, etc
 Grammar, slang, vocabulary, etc.
g. Language : Arabic, Chinese, English, Spanish, Etc
h. Fields of Study : Chemistry, engineering, history, literature, mathematics, psychology,
i. Recreation : baseball, soccer, tennis, chess, bridge, poker, etc.
j. Activities : driving, studying, swimming, traveling, walking, etc. (and other gerunds)
k. Natural Phenomena : weather, dew, fog, hail, heat, humidity, lightning, rain, sleet, snow,
thunder, wind, darkness, light, sunshine, electricity, fire, gravity, etc.
l. Substances with many small parts: rice, sand, sugar, etc.
m. Most –ing forms : learning, shopping, working


1. Many nouns can be used as either non-count or count nouns, but the meaning is different.
Contoh : Noncount : Ann has brown hair ( hair : untuk keseluhan rambut)
Count noun : Tom has a hair on his jacket. ( a hair :untuk sehelai rambut)
Noncount : I opened the curtains to let in some light (light: cahaya)
Count N: Don’t forget to turn of the light before you go to bed. (light : lampu)

Contoh :

1. Sunshine is warm and cheerful

2. Happiness means different things to different people.
3. Bread is expensive in the grocery store on the corner
4. We bought some furniture
5. I put some sugar in my coffee.

Task 3. Directions: complete the sentences with the given nouns, adding final –s/-es if necessary.
Use each noun only once.

Advice Homework music stuff

√Change information progress thunder

Garbage junk √river traffic

Hardware luggage/baggage screwdriver

1. I have some coins in my pocket. In other words, I have some change in my pocket.
2. The Mississippi, the Amazon, and the Nile are well-known rivers.
3. I like to listen to operas, symphonies, and folk songs. I enjoy ……….
4. The street is full of cars, trucks, and buses. It is full of ……
5. I put some banana peals, empty juice cartons, and broken bottles in the waste can. The
can is full of ………
6. They have a rusty car without an engine, broken chairs, and an old refrigerator in their
front yard. Their yard is full of …..
7. Paul has books, pens, papers, notebooks, a clock, scissors, a tape recorder, and some
other things on his desk. He has a lot of …. on his desk.
8. The children got scared when they heard ………… during the storm
9. Tools that are used for turning screws are called …….
10. I went to the store to get some nails, hammers, and screws. In other words, I bought some
11. Tonight I have to read 20 pages in my history book, do 30 algebra problems, and write a
composition. In other words, I have a lot of ….. to do tonight.

12. Ann took three suitcases, a shoulder bag, and a cosmetics case. In other words, she took a
lo of …………. On her trip.
13. Toronto is 365 ft./109 m. above sea level. The average annual precipitation in Toronto is
32 in./81 cm. the population of the metropolitan area is over 3,000,000. I found (this,
these) ……. In the encyclopedia.
14. I didn’t feel good. Ann said “You should see a doctor.” Nick said, “You should go home
and go to bed.” Martha said, “ You should drink fruit juice and rest. “I got …………
from people
15. My English is slowly getting better. My vocabulary is increasing. It’s getting easier for
me to write, and I make fewer mistakes. I can often understand people even when they
talk fast. I’m satisfied with the ……….. .. I’ve made in learning English.
E. Expressions Of Quantity
Expression of quantity dapat digunakan bersama noun untuk menyatakan jumlah dari
kata benda yang dapat dihitung maupun kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung. Dibawah ini
ada beberapa contoh expression of quantity yang bisa anda pelajari :

Expressions of Digunakan dengan count Digunakan dengan Keterangan

quantity nouns non-count nouns
a. One One apple ⱷ Hanya bisa
Each Each apple ⱷ digunakan untuk
Every Every apple ⱷ kata benda yang
dapat dihitung
b. Two, etc Two apples ⱷ Hanya bisa
Both Both apples ⱷ digunakan untuk
A couple of A couple of apples ⱷ kata benda yang
A few A few apples ⱷ dapat dihitung
Several Several apples ⱷ
Many Many apples ⱷ
A number of A number of apples ⱷ
c. a little ⱷ a little rice Digunakan untuk
much ⱷ much rice kata benda yang
a great deal of ⱷ a great deal of rice tak dapat dihitung
d. no No apples No rice Bisa digunakan

some/any Some/any apples Some/any rice untuk kata benda
a lot of/lots of A lot of/lots of apples A lot of/lots of rice yang dapat
plenty of Plenty of apples Plenty of rice dihitung dan kata
most Most apples Most rice benda yang tidak
all All apples All rice dapat dihitung.
Note: ⱷ : tidak digunakan

Task 4. Direction: Draw a line through the expression that cannot be used to complete the
sentence correctly. Item 1 has been started for you.
1. Jake has ……. Homework
a. Three
b. Several
c. Some
d. A lot of
e. Too much
f. Too many
g. A few
h. A little
i. A number of
j. A great deal of
k. Hardly any
l. no
2. Isabel has ……. Assignments
a. Three
b. Several
c. Some
d. A lot of
e. Too much
f. Too many

g. A few
h. A little
i. A number of
j. A great deal of
k. Hardly any
l. No.

F. Noun Classes
1. Masculine Gender Kata benda jenis kelamin laki-laki.
Contoh: Father, Uncle, boy, Husband
2. Feminime Gender Kata benda jenis kelamin perempuan.
Contoh: Mother, Aunt, Wife
3. Neuter Gender nouns Kata benda yang tak berjenis kelamin, atau netral.
Contoh: Bus, car, book
4. Common Gender Nouns Kata benda yang berjenis kelamin umum.
Contoh: Baby, Friend, Teacher
G. Noun Clauses

Perhatikan kalimat berikut:

What did he tell you?
a. He told me the news. (Noun)
b. He told me about his success. (Noun phrase)
c. He told me that he was ill. (Noun clause)

What did she ask?

a. She asked if I would help her. (Noun clause).
b. She asked why I would not help her. (Noun clause).
c. She asked where I lived. (Noun clause).

Noun clause merupakan jawaban dari pertanyaan dengan kata Tanya WHAT. Noun clause
dari kalimat di atas merupakan anak kalimat pengganti noun/noun phrase.

a. Noun clause setelah kata kerja

Main Clause : He says
Noun Clause : (that) he is ill. (+) He says
(that) he is ill.
(- ) He doesn’t say (that) he is ill.
( ?) Does he say (that) he is ill?

Kata that dapat dihilangkan tanpa merubah arti menjadi: He says he is ill.

b. Noun Clause setelah Adjective

Main Clause : He is sure
Noun Clause : (that) they can come.
(+) He is sure (that) they can come.
(- ) He isn’t sure (that) they can come.
( ?) Is he sure (that) they can come?.
Kata that dapat dihilang kan tanpa merubah arti menjadi: He is sure they can come.

c. Noun clause yang dimulai dengan kata tanya

Main Clause Noun Clause
I don’t know Why he can’t come
Please tell her Which book she wants
I know Where she lives

Can you tell me Who that girl is ?
We don’t know Why that baby cries.
Bila main clause dalam bentuk present tense, anak kalimat bisa dalam bentuk “tense” yang
Bila main clause dalam bentuk “past tense maka noun clause (anak kalimat) harus dalam
bentuk “past tense” tidak boleh dalam bentuk “present tense”.

Task 5. Isilah titik titik dengan jawaban di sebelah kanan ( jawaban boleh digunakan lebih
dari satu pertanyaan.
1. Nick is ..........owns enormous dog a. the man that
2. Jack is ............plays the guitar
b. woman who sit beside me
3. a midwife
4. The man .......repaired my car is a real c. the man who
expert d. Who / that
5. I thought I recognized the
assistant................served us


Di unit 2 ini kita sudah belajar tentang :

1. Kata benda tak beraturan dan beraturan

2. Kata benda yang dapat dihitung dan yang tidak dapat dihitung
3. Expression of quantity
4. Bentuk – bentuk noun
5. Noun Classes
6. Noun Clauses
7. Macam – macam noun

Setelah menyelesaikan unit 2 ini diharapkan anda akan dapat menggunakan dalam penulisan


Choose the correct answer

1. My father is not only the town mayor, he runs …………….., too
a. a business c. business
b. a piece of business d. some business
2. The ………………..produced at our factory in Scotland
a. good are c. goods are
b. good is d. goods is
3. I was watching TV at home when suddenly ……….rang
a. a doorbell c. doorbell
b. an doorbell d. the doorbell
4. I’ve always liked ………………..
a. chinese food c. some food of china
b. food of china d. the Chinese food
5. In England most children go …………at the age of five
a. school c. to some school
b. to school d. to the school.

6. The government is doing nothing to help ………….

a. poor c. the poors
b. the poor d. the poor ones
7. My sister has ten ….
a. childs c.child
b. children d.childing

8. I bought some chairs, tables, and desks. In other words, I bought some ….
a. furniture c. baggage
b. furnitures d. cloting
9. Fire – resistant materials are used to retard ……… of modern aircraft in case of accidents

a. a damage to the passenger cabin
b. that damages to the passenger cabin
c. damage to the passenger cabin
d. passenger cabin’s damages
10. Unemployment compensation is money to support an unemployed person while he or she is
looking for …
a. job c. works
b. a job d. a work


- Tuliskan noun minimal 20 nouns di tempat kerja anda yang berhubungan
dengan pekerjaan anda sebagai perawat sehari hari.

- Carilah artikel dalam bahasa Inggris. Carilah kata kata sulit yang belum anda
pahami kemudian identifikasi noun dan adjective dalam artikel tersebut.


Sharpe.Pamela. 2002. How to Prepare For The TOEFL Test. The Ohio State University

Azar.Betty Schrampfer.1999. Understanding and Using English Grammar. Pearson Education

Rizky Haira, Furgon Miftahul, & Hidayati Niswatin, Nurul. 2015. TOEFL Self Preparation
Course. Pustaka Baru Press.




Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah mempelajari unit ini Mahasiswa di harapkan mampu:

1. Menjelaskan tentang “Personal Pronoun”

2. Menjelaskan tentang “Reflexive Pronoun”
3. Menjelaskan tentang “Relative Pronoun”
4. Menjelaskan Kata ganti penunjuk
5. Menjelaskan Kata ganti tanya.
6. Menjelaskan Reciprocal Pronoun

A. Personal Pronoun
Kata ganti digunakan untuk menggantikan posisi kata benda. Terdapat beberapa jenis
personal pronoun dalam bahasa Inggris, yaitu:

1. Kata ganti orang (subject pronoun)

Kata ganti orang merupakan kata ganti yang menunjukan orang atau pelaku. Kata ganti
orang terbagi menjadi: orang pertama, kedua, dan ketiga. Kata ganti ini memiliki
kedudukan sebagai subjek dalam suatu kalimat
2. Kata ganti objek
Kata ganti objek adalah kata ganti yang digunakan untuk menggantikan sesuatu yang
memiliki kedudukan sebagai objek.
3. Kata ganti kepemilikan
Kata ganti kepemilikan disebut juga possessive adjectives yang biasa dimodifikasi
dengan kata benda yang menunjukan sesuatu yang dimiliki.
4. Possessive Pronoun
Possessive Pronoun adalah kata ganti yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan kepemilikan,
kata ganti ini tidak perlu di modifikasi dengan kata benda

Personal Pronoun:

Subject Object Pronoun Possessive Possessive

Pronoun Pronoun Adjective
Singular I Me Mine My name
You You Yours Your name
She Her Hers Her name
He Him His His name
It It Its Its name
Plural We Us Ours Our names
You You Yours Your names
They them Theirs Their names

Contoh :

a. I read some books. They were good

b. Jhon has a car. He drives to work
c. Jhon works in my office. I know him well.
d. That book is here. Yours is over there
e. Her book is her. Your book is over there

Catatan :
- its tanpa apostrophe(‘) digunakan sebagai possessive, sedangkan It’s menggunakan
apostrophe(‘) adalah kepanjangan dari it is.
Its tale is long
It’s my book atau it is my book.
- Pronoun yang menggantikan sebuah noun disebut antecedent
I read a book. It was good.
Pronoun it ditujukan untuk antecedent noun book

Task 1. Direction: indentify the personal pronouns and their antecedents

1. Jack has a part-time job. He works at a fast-food restaurant.

(he = a pronoun; Jack = the antecedent)

2. Most monkeys don’t like water, but they can swim well when they have to
3. The teacher graded the students’ papers last night. She returned them during class today.
4. Nancy took an apple with her to work. She ate it at lunch time.
5. A dog makes a good pet if it is properly trained
6. Tom’s cat is named Maybelle Alice. She is very independent. She never obeys Tom. His
dogs, on the other hand, obey him gladly. They like to please him.

