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[Nayeon pfp / bgp]

[Nayeon @ 00:43 KST]

NY: what are you doing
NY: I didn't dye (my hair)?
NY: My hair did get brighter tho,,,
NY: I did the red orange hair once, that time and I did different ash color after that
NY: The reasons behind why did I colored my hair red orange, you will know later at US's
interview lol
NY: I have to get my hair roots dyed

NY: This picture is today, this one

NY: There are a lot replies that suggests color for hair dyeing
NY: Everyone saying ash brown
NY: Something that looks bright
NY: Do the couple dye color with me then
NY: I really really don't know what my personal color is lol…
NY: When I was a trainee, my makeup-unnie who always do my makeup says its between
warm and cool tone ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
NY: I think it just depend on what tone your color is
NY: I don't know I dont know lol whether they apply coral I like it and if they apply pink, i still
get a good response^^..
NY: Jooyoung-ah, use mint color for your wallpaper, why? because I want to do it but I can't!
NY: Sollang-ah, let's eat hamburgers and be happy ㅋㅋ
NY: hmm i have a lot of clothes in my room so you can't really see the wallpapers very well,
if i dont have much of the furniture i think i'll get tired of it lol
NY: Yang-i ya, I don't want to go to work too... But I set my alarm at 7:30^^..

NY: Shin Ramen is the best, right?
NY: I watch youtube these days because of Roha-nim's Child care vlogs also some
interiors too and something like that
NY: It's my life routine Gangsan-oppa^^
NY: When the alarm goes on, I wake up just once!

NY: If I didn't get up, I don't know something might got wrong from the Alarm Settings ㅠㅠ
NY: Right now, Sora-unnie

NY: I actually have ways to make up my mind when I don't want to go exercise. hm I try to
make up all the exercise lessons whenever I want to exercise ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ since I'll
feel sorry if I cancel the lessons with a simple change of mind ^^..
NY: or... live until I make up my mind to exercise...^^... I feel like I want to go exercise when I
feel like my body is too crumpled,,,
NY: Lami-ya, it'll be raining tomorrow, let's stay home and eat something delicious
NY: Just think that it's something you have to attend without thinking ㅋㅋ You shouldn't be
thinking too much, such as "what I will be getting through this" and "I want to sleep a bit
more"... I just have to go... that's what you should think
NY: about the MBTI, I do think some aspects fits me but some don't .. ㅎ
NY: I can't know my personality fully
NY: I use Naver Pay. Naver Pay is the best
NY: Wow you think my MBTI fits me? what what where whyyyyy
NY: but I'm actually curious
NY: If I read about my MBTI, it says that I'm not good at having sympathy and I've had many
experiences like that.. I can't have sympathy, nor try to act like I'm having sympathy... So I
thought my personality was like that and I watched Kingdom replay(?) today and I cried
when Stray Kids cried... What is this...
NY: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
NY: I really am not good at having sympathy. right right. but I cried after watching I.N (from
stray kids) ㅠㅠㅠ I was like "don't cry, I.N" ㅠㅠㅠ you did well ㅠㅠ like that
NY: tmi~
NY: I feel like I am good at feeling empathy to survival programs ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ or maybe
because I know how hard they work,,
NY: and my MBTI says I love some kind of machines(?) so it was a bit off for me
NY: they say there's another test where I can know myself more than MBTI,,, ㅎ I don't
NY: yea something like Temperament and Character inventory
NY: I'm not that curious but I actually do want to know more about myself^.^...
NY: I think it's right... that I'm introverted,, of course it differs among the people I talk to or the
NY: hm what do I say amiably? ah I can't think of the exact word smiley? relaxing? anyway I
can't be like that so certainly, new people are hard...
NY: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ smily
NY: it's different for everyone ㅋㅋㅋ smiley? pleasantly? ㅋㅋㅋ
NY: what do you mean simmer ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
NY: Okay sure let us say simmer
NY: from now on, we say, Nayeon can't simmer
NY: "I personally think being simmer is hard" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
NY: phone calling phobia?!! I don't have that. I once requested for refund for my friends and
is good at asking questions
NY: but it's different when you meet someone face to face and have to ask greetings, I don't
know why but it's just embarrassing..

NY: You know there are greetings that you do face to face,,, I don’t know it’s just
NY: Oh yea I can’t boggle boggle (simmer), why did I set myself as boggle boggle?
NY: ㅎㅎ
NY: I was about to do ‘Not boggle
NY: But I set it as ‘No boggle as it sounds more like a name ㅋㅌ

[NY changed her name to 노보글 (No Boggle)]

*보글 보글 - Boggle Boggle/Simmer simmer 노보글 - 보글 (boggle is sound of
simmering/boiling) so her name is No Simmering*

NY: I know right? It looks like my family name is Noh right?

NY: Tips to overcome laziness?

NY: If I get too lazy or have no power on my body, I cancel all the schedules and stay in my
bed to give myself a break
NY: But if I become the person who’s lazy every day… then I’ll have to become diligence
since laziness can make our bodys cramp, decay, hurt everywhere and make me unhappy,,,
NY: I was actually shocked after hearing that when the person has no power, it has close
relationship with the amount of human muscles ,,
NY: I might be wrong tho,,
NY: If I tend to lay down, then I will want to lay down forever and if I try to move a bit, then it
feels like I’ve done some extreme exercise ㅠ so that’s why I started to exercise, and I think
it makes you happy and gives strength, even tho I can’t go exercise nowadays ㅎ

NY: For me, I can’t go to sleep if I have schedules early ㅠㅡㅠ

NY: Yeah, people say mental toughness comes from physical strength ㅠ
NY: No it’s just,, if I think I have to wake up early, the sleepiness worn offㅠ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
NY: for me, whenever I get really sleepy, I turn on the youtube video of ‘Slept while
making’(*Check bubble 210507 for context*) then I just faint and have a deep sleep

NY: Wish I can see all the replies altogether like a group chat,,, ㅠㅡㅠ what a shame
NY: Right? It really helps to sleep
NY: And another tip when you can’t go to sleep: Think of the things you have to do… For
example, laundaries, cleaning, or organising,, things like these,,
NY: That will suddenly make you sleepy
NY: and keep thinking, ‘Ah I shouldn’t fall asleep’, ‘I really have to get this done’, ‘I have to
finish this by today’ ㅜㅜ ‘let’s see, will I be able to finish it by tomorrow?’ ㅋㅋㅋ
NY: That’s my hot tip
NY: and I once turned on the healing music for Kookeu and it made me fall asleep ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
and if I watch dogs fall asleep, it makes me sleepy too ㅠ

NY: The standard of replying is random ❤️

NY: There are so many questions about skin care tips,,
NY: Recently, I’ve bought the LUSH pack after a long time and It’s super good

NY: Something I persist in related to fashion....?

NY: Hm,,, I think I just wear clothes depending on the mood of the day,,, hm but whatever
the clothes are, I tend to wear casual shoes like sneakers ㅋㅋ even on one piece clothes
NY: Seojunie, go sleep
NY: Thank you too, Kayoung-unnie
NY: Young-hun-e used up his luck on here
NY: Heol, I’m sleepy, see you next time~ good night!!!!!! if I get sleepy, I have to hurry and go
sleep, bye~

[Nayeon @ 11:27 KST]

NY: My favorite juice!!! My most fa-fave is Orange but this one tastes good too

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