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Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol.

117 (3rd series)

Autonomic Nervous System
R.M. Buijs and D.F. Swaab, Editors
© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Chapter 1

The autonomic nervous system: a balancing act

Department of Cell Biology and Physiology, Institute for Biomedical Research, Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico,
Mexico City, Mexico

INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW OF the last 20 years has revealed the main brain centers in
THE AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM terms of the capacity to influence its autonomic
outflow (Card et al., 1990; Nadelhaft et al., 1992; Buijs
The purpose of the present chapter is to give a brief over-
et al., 1999, 2003a).
view of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and to pay
Another important point is that the ANS should not
special attention to those parts subject to controversy or
only be seen as a system merely carrying out the com-
uncertainties. For well-established areas of knowledge mands of the brain; it also functions as a reflex circuit,
the reader is referred to the chapter by Goldstein
using the sensory feedback of the organs, to change
(Chapter 2) and to reviews such as that of Janig and
and precisely adapt the output of the ANS in order to
Habler (2000).
adjust the physiological state of the body. Clearly these
Since the discovery of Otto Loewi (Loewi, 1921) that
reflexes are also immediately modulated by input from
stimulation of the vagus branch slowed down the heart-
higher neural centers located in many different areas in
beat by means of the release of a “vagusstoff” (vagus
the brainstem, hypothalamus, and even prefrontal cortex,
substance), and Henry Dale’s discovery (1934) that the
which contain preautonomic neurons, i.e., neurons that
active substance in this process is acetylcholine, we provide input to autonomic motor neurons. This is also
accept that the parasympathetic branch of the ANS,
evident when analyzing structures that provide input to
which originates from the dorsal motor nucleus of the
the nucleus of the tractus solitarius (NTS), one of the main
vagus (DMV) or from the nucleus ambiguus, uses ace-
centers where sensory information from the body is inte-
tylcholine (ACh) as a transmitter. Consequently, the
grated (Fig. 1.1) (Ruggiero et al., 1996). This sensory input
transmitter of the parasympathetic nervous system is
leads to an immediate change in autonomic output that is
thought to be ACh. However, in several targets of these immediately modulated by the input the NTS receives
parasympathetic nuclei of the ANS the final neurotrans- from many structures higher in the CNS, from the brain-
mitter has not been established. This could be due to the stem and hypothalamus up to the prefrontal cortex, but
fact that for some organs, such as the liver, no also from ascending sensory information from the spinal
ganglion has been described that provides it with para- cord (Luiten et al., 1985; al Maskati and Zbrozyna, 1989;
sympathetic input; this has even led to the suggestion Powell et al., 1994; Van Eden and Buijs, 2000; Craig,
that parasympathetic innervation to the liver is absent. 2003). Here, the general consensus is that descending
Several models of the autonomic nervous system CNS information is able to influence the reflex arc that
therefore do not even indicate the innervation of the liver exists between the NTS, and the dorsal motor nucleus
by the vagus, in spite of clear macroscopic evidence. of the vagus (DMV). Interestingly, since the NTS also pro-
Similar doubts are present for the parasympathetic vides this sensory information to many areas in the hind
innervation of the spleen, adipose tissue, and lymphoid and forebrain, the descending input the NTS receives
tissue. Other aspects that demand attention are the may, to a large extent, determine how that information
structures in the central nervous system (CNS) that have is transmitted, i.e., the brain is modulating its own input.
the capacity to control or influence the output of the ANS, How spinal sensory systems may contribute to visceral
and thus provide input to the sympathetic and parasympa- information passing to higher centers in the brain is
thetic autonomic motor nuclei. Transneuronal tracing in still largely uncharted territory (Craig, 2003), but the