Task 2. Direction: choose the correct words in italics.

1. This is my/mine umbrella. Your/Yours umbrella is over there.
2. This umbrella is my/mine. The other one is your/yours
3. Mary and Bob have their/theirs books. In other words, Mary has her/hers and Bob has
4. A honeybee has two wings on each side of its/it’s body
5. It/it’s true that a homing pigeon will find its/it’s way home even though it begins its/ it’s
trip in unfamiliar territory.

6. I have a pet. Its/it’s name is Squeak. Its/it’s a turtle. Its/it’s been my pet for two years.

B. Reflexive Pronouns

Singular Plural
Myself Ourselves
Yourself Yourselves
Herself Themselves

Pronoun in digunakan untuk:

1. Reflexive pronoun digunakan sebagai objek dari kata kerja atau preposisi ketika subjek
dan objek adalah orang yang sama.
I saw myself in the mirror. (sebagai objek)

I looked at myself for a long time (sebagai preposisi)

Pada contoh diatas I and myself adalah orang yang sama.

2. Reflexive pronoun digunakan sebagai sebuah penekanan. Dalam hal ini biasanya pronoun
ini langsung di ikuti oleh kata benda atau pronoun, atau di diakhir sebuah clause.


- A: Did someone fax the report to Mr. Lee?

B: are you sure?

A: Yes. I myself faxed the report to him

- I faxed the report to him myself.

Pada kalimat “I myself faxed the repot to him”, pembicara memberikan penekanan yang
kuat dalam kalimatnya.
3. By + a reflexive pronoun artinya sendiri
Contoh :
Anna lives by herself ( Ana tinggal seorang diri)
I do it by myself (saya mengerjakan seorang diri).

Catatan : kadang sebuah objek pronoun sebagai objek preposition ketika subjek dan
objek ditujukan untuk orang yang sama. Contoh: I took my books with me. She kept her
son close to her.

Task 3 : Complete the sentences with appropriate reflexive pronouns.

1. Tommy told a lie. He was ashamed of himself.
2. Masako cut ………… while she was chopping vegetables.
3. People surround ………… with friends and family during holidays.
4. Rita is careful about her weight, but she allows …… one piece of candy a day.
5. Omar thinks Oscar is telling the truth. So does Ricardo. I ……… don’t believe Oscar’s story
for a minute.
6. A: did Mr. Yun’s secretary answer the phone?
B: No.Mr,Yun ………….. answered the phone. I was very surprised.
7. Now that their children are grown, Mr. and Mrs. Grayson live by
8. Nadia didn’t join the rest of us. She sat in the back of the room by …….

C. Kata Ganti Penunjuk

Kata ganti penunjuk adalah kata ganti yang digunakan sebagai penunjuk ini atau itu.
 Kata ganti demonstrative untuk bentuk tunggal adalah that, this, one.
 Kata ganti demonstrative untuk bentuk jamak adalah those, these, ones.

Contoh :

1. This paper must be submitted tomorrow morning.
2. Those are my new novels.

Catatan: Kata ganti penunjuk this/these ditujukan untuk kata benda yang dekat dengan
pembicara, that/those untuk kata benda yang jauh dengan pembicara.

D. Kata ganti tanya

Kata ganti tanya adalah kata ganti yang digunakan di dalam bentuk kalimat tanya.

Nama Subyek Objek Kepemilikan

Manusia Who Whom Whose
Benda What What Whose
Tempat Where -
Waktu When -

Contoh :
- When will you finish your English assignment?
- Whose bag is this?
- Where is the location of Borobudur temple?

E. Reciprocal Pronoun
Reciprocal pronoun adalah kata ganti yang berfungsi untuk menunjukan adanya hubungan
timbal balik. Contoh dari bentuk kata ganti ini adalah each other dan one another.
Contoh :
Beny anda Maria have loved each other for a long time.

F. Another, the other, others, and the others.

Penggunaan kata ganti ini memperhatikan jumlah kata benda, baik tunggal maupun jamak.

Dengan kata benda yang dapat dihitung Dengan kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung
Another + singular -
The other + singular -
Other + plural Other + non-count noun
The others + plural The other +non-count noun

Task 4. Directions : complete the sentences with a from of other.

1. I got three letters. One was from my father. Another one was from my sister. The other
letter was from my girlfriend.
2. Look at your hand. You have five fingers. One is your thumb. …………………… is
your index finger. …………………… is your middle finger. …………….. finger is
your ring finger. And ……………finger ( the last of the five) is your little finger.
3. Look at your hands. One is your right hand ………….. is your left hand.
4. I invited five people to my party. Of those five people, only Jhon and Mary can come.
……..can’t come.
5. I invited five people to my party. Of those five people, only Jhon and Mary come.
…………………… people can’t come.
6. I would like some more books on this sucject. Do you have any ……….that you could
lend me?
7. I would like to read more about this subject. Do you have any ………… books that you
could lend me?

G. Relative Pronoun

Posisi Orang (person) Benda (thing)

Subjek Who That
Kepemilikan Whose Of which the
Objek Whom/that That/ which
Preposisi Whom preposition Which preposition

Subjek :
- The tall man is my teacher
- He is standing near library building
Penggabungan kalimat
- The tall man who is standing near library building is my teacher


- The old woman is my neighbor

- I met her at train station last night.
Penggabungan kalimat
- The old woman whom I met at train station last night is my neighbor.


- My sister’s friend has gone home

- I want to borrow her novels
Penggabungan kalimat
- My sister’s friend whose novels I want to borrow has gone home.


- The beautiful girl is wise

- I got some advices from her
Penggabungan kalimat
- The beautiful girl from whom I got some advices is wise.

Task 5.

Part A. Choose the correct answer.

In a parliamentary system, it is not the monarch but the prime minister …

A .whom the real power

B. Who has the real power

C. Whom has the real power
D. Who the real power

Part B. choose the incorrect word or phrase and correct it.

The Pilgrims were 102 English emigrants whom, after arriving on the Mayflower, became
the first European settlers in New England.


Di unit ini kalian sudah belajar tentang :

1. Personal Pronoun
2. Reflexive Pronoun
3. Relative Pronoun
4. Kata ganti penunjuk
5. Kata ganti tanya.
6. Reciprocal Pronoun

Setelah menyelesaikan unit ini diharapkan kalian dapat menggunakan dalam percakapan sehari –
hari atau dalam penulisan.


Please choose a,b,c, or d

1. A: ………… cellphone is this? It looks so amazing

B: It’s Maria’s.
a. What c. whose
b. Who d. whom
2. A : Do you remember well built body boy ….. we met at the airport?
B : I’m not sure. Why?
A : I think he’s my junior when I was in the University
a. Whose c. who
b. Whom d. from whom
3. A : ………did you get these beautiful dresses?
B : I bought them yesterday at aunty Maria’s boutique.
a. What c. which
b. Whose d. where
4. It has been known ……. Rhinoceros is one of rare animals
a. Whose c. that
b. Whom d. Those
5. A : where did you go last night?
B : I went to the cinema with sarah
A : who is Sarah?
B : The girl …… I borrowed some novels for you.
a. From whom c. who
b. Whom d. which
6. ………… books are so complicated. I don’t understand what the writers talk about.
a. That c. These
b. This d. They
7. Sarah allows me to stay in …… house until I find a new apartment.
a. His c. her
b. Hers d. she
8. There are many offices in this big building ………. One is your mother’s?
a. Where c. which
b. What d. who
9. Indonesia, ……… is more than other countries in South East Asia, is rich with natural
a. Whom the population c. the population of which
b. If the population d. who the population
10. Sony could compose a romantic song ….
a. By myself c. by hisself
b. By himself d. by themselves


Sharpe.Pamela. 2002. How to Prepare For The TOEFL Test. The Ohio State University

Azar.Betty Schrampfer.1999. Understanding and Using English Grammar. Pearson Education

Rizky Haira, Furgon Miftahul, & Hidayati Niswatin, Nurul. 2015. TOEFL Self Preparation
Course. Pustaka Baru Pres




Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah mempelajari unit ini Mahasiswa di harapkan mampu:

1. Memahami isi teks dalam bahasa Inggris

2. Menjelaskan tentang “parallel structure with
3. Menjelaskan tentang comparative
4. Menjelaskan tentang superlative
5. Mempresentasikan dialog dalam bahasa inggris

Task 1. Bacalah dan cobalah untuk memahami isi teks di bawah ini!

Asthma – a global problem

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease. The symptoms are a ‘tight’, chest, coughing, wheezing
and difficulty in breathing. When a person with asthma comes into contact with something that
irritates their airways, the lining of the bronchial tubes starts to swell. This makes the airways
narrower and it is more difficult for air to get in and out of the lungs. Sometimes mucus is also
produced. All of this cause the patient to wheeze, cough, and become breathless.

 Asthma is the most common chronic disease among children

 Asthma is a major public health problem for many countries in the world.
 The country with the highest level of asthma is the United Kingdom, followed by New

 Over 80% of asthma deaths happen in low and lower-middle income countries.
 The causes of asthma are not completely understood. It is hereditary (it runs in family and is
passed from parent to child) and is linked with allergies. Things that cause allergic reactions
o Indoor allergens (e.g. dust, pet hair)
o Outdoor allergens (e.g. pollens)
o Tobacco smoke
o Chemicals in the work place
o Air pollution

Although there is no cure for asthma, it is possible to control the symptoms and enjoy a good
quality of life.

Perhatikan teks diatas! Kalimat yang digaris bawahi adalah kalimat perbandingan.

A. Used Parallel structure with comparisons

 Ketika membuat sebuah perbandingan, kita melihat perbedaan dan persamaan dari dua
benda/hal. Perbedaan dan persamaan itu harus dalam bentuk yang parallel. (When we
make a comparison, we point out the similarities or differences between two things, and
those similarities or differences must be in parallel form)
 Jika kita ingin membandingkan 2 benda/hal yang memiliki perbedaan kita bisa
menggunakan akhiran Adj.+ er …. than atau more+Adj.+than..

Contoh :

1. My school is farther than your school.

2. To be rich is better than to be poor.
3. What is written is more easily understood than what is spoken.

 Jika kita ingin membandingan 2 hal yang memiliki persamaan maka kita bisa
menggunakan: as … as atau ekspressi lain seperti the same as or similar to
Contoh :
Their car is as big as a small house.
Renting those apartments cost about the same as leasing them
The work that I did is similar to the work that you did.

The following chart outlines the use of parallel structures with comparisons:

More …. Than
-er …. Than
Less ….. than
(same structure ) As ……44as (same structure)
The same ….. as
Similar …. to
Task 2. Indicate if each sentence is correct (C)incorrect (I)!
1. His research for the thesis was more useful than hers. (C/I)
2. Dining in a restaurant is more fun than to eat at home. (C/I)
3. I want a new secretary who is as efficient as the previous one. (C/I)
4. My house is as big with your house. (C/I)
5. This coat is similar to that one (C/I).
6. That car is almost the same like mine. (C/I)
7. All of the other department are similar this one.

Task 3. Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct!
1. Fire extinguishers can contain liquefied gas, dry chemicals, or water.
2. The U.S congress consists of both the Senate as well as the House of Representative.
3. The prison population in this state, now at an all time high, is higher than any state.
4. The medical problems of parents and their children tend to be very similar to because of
the hereditary nature of many diseases.

