2nd Sem Research Group 1A

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Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.


Marxist Critique of The Story “Ang Pamana” by Lamberto Gabriel: An Analysis of The

Farmer's Social Stratum in the Philippines




In partial fulfillment of the requirements of the  Science, Technology, Engineering, and

Mathematics (STEM) strand 


Moreno, Teody John

Dalahigon, Shanne Miles A.

Laplana, Lovely L.

Secillano, Tiffany B.

Abad, Samantha H.

Ilagan, Patrick Josh A.

Quezon, Ryan Emmanuel A.

Paunil, Eljay P.
Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.



Background of the Study

   Agriculture, where farmers are mainly involved, is presumed to be one of the main

sources of the different necessities that people consume to survive on daily living.  Agriculture

fills a significant role in the development of the Philippine Economy. Involving about 40 percent

of Filipino workers wherein it contributes an average of 20 percent to the Gross Domestic

Product. This output comes mainly from Agricultural Business, which in turn accounts for about

70 percent of the total agricultural output (CIDA-LGSP, 2003). Agriculture in the Philippines is

one of the fundamental industries in the country. It mainly consists of forestry, crop production,

livestock farming, and aquaculture cultivation. Its output sustains the local demands and is

considered to be essential commodities and products within the country. The Commercial crops

assist both the agricultural export industry as well as the domestic demand and consumption of

commodities. Due to that, growing crops such as rice, millets, fruits, vegetables, and fibers for

daily consumption have been a lifelong activity in the Philippines. That's why in the last few

years, developing a million hectares of land has steadily increased and improved. In 2018, the

agricultural sector's GDP growth in the Philippines was approximately 0.9 percent. It is

forecasted that the growth of the agricultural sector in the country will reach only one percent in

2021 (Sanchez, 2020).  

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       Farmers in every community play a vital function especially in the Sector of

Agriculture wherein it vastly affects the factors such as the Industrial and Economic sectors.

Furthermore, farmers working in agriculture are a great source of revenue for the nation's

development and progress. However, as of now, there are a lot of prevailing factors that

negatively affect the livelihood and resources of small and big farmers. Factors such as nature

vagaries, overproduction, pandemic, global warming, lack of infrastructure, labor problem, lack

of post and pre-harvest facilities, pests, diseases, lack of irrigation system, and low prices of

agricultural products.

        In 2012, Philippine farmers were the least modernized in Southeast Asia, using only

the equivalent in the power of a small electric fan per hectare of farmland, leaving the rest to

sheer manpower. In that case, the labor probably has become more improved, easier, and

productive if the different government agencies give more emphasis on the development and

progress of farming. However, instead of executing more effective and sustainable policies such

as block farming, the Department of Agriculture has merely given band-aid solutions to long-

term problems — dole-outs and insufficient capital for increased farming capacity. The sum of

all these inadequacies and more traps made farmers into a life of “subsistence farming" – living

from paycheck to paycheck, where one bad harvest season could mean starvation and poverty for

their families. The problem is systemic and cyclical, and it demands a systematic solution

(Pansensoy, 2020). 
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Due to that, the farmers from the different agricultural sectors are deemed as the "poorest

of the poor". Based on the Philippines Statistics Authority (PSA), agricultural livelihood such as

farming and fisheries are considered as the livelihood that has the highest poverty incidences or

rates wherein it is estimated as 31.6 percent for farmers and 26.2 percent for fishermen (ABS-

CBN News, 2021). As indicated above, workers from the different sectors of Agriculture in the

Philippines, mainly the farmers, are the livelihood of the people who have a low social status as

of 2021. Which is not reasonably typical for an "agricultural country"

   The main problem of this conducted study mainly focuses on the Social Stratum of the

Farmers in the Philippines. Due to that, the researchers make use of the Marxist Approach in

Criticizing the story entitled Ang Pamana by Lamberto Gabriel. Marxism is a Political and

Economical theory that was developed by Karl Marx, this theory shows the division or

distinction of social classes that are experienced in society even today. Social Classes is a term

used to separate the different individuals based on their positions in society. Nowadays, the

discrimination between social classes is quite contemporary. For instance, the characters in the

story of " Ang Pamana" wherein Mang Karyas and his son Kiyel, encounter both discrimination

and prejudice due to their livelihood. Furthermore, the story focuses on farmers' lives and their

ambitions for their families to succeed in life. According to Mudjekeewis Santos from the

National Academy of Science and Technology, Agriculture, in general, is being treated as a poor

man's sector, youth are no longer interested in farming as a livelihood and opt to move into urban
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areas. That's why the main role of this study to society is to achieve a goal which is to provide

enlightenment to every person with the liable information gathered from the different resources

and researcher's observations about the essence of avoiding discrimination on the social stratum

of the farmers, their importance to the daily basis of every individual, and the significance of the

Agriculture as one of the main key for the development of economy, industry, and society.

       According to Karl Marx (1999), a socialist, economist, and historian, social status or

classes are divided in every society in the world. In the historical context of the Philippines

during pre-Spanish colonization, citizens in the Philippines have already been divided into social

classes. The distinction between these classes has expanded during the Spanish colonization.

Wherein it mainly consists of the low-income, middle-income, and high-income classes. Those

are the three primary classes that distinguish the social stratum in the Philippines wherein said by

the experts can negatively and positively affect people's living in many ways such as in terms of

rights and privileges.

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Statement of the Problem

The general problem of the study is about the Social Stratum of the Farmers in the

Philippines. The story “Ang Pamana'' written by Lamberto Gabriel tackles the pros and cons of

being a farmer. This literary text conveys the issue about the social rank or classes that an

agricultural country such as the Philippines is facing today due to discrimination in terms of

livelihood. On the other hand, since the story connects and focuses on the life of farmers, the

researcher's study aims to seek answers to the following questions:

Q1: What are the reasons why people in the Philippines often perceive that agricultural

livelihoods belong to a lower social stratum? 

Q2: In what circumstances does the author show the farmer's social stratum in the story?

Q3: In what part of the story shows that there is social conflict on the part of the farmers?


By applying the Marxist Theory to the novel, Ang Pamana by Lamberto Gabriel, this study

will prove that the story is related to the societal problem that is about the agricultural problem

and social class. It will show the precise reasons why people experience discrimination because

of their social stratum and present the problems faced by farmers based on their social standing.

The researchers have opted to criticize the text using the Marxist criterion because the key

objective of the analysis is to address the topic of socio-economic problems of farmers in the

Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.

Scope and Limitation

The short story entitled "Ang Pamana" by Lamberto M. Gabriel tackles the issue within

the social status of the farmers in the Philippines. Lamberto M. Gabriel was born in San Miguel,

Bulacan. He became a teacher in secondary education from 1966-1974 and was appointed

Educational Specialist in the Bureau of Secondary Schools. Apart from being a storyteller, he

also won several awards in the field of Filipino poetry. He earned the third honor in the 1972

Golden List in his work "Consciousness", a collection of his poems. "Ang Pamana" narrates the

will of a father for his son to become a successful graduate in a course that is far from being a

farmer. However, his son disobeyed him and took agriculture instead. The particular reason for

his son to pursue agriculture is to express that being a farmer is something that should not be

ashamed of. 