*Correspondence to: Ruud M. Buijs, Department of Cell Biology and Physiology, Institute for Biomedical Research, Universidad
Nacional Autónoma de México, Av. Universidad 3000, Mexico City, DF, 04510, Mexico. E-mail:
in a very general sense: i.e., the superior cervical ganglion
not only serves to provide the head with sympathetic inner-
vation, it also supplies part of the sympathetic innervation
to the heart. Consequently, even with a segmental distribu-
tion, one cannot conclude that one segment or one gan-
glion provides only one outgoing signal. For example, a
strong sympathetic signal only goes out to the pineal dur-
ing the hours of darkness, when NA releases melatonin
(Klein et al., 1971). At the same time, the heart, receiving
Fig. 1.1. Illustrates the sympathetic and parasympathetic input from the same ganglion, should (at least in humans)
reflex. The relationship between the cell groups that may influ- receive a sympathetic signal of lower strength. The sympa-
ence the vagal output is indicated in green and the influence to thetic signal to the heart increases again early in the morn-
the sympathetic output in pink. Both vagal and sympathetic
ing, when the autonomic signals need to support the
outputs are influenced by each other. AP, area postrema;
NTS, nucleus tractus solitarius; DMV, dorsal motor nucleus
activity of the individual (Massin et al., 2000). If
of the vagus; IML, intermediolateral column. (Modified from this autonomic balance is disturbed, as evidenced by a
Buijs et al., 2001.) higher sympathetic tone to the heart, hypertension or dia-
betes may ensue (Nielsen et al., 1999; Nakano et al., 2001).
conclusion that they do seems logical in view of the reflex Interestingly, in coronary heart disease with enhanced
circuitry. In the spinal cord, a similar reflex circuit is in sympathetic signaling to the heart (Lee et al., 2005) the mel-
place between the sensory neurons in the dorsal horn atonin secretion is lower (Brugger et al., 1995), indicating
and the sympathetic motor neurons in the intermediolat- lower sympathetic output to the pineal and supporting the
eral column (IML). Also, this circuit can be modulated by idea of a diversity of sympathetic functions.
descending information. Finally, in addition to input from Normally, both liver and adrenal receive a higher
these sensory areas, the DMV and IML, two major output sympathetic signal at the beginning of the activity
stations of the ANS, also receive direct input from higher period, resulting in enhanced glucose production and
centers. Interestingly, this gives the higher centers of the (nor)adrenaline and cortisol secretion, respectively, just
brain a powerful control, not only over the modulation of before the activity period (Buijs et al., 2003b, 2006). This
the sensory reflex but also directly, over the outgoing differentiation of sympathetic output to liver and
information from the ANS. adrenal on the one hand and the pineal on the other is
coordinated by the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN),
the biological clock (see Chapter 15 Buijs et al.), and
THE SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM illustrates the capacity of higher centers in the brain to
In principle, the central control of the outflow of sympa- differentiate their output (Fig. 1.2A). Finally, differenti-
thetic nervous information is tactically organized as a long ation of function within the sympathetic system is prob-
chain of motor neurons in the intermediolateral column ably best illustrated by the example of sympathetic
of the spinal cord (IML). Tactically, because due to this output that is essential for heat production, i.e., the
segmental organization, the ACh-producing motor neu- sympathetic output to brown adipose tissue, compared
rons reach different and multiple ganglions along the with the sympathetic output that is essential for heat loss,
spinal cord. Neurons in these ganglions have the capacity i.e., the output to the sweat glands (Schotzinger and
to produce different neurotransmitters, of which Landis, 1988). The sympathetic projections to brown
noradrenaline/norepinephrine (NA) is the main one, often adipose tissue will become active just before activity
together with cotransmitters such as neuropeptide Y onset early in the morning in order to generate heat by
(NPY) (Lundberg et al., 1983). Interestingly, the target burning fat (Ootsuka et al., 2009; Blessing et al.,
structures of the ANS, although as diverse as the brain 2013). This contrasts with the sympathetic tone to the
and the kidney, are very often the smooth muscles around sweat glands, which is at its highest when the core
the blood vessels within these organs. This allows the ANS, temperature is at its lowest, resulting in lower thresholds
by vasoconstriction and vasodilatation, to control the for sweating during exercise in the early part of the night
blood supply, for example, not only to the kidney and (Waterhouse et al., 2007). This complexity is further
the lungs but also to itself (Zhu et al., 1997). illustrated by studies showing that women susceptible
to hot flashes experience a peak in these unwelcome
events around 3 o’clock in the afternoon, in both hot
Differentiation of function
and temperate environments, also indicating a different
The segmental organization of the sympathetic nervous reaction of the sympathetic system under basal condi-
system allows topographical signal distribution, albeit tions (Freedman et al., 1995; Sievert et al., 2010).