B. Comparative and Superlative.

Al is not as tall as Joe

Ed is taller than Al
Ed is the tallest of three

Comparative dan superlative memiliki perbedaan dalam penggunaannya, antara lain :

 Comparative digunakan untuk membandingkan 2 benda/ hal yang equal

Contoh :
1. The history class is larger than the math class

2. Mary is more intelligent than Sue
 Superlative digunakan untuk membandingkan lebih dari dua benda/hal ( superlative untuk
menyatakan sesuatu yang paling)
Contoh :
1. The history class is the largest in the school
2. Mary is the most intelligent of all the students in the class.

Pada contoh nomor 1 “The history class is the largest in the school” artinya bahwa kelas
sejarahlah yang paling terbesar disekolah dibandingkan dengan kelas yang lain.

Kita menggunakan adjective untuk membentuk comparative dan superlative, table dibawah ini
ada beberapa contoh bentuk comparative dan superlative yang bisa kalian pelajari


Positive Comparative 1 suku Superlative 1 suku

kata (adj+er) kata (adj+est)
Healthy Healthier Healthiest
Tidy Tidier Tidiest
Pale Paler Palest
Busy Busier Busiest
Early Earlier Earliest
Fast Faster Fastest
Hard Harder Hardest

Kata sifat yang lebih dari 3 suku kata ditambahkan more/less untuk comparative dan most/least

Beautiful More beautiful Most beautiful

Less beautiful Least beautiful
Competent More competent Most competen

Beberapa bentuk comparative dan superlative yang tak beraturan

Good Better Best

Bad Worse Worst
Much More Most
Little Less Least
Late Later Latest

Task 4 : Read the poster below and complete the blanks with appropriate comparative



1. Women who smoke have a ………….(great) risk

of developing lung cancer than men who smoke
the same number of cigarettes.
2. Women find it ……………..(difficult) to quit
than men
3. Women appear to be …………… (affected) by
the pain-reducing drug, ibuprofen.
4. Women lose bone mineral at a …………. (fast)
rate than men which could explain the ………….
(high) incidence of osteoporosis in women.
5. During a heart attack, women tend to have …….. (subtle) symptoms than men.
Abdominal pain, nausea and fatigue generally appear as signs for women while men
usually experience chest pain.
6. Women have …………. (high) blood alcohol content than men after consuming the same
amount of alcohol even when size differences are considered.
Task 5.indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I)
1. Oxygen is abundanter than nitrogen . (C/I)
2. The directions to the exercise sat to choose the most appropriate response. (C/I)
3. The lesson you are studying now is the most important lesson that you will have.
4. She is more prettier than all of the girls in our class
5. New York is the larger of all American cities.
6. Off all the candidates, Alex is probably the less qualified
7. This room is more spacious as the other one
8. The bill which received was more higher than the estimate
9. The climate here is more milder than that of New England.
10. Eileen has been happier lately than she was when she first came.


Task 6. Please practice the dialog below!

Situation: Miss Femmy, a senior nurse from Jakarta is visiting Kupang to observe the local
condition of health program.

Nurese Erni : “Welcome to Kupang, Ms. Femmy Puteri.”

Ms. Femmy : “Thank You so much, just call me Femmy. You must be Erni”.

Nurse Erni : “Yes, that’s right. “How do you do.”

Ms. Femmy : “How do you do, Erni. I am so happy to meet you.”

Nurse Erni : “I am so pleased to have you with us. Let me take you around the hospital.”

Ms. Femmy : “thank you, I am so excited.”

Nurse Erni : Here’s the reception centre. Next it is the registration for new patients.”

Ms. Femmy : “where is the emergency room?”

Nurse Erni : “on the right side by the main entrance. Along the corridor are clinics.”

Ms. Femmy : “ I see the dental clinic, the ENT clinic, then the internal medicine clinic, the
dermatologic clinic, the eye clinic

Nurse Erni : “Yess.. there is the pediatric clinic, the maternity clinic, the orthopedic clinic.
Let’s have lunch in the cafeteria, it’s getting late.”

Task 7. Please create your own dialog using comparative and superlative and after that please
present it in front of the class.


Diunit ini kita sudah belajar tentang :
1. Parallel structure with comparisons
2. Superlative
3. Comparative

Nah, semoga kalian bisa menggunakannya dalam kehidupan kalian sehari –hari sebagai
seorang perawat.


Please choose a,b, c or d!

1. I hope tomorrow will be …. Than today

a. Best
b. Better
c. good
d. fine
2. The modern wind turbine works the …
a. More efficiently
b. Most efficiently
c. Efficiently
d. Efficientlest
3. Krystal is as … as her sister
a. More beautiful
b. Most beautiful
c. Beautiful
d. beautifulest
4. Your spicy ramen noodle is … than mine
a. Hot
b. Hotter
c. Hottest
d. More hot
5. The man treated his stepchildren …. than animals
a. Badly

b. Worst
c. Worse
d. More bad
6. The speed of light is …. the speed of sound
a. Faster
b. Much faster than
c. The fastest
d. As fast
7. The use of detail is ….. method of developing a controlling idea, and almost all students
employ this method.
a. More common
b. Common
c. Most common
d. The most common

8. …… apples are grown in Washington State

a. Best
b. The most good
c. The best
d. The better
9. The vegetation in temperate zones all around the world is ….
a. Similar
b. Like
c. Same
d. as
10. Although we often use “speed” and “velocity” interchangeably, in a technical sense,
“speed” is not always …. “ velocity”
a. Alike
b. The same as
c. Similar
d. as


Sharpe, Pamela. 2002. How to Prepare For The TOEFL Test. The Ohio State University

Azar.Betty Schrampfer.1999. Understanding and Using English Grammar. Pearson Education





Tujuan Pembelajaran:

Setelah mempelajari Unit ini mahasiswa di harapkan mampu

1. Memahami isi teks bahasa inggrs

2. Menjelaskan tentang Jenis- jenis Article
3. Menjelaskan tentang penggunaa article dengan kata benda
4. Menjelaskan tentang Indefinite Article
5. Menjelaskan tentang Definite Article
6. Menjelaskan penggunaan article dengan kata benda

Baca dan pahamilah teks dibawah ini!


The definition of diarrhea is when a person passes three or more loose or liquid stools per day.
It is common condition which most people suffer from at some time in their lives. Diarrhoea is a

result of an infection in the intestine, which can be caused by bacteria, a virus, or some kind of
parasite. In develop countries, an episode of diarrhea is usually not very difficult to control and
is not usually considered dangerous. In developing countries, however, diarrhea disease is one
of the main causes of child mortality. In children under five years old, diarrhea disease is the
second main cause of death-second only to pneumonia.

Because most cases of diarrhea are caused by viruses, it’s not usually possible to use antibiotics
to treat them. Diarrhoea cause by bacteria will usually go away in a few days even without
antibiotics. In fact, the most dangerous thing about diarrhea is that it causes a patient to become
dehydrated. A person suffering from diarrhea quickly loses lots of water and electrolytes
(sodium, chloride, potassium and bicarbonate)- the essential chemicals that allow the body to
work. If the lost fluid and electrolytes are not replaced, the patient becomes dehydrated.

There are three stages of dehydration:

1. Early dehydration
o the patient is thirsty and may have a headache
2. Moderate dehydration
o The patient is very thirsty
o The patient is restless or irritable
o The patient’s skin becomes less elastic
o The patient’s eyes are sunken
3. Severe dehydration
o The patients’ symptoms become more severe
o The patient goes into shock, the skin is pale and damp, the pulse is rapid and weak,
blood pressure is very low.

Severe dehydration can result in death if body fluids and electrolytes are not replaced. In
developing countries, children who die from diarrhea often also suffer from malnutrition, which
makes them weak so it is easier for them to get diarrhea. However, each time they get diarrhea, it
makes their malnutrition even worse. It is not surprising; therefore, that diarrhea is one of the
main causes of malnutrition in children under five years old.

Task 1 Complete the sentences with a word from the text above!

1. Diarrhoeal disease is the r……… of an intestinal infection.

2. After pneumonia, diarrhea is the second main c…………….. of death in children five.
3. Diarrhoea c………………… a patient to become dehydrated
4. If body fluids and electrolytes aren’t replaced, severe dehydration can r………. in death.

Perhatikan kembali teks, phrase yang dibold merupakan article. Nah biar lebih jelas perhatikan
penjelasan penggunaan article di bawah ini.

A. Jenis - Jenis Article

Ada 2 jenis articles, antara lain:

 Definite article (specific)

 Indefinite article (general)

Article Countable Singular Countable plural Uncountable nouns

Nouns nouns
Indefinite (general) I ate a banana I ate some bananas I ate some fruit
I have an apple I have two apples I have juice
Definite ( specific) Thank you for the Thank you for the Thank you for the
Banana bananas fruit

B. Menggunakan Article dengan Kata Benda Tunggal

Pada table di atas definite article the bisa digunakan dengan kata benda yang dapat
dihitung dalam bentuk jamak dan tunggal maupun kata benda tak dapat dihitung.

Indefinite article a, dan an hanya bisa digunakan untuk kata kerja yang dapat dihitung
dalam bentuk tunggal. ( atau kita juga bisa menggunakan determiner seperti my or each,
etc untuk countable singular noun)


 I have money (uncountable – no article needed)

 I have books ( countable plural – no article needed)
 I have a book (countable singular-article needed)

Chart di bawah ini memuat informasi yang harus kalian pelajari tentang article dengan kata
benda tunggal

Sebuah singular countable noun harus

menggunakan article (a, an, the) or beberapa
determiner seperti my or each. ( bentuk plural
countable noun atau uncountable noun tidak
Task 2. Indicate menggunakan
if the sentences are correct
indefinite (C) or incorrect (I)!

1. She is taking trip with friends. (C/I)

2. In my yard there are flowers, trees, and grass. (C/I)
3. The manager sent memo to his employees. (C/I)

C. Indefinite Article (distinguish A and AN)

Indefinite article terdiri atas a and an, digunakan oleh kata benda yang dapat dihitung bentuk
tunggal dan memiliki sifat yang tidak tentu atau tidak spesifik.

Perbedaan penggunaan article A dan AN

 Perbedaan dasar antara article a dan an adalah article a digunakan jika kata benda
diawali dengan bunyi konsonan, misalnya: a bag, a king, a nurse etc. Sedangkan article
an digunakan jika kata benda diawali bunyi huruf vocal (a, e, i, o, u), misalnya: an
umbrella, an apron, etc. perlu diperhatikan bahwa yang dijadikan patokan bukanlah huruf
pertama kata benda, akan tetapi bunyi atau pelafalan huruf pertama kata tersebut. Maka
yang benar adalah a unit ( bukan an unit)karena huruf “u” pada kata unit tersebut
dilafalkan dengan “y”.
 Ada 2 pengecualian untuk aturan kata di awali huruf u dan h, antara lain
1. Ketika ‘u’ di dilafalkan dengan ‘y’ (seperti kata usual), maka menggunakan article a
bukan an.
2. Ketika kata benda yang di awali oleh huruf h (seperti kata honor) dilafalkan dengan
‘o’, maka menggunakan article an bukan a
Lafalkan contoh dibawah ini :
A university an unhappy a hospital an honor
A unit an understanding a heart a herb
 Kata benda yang dapat dihitung bentuk tunggal (singular count noun) contoh:car bisa
diikuti oleh :
1. A atau an (or another singular marker such as one, each, or every)
2. The
3. This atau that
4. a possessive (e.g., my, atau Jim’s)
contoh :
1. I drove a car
2. I drove the car
3. I drove that car
4. I drove Jim’s car
Chart dibawah ini memuat informasi penting tentang penggunaan a and an:

A and AN
A A digunakan di depan kata benda yang dapat dihitung bentuk tunggal yang
diawali oleh bunyi huruf mati
AN AN digunakan di depan kata benda yang dapat dihitung bentuk tunggal yang di
awali oleh bunyi huruf hidup.
Perhatikan kata benda yang di awali oleh huruf H atau U, kerana bisa menggunakan bunyi huruf
vowel (hidup) atau huruf consonant (mati).