       This research about "Ang Pamana" by Lamberto M. Gabriel only focuses on the

issue that is faced by the farmers and it aims to determine the problem of social stratum in the

Philippines. This study is only limited to the actual data that is provided by the literature that the

researchers chose and the other studies that are related to researchers' literary text. Furthermore,

the result of this research may affect or redirect discrimination towards the farmers in the

Philippines in a positive manner. The researchers may link this analysis to how our actual culture

functions. Filipino farmers are still seeking equality and recognition towards their social status in

life. This opens the topic of how they are being devalued and discriminated against in today's

society. The researchers will look further to the stated issues and details of the story.
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Significance of the Study

        The review of this study would show how relevant the issue being discussed is to the

society of the Philippines. In today's society, the distinction of social stratus is still a growing

problem. "The social differences between very poor and very rich have increased over time and

are much more excessive than the other cases under the communist regime."  (Müller,  2012).

The following shows the beneficiaries of this study:


  This study may help students to be more knowledgeable about the circumstances of

social division. Also, this may help them to understand more about the concept of reality that

social division is a problem that can be avoided or completely eradicated in society.


The Farmers are also among the beneficiaries of this research because this study may

educate the people about the idea that in some parts of the society, many people still experience

social inequality. Also, the concerns of the farmers can be brought to the attention of the

community and government by the use of this research, which may allow them to be viewed



 The Parents are also one of the benefactors of this study because this may convince them

that agriculture is a worthy path to pursue. This study may be an eye-opener to them that people

should also be the ones who promote agriculture instead of the negative perceptions by society. 
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The country may also benefit from this research by having more knowledge and

proficiency on the issue that farmers of this country are facing. It may help to open Filipino’s

eyes and be able to spread awareness that the oppression of the farmers is a serious issue, and

people can help in fighting for them to be treated equally. 


The World is also one of the beneficiaries of this research in the sense that it may open up

or extend the eyes and mind of the people to this issue and do something to deter or help

someone who is facing it. The information and observations done by the researchers can be used

to expand the knowledge on the reality of discrimination and unfair treatment of the farmers.
Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.




This chapter will help the study to support it with evidence, facts, acknowledgment, and

to provide unbiased information about the research. It contains reviews of related literature and

studies, both foreign and local. It also helps the readers to learn why this research is relevant and

improves the way of finding the conclusion that might contribute to the problem in the future.


        Based on a book by Cottrell (2019), there is a statement that said that the Marxist theory by

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels is always connected to how different classes are distinguished in

society. Marx classified two basic classes in society which are the bourgeois and proletariat, even

though Marx did not give a specific meaning for “social class” these two basic classes show the

difference in how people are classified in society before. The Bourgeois class is classified as the

ones who own most of the wealth and properties, while the proletariat class is known as the

working class or classified as the lowest class in the society even before. Like in today's time, the

distinction between social classes is still being experienced especially for those people in the

low-class section of the society because they are the ones who always experience discrimination

and they do not have the same opportunities that the higher classes have.
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According to Ofuoku and Robinson (2018), Agricultural levels of social inclusions are

very low and poor. As said in the article the social inclusions of farmers and workers under

agricultural sectors are based on their economic characteristics like; being poor and having low

levels of education. Agriculture has extensions where they help small farmers to grow and give

them proper education, but it was concluded that landless farmers are a big exemption of these

extension services. Landless farmers are facing a big challenge of lack of food and supplies even

when they are the ones who supply food to the people.

One article by Galt (2015), stated that Farmers hold a very big part of the economy of a

particular country and they should have enough income for them to support their families with

their needs, but that is not the case. Incomes of farmers are not a high priority for the government

resulting in them being considered as the low social class in the country. The study results in

ways to increase the income of the farmers and also increase the supplies of food and supplies

that they have which could lead the farmers to better treatment in society as well it could help to

have a life that's far from poverty.

According to Birthal (2015), “Crop diversification into high-value crops (HVCs) can be a

strategy to improve livelihood outcomes for farmers.” Due to farmers not getting good pay for

the work they do; it is said in this article that using high-value crops (HVCs) can help farmers to

have a higher income and is less likely to be poor, this can help farmers who experience poverty.

By using 50% of their land on HVCs, it can increase their chances of escaping poverty.

However, this also comes with a negative side, with limits such as capitals on smaller farms and

labor on larger ones, this plan on using HVCs for farmers can also be a temporary solution. Still,
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if it's done right to avoid those HIGH
limits, this SCHOOL
good solution for farmers to have a better


As claimed by White (2012) agriculture has a small-scale of employment and labor

across the world. This could provide a viable and profit-making alternative to expand in a larger-

scale of corporate farming for this is a huge source of employment that needs a higher demand. 

However, the challenges and risks that young rural people increasingly face including the access

to the land and the notion that they need to pursue farming are still a barrier to them. The skills

of youth in the rural areas are still demoted by people especially in terms of agriculture-related

skills. Furthermore, the emerging issues of youth studies in the field of agriculture such as

discrimination and social status prejudice could help people to see and understand why most

people in the rural areas, specifically the youth are still turning away from farming.

In this article by Satterthwaite et al., (2010), it is stated that the amount of food producers

such as farmers is declining due to the urbanization that’s continuously happening. Even though

agriculture has kept up to be efficient for different things like energy, land, and water, it still can

lack in terms of those factors and can result in a decrease in the amount of production. Wherein it

can transpire in a lot of people to suffer from under-nutrition and poverty. Also, the demands

from food consumers for agriculture are hard to keep up with too, and with climate change

getting worse, food producers can get a harder time making the number of products fit for

everyone else while trying to make income. Also with the changes to consumers’ demands while

the population rises, or not being able to reach those demands can affect the sustainability of the

agricultural sector.

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An article by Orsini, Kahane, Nono-Womdim, et al. (2013) talks about agriculture in

urban places in Asia. This favors the social issues in the urban area such as poverty, scarcity, and

malnutrition. Within these issues, people who work in the field of agriculture spend their time

improving their services to the beneficiaries around them. This leads to having different

diversities of farming. However, they still face different kinds of hindrances when it comes to

social and political factors. Urban agriculture brings different impacts on today’s social stance.

The effectiveness and relevance of this will be strongly visible especially when the demand for

products in the urban and rural areas increases because of the population growth. It is good for

the environment because it reduces pollution in the area and lessens the waste in the city. This

type of agriculture is effectively useful in a way that it could help the environment and could also

benefit the farmers on eradication of social class discrimination in the urban areas. That's why

urban agriculture needs to gain more recognition from the people and government. 

 Wu (2019) explained in an article that urban places in China are experiencing poverty

strikes. This study analyzes different frameworks in different regions to see the things that are

lacking and needed to be fixed. The integral relationships had displayed contrasting patterns in

each region. They are said to set different budgets and expect a certain amount of income

regarding each level. They aim to have a sustainable livelihood for each family in every region.

Also, they are analyzing and exploring the regression model much further including its

characteristics and inside information. China should implement policies that will adequately

resolve and reduce its regional disparities. The overall development will benefit the countrymen

and develop a socially stable and prosperous place. 

