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Keeping up with Des!

"Love yourself for who you

are, and trust me, if you
are happy from within, you
are the most beautiful
person, and your smile is
your best asset"
"Different Version
of Myself"
"Physical Self"
Salinas, Desiree C. (NUR201)
“Conquering the Heights”
To live in a pretentious
society is crucial; when the
opinion of other people affects
lives more than how it should
be. The voices that should be
uplifting and giving motivation
to keep the pace of life are the
one’s destroying the way we
prospect it. And that is one of
the greatest battles that
humanity is facing, the filthy
judgements of people toward
their fellowmen.
As a child, I grew up facing
multiple judgements from
different kinds of people
because of my physique. This
is the reason why I acquired
low self-esteem while growing.
The judgements were fed to my
mind resulting in insecurities
and self-doubt. But; I learned
not to battle against the
people who judged me, but
rather to battle with my own
mind to not let my guards
down just because of mere
opinions of others. I learned
to be deaf from all the voices
and the only voice I hear now
is my own and the voices of
the ones I love in life.
Indeed, I am not so blessed with
height. I’m almost below average and
considering my age, it is a tough
challenge because of the people who
do not have a wide understanding and
open mind for they take things into
such a big of a deal. Also, one of my
biggest insecurities is my figure for I
have gained weight. These things
crippled my confidence for the past
years making me enclosed only with
the people I’m comfortable to be
around with. But now, I have accepted
the facts and embraced myself the way
I am. I have built my confidence and I
was able to develop my social identity
and have gained social relationships
with different people that are out of
my zone. I was able to stop the voices
that kept on crowding my mind, I was
able to express myself and now able to
grow more, fully aware of my
capabilities despite having this
Despite my lack of height, I am a high-
spirited and goal driven woman. I have a
very long sense of patience and kindness
that I have pondered throughout my
development of who I am today. I may not
be tall but I have a beautiful face, with a
beautiful smile and eyes that can capture
anybody’s trust and love. I have a pair of
ears that can listen and comfort you, I have
two hands that are willing to help people
who are in need and I have a beautiful
voice that can make a change to society.
With this kind of mindset that I have built
for myself, I can do everything without
hesitation and doubt for I am
continuously conquering my flaws and
fears. I am now using the lessons I’ve
learned to help other people build their
confidence as well. I am persistently
motivating my friends, family and other
people to embrace who they truly are.
Because of these things that
have changed in me, I was able to
clear out the view that the voices
have distort because of unnecessary
judgements, I now have the
capability to see where I want my
life to be and I am now prospecting
the vision that I could have been
seen long time ago if not because of
other people’s opinions. I now see
the greatness within me despite my
imperfections and much more is
that, I can now see the brightness of
life because I have overcome the
darkness that I have been through.
My imperfections and
insecurities do not mean ending, it
is rather the start to unveil the
better and greater version of
For the color filter, I chose color
Performance Task 1:yellow because it symbolizes
AVATAR optimism, and I am an ambitious
person, whose attitude on life is of
absolute optimism. Throughout my
18 years, I have experienced many
difficult situations. Those situations
have helped me to appreciate the
small things of life that people
usually take for granted. Many of
which have shaped who I am today.
And I chose Cursive font for both
my name and motto as I see myself
fashionable and I always keep
myself presentable.And sometimes
other people see me as
My Physical Self:
The way I would describe my self Is that I'm
short but definitely cute. I had brown eyes just
like my mom. There are many physical
apperarances I have that relate to both my
parents. But more people say that I look more like
my dad and act like my mom. These are just a few
descriptions of what I look like. The best way to
describe myself is a very quiet and shy person. I
like to speak my mind but that only happen if i
have a lot of confidence at that moment. But I'm
not perfect I also have weaknesses, sometimes I
doubt in my Physical looks but I learn to embrace
my imperfections . I am contented with what I
"Material Self"
Activity 2:The Material Self

Why do I Buy Things?