Fig. 1.2. (A) and (B) Sagittal schemes of the sites in the rat brain with autonomic neurons that are able to influence organs in the
abdominal cavity with the liver as example. The direct projections to the liver are indicated in red, the second-order in blue, and
third-order in yellow. Comparing the parasympathetic pattern to the sympathetic pattern illustrates that far more second-order cell
groups are in control of the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus than in control of the sympathetic motor neurons. A5/RVLM, ros-
troventrolateral medulla; Ace, amygdala central part; ARC, arcuate nucleus; BNST, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; DMH,
dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus; DMV, dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus; IML, intermediolateral column; INS, insular
cortex; LC, locus coeruleus; LH, lateral hypothalamus; MPO, medial preoptic area; NTS, nucleus tractus solitarius; OVLT, orga-
num vasculosum of the lamina terminalis; PFC, prefrontal cortex; RCA, retrochiasmatic area; SCN, suprachiasmatic nucleus; SFO,
subfornical organ; VMH, ventromedial hypothalamus; PVNdv, paraventricular nucleus dorsal ventral; ZI, zona incerta. (Modified
from Buijs et al., 2001.)

Consequently, on the basis of these differences in Investigating this possibility, it was observed that there
activity and control, we cannot generalize and speak is a complete separation between neurons in all areas
about the sympathetic nervous system; rather, we need of the brain that give input to the parasympathetic sys-
to be specific and indicate which branches of the sympa- tem or sympathetic system – this separation extends as
thetic nervous system we are examining. far as the SCN (Fig. 1.3) (Buijs et al., 2003a). Moreover,
the same areas in the brain also show labeled neurons
Central control of different branches irrespective of the organ into which the virus was
of the sympathetic and parasympathetic injected (Strack et al., 1989), showing that these hypotha-
nervous system lamic nuclei are involved not only in driving parasympa-
thetic or sympathetic functions but also in the control of
After having concluded that a high differentiation a whole variety of organs.
with dissimilar activities exists between the various
parts of the sympathetic nervous system, we need to
consider that the activity of these diverse branches
Different neurons in the CNS control
needs to be controlled somehow by separate auto-
different organs
nomic motor neurons and separate systems in the
brain. Animal studies using pseudorabies virus This involvement of the same hypothalamic areas in the
(PRV) as a transneuronal tracer have shed some light control of different organs provoked the question
on this problem (Fig. 1.2A, B). PRV has the capacity to whether organs are influenced by a general drive from
be taken up by nerve endings and is retrogradely the hypothalamus, or whether the hypothalamus would
transported to the cell bodies that innervate an organ, be able to influence these organs separately, by using dis-
since the virus multiplies in the cell body and after similar neurons projecting exclusively to motor neurons
lysis will be taken up again by synaptic terminals that that are involved only in sending signals to a particular
innervate only this cell. PRV is then retrogradely organ. The development of genetically modified viruses
transported again until the chain of command has that produce different markers (Kim et al., 1999), allow-
been determined (Card et al., 1990). Initial studies ing the determination of the chain of command of sep-
using these viruses to trace the central preautonomic arate organs, helped to answer this question. It will be
neurons showed that, for example, in the hypothala- clear that such tracer studies require that survival time
mus, the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) and the lateral and infection speed are equal for the different tracers
hypothalamus (LH) always show PRV labeling, irre- and are very carefully controlled; if one virus infects fas-
spective of whether the brain was infected via the ter or has a faster route of infection this could easily lead
sympathetic motor neurons or via the parasympathetic to populations of neurons that show the two tracers in
motor neurons. This suggested that the same hypotha- error. Reliable analysis of transneuronal tracing is there-
lamic neurons may provide input to the sympathetic fore only possible when the different infection stages are
system as well as the parasympathetic system. carefully monitored and different survival times are used;

Fig. 1.3. Scheme of interaction between the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and the paraventricular nucleus (PVN).
Separate sympathetic (red) or parasympathetic (blue) neurons of the SCN project to preautonomic neurons of the PVN, where a
similar sympathetic–parasympathetic separation can be observed. Preautonomic neurons of the PVN project either to the pregan-
glionic sympathetic neurons in the intermediolateral (IML) column of the spinal cord, or to the preganglionic neurons of the dorsal
motor nucleus of the vagus (DMV). The presympathetic PVN neurons have axon collaterals to preparasympathetic neurons, either
in the PVN itself, or in the nucleus tractus solitarius. (Reproduced from Buijs et al., 2003a.)