Task 3. Direction: add a/an if necessary. Write Ө in the blank if the noun is noncount

1. A bird has wings

2. …… animal needs a regular supply of food

3. ….. food is a necessity
4. …… concert is a musical performance
5. ….. opera is a musical play
6. ….. music consists of a series of pleasant.
7. …… cup is a small container used for liquids
8. …… milk is nutritious.
9. …… islands is a piece of land surrounded by water
10. …… gold is a metal.

D. Definite Article

Definite article (the) digunakan sebelum kata benda yang spesifik atau sudah diketahui baik
benda tunggal dan jamak (countable noun) maupun uncountable noun. Perhatikan
penggunaan article “the” berikut:
 Digunakan untuk benda yang sudah diketahui oleh si pembicara atau pendengar.
Contoh: I want to buy the book (dalam konteks dimana buku tersebut telah diketahui)
 Digunakan oleh benda yang sudah disebut sebelumnya.
Contoh : there is a bag in the living room. The bag is very heavy
 Di gunakan sebelum nama pengunungan laut, samudera, gurun, sungai,negara
tertentu, nama binatang, hasil penemuan maupum alat music.
Contoh : the Pacific ocean, the Nile river, the United State, the telephone, the wheel,
the elephant, the piano, the guitar.
 Bisa digunakan didepan adjective yang digunakan sebagai kata benda.
Contoh: The poor, the young.
 Jangan menggunakan the dengan kata benda yang dapat dihitung dalam bentuk plural
(e.g., apples) atau dengan kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung (e.g., gold) ketika kamu
sedang membuat generalization.

Contoh :

Correct: Apples are my favorite fruit

Incorrect: the apples are my favorite fruit
Correct: Gold is a metal
Incorrect: The gold is a metal.

E. Make article Agree with nouns

 Definite article (the) digunakan untuk kata benda tunggal maupun jamak
 Penggunaan indefinite article berbeda untuk bentuk tunggal dan jamak
Contoh :
1. He watched a movie (singular)
He watched new movies (plural)
2. They traveled to a nearby mountain (singular)
They traveled to nearby mountains (plural)
3. Do you have another book? (singular)
Do you have other books? (plural).

Catatan : ingat jangan menggunakan article a atau an dengan kata benda jamak
(countable noun) atau uncountable noun.

Task 4. Directions: complete the sentences with a/an, the or Ө. Capitalize as appropriate.
1. Ө Beef is a kind of Ө meat
2. The beef we had for dinner last night was excellent.
3. Jim is wearing …… straw hat today.
4. Jim likes to wear …. Hats.
5. ……. hat is ….. article of clothing
6. ……. hats are ….. articles of clothing.
7. …… brown hat on that hook over there belongs to Mark
8. Everyone has ….. problems in ……. Life
9. My grandfather had ……. Long life.
10. That book is about …… life of Helen Keller

11. Tommy wants to be …….. engineer when he grows up.
12. The Brooklyn Bridge was designed by ….. engineer.
13. Jhon Roebling is ….. name of …. engineer who designed the Brooklyn Bridge. He died
in 1869 from …….. infection before …….. bridge was completed.
14. ……….. people wear ….. jewelry to make themselves more attractive.
15. …….. jewelry Diana is wearing today is beautiful.


Task 5. Please practice the short dialogue below!

( N ; Nurse, N : Nancy)
N: How do you feel about going home today, Nancy?
N: I was a bit worried yesterday, but I feel better today. It was good to look at the Discharge Plan
N: good! Now, I just want to talk to you now about your medications, if that’s OK. I’m going to
give you a list. Your doctor will give you some capsules and some tablets. The capsules are
antibiotics. These are very important because they will stop you getting an infection. You
need to take two capsules, three times a day at mealtimes.
N: OK.
N: The tablets are painkillers. If you’re in pain, then take two tablets. But don’t take more than
two every six hours, and no more that eight tablets a day. There’s also a tube of antiseptic
ointment. You need to put this on twice a day – in the morning when you get up and at night
when you go to bed. Apply it to the area where your stitches are.

N: Right, is all this written down?
N: Yes. Don’t worry it’s all on the list. Oh, and I forgot. It isn’t unusual for patients to suffer
from constipation after surgery so the doctor has also prescribed laxative syrup for you.
N: Oh, good, thank you.
N: You need to take a tablespoonful three times a day at mealtimes. Can your sister get your
medications from the pharmacy for you?
N: Yes, we can do that on the way home. What’s going to happen about my stitches?.
N: A home care nurse will be coming to visit you at home the day after tomorrow. She’ll change
your dressings and make sure you’re healing well. Then in ten days you have an appointment
in the outpatient clinic. We’ll take your stitches out for you then. It’s all written down here.

Task.6 Please choose a, b, or based on the dialogue above

1. How does Nancy feel today?

a. Worried
b. Better
c. ill
2. The capsule that the doctor is going to give Nancy are
a. Antibiotics
b. Painkillers
c. laxatives
3. The tablets are for
a. Constipation
b. Pain
c. infection
4. The laxative syrup is for
a. Pain
b. Constipation

c. infection
5. Who will get Nancy’s medication for her?
a. Her brother-in-law
b. Her sister
c. Her neighbor
6. Why does Nancy need to visit the Outpatient Clinic?
a. To see her specialist
b. To have her stitches taken out
c. To check on her diet.


Di unit ini kita sudah belajar tentang penggunaan article :

1. Jenis- jenis Article

2. Penggunaan article dengan kata benda tunggal
3. Indefinite Article
4. Definite Article
5. Penggunaan article dengan kata benda

Semoga kalian dapat menggunakan dalam kehidupan kalian sehari – hari


Choose the incorrect word or phrase and correct it.

1. Although almost all insects have six legs, a immature insect may not have any.
2. Sunspot are known to cause a enormous increase in the intensity of the sun’s

electromagnetic radiation.
3. Yesterday I saw some dogs. An dogs were chasing a cat.
4. It is a big decision to choose an university
5. Chemistry 100H is a honors sections
6. The soil is composed of a mixture of organic matter called humus and inorganic matter
derived from.
7. The wind is an ancient source of energy.


Sharpe. Pamela. 2002. How to Prepare For the TOEFL Test. The Ohio State University

Azar.Betty Schrampfer.1999. Understanding and Using English Grammar. Pearson Education



Part A
In part A, you will hear short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each
conversation, a third voice will ask a question about what was said. The question will be
spoken just one time. After you hear a conversation and the questions about it, read the
four possible answer and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you
have heard. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the problem and mark your

Listen to an example.
On the recording, you will hear:
(Woman) : I don’t like design at all
(Man) : Neither do I.
(Third Voice) : What does the man mean?
In your test book, you will hear:
(A) He doesn’t like the design either.
(B) He doesn’t know how to design

(C) He doesn’t know any good design
(D) He doesn’t know what to do.

You learn from the conversation that neither the man nor the woman likes the design. The
best answer to the question, “what does the man mean?” is (A), “ He doesn’t like the
design either.” Therefore, the correct choice is (A).

1. (A) Hand the man a portion of spaghetti

(B) Eat a hamburger
(C)Pay for a hamburger and a portion of spaghetti
(D) Go without any food.
2. (A)They both enjoyed it
(B)Neither enjoyed it
(C) The father didn’t enjoy it, but the mother did
(D) The mother didn’t enjoy it because the display was unpleasant
3. (A)A supermarket
(B) A pharmacy
(C) A restaurant
(D) A department store

4. (A)Mary cancelled the visit

(B) They won’t visit Mary in the hospital this evening
(C) They will visit Mary in the hospital this evening
(D) They have visited Mary at home.
5. (A) The psycholinguistic class was finished early
(B) The president’s speech was aired too late.
(C) He doesn’t like the president
(D) He didn’t watch the president’s speech.
6. (A)Bank teller-customer
(B) Doctor-patient
(C) Lawyer-client
(D) Dentist- patient
7. (A)There is another more exciting music genre to listen
(B) He doesn’t care the woman’s feeling
(C) The Jazz music bored the woman
(D) It’s boring to listen to the music
8. (A) She’s fine after visiting the doctor
(B) She’s at the doctor’s
(C) The class was cancelled
(D) She’s in a bed rest because of Vertigo
9. (A) The unreasonable prices for fashion items.

(B) A lack of variety in fashion items.
(C) The attitude of the employees
(D) The grand opening is too early
10. (A)She is prepared for the next project
(B) She is not ready to conduct the next project
(C) She hates the next project
(D) She is not capable of doing the next project.
11. (A) Pathologist
(B) Language teacher
(C) Mathematics teacher
(D) Economics
12. (A) It is the worst tea
(B) There is much better tea
(C) It is the best tea
(D) He no longer drinks it
13. (A) He will temporarily use the microwave
(B) He will not use the microwave
(C) He will always use the microwave
(D) He likes the microwave so much
14. (A) She followed the group’s rules
(B) She had followed the group’s rules, but was neglected
(C) She didn’t follow the group rules
(D) Even though she didn’t follow the group’s rules, she was welcomed.
15. (A) Fifteen students submitted the reflection forms
(B) Forty five students filled out the reflection forms
(C) Only fifteen students received the reflection forms
(D) Forty five students submitted the reflection forms
16. (A)He is a professional athlete
(B) He is very talented, but he will never be a professional athlete if he doesn’t
(C) He practices a lot, but he will never be a professional athlete
(D) He doesn’t want to be a professional athlete.
17. (A)Leave the library immediately and read the novel at home
(B) Stay in the library until she finished reading the novel
(C) Go with the man to read novel at classroom
(D) Spend the time in the library if the silence holds out.
18. (A) Only Harry Potter is available to borrow
(B) No fiction book is available to borrow
(C) There is No fiction book in the library
(D) No one wants to borrow fiction book.
19. (A) She sings and writes the lyrics equally well
(B) She writes and sings the lyrics, but she sings it better
(C) Even though she sings the song, she writes it better
(D) She doesn’t like to write the lyrics, but she sings it well.
20. (A)They bought a new house
(B) They hate each other since arguing about buying a new house
(C) They had an argument in their new house
(D) They had an argument, but now they have good relationship again.
21. (A) A laboratory
(B) A post office
(C) A hospital
(D) A college
22. (A)He has confirmed the data analysis.
(B) He does not understand about data analysis in statistics.
(C) He doesn’t want to be helpful
(D) He can help the woman confirming the data analysis
23. (A)Pet sitter take care Marilyn’s dogs while she has out-of-town business
(B) Marilyn takes her dog while she has out-of-town business
(C) Marilyn works in a pet sitting shop near her house
(D) Marilyn’s dogs can be taken along to her office.
24. (A) He will buy a Porsche when he quits his offered tender
(B) He wants to buy a Porsche, but his tender does not come through
(C) He will buy a Porsche if his tender comes through
(D) He doesn’t want to buy a Porsche even though his tender comes through.
25. (A) He doesn’t like reading on a noisy, but trip
(B) Reading is his favorite enjoyment on a noisy, but trip
(C) Even though he likes reading, he doesn’t like reading on a bus trip
(D) He likes reading anywhere he wants.
26. (A)They changed the plots nearly the deadline
(B) They couldn’t meet the deadline of submitting the script
(C) When the deadline came, they realized they had to change the plots
(D) Although they changed the plots, they couldn’t meet up the deadline
27. (A) He gave the questionnaires to the boys in the class
(B) He gave the questionnaires to the girls in the class
(C) He asked all students in the class to fill the questionnaires
(D) He asked some students in the classroom to fill the questionnaires.
28. (A) She will take care of her son while working
(B) She asks a baby sitter to take care of her son while she has to work
(C) Her mother doesn’t want to take care of her son
(D) Her mother takes care of her son while she works
29. (A) He is going to attend the party after finishing his deadline for tomorrow
(B) He is attending the party although he has to meet the deadline tomorrow
(C) He is not attending the party because he wants to finish his deadline
(D) He is not attending the party and cannot meet the deadline for tomorrow
30. (A) He wants to eat horse meat
(B) He doesn’t want to eat horse meat
(C) He is not hungry, but he wants to eat a lot
(D) He is so hungry and wants to eat a lot

Part B
In part B, you will hear longer conversation. After each conversation, you will be
asked some questions. The conversations and questions will be spoken one time. The will
not be written out for you, so you will have to listen carefully in order to understand and
remember what the speaker says.
When you hear question, read the four possible answers in your test book and
decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Then, on your
answer sheet, find the number of the problem and fill in the space that corresponds to the
letter of the answer you have chosen.