Why? Because buying new things for
myself definitely makes me happy. It is
human nature for people to desire
material possessions. Our material
yearnings are an attempt to satisfy are
need to special and wanted. Ever since I
do love buying new clothes, skirts,
shorts, shoes, sandals and many more
and until now, but sometimes I am not
used to ask money from my parents I
used my own savings. And I spend daily
because it’s my need. It's the simple
things that matter.
Why do I even spend my
money on my wants? Because for
me even a simple thing it is
always a great source of joy
especially when I can buy the
things that are combination of
my wants and needs the fact that
I can use these things for myself
which I really need. Spending
money for my self gives me
satisfaction and offers me mental
relief and relaxation. For me It’s
not all about the price, but it’s
about the necessity, quality and
usefulness and also I know how
to control myself from buying
things that I don’t need.
Buying new things forourselves is the best way to
spend money on. When we wear new clothes, newshoes,
carry new things, It remarkably raises confidence as we
look perfect,and this confidence enhances our
personality. It’s human nature that we feeluncomfortable
or complexed in old clothes. Spending money on ourselves
allowsus to buy new things which give us happiness, and
we can walk confidently. And sometimes I buy new things
because it’smy mental relief this change of routine gives
me mental satisfaction and makesme more energy to
accomplish the other tasks of my life correctly. This life is
tough, but we can make it easy to enjoy getting or doing
the things that make us happy. Many things make
ushappy. Although money can’t buy happiness, yet money
can be used to do suchthings that can bring us joy.
Everyone has a standard of
satisfaction. Some feel pleasure in
shopping , some in reading books,
and some feel happy when they go for
an outing. It is not the money that
gives us happiness but the activities
Ms. S that we do by spending money. These
small pieces of joy can give us a great
source of relief and can make us fresh
and lively.
Unexpected gift from my
Grandma my late graduation and
18th Birthday gift and costs 1200$ in
America and 60k here in PH it
means a lot to me kase kaka sana all
ko binilihan talaga ako ng grandma
kala ko joke joke lang niya noong
tumawag last week lang although
diko pa narereceive kase waiting
palang sa box till December❤ ako
kase yung fave apo that’s why super
lucky ko kase I have a grandmother
like her❤ Best Gift Ever
This is my white shoe/sandal collection.
These are all a gift from my family. I love
wearing white shoes/sandals in general
because they go with every outfit I wear. It’s
super easy to come up with outfits when you
have white shoes. It brings a pop of color to my
outfits so my outfits aren’t all neutral colors.
And I really love collecting white shoes/sandal
because it’s my favorite color and it reflects my
personality as I am organized, very
independent also I am cautious, practical and
careful with money. I still have my feet on the
ground I just wear better shoes❤
"My Material Self"
I always love to buy new things. I know that in
my life, I've very often set my sights on some
material product, thinking that I'd be much happier
if I had it. Sometimes I spent money I couldn't
really afford on something, and sometimes I just
charged it, whether I had the money to pay for it or
not. (I'm lucky, though, because I've never had
expensive tastes. I shudder to think where I'd be if
I did.) Never has a purchase made me a happier
person, and sometimes after the newness has worn
off I've even felt a great sense of regret that I've
bought something that I didn't use nearly as much
as I thought I did. And there's nothing wrong with
that, as long as the desire for material goods
doesn't control us and our actions.
"Spiritual Self"
I’m a Christian and a follower of Jesus, and I think my faith in Christ
defines everything about who I am and who I’m striving to grow to
become. Because of Christ, my life was transformed and I think I’m able
to walk through my daily struggles with more hope and peace. As I get
to know Jesus better through prayer and reading the Bible, I have seen
myself be able to understand other people who are different than
myself, as well as offer more grace and patience when I don’t
understand. I’m definitely so far from perfect, but my faith in God is
something that I’m confident is refining me daily.
"My Spiritual Self"
I grew up in a Christian family and very closed to
God , I attend church every Sunday with my family.
My fam always remind me to be thankful to God and
always trust Him. I always have faith in God because
I know He is always there for me. Without Him I am
only a sinner but with Him I am now Beyond
Blessed. This strong faith of mine help me to be
optimistic person. I believe that God knows
everything All in all I am thankful to God coz he gives
me strength in my weaknesses and I am who I am
because of Him.
"Political Self"
For Question B. When it comes to relationships, conflict is
inevitable.About a month ago me and my ex boyfriend , we started
experiencing major conflict. Fighting over small things, flipping
out over misunderstandings, we just couldn’t seem to get on the
same page about anything until we end up our relationship. This
caused me to think about relationship conflict in general, what

