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9124721, 235 PM Heat Exchangers Objective In this exercise the students will (1) operate a tube-in-shell heat exchanger and (2) analyze heat- exchanger performance by the LMTD and €-NTU methods. Background ‘A heat exchanger is a device in which energy is transferred from one fluid to another across a solid surface. Exchanger analysis and design therefore involve both convection and conduction. Radiative transfer between the exchanger and the environment can usually be neglected unless the exchanger is uninsulated and its external surfaces are very hot. ‘Two important problems in heat exchanger analysis are (1) rating existing heat exchangers and (ii) sizing heat exchangers for a particular application, Rating involves determination of the rate of heat transfer, the change in temperature of the two fluids, and the pressure drop across the heat exchanger. Sizing involves selection of a specific heat exchanger from those currently available or determining the dimensions for the design of a new heat exchanger, given the required rate of heat transfer and allowable pressure drop. The LMTD method can be readily used when the inlet and outlet temperatures of both the hot and cold fluids are known, When the outlet, temperatures are not known, the LMTD can only be used in an iterative scheme. In this case the €-NTU method can be used to simplify the analysis. Energy Considerations The first Law of Thermodynamics, in rate form, applied to a control volume (CV), can be expressed as Dah Dye + Vou +B st wo where th stands for mass-flow rate (e.g., Ibm/min or kg/min) crossing the CV boundaries, h is specific enthalpy (energy/mass), Q guns the rate of heat transfer from the CV to its surroundings, and E gis the rate of change of energy stored in the CV. This simplified form of the First Law assumes no work- producing processes, no energy ‘generation inside the CV, and negligible kinetic and potential energy in the fluid streams entering and leaving the CV. In steady state operation the energy residing in the CV is constant, meaning that £ ¢=0. If, furthermore, the hitpsiiclasses engineering wusledutmase-thermalabime372b6.htm 18 9124721, 235 PM Heat Exchangers boundary of the CV is adiabatic (i.c., perfectly insulated), then Q gy,,=0. Under these circumstances Eq. (1) reduces to a simple balance of enthalpy inflow and enthalpy outflow: Sash Thi @ Applied to a heat exchanger with two streams passing through it, Eq. (2) can be rearranged to give fay (hy ho) lhe) ® where the subscripts h and c indicate the hot and cold fluids, respectively, and i and o indicate inlet and outlet conditions, In words, Eq. (3) says that the rate of energy loss by the hot fluid (lefi-hand side) equals the rate of energy gain by the cold fluid, Remember: This rate balance holds only if the heat-exchanger envelope is adiabatic and the exchanger has reached a steady state. Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger with one shell pass and one tube pass. The cross-counterflow mode of operation is indicated. Tube Shell Outlet Talet Raffles Shell Tube Outlet Tale, Figure 1. Shell-and-tube-heat exchanger with one shell pass and one tube pass; cross- counterflow operation. Inside the heat exchanger the hot and cold fluid temperature distributions would have the form sketched in Fig. (a). hitpsiiclasses engineering wusledutmase-thermalabime372b6.htm 26 9124721, 235 PM Heat Exchangers Figure 2. (a) Temperature distributions in a counterflow heat exchanger. —>| dx k— Figure 2. (b) Energy balance in a differential length element. The points 1 and 2 on the x axis represent the two ends of the heat exchanger. Provided there is no energy loss to the environment and that the exchanger has reached steady state, then dg, the rate of heat transfer from the hot fluid, is exactly equal to the rate of heat transfer to the cold fluid in a differential length dx of the exchanger surface. For the special case of fluids that are not changing phase and have constant specific heats dq = =H, pp ATA -C pT, @ dq = th, cy AT, = CedT, (6) where Cj and C ,are called the hot and cold fluid heat-capacity rates, respectively. Integration of Eqs (4) and (5) along the heat exchanger (from 1 to 2) gives a= CT ho) (6) and a= CATeo- Te’ mM 1. Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD) Method The differential heat-transfer rate dq across the surface area element dA can also be expressed as dq = UATAA, ® htpsiclasses.eng Jabime37206.ntm 36 sa. ust odulmase-therm: 9124721, 235 PM Heat Exchangers where is the local temperature difference between the hot and cold fluids and U is the overall coefficient of heat transfer at dA. Both U andAT vary with position inside the heat exchanger (i.c., x), but by combining Eqs (4) and (5) with Eq, (8) it is possible for a single pass exchanger to integrate over the exchanger contact surface from inlet to out. The result of the integration is q= AU A Tin (9) where q is the total heat-transfer rate (BTU/min), A is the total internal contact area (ft), Uy is the mean overall coellicient of heat transfer (BTU/min f° F), defined as xh -—f{ Uda, (10) x ) and is the logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD), given by AT, - AT, AT, =o 11 im" nll, /AT,) ap As shown in Fig. 2(a),AT; = T y,;-T.,o and AT2 = Tj,o-T

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