Listen to an example
(Woman) : Hey, why don’t you attend the English class?
(Man) : I don’t have any class on Wednesday
(Woman) : Today is Thursday. I think you need to hurry, the class is started soon.
(Man) : Oh, no! Today’s the deadline of the report composition
(Woman) : What a perfect day for you!
(Man) : I need to go now, see you.

Where is the man going?

(A) School
(B) Home
(C) Shop
(D) Market.

You learn from the conversation that the woman asked the man why he didn’t attend the
English class. The man forgot the day, then he finally was going to attend the class. The
correct answer for question “where is the man going?” is (A).

31. (A)She was totally unorganized

(B) She couldn’t decide which country she should report
(C) She couldn’t think of a topic for her report composition
(D) She was incapable of reporting her visit to Asia

32. (A) That she visits Bangkok then Cambodia
(B) That she tries to be organized
(C) That she composes a report about her Asia trip
(D) That she helps him compose the report
33. (A) Cambodia
(B) China
(C) Bangkok
(D) Vietnam
34. (A) To write his own report composition
(B) To pack his bags for his Asia trip
(C) He has meeting with another friend
(D) He has to organize his Asia trip
35. (A)Confirm his experiment findings
(B) Type his paper
(C) Accomplish his experiment within two weeks
(D) Replace him in the seminar

36. (A)He is about to present his findings before June

(B) He wants his supervisor checking his findings before he presents in the seminar
(C) His supervisor has asked him to do so
(D) It should be checked by his supervisor and be presented in the seminar after June
37. (A) Getting confirmation of his findings from his supervisor
(B) Asking confirmation from his friends
(C) Conducting experiment twice
(D) Giving the notes to his friends
38. (A) He’s completed typing the notes
(B) He’s started to type the notes
(C) He’s done conducting the experiment and taking notes
(D) He’s done getting confirmation from his supervisor.

Part C
In part C,you will hear several talks. After each talk, you will bw asked some questions.
The talks and questions will be spoken just one time. They will not be written out for
you, so you will have to listen carefully in order to understand and remember what
the speaker says.
When you hear a question, read the four possible answer in your textbook and decide
which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Then, on you
answer sheet, find the number of the problem and fill in the space that corresponds to
the letter of the answer.
39. (A) The Boston Tea Party was a direct protest from American colonies towards
British Government which took place on December 16, 1773
(B) Parliament didn’t retract the obligation to pay taxes mentioned in the Townshend
Act of 1967
(C) Samuel Adams led the crowd to descend upon the three ships and to dump their
offending cargos of tea into the harbor water
(D) The crowd dumped the tea into water because the Collector of Customs refused to
allow the ships to leave without payment of dulty
40. (A)More than 7 years
(B) 4 years
(C) Less than 5 years
(D) 6 years

Structure and Written Expression

Please choose a,b,c or d

1. Sandy, Rio, and Erni are visiting some beautiful tourism places in Yogyakarta. Then,
…… also are trying some traditional foods of this city
a. He
b. She
c. They
d. We
2. A : This project proposal is really great. Is this really our proposal?
B : Sure, it’s …
a. Our
b. Ours
c. Us
d. We
3. Sony could compose a romantic song ….
a. By himself
b. By myself
c. By hisself
d. By themselves
4. This new cell phone is …
a. She
b. Her

c. Hers
d. She has
5. Sarah allows me to stay in …. House until I find a new apartment
a. His
b. Hers
c. Her
d. She
6. I haven’t visited many city in the united states
7. I met some interesting man at the meeting last night
8. Alex saw some mouse running across the floor
9. We need to get an new phone

10. When we were schoolgirls, my sister and me used to play badminton after school
11. The president … to improve maritime sector for helping fishermen’s income
a. Try
b. Trying
c. Tries
d. To be tried
12. Some foreign fishing boats are found in Indonesia’s coastal line. They are … by
Indonesia naval force to account for their crime.
a. Arresting directly
b. Arrest directly
c. Directly arresting
d. Arrested directly
13. Every obstacles you face in your life will …
a. Made you stronger
b. Make you more strong
c. Made you more strong
d. Make you stronger
14. Harvard is probably the more prestigious university in the United States
15. This company faces some difficulties in finance; the use of operating cost ….. the
company income. If the board of directors do not come with some solution, this company
will go bankrupt in the near future.
a. Is more bigger than
b. Is more biggest than
c. Is bigger than
d. Is biggest than
16. The Australian constitution is … in Australia government history. It established the
commonwealth Government, defined its structure, powers, and procedures.
a. The more important document
b. The most important document
c. The document more important
d. The most documents important.

17. Alaska is coldest than all the states in the united states.
18. He bought the more powerful stereo speakers that he could find

19. The first journal article is longer of the second article


20. Chemistry is … difficult than mathematics

a. Most
b. More
c. Therefore
d. So

21. One hundred eighty-six thousand miles per second are the speed of light
22. The food in this restaurant is the better of the restaurant we visited last week
23. …... my father nor my brother loves playing guitar
a. Either
b. If
c. Neither
d. That
24. The nucleus of a human cell, except those of eggs and sperm, contain forty-six thread-
like structures called chromosomes
25. Every students in this class intend to go to the music concert tomorrow
26. Neither my brother nor my parents … watching film.
a. Does not love
b. Do not love
c. Was not loving
d. Were not loving
27. The chairman arrived … at the meeting room than the board members
a. Earliest
b. Earlier
c. More earlier
d. Most earliest
28. My sister has just finished renovating her house. Then, she intends to install …. In that
a. A system new security
b. A new security system
c. A new system security
d. A security new system

29. The local government has not …. any special attention to the small fishermen and
farmers. It is shown from the lack of modern tools use by both fishermen and farmers.
a. Given
b. Gives
c. Gave
d. Giving
30. In the entire history of the solar system, thirty billion planets may has been lost or


Questions 1- 10

In an average year the climate in a tropical rain forest is very humid because of all the
rainfall. A tropical rainforest gets about 150 cm of rain per year. It gets lots of rain because it is
very hot and wet in rain forests. The hotter the air, the more water vapor it can hold. It rains
usually about 1/8 of an inch per day. This climate is found near the equator where there is more
direct sunlight hitting the land and sea there than anywhere else.
The main plants in this biome are trees. This is important because in the rain forest, some
rain never gets past the trees and to the smaller plants and ground below. Trees in this climate
reach a height of more than 164 feet. They form a canopy. The forest floor is called understory.
The canopy also keeps sunlight from reaching the plants in the understory. Between the canopy

and understory is a lower canopy made up of smaller trees. These plants do receive some
filtered sunlight.
The annual precipitation of a rain forest is greater than 150 cm. In a rain forest there is a short
dry season. In only a month the rainforest receives 4 inches of rain. The rain forest climate is
different from a lot of other climates. In other climates, the evaporation is carried away to fall as
rain in far of areas, but in the rain forest, 50 percent of the precipitation comes from its own
evaporation. A lot of the rain that falls on the rain forest never reaches the ground; instead it
stays on the trees because the leaves act as a shield.

1. What does the text mainly discuss?

a. The description of rainforest
b. The rain rate in rainforest
c. The process of evaporation
d. Types of forest
2. What makes the climate in tropical rain forest humid?
a. Rainfall
b. The average of climate
c. The condition of the land
d. The hotter air
3. Why does rain forest get rain a lot?
a. The forest is hot and wet
b. There is water vapor
c. There is direct sunlight
d. rain
4. The word ‘it’ in line 2 refers to
a. Rain forest
b. Tropical rain forest
c. The hotter air
d. Rain
5. The following statements are in line with the text EXCEPT
a. Tropical rain forest is typically humid
b. Most of plants in tropical rain forest are trees
c. The height of trees in tropical rain forest is up to 164 feet
d. The rain in tropical rain forest forms canopy
6. The forest floor is also known as?
a. Canopy
b. Understory
c. Filtered sunlight
d. Forest
7. Where cam lower canopy be found?
a. Rainforest
b. Tropical rainforest.
c. Forest floor.
d. Between the canopy and understory
8. The word ‘precipitation’ in line 13 has the closest meaning to …
a. Rain

b. Forest
c. Sunlight
d. Trees
9. What makes rain forest climate different from other forests?
a. Rain forest has high rate of rain
b. 50 percent of the precipitation comes from its own evaporation
c. Because there are a lot of trees
d. Because there is canopy.
10. Why does rain water in rain forest never reaches the ground?
a. Because the rain water stays on tree leaves
b. The water becomes shield
c. There is evaporation
d. They receive filtered sunlight.

Text for questions 11 -17

The influenza virus is a single molecule composed of millions of individual atoms.

Although bacteria can be considered a type of plant, secreting poisonous substances
into the body of the organism they attack viruses, like influenza virus, are living
organism themselves. We may consider them regular chemical molecules since they
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Good luck )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
have strictly defined atomic structure; but on the other hand, we must also consider
them as being alive since they are able to multiply in unlimited quantities.
An attack brought on by the presence of the influenza virus in the body produces a
temporary immunity, but, unfortunately, the protection is against only the type of virus
that caused the influenza. Because the disease can be produced by any one of the three
types, referred to as A,B,C or C, and many varieties within each type, immunity to one
virus will not prevent infection by other type or strains. Protection from the influenza
virus is also complicated by the fact that immunity to a specific virus persists for less
than a year. Finally, because a virus may periodically change characteristics, the
problem of mutation makes it difficult to carry out a successful immunization program.
Vaccines are often ineffective against newly evolving strains.
Approximately every ten years, worldwide epidemics of influenza called
pandemics occur. Thought to be caused by new strains of type-A virus, these pandemic
viruses have spread rapidly, infecting millions of people.
Vaccines have been developed that have been found to be 70 to 90 percent
effective for at least six months against either A or B types of the influenza virus, and a
genetically engineered live-virus vaccine is under development. Currently, the United
States Public Health Service recommends annual vaccination only for those at greatest
risk of complications from influenza, including pregnant women and the elderly.
Nevertheless, many other members of the general population request and receive flu
shots every year, and even more are immunized during epidemic or pandemic cycles.
11. Which of the following is the main topic of the passage?
A. The influenza virus
B. Immunity to disease
C. Bacteria
D. Chemical molecules
12. According to this passage, bacteria are
A. poisons
B. very small
C. larger than viruses
D. plants
13. The word strictly in paragraph 1 could best be replaced by
A. unusually
B. completely
C. broadly
D. exactly\
14. The atomic structure of viruses …
A. is variable
B. is strictly defined
C. cannot be analyzed chemically
D. is more complex than that of bacteria
15. Why does the author say that viruses are alive?
A. They have a complex atomic structure
B. They move
C. They multiply
D. They need warmth and light.
16. The word unlimited in paragraph 1 could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. very small
B. Very large
C. Very similar
D. Very different.
17. According to the passage, how does the body react to the influenza?
A. It prevents further infection to other types and strains of the virus
B. It produces immunity to the type and strain of virus that invaded it
C. It becomes immune to types A, B, and C viruses, but not to various strains within the
D. After a temporary immunity, it becomes even more susceptible to the type and strain that
caused the influenza.