Attendance: causes it, and how to deal with it. It’s clear that relationship
conflict occurs because expectations aren’t being met. Each person
comes into a relationship with certain expectations. These are
based on past experiences, childhood, or how you think things
should be. And who won is me coz yung problem namin is super
malala na and siya talaga yung gumawa nng mali and ang gusto ko
lang naman is umamin siya sa ginawa niya but then di padin siya
umamin eh ma pride siya so pinabayaan ko nalang siya di naman
ako yung nawalan that’s why I then finally decide that the feeling
of not having him is better than the feeling of being around with
him, and this is both equally frightening and relieving.
Activity #4:The Political Self
My Political Self
I always stand on what is right and in what I believe I'm that
type of person who just listened to the people who are arguing,
And in handling arguments, I compose myself first and try to not let
my emotions take over me. When I argue with someone after that I
always try to listen to him/her to better understand why and also
I'm that type of person who dont want to argue for a long period of
time, I always want clear everything right away. Honesltly I am not
really used to argue someone who's argument are unreasonable , I
only express my opinion also when being asked or put into spot,
When it's nonesense I just dont mind them. Nevertheless, at the
end of the day I do respect their side and try to understand them.
"Digital Self"
When it comes to social media, really facebook and
Twitter lang pinaglalaanan ng time ko but sometimes
sa Instagram din but not all that time mostly twittaa and
facebook lang talaga yung tipong imbes na mag review
pag hawak na cellphone deretso scroll up and down na
agad sa facebook and twitter hahaha kase nga iba talaga
epekto ng social media eh just like sa facebook daming
memes na nakakatawa na there are times na super sad
na ng buhay mo pero pag may nakitamg memes na
nakakatawa edi atleast gumagaan din yung loob then sa
twitter naman I often use it talaga pag super namumura
na ako yung tipong walang mapagsabihan tweet na agad
kase sa facebook dami namang judgemental kaya buti
nalang may twitter walang pakialam sayo then when it
comes to my personality cguro same lang sa social
media and in real world.
Performance Task 3:
Virtual Self
“Respect yourself and others will respect you.”
Bashers: We all deal with haters and have to battle
criticism. But this moji girl doesn’t care what other
people think and say about her, basically she
always ignore them coz that’s the best way she
know to deal with toxic people. And also this moji
girl doesn’t follow the footsteps of others, even
though how hard to stay positive surrounded by
toxic people this moji girl still know how to
respect others and she always treat them with
kindness and always spreading positivity .
Friends: This moji girl loves her friends
so much since day one, she’s always there
to remind her friends that they aren’t
alone, she always make them feel loved
and if they need someone to talk with she
is a one call away friend. She is also a
very supportive friend that even though
how busy this girl is, she always find a
way to help her friends even in a simple
ways .
Strangers: This moji girl
doesn’t really talk to strangers
but once you get to know her,
she is a friend that will always
be there for you no matter what
happen as long as you treat her
in a nice way😉
"My Digital Self"
I do really love posting on social media whether a
picture or anything, I also enjoying sharing memes
and funny videos on facebook. But oftenly I always
putting my time ranting in Twitter since I can freely
state my opinions, thoughts and feelings freely not
just like in facebook that there are so many toxic
peeps. I am not into facebook anymore since I do not
like much attention from people whom I don't know. I
also love instagram coz there's less toxic peoploe also
in there I can post my selfies and l love seeing good IG
feed. I always think of possible ways to avoid
judgement from the other people I interact with that's
why I always choose Instagram and twitter less toxic
Sexual Self
I'd like to say I'm a open-minded person, but, like most
people, I do have some pretty strong views about specific
topics and find it hard to sway from those opinions no
matter how others might try to persuade me. Through my
high school life, I learned a lot of lessons. I learned how to
be an open minded person about those sex and sexuality
coz it’s just normal there’s no bad thing about knowing
about those issues especially now coz I’m now 18 yrs. of
age. I learned how to listen to other peoples’ life stories #Attendance
and how that affected their behaviors and attitudes toward
others. I also learned how to stop judging people by their
actions or behaviors. Instead, treat everyone else the same
way that I want them to treat me. Therefore, I started a
new chapter in my life after getting to know other people’s
struggles and problems. Being open minded is good
because there is an honesty that comes with an open mind
it means admitting that you aren't all-knowing. It means
believing that whatever truth you find might always have
more to it than you realize.
My Sexual Self
I can say that I am sexually progressive. I am an open-minded person
who loves to consider new ideas regarding human body and sexuality
which is why I took up BS Nursing. It is normal to think about sexual life
since it is a part of our lives. As a sexually progressive person, yes I can
see myself sometimes as a sexually traditional because I have kept an
open mind about sexuality. Athough I am open into topics about sex and
sexuality I still get cringey about hearing malicious topics. I think when I
get more mature about the topic and when I learn to accept that most
people are sexually active, it may change my perspective. I have certain
values that I would like to maintain but I have more live and let live
attitude toward sex. Hence, it serves as a willingness to explore new areas
of sexual experience to draw my own conclusions on what is morally
right or wrong.
My Goals and Motivations
in Life
Setting goals gives me long-term and short-term
motivation. It also gives me the confidence I need to
achieve higher and more complicated goals. By setting
goals and continually reminding myself of them, I feel as
though I work harder to achieve my goals. To succeed, I
believe setting goals is very important. I have fixed many
goals for myself, some of them I have accomplished but
many of them I am still working on.
My motivations in life are my family and friends,
these people are the reasons why i get up in the morning
and work hard everyday.
To start off is the reason why my family motivates
me. my parents always tell me to do my best and stay in
school. they are there for me and support me in
everything that i do. even though my brother doesn't say
it i know he wants me to succeed in life and be happy.
The second set of people in my life that motivate me is my friends, coz
whenever I feel so down they are always been there for me through
thick and thin.
Giving my very best putting so much effort also in my studies is
always my goal because it's hard that many people do have a high
expectation from you sometimes I feel so tired, getting anxious and
pressured But I always motivating myself to do my best coz I know that
one day all of the hard works would be all worth it. I need to focus on
my goals for my family, friends and ofcourse myself luckily I am
surrounded by positive people who are always there for me.
That's all about My different
Aspects of self

Thankyou and God Bless!

- Your's Truly,
Future RN Salinas

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