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In his paper, Mahendra (2014) tackles the positions, parts, and challenges of the farmers

in India. Farmers and different business holders have their policies to obey for them to avoid

several crises in the process of farming and its cultivation. This encloses the productivity and

demand of the supplies needed to have the proper agricultural growth and improvements as well

as the act of avoiding crises that could put the farmers into poverty. Also, they included the

productivity of small marketing places and agricultural holders on how they manage their

workers. Their performances are mostly viewed on how large their scale but having small-scale

agriculture still holds lots of advantages in different aspects. These are some of the opportunities

and challenges that India has when it comes to agriculture throughout the different generations.

In this paper written by Tang (2013) said that water scarcity in China has led to different

problems in their farming. Furthermore, this article showed the possible results of the

policymaking from the officials and also it stated that having the awareness of water scarcity

could help in preventing drought. Meanwhile, people who are affected by it might not afford to

have enough water supply for the incoming water shortages and should be given much special

consideration and pay. This applies to the farmers who have limited access to these types of

mechanisms. Water scarcity is a very crucial issue since it causes a hard time in terms of their

methods of farming as well as it causes them to a low production rate that leads to the edge of

poverty. That's why it should be managed and addressed immediately by  China's national

government. Accordingly, spreading awareness on different platforms could be a help to the

farmers. However, the article stated that it is much more convenient and powerful if people of

China would spread it on social networks rather than the media to solve this issue that adversely

affects their life and source of income.

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According to the article by Mellor & Malik (2015), there are points made, first is to have

a decline in poverty, the productivity of the people, who are small-scale farmers, are needed. The

productivity can boost the income of the farmers by having a lot more to sell. Another one is

"Income of the rural poor is mainly from selling non-farm products locally.” This can mean that

most of the rural poor are selling items that are not from what they do or make inside of the farm,

it is mostly from items that are outside or not related to farming. For the rural poor to be

declining in poverty, these can be a great help or can be a great start to getting out of the rural

poor and get a better life as well as social class.



An article from ABS-CBN News (2013) stated that workers in the agriculture sector

receive the lowest income in the country that results in poverty in the industry. Many farmers in

the Philippines are indeed considered as the lowest-paid workers and it doesn't reach the

minimum wage and salary which is the opposite of workers that are non-agriculture-related.

Based on the NSBC Secretary General Jose Ramon G. Albert, the situation of the farmers in the

agricultural sector is no surprise because in 2009 the poverty incident of farmers ranges from

41.4 percent and 36.7 percent. Meanwhile, as of 2011, the economy of the Philippines in the

agriculture sector has an average of P156.8 and P178.43 as their daily wage and salary.

However, there are various arranged programs and policies prepared by the government to
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support local farmers. Wherein HIGHto
help the agriculture sector people to comprehend

their situation because in some cases many buyers of the raw materials tend to bargain the

product from the farmers which arises in a low-income percentage. That's why, Secretary-

General Albert also states that middlemen must lower their profit in consideration to the farmers,

wherein it moreover caused the Philippine Agriculture Economy to rise. 

Adriano (2020) once stated in his article that farmers in the Philippines continue to

deteriorate because the government has neglected them by underestimating and manipulating

them which results in negative interest and income rates. Farmers often experience a low

retention ceiling, which further means that as time passes, they eliminate hectares of land,

resulting in smaller and perhaps more infeasible farm size. A small farmer growing traditional

crops like rice and corn would not be able to provide a sufficient income to sustain a family of

five to six people. It is also said that the Philippines' low retention ceiling under the

Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) could result in the small farmers enduring

poverty continuously.  


In one article Inquirer.net (2015), stated that Dr. Eufemio T. Rasco Jr. a member of the

National Academy for Science and Technology and former executive director of the Philippine

Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) claimed that rice production in the Philippines is doing more

disadvantage than good to farmers, the environment, and consumers. Also, he stated that the first

unpleasant effect of rice is on farmers involved in its production wherein farmers in the

Philippines suffer physically and economically as a result of the way rice is being produced.

Furthermore, this article also elaborated that the Farmers’ income, is expected to further decline

at the start of the economic integration of countries belonging to the Association of Southeast
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Asian Nations (ASEAN) which wouldHIGH
down trade barriers, like duties and tariffs, and pave

the way for the free exchange of goods that would likely plunge the agricultural sector. In that

case, it could lead the farmers and other areas of agriculture in the Philippines into a higher rate

of poverty in the next few years which could probably lead them to remain in the lowest class of


An article from Manila Bulletin (2021), asserts that the group of farmers demands to the

government that 1000 pesos cash aid is not enough to sustain the daily needs of the farmers in

this time of the pandemic. The Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP) stated that 1000 pesos

are not enough to supply a week's worth of food and other needs for a family of four. The cash

aid from the government is 10,000 pesos but there are remaining 9,000 pesos that have not been

distributed to the low-income Filipinos, meanwhile, the said financial support that is needed by

the farmers is delayed and in a sluggish process. In this case, the poverty rate might increase in

the agriculture community since the money serves as their hope to survive especially in this time

of the pandemic is thwarted. This article also stated, that in some cases regarding this financial

aid, there is a possibility that the farmers first might starve to death before they get the full aid

that is promised to be provided by the government. 

The article from Conde (2020) reported that the main dam at Mount Isarog in the town of

Pili has been entrusted to Ramon Oliva, a rice farmer from the Philippine province of Camarines

Sur. The dam supplies water to irrigate 34 hectares (84 acres) of rice farms in Concepcion

Grande, Naga City, 385 kilometers (240 miles) south of Manila. Before the pandemic, Olivia

visits the dam three times a week but during the quarantine, the dam shuts down and closes.

According to Oliva, a devastating impact might happen in their rice farms if the irrigation facility
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will not be maintained.  Meanwhile, SCHOOLabove
the statement DEPARTMENT
proves that the pandemic affects the

farmers adversely, for instance, since the irrigation closes the risk of drying the soil increases and

the farmers will be bankrupt and the harvested materials will deplete its price resulting in them in

loss of income that could lead them in chronic poverty amid pandemic. Also, the government

funds cannot assess all those farmers who need help and that results in a huge decrease in the

agriculture economy and leads to the farmers having a lower social stratum and it is not only

applicable to the lowland farmers but also all of the farmers in the Philippines.

In one article by Philstar (2021), it stated that the rights group Karapatan recorded

multiple attacks, and harassment of farmers in Hacienda Yulo, Laguna, and on the other hand,

the Isabela provinces are distressing as the agricultural sector is already weakened by the

pandemic's impact. Accordingly, in this pandemic, many farmers experienced mistreatment by

their landlords since they have a lower social class compared to them. Due to it, those farmers

experience hardship such as maltreatment and abuse while sustaining on essentials like food and

other necessities whose prices continually increase. Furthermore, because of the low income,

many farmers cannot afford those high-priced products and from that, they choose to work even

though they'll experience harassment. However, they know that to survive they need to endure all

the struggles, and that is the saddest part for farmers here in the Philippines. That's why many

government practices regarding this issue must be bolstered.