Text for questions 18 -24

Alfred Bernhard Nobel, a Swedish inventor and philanthropist, bequeathed most of

his vast fortune to a trust that he designated as a fund from which annual prizes could be
awarded to the individuals and organizations that had achieved through invention or
discovery that which would have the greatest benefit to humanity in a particular year.
According to the legend, Nobel’s death had been erroneously reported in a newspaper,
and the focus of the obituary was the fact the Nobel had invented dynamite. He rewrote
his will in 1895, thereby establishing, with the original amount of nine million dollars,
the Nobel Foundations as the legal owner and administering agent of the funds, and
instituting the prizes that are named after him. Statutes to govern the awarding of the
prizes were written, along with guidelines for operating procedures. Five years after
Nobel’s death, the first five prizes, worth about forty thousand dollars each, were to be

Originally the five classifications for outstanding contributions designated in

Nobel’s will included chemistry, physics, physiology or medicine, literature, and
international peace. These prizes have been administered continually by the Nobel
Foundation in Stockholm since they were first awarded in 1901. In 1969, a sixth prize,
for accomplishments in the field of economics and endowed by Central Bank of Sweden,
was added. Candidates for the prizes must be nominated in writing by February 1 of
each year by a qualified and recognized authority in each of the fields of competition.
Recipients in physics, chemistry, and economics are selected by the Royal Swedish
Academy, whereas recipients in peace are 75 chosen by the Norwegian Nobel Committee
appointed by Norway’s parliament. With the King of Sweden officiating, the prizes are
usually presented in Stockholm on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel’s death. The
value, fame, and prestige of the Nobel Prizes have continued to grow. Today the prize
18. What does this passage mainly discuss?
A. Alfred Bernhard Nobel
B. The Nobel Prizes
C. Great contribution to mankind
D. Swedish philanthropy
19. Why were the prizes named for Alfred Bernhard Nobel?
A. He left money in his will to establish a fund for the prizes
B. He won the first Nobel Prizes for his work in Philanthropy.
C. He is now living in Sweden
D. He serves as chairman of the committee to choose the recipients of the prizes.
20. The word will in paragraph 1 refers to
A. Nobel’s wishes
B. a legal document
C. a future intention
D. a free choice
21. How often are the Nobel Prizes awarded?
A. Five times a year
B. Once a year
C. Twice a year
D. Once every two years
22. The word outstanding in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by
A. recent
B. Unusual
C. Established
D. Exceptional
23. A Nobel Prize would not be given to
A. an author who wrote a novel
B. a doctor who discovered a vaccine
C. a composer who wrote a symphony
D. a diplomat who negotiated a peace settlement
24. Why are the awards presented on December 10?
A. It is a tribute to the King of Sweden
B. Alfred Bernhard Nobel died on that day
C That date was established in Alfred Nobel’s will
D. The central Bank of Sweden administers the trust




Tujuan Pembelajaran:

Setelah mempelajari unit ini mahasiswa diharapkan dapat:

1. Menjelaskan tentang Functional Expression

2. Menjelaskan tentang waktu (telling the time)
3. Menjelaskan contextual exchanges

1. Functional expressions
1.1 Introducing yourself

Skills for introduction yourself is the first step of starting communication between
nurse and patient. The most important things of introducing yourself are by saying
greeting, contrax time, and mention your name.

For example:
1. Hello, my name is Joni
2. How do you do?
3. Nice to meet you
4. I am in charge today
5. How do you spell your name?

Practice the dialogue

(1) Visit the patient

N: Hello, Mr. Joni, I’m Ani. I’m on duty tonight
P: I see… N: How are you?
P: I’m better thanks
N: Alright Mr. Joni, see you later.

1.2 Offering services

In some activities, one of the nurse’s roles is encouraging patient to offer nursing care to
the patient.

For example:
1. What can I do for you?
2. Do you need any help?
3. Do you want me to help you?
4. If you need anything, let me know.
5. Is there anything I can do?
Practice the dialogue
(1) In the patient room
N: Did you press the buzzer Joni? P: Yes I did
N: What is it? P: Can I have rice for my lunch
today? N: I’ll ask the doctor. Anything else?
P: I miss ice cream
N: Wow… let me ask the doctor, OK?
P: Thanks.

N: Welcome

1.3. Giving direction

Giving direction is one of competence that nurse and midwife must be posses.
Nursing’s intervention should be clearly, accurately, and relevance.
For example:
1. You’d better sit down, madam
2. After that, you need to do the pre admission test.
3. Before the test you must be fasting
4. When you get the results, please come back here.
5. The laboratory is down the hallway
Practice the dialogue
(1) In the laboratory
P : Good morning, I’m Rini. This is the note from the registration office
N: Thank you Mister…
P: Rini… Rini Dahlan
N: Mr Dahlan… Right. Now, Mr. Dahlan… you take this (note)
to the gentleman in that room
P : I see
N: You will have a urine test. When it’s done, you’ll go to the
lady in the opposite room.
P: Alright. What did I do there?
N: She will do the blood test
P: Thank you
N: Welcome

1.5 Explaining
Explaining is used to explain something about information questions. You need to use
some conjunction wards such as: and, but, or, then, after that, because, for example

For example:
1. Let me tell you this…
2. Generally speaking, smoking is harmful
3. However, they should maintain balanced diet.
4. This will give you a lot of energy
5. Because milk contains a lot of energy.
Practice the dialogue:
(1) A patient afraid will be examined by doctor

P: Nurse, what’s going to happen there?

N: First, the doctor will ask you detailed questions. P: About
N: About your health… and any illness you may have had.
P: Then?
N: The doctor will physically examine you.
P: With my cloths on? N: Well you may need to take off most\t
your clothing. P: But…?
N: You can ask to be examined by a doctor of the same sex as yourself. P: Oh

1.6 Describing
The Function of describing is focused on describing something, such as instruments,
part of the body, diseases, and procedur es of intervention.

For example:
1. How is she?
2. She doesn’t look very good (seriously ill)
3. How was it? (How was the operation?)
4. It went very well
5. The theatre was very cold though.

Practice the dialogue:

(1) The condition of patient
S: How is you little patient?
N: His throat is swollen and he’s got temperature.
S: Do you think it’s just infection?
N: I guess so…the secondary viral infection after the flu S: I see…
So, nothing serious.
N: Well looks better than yesterday, but I’d better watch out
S: He’s a happy kid.
N: You’re right. He’s a lovely boy

1.7 Convincing
The function of convincing is to make sure about our intervention that it will
help patient of recovery.
For example:
1. Don’t worry, it has no side effects.
2. I’m sure you’ll get well soon
3. I think surgery is the only solution
4. You’ll be home in a couple of days
5. You should really consider it.

Practice the dialogue:
(1) Convincing the patient in order to reduce the weight
P: What do you think?
N: It looks like you’ve been putting on weight, madam
P: Really? Wow
N: You’re supposed to loose some/ it’s extremely important
P: Is it? N: Sure it is
P: But I’ve tried to eat less and sometimes I skip dinner
N: well, you need to consider both quantity and quality. You consider
the carbohydrate and fat content P: That is not easy, isn’t it?

1.8 Persuading

The purpose of Persuading is to persuade patient to obey all regulations. The words that
commonly used in persuading are probably, would be, likely etc.
For example:
1. I would say that you need a doctor
2. It is a likely that you need medication
3. We really need your supports 4. Could you consider the proposals?
5. Staying in the hospital is not bad idea.

Practice the dialogue:

(1) Persuading to see the operate
N: Doctor Joni, can I ask you something?
D: Sure, what is it?
N: May I watch you perform the operation today?
D: But you’re a ward nurse.
N: I know, but I want to be in the theatre once a while. O doesn’t dare ask the
other doctors.
D: Wouldn’t you be on duty this afternoon?
N: No, I’ll be free after lunch. Is okay doctor?
D: Not a problem. I’ll let the theatre people know. N: Thank you
very much, doctor. I really appreciate that. D: Don’t mention it.
See you there.
N: see you, doctor.

1.9 Consoling/soothing
Consoling purposes to consul patient to be calm down or relax

For example:

1. Take it easy…

2. Calm down…
3. Don’t worry…
4. Take a deep breath …
5. You’re in pain. Aren’t you?

Practice the dialogue:

(1) Patient needs comfortable and relaxing
N: Good morning… How are you?
P: Well… not very good, I’m afraid
N: I can see that…, but we’ll help you out. Now… shall we try something to
make you relaxed?
P: Do you think it will work?
N: It usually does. Just relax… Take this seat and put your head down
here…Dr, Joni is a real expert here. P: Is she?
N: Yes… she knows what to do. You will like her
P: I hope so.

1.10 Encouraging/motivating
Encouraging is used by nurse to encourage patient to have a positive thinking
about her/his disease

For example:
1. I’m sure you will make it.
2. Have faith and everything will work out well
3. Be brave and you’ll be okay 4. You need to see the bright side of it.
4.Just does it, you’ve got nothing to loose.

Practice the dialogue:

(1) A patient gets loss of her leg and doubt to go home.
P: I don’t know what to do…
N: You may not know what to do now, Sir. But once you’re out there…There’s so
much to do.
P: I feel so useless
N: I understand the feelings. Some people think this is the end of the world.
But many handicapped people do useful things, Things they never thought
of before. P: Like what?
N: One of our patients last year… You know, he writes now. He says he can’t be

P: Really? I should think of hobby now. N: Why not.
Everyone has potentials. P: That’s true. Thanks.
N: Welcome.

1.11 Reprimanding
Reprimanding purposes to reprimand patient politely

For example:

1. That’s not right thing to do.

2. This is not good for your digestion
3. As far as I know, you’re not supposed to smoke
4. STOP it, will you?
5. I’m sorry, but you have deliberately broken the rule.
Practice the dialogue:
(1) Reprimanding the visitors at the hospital
N: Excuse me, ladies. I’m sorry to tell you that no more than 4 persons are
V: But nurse… we came all the way from central java N: I see.
But… that’s the rule here V: Are you saying that we came
here in vain?
N: Alright. Let me tell you what I’ll do. I’ll take four people at time.
So, you’ll take turns. The rest please stay here
V: (visitors mengambil oleh-oleh makanan untuk diberikan ke pasien)
N: One more thing ladies… Food from outside is not allowed V: What do
you mean?
N: I’m sorry… you have to leave the food here
V: Oh…no N: I’m so sorry.

1.12 Complaining
Complaining is used to express complaining of patient

For example:

1. Is this what you call ‘first class hospital’?

2. How come he did that to us?
3. Oh…..not again……
4. How could you do this to me?
5. What kind of service is this?

Practice the dialogue:

(1) Condition at the hospital
N: Look at this mess…

Is this what you call ’first class hospital’?
S: Well. That’s what it is
N: Why on earth don’t they hire more cleaners around here? S:
Efficiency, I guess. N: That doesn’t make sense S: It does to them
N: It’s always about money, right?
S: What can I say?
N: Right…who cares…

1.13 Praising
Praising is used to praise patient. For example:
1. Aren’t you looking great this morning?
2. You’ve made a lot of progress
3. You look stunning!
4. That’s excellent!
5. You’ve been very helpful

Practice the dialogue

(1) Praising the doctor after operating
D: Well Ira, it’s over
N: Doctor, I can’t help saying that you just did miracle
D: Thanks Ira, but I think it was just my lucky day
N: Lucky day?
That’s not good enough to describe the situation. You’re genius. I can’t imagine
what they do without you
D: Thanks. I’m flattered
N: You need a break, I’m afraid
D: I think so. I’ll out to lunch Are you coming
with me?
N: Well…why not
D: Let’s go
N: Let’s

1.14 Entertaining
The Purpose of entertaining is to help patient to be happy.

For example:

1. Look what I’ve got here…

2. I’ve got surprise for you…
3. You deserve a reward… 4. Everyone…let’s have fun!!!
5. Party time

1.15 Apologizing

Apologizing is used to ask apologizing caused you may make mistakes.

