What Is Your Take On Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs?

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What is your take on Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs?

Well for me, his hierarchy of human needs is accurate for my perspective only,
but there are people, who thinks different, who view it disparate. If we put out
other’s opinions into account, we can say that each and every one of us has
different and unique perspective on Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy. We will only
talk about my opinions in that topic, the arrangement of the needs in the graph
really is similar to what my needs in life is, how I address my needs in life. The lowest
part there in the graph is physiological which is breathing, food, water, sex, sleep,
homeostasis, and excretion. Physiological needs are the basic needs a person
needs to survive of to function well. Next is Safety, which is the security of the body,
of employment, of resources, of morality, of the family, of health, and of property.
This is the second to physiological because the safety of yourself and others that
is close to you and the things that you own, for the reason that this is second of
the basic needs a person must have. Third one is, Love or Belonging, which is
friendship, family, and sexual intimacy. This is next because, we as a person,
cannot live without a reason, and these relationships that we have to our family,
friends, and loved one is all we need to keep fighting and living in this hard life
that we have. Next one is esteem, which is self-esteem, confidence, achievement
respect of others, and respect by others. Most of us does not have esteem, and
there are some of us who needs to work to improve this esteem of ours, that is why
this is in the second highest part of Maslow’s theory because we need to work
really hard and spend time in improving our esteem. And the last, and the peak
of Maslow’s theory, Self-actualization, which is morality, creativity, spontaneity,
problem solving, lack of prejudice, and acceptance of facts. This is the last and
the highest part of Maslow’s theory, meaning the most hard-earned part of the
needs of a person, really need to give a lot of time to have and develop these
kinds of things.
How is your identity relevant to these needs?
My identity is relevant to those needs in a way that myself is working on to have
those needs. Well, some of it, I already have, but most of it I really need to work
on. In the physiological aspect, I have it all, the air I am breathing, the food that I
am eating, the water that I am drinking, the mind-blowing sex I am experiencing,
the amount of sleep I need, the homeostasis that I have, and the excretion I need.
And next is, the safety aspect, I have the security of my own body, I am currently
unemployed, the resources I have is secure, the morality I have, the safety of my
family is guaranteed, my health is superb, and I have no problems regarding the
safety of my property. Next is, Love and Belonging, I have friends, true friends, my
family is complete, and the sexual intimacy I have. Next is esteem, there’s self-
esteem, I can neither say that my self-esteem is high or low, more like in the
middle, and confidence, I have confidence but not as high to not feel any
nervousness and be totally cool about it when talking in public or with an
audience. And the last one is, Self-actualization, I know what morality is and I
know I have it, and when it comes to creativity, I can say that I am creative
because I can draw, I can write essays, I can compose songs, and I can write
books. And when it comes to spontaneity, I can say that I am a spontaneous
person. And when it comes to, problem solving, I can say I am problem solver
myself because I do not see problems as challenges but instead an opportunity
for my skills and myself. Lack of prejudice, I do not think that I have it is hard for
me to ignore things, important or not. Acceptance of facts, I have this, I can
accept facts with no problems. As you can see, there are needs that I currently
do not have or needs improvement, but this does not affect who I am and what
things I should do.

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