An article by Gesite (2018) claimed that due to land monopolies by oligarchs and

landlords there seven out of ten farmers in the Philippines remain landless. Meanwhile, the

Farmers who begin to organize and fight for their right to land are labeled as insurgents or allies
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of the New People's Army.SENIOR HIGHtoSCHOOL
According a studyDEPARTMENT
conducted by Karapatan - human rights

organizations, in December 2017, there were 126 victims of extrajudicial killings in Mindanao

wherein proves that Militarization affects indigenous populations as well. Under the guise of

"Oplan Kapayapaan", the Armed Forces of the Philippines are the main counterinsurgency force

in Mindanao, targeting farmers and local communities. Accordingly, all of these violations are

seen as the government's strategy for securing land for local and foreign investors, as well as

paving the way for foreign loans from international financial institutions for President Duterte's

"Build, Build, Build" infrastructure program. Furthermore, the government must refrain from

interfering with people's enjoyment of their rights and prohibit people from doing things.

Accordingly, the vicious cycle of a farmer's life must be broken and a farmer's life is not a toy

that can be played with at any time by a strong force. A farmer's life is valuable because it feeds

the world's population. That's why the beloved Farmers deserve better honor not discrimination

and prejudice regarding their social class.

One article by Manila Bulletin (2021), stated that after finally receiving their land titles

from the Department of Agrarian Reform, more than 400 farmers in Mauban, Quezon, are now

landowners. Furthermore, a total of 423 certificates of land ownership award (CLOAs) which

cover 408 hectares of agricultural lands were recently distributed to Agrarian Reform

Beneficiaries (ARBs) in the 15 barangays of Mauban. During the title distribution, DAR Sec.

Brother John Castriciones said that since the beneficiary farmers are now owners of their land it

can never be taken away from them. Also, he stated that a quantity of P1.3 million for seeds

subsidy was also given to 90 farmers who were members of  Agrarian Reform Beneficiary

Organizations in the same municipality.  The money would go toward a rice retailing project, an
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agri-farm input project, and technical SCHOOLfor
skill creation DEPARTMENT
the three farmer organizations' members.

The program aims to improve farmers' household income by assisting them in the development

of their agricultural enterprises through livelihood and micro-enterprise projects such as

vegetable and fruit farming, food processing, and livestock raising, among other things. 

Wherein it might result for the agriculture to be more prosperous with the availability of farmers'

lands and crops, and farmers' income will be sufficient to keep their families out of poverty and

deprivation that might lead the farmers to have higher social classes in the future.

An article from Inquirer.net (2020), expresses that the Department of Education (DepEd)

informed the senators that they would investigate a learning material that described a stereotype

toward farmers, stating that they do not intend this act of stereotyping especially in the

agricultural sector. However, the issue was immediately argued by Senator Francis Pangilinan,

as the Senate debated DepEd's proposed budget for 2021, the senate gave attention to learning

materials that depicted a farmer's family wearing ripped clothing. This act of Senator Pangilinan

shows that although farmers have the one of the lowest income in the society it doesn't mean that

it is okay to illustrate them by saying that if people have ripped clothes they are a farmer.

Accordingly, in schools, it is not appropriate to show that kind of material to children due to the

reason that it's like educating the students how to discriminate against others and it is very

negative because farmers have their rights and they are also part of the community and no one is

supposed to make any fun of them. Furthermore, about this issue, the senate immediately implies

an action wherein it's a good act to protect the beloved farmers free from discrimination

regarding their social class.

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Based on the article ofSENIOR HIGH
Mariano SCHOOL
et. al. (2012),DEPARTMENT
it evaluates that to model socio-economic,

institutional, and environmental factors influencing the adoption of certified seeds and integrated

crop management practices the developers use binary logit and poison estimators. Although the

estimates of factors influencing adoption are fairly consistent between the two models, there are

some differences to be noted, especially in the estimates of factors influencing adoption. As of

now, many farmers must need to learn new ways and the use of technology to improve and

survive farming because people all know that in our current situation all of the farmers are more

affected and most of them experienced poverty. However, they'll need improvement in their

ways to raise their income because the wages of farmers don't reach the minimum to buy food or

any needed goods. In the past year's farmers have lacked communication and the idea of what is

happening to the agricultural economy since they are working on the plantation and they have no

access to modern gadgets since they prioritize food first before anything. That's why farmers

considerably have the hardest work but have small wage income and in that particular reason, the

farmers are left behind and not oriented and cause them to be deemed as one of the sectors which

currently prevail as in low social class.


One study by Hurst (2015), stated that Mr. Mark Bittman, an American food journalist,

speculates in his article in the New York Times that traditional agriculture is the sector of

peasants. Accordingly, this study also said that the word "peasant" is inappropriate since it means

"poor farmer of low social status who owns or rents a small piece of land for cultivation (chiefly

in historical use or concerning subsistence farming in poorer countries)" wherein those actions of

Bittman can be deemed as act discrimination about the farmer's capacities in life. Furthermore, in
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Bittman's actions, Hurst stated that HIGH SCHOOL
had the choice not to discriminate against the

farmers but he chose to dishonor them. In that, it makes the farmers anxious about themselves

and it makes the people think that the career in agriculture is not a great course to take and there's

also a chance that the discrimination about farmers' social stratum might increase. Meanwhile,

due to the action of Bittman where he labels the farmer's traditional way of planting as an

"outdated" way and stated also that the progress in this method of agriculture is hard to see. The

farmers insisted that if the government helps them they would improve and enhance their

farming method.

In the previous study of Denniston (2017), he asserted that most of the poverty-stricken

people are the one that works in agriculture and from rural areas. Accordingly,  the World Bank

data stated 80% of the 770 million people living in extreme poverty are in rural areas, and 64%

work in agriculture. Furthermore, the author stated that it would not be manageable to help the

farmers if the government is not ready to support them financially since based on the study it's

estimated 500 million dollars is needed for the start-up business for aspiring farmers, and

employees from the agriculture sector. Meanwhile, this study also stated that many farmers see

land ownership as the main problem which causes them to lack in storage infrastructure means

that farmers consistently lose a significant amount of their harvest due to spoilage and causes

them to trade the remaining products into oversupplied markets even if the values of it are at

their lowest. Besides, some of the farmers are not financially stable, and only a few people can

access pieces of information to find better crops to plant. Most of them lack equipment, tools,

crop insurance, or seeds. On the other hand, the author stated that The Gates Foundation is

giving options to the farmers to use the technology. The foundation explains that using
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technology in farming will help HIGH SCHOOL
the farmers DEPARTMENTthat will assist them in aiding
to gain opportunities

their financial problems and reduce poverty in time.

According to the research article of Rajvanshi (2021), many Indian farmers are suffering

in poverty during this pandemic. He also stated that this is the first time for the Indian farmers to

conduct an agricultural strike regarding a law to help them in the dark times of Covid-19 issues.

