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Benjamen K.


Bachelor of Science in Business Administration-Financial Management 2

Notre Dame of Midsayap College

Total Quality Management

Christine Torres Remot

September 25, 2021

Read the story of Toyota and answer the questions below. Total score 50 Pts.

1. What problem happened in Toyota? How was it solved? Relate the story.


The problem that the Toyota motor corporation experience during that time was the severe
labor shortage. This problem occurred due to the occurrence of high wage jobs outside the company
and the low birthrate in the previous 2 decades in Japan during that time. Also the number of women
and aged people was increasing in Japan's labor pool. At this situation, the Toyota motor corporation
still focused into improvement of their productivity and production efficiency which created a strained
work atmosphere that resulted to a mass departure of workers to the company because of the
overburdening. In addition, according to analyst, Toyota's management is focusing in increasing the
production levels with less number or workers that resulted to the outgrow stress in workers. This also
took a major part in worker exodus. To address the problem that the company is experiencing, they
hired a lot of temporary workers but it did not end up well due to the adequate knowledge of the
workers to their work and the annual hours of the company increased, while the production decreased
Which also affected the profitability of the company. Furthermore, the Toyota company's problem was
exacerbated by the rapid increase in car demand and the departure of workers due to high wage jobs
outside. To deal with the issue, Toyota made significant changes to its production and human resource
management procedures. They altered the working conditions to attract female high school graduates
and workers over the age of forty. The corporation realized that they needed to rely on Kaizen to attract
more personnel in order to increase production and profitability.

2.If you are part of the Toyota’s Management , how will you solve the problem using Kaizen?


Kaizen is a Japanese word that signifies "improvement" or "transformation for the better." If I
were to be part of the Toyota’s management, I would use Kaizen to solve the problem by making the
working environment more effective, empowering individual members to identify areas for
improvement and suggest practical solutions, sorting all the hand to hand materials in production easy
to access for workers to work conveniently, daily follow up in organizing all equipments for
improvement, and ensuring the safety of every workers. Also providing full benefits for workers such as
life insurance, performance bonus, retirement, etc. to attract more competitive workers to increase the

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