For example:

1. Excuse me… May I get through?

2. Sorry, I was on your way
3. I’m sorry for being so late
4. Please forgive me. I didn’t mean to hurt you
5. I owe you an apology.
6. Sorry about that
7. I would like a apologize
8. I feel really bad about it
9. I am so sorry
10. 10. Do forgive me please

Practice the dialogue:

(1) Feeling guilty
(2) N: Doctor Aji, I have to apologize
I failed to keep the record. I’m sorry
D: Your apology is accepted
Please don’t forget again next time
N: It won’t, doctor
I promise
D: Very good. Do your best.

1.16 Disclaiming
Disclaiming is used to express that you have no idea about the topic

For example:
1. I have no idea
2. Sorry, I really don’t know
3. I suggest that you ask the doctor
4. I’m not in the position of answering that question
5. I’ll see if I can ask the doctor for you.
6. Sorry, we don’t do that here
7. You can’t expect me to answer that
8. Sorry, I can’t answer that question.
9. Why don’t you ask somebody else?

10. I’m not telling…

Practice the dialogue:

(1) Keluarga pasien ingin tahu keadaan pasien
F: Nurse, how long do you think she’s going to stay here?
N: I’m sorry …It depends…
F: You mean, depends on what?
N: Depends on what the doctor thinks
F: Do you think it is serious?
N: Sorry, madam I have no idea.
F: You’re the one checking her, right?
N: That’s true. But I’m not in the position of telling you that.
F: But…can’t you say anything?
N: I’m very sorry, madam I’m afraid I can’t

1.17 Requesting/ordering
The function this word is to request someone to do something

For example:
1. Open your mouth.
2. Somebody help!
3. Can you take a deep breath for me?
4. Could you please help me
5. Give me a hand, will you?
6. You are staying tonight
7. I look forward to hearing from you very soon

Practice the dialogue:

(1) Need a help

N: Somebody…HELP!!!
S: What is it?
N: Help me please…
S: Oh you poor thing…
You slipped, did you?
N: Yes... Could you help me? S: Sure... Take
it easy.
Now slowly…

Sit down here, I will see N: Oh . . . knee
S: Now, try to bend your knee N: I can’t.
It’s hurting S: Then I’ll go get some help.
Stay right here
I’ll be back in a flash N: Thanks.

1.18 Answering telephone

For example:
1. Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Ira speaking.
2. Nurse Ira’s surgery, may I help you?
3. Could you hold on second
4. May I ask who is calling, please?
5. Could you call again later?
6. Thank you for calling.
7. Sorry, Doctor Joni is not in at the moment.
8. Can I take a message?
9. Yes, ma’am, what can I do to help
10. Maternity ward, may I help you?

Practice the dialogue

(1) To help patient who needs information
N: Good morning
Dr Soetomo Hospital, Can I help you?
P: Good morning
I have an enquiry about the bill, please
N: I see
I think you need to refer you to somebody else
P: Thank you N: And... May I know your name,
P: Joni… Joni Wijaya
N: And your phone number please, Sir?
P: 383976
N: Very well, Sir
Somebody will give you a call very soon.
P: Thank you. Bye
N: Bye, Sir

1.19 Making a telephone call

For example:
1. I’m calling to find out…
2. I’m calling to enquire about the problems you have

3. The reason I’m calling is…
4. I’m calling about…
5. I’d like to ask if…
6. I was wondering if you could tell me
7. I’d like to talk to somebody from the Finance Department, please

Practice the dialogue:

(1) Asking information
N: Hello…It’s Ira from Ward C
S: What can I do for you, Ira?
N: I need details about diet recommendation for Mrs. Supiyah, please.
Do you think you can help me?
S: Sure…I’ll go and check for you.
N: Thanks…..(wait)
S : Are you there, Ira ? N: I’m
S : I’m afraid it is Nil by Mouth this morning
Then she can start the regular diet at lunch time
N: Thank you very much
S : Welcome

1.20 Advising

For example:
1. Consider this…
2. Listen to me…
3. You can take this advice…
4. Make up your mind!
5. Let me give you some fatherly advice…
6. You should see the two sides of the coin
7. You should learn from the lesson

Practice the dialogue:

(1) Advice to children
N: Now..You need to listen to you mother I’m sure
you’ll be alright
P: I want to see my friends
N: You should be patient. You will see them sooner if you listen to your mum
P: I miss them
N: I know…I guess they miss you too But you need to stay.. You can’t rush…Or..
You break your leg again
P: How long will I use these crutches?

N: It wouldn’t be long if you listen to my advice
P: Can I play with ball again?
N: Sure. So…promise me?
P: (non verbal)
N: Good bye

1.21 Rejecting
Rejecting is used to reject that you do not agree.

For example:
1. No way
2. Not a chance!
3. Forget it
4. Thanks, but no thanks
5. I’d really rather not do it
6. We would like to inform you with regret that the position has been filled.
7. I don’t particularly like seafood

Practice the dialogue:

(1) Reject the helps
N: Good morning Mrs. Anita You’re going home today, aren’t you?
P: You’re right. I can’t wait
N: I can imagine
P: Yuli… I want you to have this (to show something that is very expensive)
N: Oh..Thanks Mrs. Anita, but no thanks
P: Why not? You’ve been taking good care of me I think you deserve it
N: I don’t think I can accept that I’m very sorry
P: I see…well…
N: Thanks anyway…
P: Can you keep my flowers?
N: Sure I can

1.22 Giving opinion

Giving opinion purposes to give opinion in order to solve a problem .

For example:
1. In my opinion, it’s worth considering
2. Not everyone will agree with me, but
3. I do believe he’s the person in command
4. I personally, believe we ought to discipline the children
5. I think we should go

6. I feel that you should be present
7. I personally think so

1.23 Consulting
Consulting is used to consult something that is unclear or need more explanation

For example:
1. What do you think?
2. Do you think it is a good idea?
3. Do you have any doubts?
4. Are you convinced?
5. What do you mean by that?
6. Any suggestions?
7. I need to clarify this matter
8. I’d like to crosscheck with you…
9. Let’s get this straight…
10. Why do you think so?

Practice the dialogue:

(1) Consult with the doctor
N: Doctor I’ve been having this problem, it worries me
D: What is it ? Tell me
N: Yesterday when I went shopping… I felt dizzy… things were moving. I thought
I was fainting.
D: Then what did you do?
N: I sat down somewhere…
I had some fruit juice…
Then I felt better
D: Then what did you do?
N: I went home and took an Aspirin It bothers me..
D: Well…I’d better take a look Let me check
N: Thanks doctor

1.24 Reporting
Reporting purposes to report about activities that had been occurred

For example:
1. To begin with, he offered me a cigarette
2. The next thing I knew, I was in The ER
3. I did not recognize him.

4. So then he was put in the detention
5. So, I fell over
Practice the dialogue
(1) Routine report
S : Ready for the reports?
N : Yes, Mrs. Ira Ward B…all done All patients seem to be alright No
emergency cases.
S : What about Mrs. Alit?
N1 : She’s been in the ICU
S : Good
N2 : Children Ward’s rather crowded today New patients with hay
S : Typical Spring epidemic?
N2 : Yes, but all under control
S : Very well
N3 : Day Patient Ward, all clear. One patient went home rather late She
seemed to be in pain But she was batter when she left.
S : Minor surgery?
N3 : Yes, but with general anesthetic. S : Whose
N3: Doctor Joni
S : You’d better put in the record
N3 : I will
S : Alright…Done for today. Thank you. Bye.
2. Telling the time

2.1 Timing (hours, month, date)

What time is it? Pukul berapa?

It’s one o’clock. Pukul satu
It’s five past one. (It’s one five) Pukul satu lewat lima
It’s ten past one. (It’s one ten) Pukul satu lewat sepuluh
Its quarter past one. (It’s one fifteen) Pukul satu seperempat
It’s twenty past one. (It’s one twenty) Pukul satu lewat dua puluh
It’s twenty-five past one. (It’s one twenty- Pukul lewat dua puluh lima
It’s half past one. (It’s one thirty) Pukul setengah dua
It’s twenty-five to two (It’s one thirty five) Pukul dua kurang dua puluh lima
It’s twenty to two (It’s one forty) Pukul dua kurang dua puluh
It’s quarter to two. (It’s one forty-five Pukul dua kurang seperempat
It’s ten to two (It’s one fifty) Pukul dua kurang sepuluh
It’s five to two. (It’s on fifty-five Pukul dua kurang lima

It’s two o’clock Pukul dua
It’s two o’clock Pukul dua tepat
sharp It’s exactly
two o’clock
It’s one o’clock in the morning It’s one a.m. Pukul satu pagi
It’s nine o’clock in the morning It’s nine a.m. Pukul sembilan pagi
It’s twelve noon/midday Pukul duabelas siang(tengah hari)
It’s three o’clock in the afternoon It’s three p.m. Pukul tiga siang
It’s six o’clock in the evening It’s six p.m. Pukul enam petang
It’s eleven o’clock at night It’s eleven p.m. Pukul sebelas malam
It’s twelve o’clock midnight Pukul duabelas malam (tengah
*a.m. = ante merediem (Latin), before moon-sebelum jam 12 siang p.m. = ante merediem
(Latin), after noon - sesudah jam 12 siang

When ? Kapan ?
Yesterday Kemarin
Today Hari ini
Tomorrow Besok
The day before yesterday Kemarin dulu
The day after tomorrow Besok lusa
A moment ago Baru saja
In a moment Sebentar lagi
In a little while Sebentar lagi
A long time ago Sudah lama yang
Not a long ago Belum lama yang
Recently, lately Baru-baru ini
A little while ago, a Tadi, bar u saja
moment ago
This morning Pagi ini
Yesterday morning Kemarin pagi
Tomorrow morning Besok pagi
This afternoon Siang ini
Yesterday afternoon Kemarin siang
Tomorrow afternoon Besok siang
This evening Sore ini
Yesterday evening Kemarin sore
Tomorrow evening Besok sore
Tonight Malam ini
Last night Kemarin malam
Tomorrow night Besok malam

This week, this month, this year Minggu ini, bulan ini, tahun ini

A week ago last Friday Satu minggu yang lalu pada hari jum’at
A week form Friday Seminggu dari hari Jum’at yang akan datang
At the end of the month Pada akhir bulan
Every day Setiap hari
All day Sepanjang hari
All night Sepanjang malam
Overnight (to stay overnight) Waktu satu malam (bermalam)
During the day, during the night Selama siang hari, selama malam hari
Usually Biasanya
Generally Umumnya
Seldom, rarely Jarang, jarang sekali
Often, frequently Sering
Always Senantiasa, selalu
Never Tidak pernah
Sometimes, once in a Kadang-kadang, sewaktu-waktu
while, now and then,
The days of the week Hari-hari
Sunday Minggu
Monday Senin
Tuesday Selasa
Wednesday Rabu
Thursday Kamis
Friday Jum’at
Saturday Sabtu
The months of the year Bulan-bulan
January Januari
February Pebruari
March Maret
April April
May Mei
June Juni
July Juli
August Agustus
September September
October Oktober
November Nopember
December Desember

Dates Tanggal
When were you born? Kapan anda dilahirkan?
I was born on May the second*, Saya dilahirkan tanggal 2 Mei 1958
nineteen fifty eight
My birthday is May the second Ulang tahun saya tanggal 2 Mei
*Tanggal May 2, 1958 dapat dibaca:

Indonesia’s Independence Day is Hari kemerdekaan Indonesia
August the seventeenth jatuh pada tanggal 17 Agustus
Indonesia declared its independence on Indonesia mengumumkan

August the seventeen, nineteen kemerdekaannya pada tanggal 17

fortyfive Agustus 1945
America was discovered in fourteen America ditemukan pada tahun
ninety-two 1492
We have been working here for six years Kita sudah enam tahun bekerja
We have been working here since nineteen Kita bekerja di sini sejak 1965
We started working here in September Kita mulai bekerja di sini pada
nineteen sixty-five bulan September 1965
This is our sixth year at this office Tahun ini tahun keenam kita
bekerja di sini

2.2 Marriage, pass away

To be born Dilahirkan
I was born in 1920 Saya dilahirkan pada tahun 1920
He was born in 1962 Dia dilahirkan pada tahun 1962
When were you born? Kapan anda dilahirkan?
What is the date of your birth? Tanggal berapa tanggal lahir
They were born in Kalimantan Mereka dilahirkan di Kalimantan

To marry, to get married, to be married

Is she married? Yes, She is Apakah dia sudah menikah? Ya,
No, she isn’t married Belum, dia belum menikah
No,she is unmarried.She is single.