Also, the author reveals the reason why the Indian farmer started protesting and the main reason

for this is the farmers have to pay their large amount of debt, and the said debt started since the

COVID-19 virus spread to their country and the government those times implemented the

lockdown to reduce the spreading of the virus, but the farmers are affected by it in several

adverse ways. Furthermore, the deadly effect of paying their debt is many Indian farmers see

suicide as their main help to aid their financial problems. This past few months many Indians

started suicide to ensure compensation to their bereaved families. Accordingly, the pandemic

adversely affects the Agricultural sector which leads the farmers to face extreme poverty and

hunger. Meanwhile, the article also stated that the support for the protests has also poured in

from around the world including the Indian diaspora and foreign leaders such as Canadian Prime

Minister, Justin Trudeau, wherein they imply the government to hear the Indian farmers’


A research article by Duvall (2018) states that the agriculture sector especially the

farmers are having a huge part in terms of economy in the USA, wherein this article stated that

"The Gross Domestic Product of the US has grown more than 3 percent in 2018" because of the
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Agricultural sector. Furthermore, HIGH SCHOOL
It asserts that the DEPARTMENT
farmers helped to overcome the economic

crisis and feeds the thousands of people in the United States.  Duvall gives out some points to

contemplate and strengthen his claims by stating that agriculture and its other sectors as a "high

contributor" to the United States' economy with an amount of 1.09 trillion dollars contribution.

As well as he also infers that there are an estimated 43 million U.S. jobs connected to agriculture.

Duvall also points out that the "One Study" stated that members of the food and agriculture

industries and their employees pay almost $900 billion in federal, state, and local taxes, wherein

it helps to support the US's communities. However, poverty still is the main problem of the

farmers in the US wherein it's said that money that they acquired is not enough to provide

necessities for their families. Due to that, the government of the U.S assisted the farmers and

provided another branch of agriculture machinery, equipment,  fertilizers, as well as financial

support and services. Furthermore, the government in the U.S talks about constructing a new

farm bill that will help the farmers to start their farming or ranching business, aid their financial

problems, and avoid facing an economic crisis again.

The latest work of Amadeo (2020) gathered information on how farm subsidies will

impact the farmers of the USA that are facing difficulties in terms of financial matters.

Meanwhile, this study stated that in 2017 the combined agriculture and food industry made up

5.4% of the U.S. economy. That's why the government increases the subsidies to increase as well

the percentage of agriculture in the US economy. According to this study, the leading five states

in terms of obtaining subsidies and assistance are Texas, Nebraska, Kansas, Arkansas, and

Illinois wherein in the year 2017, they obtained 38.5% of the $7.2 billion allocated which is

equal to more than $2.7 billion from EWG Farm Subsidy Database. Furthermore, this study

presented the pros and cons of farm subsidies on farmers. Also, the author tells the definition of
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"farm subsidies" wherein it SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL
is the financial DEPARTMENT
assistance of the government to the agricultural

sector. Accordingly, the cons based on this study are; U.S. farms are in one of the world's most

favorable regions; They have the tech advantages of a modern business; The top 10% of farms

received 78% of the subsidies; Farm subsidies block foreign trade agreements. While the pros

are; Subsidies protect the nation's food supply; Farms are susceptible to pathogens, diseases, and

weather; Subsidies help farmers weather commodities' price changes; Farmers rely on loans,

making their business a bit of a gamble.  Besides, it aids the farmers when there is a problem

with their farm to avoid financial and production loss that could lead to the farmers in poverty

and economic crisis to the whole country.

According to a study by Azadi et al. (2018), they asserted that climate change has a

massive effect on the farmers of Western Iran. It has a vastly negative impact on their income

that leads them into deprivation and low social class. However, to conquer this issue the Iranian

farmers are prepared methods and adjusted to their life to manage the climate change in their

country. In this study, the researchers revealed that three parts take part in the farmer's resolution.

These are farm practices, management, and government assistance. Also, they evaluated if those

methods are effective during climate change. As they summed up their findings and result, the

process and practices of the Iranian farmers are significant in coping with climate change that

could lead them to extreme poverty and discrimination regarding their social class.

The findings of the research article by Eslake (2018) summed up the economic impact of

drought on agriculture. A Drought happens when a place is experiencing a lack of precipitation.

Meanwhile, the country of Australia is highly affected by this phenomenon and the most obvious

economic impact of drought is on the volume of agricultural production, specifically on crops.

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Moreover, the author also stated that HIGH SCHOOL
the impact DEPARTMENT
on livestock products (meat and wool) is a little

more complicated. Accordingly, when a large drought happens in Australia, the Gross Domestic

Product (GDP) decreases. Besides, it not just affects the farmers but also the buyers since it

affects the prices in the market and it brings a crucial influence on the loss of capital of the

farmers and their families. The drought lasts for a long time and brings financial distress to the

farmers. Also, farmers think of an option to lessen the financial problems when the drought

season occurs. Then, they came up with a solution for the drought by preparing irrigation. As

they continued to report to the government, the government provided the farmers with financial

assistance. The author stated that climate change never ends, but the government should provide

and aid the farmers that are prone to poverty.

A similar study by Arroyo (2018) reveals that the higher the population the higher

malnutrition and hunger. In the year 2018, officials conducted an event where all agricultural

officials were invited. The officials highlighted their investment in sustainable agriculture which

results in excellent products that are environmentally friendly and affordable. Also, they

emphasize the sustaining of free from pesticides land that will last to the next generation.

Besides, the officials pointed out that to end hunger, they should not criticize the agriculture

sector but change their practices in producing food. As they come up with the ideas, the idea of

the majority comes from the smallholder farmers. Due to their low-growth crops, people with

businesses do not invest in them. In that, it became the reason why the small-scale farmers

continue to suffer from hunger. The author asserts that if the investor invests in small-scale

farmers it would be a great idea to reduce starvation for agriculturists and might improve the

economic growth. Also, it would lessen the hunger of the poor people in their country.
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Meanwhile, the finalized design HIGH
that the SCHOOL
event comesDEPARTMENT
with is that they will invest in the farmers

and reshape the food systems and food-producing. Besides, giving incentives and new jobs can

help to avoid poverty in farmers and people. It will also lessen the losses of post-harvest, and this

might provide a better market for the farmers.

The research article by Keil et al. (2019) evaluated the immense impact of sustainable

intensification and zero tillage on the environment. Furthermore, the article stated that

"Sustainable intensification" is an approach to agriculture that maintains the quality of food

production without heightening the risks to the environment that could lead to the farmers in

poverty. However, people criticize the method of using sustainable intensification because the

farmers neglected the social welfare conclusion. Meanwhile, the researchers conducted this

research because they found out that there is a better method to use for the environment. They

studied the process of zero tillage farming or no-till farming wherein it's a practice that enhances

food production and reduces the use of greenhouse gasses. Also, in this practice there's no need

to use machines and equipment in harvesting means it can be cultivated without destroying the

soil. However, due to modern technology, the practice of zero tillage farming was not used by

some of the farmers. Consequently, the usage of technology in farming practices contributed to

the growth of the market and might lead to the farmers having a higher social class and better life

than living amid poverty and deprivation.