Is he married? Apakah dia sudah menikah

No, he is still a bachelor Belum, dia masih bujangan
He was married, but now he is divorced Dia sudah pernah menikah, tetapi
sekarang sudah bercerai
He was married in 1950 Dia menikah tahun 1950
He got married in 1950
They were engaged two years before they Mereka bertunangan dua tahun
were married/ got married sebelum menikah
They are going to be married. Mereka akan menikah
They are getting married.
They are going to get married.
He didn’t marry until he was forty Dia baru menikah pada umur
empat puluh tahun

She married a Frenchman Dia menikah dengan
We are going to their wedding. Kami mau ke perkawinan mereka
They are celebrating their fifth wedding Mereka sedang merayakan hari
anniversary ulang tahun pernikahan mereka
yang kelima

2.3 Age

How old are you? Berapa umur anda?

I’m twenty-seven Umur saya duapuluh tujuh
I’m twenty-seven years old Umur saya duapuluh tujuh tahun

He is twenty-seven years of age Umurnya duapuluh tujuh tahun.

They are the same age Umurnya sama
a bachelor – bujangan
Finance – tunangan pria finance – tunangan wanita a widow – janda a widower – duda
a divorce, adivorce man – pria yang bercerai, duda a divorcee, divorced women –
wanita yang bercerai, janda
To die, to be dead
My father is dead but my mother is still alive/ Ay ayah saya sudah meninggal,tetapi ibu saya
still living masih hidup
My grandfather is dead. He dies in 1920 Kakek saya sudah meninggal. Dian
meninggal tahun 1920
To die Meninggal
To be dead Mati (keadan)
1) Jangan mengatakan he was dead.
Seharusnya: He is dead atau He died.
(mati, telah meninggal) atau lebih halus:
He passed away
2) He was buried yesterday. (dikubur)
We went to the funeral. (pemakaman)

Task 1. Sekarang cobalah jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini:

1. When is your birthday?
2. When is the date of your birthday?
3. When is your mother’ birthday?
4. What’s today’s date?
5. What’s tomorrow’s date?
6. What day was it yesterday?
7. What date was it yesterday? / What was yesterday’s date?
8. This year is Jakarta’s __________ anniversary.

Task 2. Terjemahkanlah kalimat-kalimat ini:

1. Mereka akan menikah tahun depan.

2. Tuan A meninggal dunia kemarin.
3. Saudara saya belum menikah. Masih bujangan.
4. Mereka bertunangan dan akan menikah bulan Juni yang akan datang.
5. Besok adalah hari ulang tahun pernikahan kami yang keduapuluh lima

3. Contextual exchanges

Visitor: Hello, Joni, How are you? You look fine? Pengunjung: Halo, Joni, Apa kabar? Kamu
kelihatan sehat.
Orang yang sakit: Halo, Hadi! Saya telah mulai
Patient: Hello, Hadi! I’m much better, thanks. I’m
baik, terima kasih. Saya telah diperbolehkan
allowed to sit up now.
Hadi: I’m glad to hear that! What was it? Hadi: Bagus! (Saya senang mendengar itu).
Pneumonia? Apakah penyakitnya? Radang paru-paru
Joni: Yes, I had a bad cold and cough, but I was Joni: Ya, saya mendapat pilek yang hebat, dan
so busy, I just kept on working. Then the cough batuk, tetapi saya begitu sibuk, saya terus saja
got worse, and my temperature went up, and I bekerja. Batuknya bertambah, dan panasnya
nearly collapsed. naik. Dan hampir habis kekuatan saya.
Hadi: How long di you have to stay in the Hadi: Berapa lama kamu harus tinggal di
hospital? rumah sakit?
Joni: Dua minggu lagi, saya rasa Ronsen yang
Joni: Two more weeks, I think.
terakhir baik, tetapi saya belum sembuh benar
The last X-ray was better, but I’m not well
untuk pulang.
enough to go home yet. I still feel weak.
Saya masih merasa lemas.

Hadi: Saya rasa kamu dalam perawatan baik di

Hadi: I think you’re in goods hands here sini

Bill: There’s the bell. I have to leave now Bill: Itu bel sudah berbunyi. Saya harus pergi sekarang

John: Thanks so much for your visit John: Terima kasih kembali. Saya harap
kamu lekas sembuh

What’s the matter?/ What’s Ada apa? Mengapa anda?

Wrong?/ What the matter with you is?/
What’s wrong with you?
I have a headache Saya sakit kepala
I have a stomach-ache Saya sakit Perut
I have a toothache Saya sakit Gigi
I have an earache Saya sakit Telinga

I have a cold Saya Selesma (masuk angin)
I’ve caught a cold
I’ve been sneezing and sniffling and
blowing my nose Dari pagi saya bersin-bersin dan mendengus, dan
all morning membersihkan hidung
I have a sore throat. Saya sakit tenggorokan
I have a cough Saya sakit batuk
I have a Cold Saya sakit influenza
I have a fever Saya sakit demam
(Kadang-kadang “temperatur”/suhu badan dipakai untuk “fever”)
He has a high fever
He has a high temperature Suhu badannya tinggi
He has temperature of 38,9
His temperature has gone down Suhu badannya turun
His temperature is normal Suhu badannya normal
Take his temperature Ukurlah suhu badnnya
How do you feel? Bagaimana rasanya?
I don’t feel very well Saya merasa tidak begitu enak
I feel sick Saya merasa sakit
Sick: arti umumnya: sakit, sama dengan ill; sick juga dapat berarti mual

I feel sick = I feel like vomiting/ I feel like throwing up – muntah atau : I have an upset stomach
Airsick - mabuk waktu terbang
Ceasick - mabuk waktu berlayar
Car - mabuk waktu naik mobil
Homesick - rindu kampung halaman; ingin pulang
To ache juga berarti merasa Seluruh badan saya merasa
sakit. My whole body sakit
Children’s diseases Penyakit anak-anak

Smallpox Cacar
Measles Campak
Mumps Gondongan/
Whooping-cough Batuk kodok
Chicken-pox Cacar air
Polio (infantile paralysis) Sakit lumpuh (polio)
Diphtheria Dipteral
These diseases are all contagious Penyakit-penyakit ini semuanya menular
Ada diantaranya yang dapat dicegah dengan
Some of them can be prevented by

vaccination vaksinasi
Have the children been vaccinated
yet? Apakah anak-anak sudah dicacar (disuntik)?
Yes, they have had their smallpox Ya, mereka baru dicacar
They have been vaccinated against (Melawan sakit cacar)
Other illness Penyakit-penyakit lain
Dysentery Mejan, disentri
Tonsillitis Sakit amandel
Appendicitis Sakit usus buntu
Pneumonia Radang paru-paru
Indigestion Pencernaan makanan kurang baik
Rheumatism Encok, rematik
Heart trouble Sakit jantung
High blood pressure Darah tinggi
Diabetes Kencing manis, penyakit gula
Hepatitis, jaundice Sakit kuning
Tuberculosis TBC
Malaria Malaria
Cancer Kanker
Dengue Demam berdarah
c. At the Hospital Di Rumah Sakit
He’s in (the) hospital
Ia di rumah sakit
He has to go to (the) hospital Ia harus pergi ke rumah sakit
He was taken to (the) hospital Ia dibawa ke rumah sakit
He went by ambulance Ia dibawa ke rumah sakit pakai ambulans
Please phone Emergency and call Tolonglah, telpon nomor Darurat, dan minta
for an ambulance dikirim ambulans
He has to be operated on Ia harus dioperasi
He has to have an operation
He has been operated on Ia telah dioperasi
He has had an operation
The operation was successful Operasinya berhasil
Was he under anesthesia Apakah ia dibius?
What are the visiting hours? Jam berapa terima tamu (waktu kunjungan)?
The visiting hours is from eleven to twelve Waktu kunjungan dari jam 11 sampai 12

d. Getting Well Menjadi sembuh

How are you today? Bagaimana keadaan anda hari ini?
I’m much better, thank you Baikan, terima kasih
Is he well now? Sudah sembuh dia?
Yes, he’s well now Ya, sudah sembuh

He has recovered from his Hari ini keadaannya kurang baik

illness he’s worse
He’s had a relapse Penyakitnya kambuh
I hope you will get well soon Mudah-mudahan cepat sembuh
I wish you a speedy recovery
Best wishes for a speedy recovery

To heal – menyembuhkan, menjadi

A healer – penyembuh, juga dukun
The cut is healing – luka berangsur
His hand is healing very well –
tangannya menjadi sembuh

e. Hurt, Pain, Sore Merasa sakit

Ouch! I cut myself Aduh! Terpotong! Terluka!

Does is hurt? Sakitkah
Yes, it hurts a lot Ya, sakit sekali
No, it doesn’t hurt Tidak, tidak sakit
- What’s the matter? Did you hurt (Mengapa?) Ada apa? Ada sakit? Cedera, luka?
- Yes I think I broke my arm atau my Ya, saya kira tangan saya patah
arm’s broken
Don’t hurt me Jangan menyakiti saya

You hurt me Anda saya menyakiti saya

You hurt his feelings Anda menyakiti hatinya
He feels hurt Dia merasa sakit hati
Does it hurt? = Is it painful? Sakitkah?
Yes, it hurts = Yes, it’s very painful Ya, terasa sakit sekali
He is seriously ill, but he doesn’t feel Ia sakit keras, tetapi tidak merasa sakit
any pain
My arm hurts = I have pain in my arm Lengan saya sakit

Sore – sakit, terutama kalau dipegang
A sore – luka terbauka yang terasa sakit

Task 3. Terjemahkan kalimat – kalimat dibawah ini ke bahasa Inggris

1. - Sudah dengar khabar tentang John? - Tidak. Ada apa?

- Dia dibawa ke rumah sakit semalam - Ada apa dengan dia?
- Ia harus dioperasi. Sakit usus buntu - Mudah-mudahan operasinya berhasil
- -Jam berapa terima tamu? Dari jam 11 sampai 12
2. - Dokter mengatakan apa? / Apa kata dokter?
- Katanya saya harus menambah berat badan dan saya harus beristirahat
Dia memberikan saya suntikan dan memberi resep untuk pil. Te tapi tidak ada yagn
- Mudah-mudahan cepat sembuh


Di unit ini kita sudah belajar tentang:

1. Menjelaskan tentang Functional Expression

2. Menjelaskan tentang waktu (telling the time)
3. Menjelaskan contextual exchanges

Semoga kalian bisa mempraktekkannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari


Terjemahkan kata-kata ini kedalam bahasa Indonesia

1. What’s the matter? Did you hurt yourself?

2. How are you today?
3. When you went to the dentist, what did he do?
4. When you went to the doctor, what did he say?
5. What did he do?
6. Is it anything serious? No, it’s only………..
7. Have you taken the patient’s temperature? Yes, he/ she…………

English Speaking

1. Please create a dialogue based on the expression given above relating to your profession
as a nurse. Create the dialogue in group, a group include of 4 students.

2. Practice your dialogue in front of the class


Azar, Betty Schramper. 1996. Understanding and using English Grammar. Pearson Education.

Nursalam. 1999. Buku Ajar English In Nursing-Midwifery Sciences And Technology.Airlangga




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