An article by Chen (2020) reveals that China has a development goal for its 550 million

farmers wherein is based on their so-called "No.1 Central Document" which serves as the means

for the government to work out a plan to support the Chinese farmers. Chen also stated that the
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No.1 Central Document has outlined HIGH SCHOOL
goals, whichDEPARTMENT
will affect the lives of millions of Chinese

farmers. The document proposed eight measures to build infrastructures such as roads, water

supply, and sanitation facilities in rural areas as well as Public services such as education,

healthcare, and social security will also be improved. Furthermore, the author revealed that the

document helps China to overcome extreme poverty since it has started to address the problems

regarding poverty and Social Stratum in 2004.  Meanwhile, the documents as of now

continuously help all Chinese citizens and the farmers that are experiencing poverty and

discrimination by the means of its proposed projects as well as it is striving to completely

eradicate poverty in the next few years.


The research article by Galang (2020) evaluated the text entitled "Ang Pamana" by

Lamberto Gabriel, wherein it is a short story about the family of Mang Karyas, the farmer, his

wife, and their son Kiyel. The author focuses on the events of the story wherein it's about the

farmer's life and connects it to how society works nowadays especially on the farmers. Also, the

author pointed out how Kiyel has progressed in school and taken the agriculture course that his

father does not want and connects it as well to the society's perception among farmers. This

story, which is both painful and pure, illustrates how farmers in the Philippines leave unnoticed

and underprivileged of a decent life. Unfortunately, the foundation of our country's economy is

in the worst shape. It's disturbing that this story from years ago still mirrors today's society.
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Lubang (2019) once wrote in HIGH SCHOOL
a paper that theDEPARTMENT
majority of Filipino farmers are poor and

have a low degree of education and because of this they experience financial difficulties that

usually cause them to have debts. Frequently, this happens as a consequence of the government's

lack of funding and attention to the Philippines' agricultural industry. It is also mentioned that

Filipinos working in the country's agricultural industry are on the national poverty line. Then

according to statistics, Filipino farmers and other agricultural workers earn lower incomes than

manufacturing workers. Accordingly, agricultural employees are referred to as the "poor man's

sector" because farmers are stereotyped as having poor working standards, a low level of

learning, and financial difficulties.

As claimed in the study of Rapera et al. (2011), poverty is primarily a rural problem in

the Philippines, with Filipinos who work in the agriculture sector experiencing the highest rates

of poverty. According to the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) report,

about half of the 91 million Filipinos (in 2009) lived in rural areas, with 30% of them considered

poor. Subsistence agriculture supported approximately 80% of the poor population in rural areas.

This illustrates an irony in agriculture: food producers, who are the foundation of every

agricultural supply chain, are among the poorest and considered as one the sector that has a low

social stratum. Furthermore, small Farmers face numerous generational challenges such as the

dry season, surge, the need for sufficient input usage, destitute expansion leading to wide

abdicate crevices, the need for a reliable and satisfactory water system, modification frustration,

and so on. Besides that, the researchers suggest that people must aid the country's farmers by

purchasing their goods and supporting Rural Rising Philippines, a social enterprise that promotes

"rescue buying" of agricultural goods whose goal is to help farmers to avoid poverty.
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In the research article of Cerio (2020), he stated the research of the Philippine Statistics

Authority (2016), the poverty rate among Filipinos was 21.6 percent in 2015. The number of

people living in poverty as a percentage of the population is known as poverty incidence.

Meanwhile, Fishermen and Farmers continue to be the poorest basic industries in the Philippines,

with poverty rates of 39.2 percent and 38.3 percent, respectively, in rural areas. Higher poverty

rates are associated with rural poor subsistence on fishing and farming, as well as illiteracy,

unemployment, and larger family sizes. Agricultural progress may be a powerful constraint in

reducing poverty in developing countries. According to an OECD study, making rapid and

feasible progress to reduce extreme poverty is one thing, but increasing rural efficiency and

salaries for destitute agriculturists are another. Accordingly, this study recommended that the

agricultural sector, in general, should preserve access to essential services, institutionalize a

favorable political and economic environment that benefits them, promote equality, and establish

safety nets to minimize vulnerability to unanticipated shocks.

In one study by Datu (2012), he evaluated the problems on the poverty rate among

agricultural households in greater depth to gain a reasonable understanding of this issue.

Furthermore, this study also stated the comparison of poor agricultural and poor non-agricultural

households wherein comparing within or between countries, farming outperforms non-

agricultural activities in terms of its ability to reduce poverty. More than half of the reduction in

poverty achieved in the chosen countries over the period under consideration can be attributed to

increases in rural incomes. In terms of poverty and inequality indicators, regional inequalities

remain important. It emphasizes agriculture because it is a major contributor to the country's

poverty problem, which has persisted amid recent periods of rapid economic growth. Meanwhile,
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the researchers have concluded that aHIGH SCHOOL
free market DEPARTMENT
economy is the only way to eradicate poverty

in the Philippines. This entails removing taxes from an overtaxed society, allowing citizens

especially farmers to spend, save, and invest without the fear of the government taking their


 According to the study by Reyes et al. (2012), poverty has always been linked to

agriculture in the Philippines. The poverty rate among agricultural households (57%) is three

times that of non-agricultural households (17 %). More specifically, the incidence of food

poverty or subsistence among agricultural households is around five times higher than among

non-agricultural households. Agricultural food manufacturers, ironically, are facing a food

shortage. As a result, tracking movements into and out of poverty is an integral aspect of poverty

alleviation programs. Furthermore, poverty and food security are intricately intertwined and the

individuals who do not have a wage or the resources to produce food are more likely to become

ill and unable to work to produce food or earn a living. Meanwhile, the authors of this study

propose that the government must assist all farmers in securing insurance and help them citing

the difficulty of their job, and evaluate the fact that they are paid less than the minimum wage in

our country which leads them to call a sector under "low social class".

Based on a study by Briones (2017), youth play a critical role in nation-building and

growth (Youth in Nation-Building Act, 1994). This is particularly true in agriculture in the

Philippines, where agricultural workers are older and less educated. The sector is also
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characterized by high underemployment, SCHOOL DEPARTMENT
incomes, and greater vulnerability to climate

shocks. Assuming economic rationality, these factors make agriculture less appealing to young

people. That's why precision agriculture and natural cultivating are the answers as well as rural

institutions must hold training programs to teach young agriculturists about post-harvest

management and esteem enhancement to enlighten them that " agriculture" is not a bad career to

take. Also, this study stated that the agri-economy must also be organized across value chains

and market linkages using cold capacity frameworks to lessen the financial burden of the

farmers. Furthermore, the researchers also suggest that youth development policies, services, and

initiatives must be strengthened to enable youth engagement to be made a prerequisite in the

formulation of national and local government programs, activities, and projects.

Based on a study by Palis (2020),  she stated that most of the farmers of the Philippines

do not want their children to pursue agricultural courses because according to them their children

will not have a future once they pursue agriculture. They said that farming is simply exhausting

and for them, it is not successful work because they are economically challenged and do not

actually raise adequate income to fund the needs of their families. They prefer their children to

have a better life, a proper income to provide for their family's needs, and proper education,

rather than farming because they know the hardships of becoming a farmer. Moreover, according

to the farmers of Ilo-ilo, Isabela, and Agusan del Norte, their children are really not interested in

the agriculture industry because they prefer to have a "better" life career than it.

         As mentioned by Saliot (2014) in his study, Farmers and fishermen are usually considered

the poorest of the poor in the country. mostly, as a result, students are completely uninterested in

participating in agricultural courses because they tend to believe farming has no future. Farming
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and agriculture courses are considered SCHOOL
profession in the country because farmers in the

country are widely perceived to have small wages and malnutrition, which tends to cause people

to believe that agriculture is not a suitable road to take. Further to that, those who are the

inheritors of elderly and infirm farmers in the country choose to live in cities rather than rural

areas to get away from farming. 

As claimed by Fabella (2014) the quality of life is now determined by whether the people

are poor or wealthy. In his terms, "below or above the poverty line." It is also mentioned in his

paper that farmers are losing the land on which to grow crops as time passes. There is a new

class of farmers who have little money but have land, and they are known as the "landed poor".

Furthermore, according to statistics, 54% of households are relatively poor, with 36% of those

being farmers and agricultural workers, and this is when the farmers and households are facing

financial hardship. Every farmer faces a low retention ceiling, under which the government takes

approximately 5 hectares of land away from them along with their crops that are supposed to be

sold in the market.

        As stipulated by Elauria (2015), the Philippines have nearly 5 million farmers, and due to

the low retention ceiling, most farmers lose hectares of land where they can openly crop, and

most farmers in the country do not have enough revenue or savings to purchase a place for them

to farm. One cause of this is the government's lack of assistance for the agriculture sector and

farmers, and it is recommended by the experts that the government must make some effort to

provide the farmers an owned land to produce their crops. Also, because of situations like this,
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students and youth are losingSENIOR
interestHIGH SCHOOL because
in agriculture DEPARTMENT
they acknowledge the hardships of

working hard but earning only a small amount of income, which is insufficient to meet their

family's necessities.




This study will be dealing with how the short story entitled “Ang Pamana” by Lamberto

Gabriel tackled the issue of prejudice and denigration among people in agricultural sectors due to

poverty. Also, it will be utilized as a source of information through signs and interpretations of

data and figures for rendering evidence and proof regarding the actual status of the agriculture

sector specifically the Farmers in terms of social stratum in the context of the Philippine society.

Furthermore, the researchers will be using the theory of Marxism in evaluating this literary text.

Whereas Marxism or Marxist theory is a social, political, and economic philosophy named after

Karl Marx. It investigates the impact of capitalism on labor, productivity, and economic

development, it advocates for a worker revolution to demolish capitalism and replace it with

communism. Accordingly, Marxism posits the conflicts among social classes specifically, the

bourgeoisie, or capitalists, and the proletariat, or workers which denominate economic relations
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in a capitalist economy and will HIGHlead
to revolutionary communism (Investopedia Staff,



The study entitled "Marxist Critique of The Story “Ang Pamana” by Lamberto Gabriel:

An Analysis of The Farmer's Social Stratum in the Philippines" is a qualitative type of research,

wherein it's a type of research that focuses on “why” rather than “what” of the research's context'

and it employs inquiries to gain a thorough understanding of phenomena in the natural world.

Also, Qualitative research involves collecting and analyzing non-numerical data to understand

concepts, opinions, and experiences. It can be used to collect in-depth insights into a problem or

generate new concepts for the study (Bhandari, 2020). Generally, Qualitative research aims to

comprehend the social reality of people, groups, and cultures as practically as possible as its

participants perceive it or dwell it (McLeod, 2019).

Moreover, Qualitative research uses theories and phenomena which result in this kind of

study to have a focal point in soft sciences which include humanity, society, culture, language,

and communication. Meanwhile, unlike quantitative research, which focuses on measurements

and numbers, qualitative research is commonly based on understanding and words. It enables the

researcher to study various issues in-depth and in detail without being constrained by any laws of

analysis categories and also it requires a humanistic or idealistic approach, which implies the use

of people's beliefs, experiences, attitudes, behavior, and interactions, resulting in non-numerical

data. Also, it is flexible since it allows the use of observations, immersions, viewpoints,

interviews, and history. Furthermore, as Qualitative Research examines people's lives and
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SENIOR method
experiences, it engages an inductive HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT
and its data collection varies by number wherein it

can be on a small or large scale of respondents. It is also recognized as exploratory research

because it is used to comprehend various reasons, opinions, and rationales as well as reveals the

behavior and perceptions of the intended audience. On the other hand, most of the qualitative

studies are small in scale or focusing on a single or lesser number of cases, however, this kind of

research still provides depth and conceptualized details and information on a certain topic. The

natural setting and the respondents' perspectives are highlighted in this kind of study as well as

self-reflection upon one's behavior, position, and role in society is essential to perform successful

research under Qualitative Research.

Meanwhile, the researchers applied the concept of Content and Discourse Analysis as the

proposed type of study to conclude the main objectives of this qualitative research such as to

underline the substantial implication of the story to the society and broaden the general

awareness of the readers into a bigger setting. Furthermore, the Content and Discourse Analysis

is a commonly applied research technique primarily in the field of social science, psychology,

and other qualitative disciplines that focus on the relationship between language and social

phenomena.  The major purpose of this type of research is to clarify the implicit meaning of

discourse fragments and arrange them in the context of larger frames, discourses, or narratives

(Mbrusis, 2020). Accordingly, this type of research can be done by exploring deeper into the

gathered ideas and concepts within and outside the narrative while considering the salient and

crucial portions of the story and outer affiliations such as the personal perception and

experiences of the author. Accordingly, an article online differentiates content and discourse

analysis wherein the content analysis is defined as a method for studying and retrieving
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meaningful information fromSENIOR HIGH for
gathering a wider sense of comprehension. In

contrast, discourse analysis is defined as the study of how language is used in texts and contexts

(Hasa, 2016). These two are distinguished as independent methods in research wherein both are

also considered as tools that are commonly used as research techniques under qualitative study.

Lastly, the researchers of this study used the Marxist Theory of Criticism in their Content and

Discourse analysis. Whereas the Marxist Theory of Criticism may maximize the concept of

Content and Discourse Analysis in performing this research since it is focused on the issue of

social stratum in the society specifically in farmers which are extremely related to the said





Karl Marx's Marxism is a political and economic theory that focuses on social class and

depicts the difference between capitalists and workers. According to this approach, the economy

in which people live is divided into different social classes: upper class, also known as elite,

upper-middle-class, lower-middle-class, working-class, and finally poor. It enables researchers to

see how the disparity between capitalists and workers creates a significant difference in ensuring

equality, and it demonstrates how life is perceived in society.

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Meanwhile, according to Marx's class theory, capitalism is one stage in a natural

sequence of economic processes that have evolved (Brock, 2021). He claims that they are

motivated by enormous impersonal historical forces that manifest themselves in social class

action and conflict. Furthermore, as per Marx, every society is divided into several social groups,

each of which has more in common with its members than the interaction between classes. The

bourgeoisie, or entrepreneurs, who own the productive resources, as well as the proletariat, or

workers, whose labor develops raw materials into useful economic products, comprise capitalist

society. The barriers that can influence socioeconomic status are defined by Marxist theory. In

this situation, low-wage workers were subjected to discrimination and injustice at the hands of

capitalists who profited from their social status, prompting the communist revolution. As a result,

the researchers analyze the story "Ang Pamana'' using these theories since this hypothesis

focuses on social class and economy. Accordingly, Farmers are often vulnerable to social class

prejudice for the simple reason that they are seen as low-class in society. Therefore, the diversity

of social status has an extremely adverse effect on the farmer's lives.

With the integration of Marxism, the Marxist theory, as well as the story being used in

this study entitled "Ang Panama '' with regards to the data exploration and interpretation of data

is presented. With that being said, the researchers will focus on the Marxist theory of Criticism

derived from (Marx, 1848) in terms of analyzing Lamberto Gabriel's story "Ang Pamana'' which

portrays the issue among the social stratum and perception of people in the agricultural sector

specifically the farmers in the Philippines.

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The preliminary reading of the literary work “Ang Pamana” by Lamberto Gabriel was

executed by the researchers to have an in-detail understanding of the elements of the short story.

Also, this enables the researchers to portray or unfold the story in a way that they will understand

the text deeply as well as in a point that they can expound the story to incorporate into the paper.

It also touches on the subjects that take place in the present time, and being able to have a full

understanding of the story can help the researchers in connecting it to the issue being discussed

in this study. For the following readings of the story, the researchers used it to have a reference

while doing other stages of the research such as in stage three of the analysis part. This helped in

finding and gathering the right information and references in writing the paper. The following

readings also gave light to the researcher on the ideas in the story that are not easy to understand.
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         The researchers use the idea of one leading Marxist philosopher, Karl Heinrich Marx

(1848).  For this paper, the researchers use five guidelines in terms of determining the meaning

of social class based on Marx's idea. With that being said, the researchers will use the views and

insights of  Karl Marx in Marxism that mainly focuses on the differences of social class in

society as well as the different treatment that people get based on their status. This idea will be

used in criticizing the literary work of Lamberto Garbriel entitled “Ang Pamana”:

1. Two “basic” classes of Karl Marx - According to Marx (1848), these two “basic” classes

are the bourgeois and the proletariat. Those who are bourgeois, in his interpretation, are

those who have financial resources and their piece of land, as well as those who invest in

companies, businesses, and factories where they eventually make their wealth. The

proletariat, on the other hand, is the class that works for the bourgeois. They are widely

known as the working class because they are those who labor for the bourgeoisie's

capital. Karl Marx's ideology simply demonstrates the disparity between the upper and

lower classes. He also said that those identified as proletarians are somehow completely

unaware that they are being exploited in society. They have no idea that the bourgeoisie

is exploiting them by using them in their establishments and paying them insufficient

salaries. The proletarians are afraid to speak up because it is the bourgeoisie that provides

them with income, so they do not bother to do so while working and earning a low wage

for their labor.

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2. The distinction of classes by Karl Marx -  In the ideology of  Marx (1848) the

capitalist class would not be able to exist without the working class because they are the

ones in charge of the labor to gain wealth in the society. Karl Marx uses the word

“exploitation” in explaining the difference between capitalists and workers, saying that

the workers start with no money, no capital but just their power to do their labor or job, in

other words, all they can offer is working. On the other hand, the capitalist starts with the

capital or money and they use that to buy workers that will be providing the labor for

them so they can get more capital. In this case, the capitalist ends up with more money

than the one who is working for it and the workers only receive small wages for the time

and labor that they accomplish. 

3. Marxist class theory by Karl Marx - This entails the strong belief that not everyone in the

society is on the same level; some are higher and some are lower which is commonly

considered considerably weaker. This is based on the social fact that there are disparities

between those in positions of power and influence and those seeking help. An

individual's social stratification is determined by their position and contribution to

society. The class divisions of people in social groups are the subject of Marxist class

theory. Individuals are classified not only by their income and educational qualifications,

but also by their gender, ethnicity, and race. This text talks about the relationship between

classes and society, as well as how the lower classes are widely viewed in society.

Individuals from the lower class face a shortage of economic and social goods such as

education and wages and benefits, as well as unequal opportunities in society, forcing

them to remain in the working class or proletariat.

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4. Class as a social relationship HIGH
The meaning of the word "class" in Marx's

interpretation is defined by the social relationships between classes. The connection

between the capitalists and the proletariat in society is that the capitalist can not survive

and thrive without the proletariat since the proletariat is the class that does the labor for

the capitalists. Contradictory and antagonistic is another example of how people can

understand their relationship because they are both associated with struggle, conflict, and

contradictory interests. Even though the proletarian community is exploited, this

illustrates the relationships between the groups. In Marx's moral philosophy, the concept

"class" meant "class conflict," referring to the differences between people's beliefs and

viewpoints based on their social class. Marx demonstrates the disparity in society's

treatment of the upper and lower classes.

5. Marxist theory of inequality and poverty by Karl Marx - Capitalists, according to Marx,

are the ones who create socioeconomic public institutions and constantly need laborers,

so they are the ones who bring on deprivation and suffering in society. Inequality was

passed on from one worker to the next and possibly causing it to pass on throughout the

years. Poverty and inequality in a community and society are actually claimed to be

impossible to overcome without improvements in labor and production modes. Inequality

and injustice will continue to flourish in society as long as the capitalists manipulate and

control the workforce and laborers.


Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.
The researcher aims SENIOR HIGH
to clearly SCHOOL
how the questions will be answered using the

theory's guidelines in this section of the chapter. They will demonstrate how the guidelines can

be used to derive an answer from the study's first chapter or specifically in the Statement of the

Problem part. Also, the correlation between the guidelines and the question will be demonstrated

at this stage. Besides, by reading the guidelines and looking at the arguments presented by the

researchers, people can already assume or speculate the answer to each question.

Meanwhile, at the first question, the researchers may answer it using Karl Marx's two

"basic" classes, which demonstrate that the persons who are referred to as the proletariat's

working class are the lowest class of society. Farmers are often stereotyped as being from a

lower social status. Similarly, they are also often characterized as lower-class people because

they are deemed as the members of the working class, which are the ones who do the labor for

the community's capitalists (Marx, 1848). 

Agricultural livelihoods are often associated with the lower class since the agricultural

workers commonly earn a low amount of wages despite the intensity of the labor they do.  The

guidelines shown in stage II may also inform readers on how the author depicts the social class

of agricultural workers in the story wherein it somehow connected to the second question in the

first chapter. Accordingly, since the farmer in the story lives in a simple house and does not own

any luxurious properties, big businesses, or industry, the thought that the farmers are deemed as

"laborers" already indicated or showed their status in society. 

Meanwhile, in the third question, there is a part in the story "Ang Pamana" by Lamberto

Gabriel where the characters determine that agricultural courses are not a good career to take,
Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.
due to the reasons that they believe HIGH SCHOOLholds DEPARTMENT
no future for individuals. By looking at the

guidelines, there is a section of Marxist philosophy of Inequality and Poverty which asserts that

farmers would not be able to flee from poverty if their production mechanism remains

unchanged and if they remain to be paid in low wages by their capitalists, whereas the notions

mentioned above serve as the social conflict that farmers are dealing with.


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