under these conditions, infections up to the third order can true when intermediate ganglions are involved that
be analyzed. Such studies have been done for colon and transmit the message of the parasympathetic motor
bladder (Rouzade-Dominguez et al., 2003), for adrenal nuclei. However, as we will see, for some organs such
and ovary (Toth et al., 2008), and for subcutaneous and ganglia cannot be found, and therefore the origin of
intra-abdominal fat (Kreier et al., 2002). The general fea- the parasympathetic innervation to the organ is unclear
tures of these findings are that sympathetic motor neurons or controversial. Liver, spleen, and adipose tissue are
in the spinal cord projecting to these organs are completely examples of such organs. For the transmission of infor-
separated. The results for the preautonomic neurons in mation from parasympathetic ganglia, it is the case
brainstem and hypothalamus differ to some extent. Two that, unlike noradrenaline, ACh exhibits a very short
studies report the presence of hypothalamic neurons con- half-life of 1–2 milliseconds, due to the presence of
taining two viruses, indicating that the neuron can interact acetylcholinesterase, which hydrolyzes ACh at a high
with two organs, while also in the same sections, neurons rate. Close contact between cholinergic nerve terminals
are found that only project to one organ (Rouzade- and cells expressing ACh receptors is therefore
Dominguez et al., 2003; Toth et al., 2008). In contrast, required for the cholinergic control of these cells.
structures where only separate neurons are found, inner- The dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (DMV) and
vating either subcutaneous or intra-abdominal fat, range the nucleus ambiguus are the two nuclei in the brain-
from the SCN to the prefrontal cortex (Kreier et al., stem from which the parasympathetic output to most
2002). Consequently, the various studies showed that organs arises, either directly or via an intermediate
the brain has the capacity to differentiate its output with ganglion. Considering the direct input from these two
respect to its target structure in order to separate its signal, parasympathetic motor nuclei, it is important to keep
depending on the functionality of the organ. in mind that Ach is the neurotransmitter in just a part
of these neurons, in some of these colocalized with
dopamine (Jones and Beaudet, 1987; Huang et al.,
THE PARASYMPATHETIC 1993; Tsukamoto et al., 2005). Consequently, when
NERVOUS OUTPUT organs receive direct input from the DMV the para-
sympathetic neurotransmitter can be different from
Organization of the dorsal motor Ach. Furthermore, there are other parasympathetic
nucleus of the vagus nuclei in the brainstem and in the lower lumbar levels
The consensus is that the output of the parasympathetic of the spinal cord that provide parasympathetic inner-
nervous system (PNS) is mainly achieved by the release vation to, respectively, areas of the head and the repro-
of acetylcholine (ACh) from its nerve terminals. This is ductive organs (Janig and Habler, 2000).
In addition, neurons of the DMV have projections to neurons also project to the pancreas or to intra-
postganglionic neurons localized in the intestine (i.e., the abdominal fat, i.e., targeting the three tissues with the
mesenteric plexus). The role of the mesenteric plexus is same neuron. However, neurons that project to intra-
to provide the innervation to the intestines and to regu- abdominal fat do not project to subcutaneous fat, sug-
late, for example, its contractions. The large intestine gesting a divergent functionality. Not surprisingly in
differs in this respect from the rest of the gastrointesti- view of what we have seen before, within the rest of
nal tract: it receives a parasympathetic innervation from the brain a similar separation and specialization of neu-
two distinct sources: the DMV innervates the proximal rons was also observed (Kreier et al., 2005). A similar
colon and the sacral parasympathetic nucleus provides division in function can be suspected in hypothalamic
vagal input to the distal colon. To some extent this agrees neurons that project to DMV neurons projecting to dif-
with the segmental somatotopic organization of the sym- ferent parts of the stomach and different parts of the
pathetic system. However, the majority of the organs in ileum. We would therefore like to propose a specializa-
the body cavity receive input from the DMV, and there- tion of function within the PNS and SNS, a specialization
fore the question needs to be asked, does the DMV have not so much in their targets but more in the functions to
a somatotopic organization similar to that of the sympa- be executed. If the function of the ANS is seen as “sup-
thetic nervous system (SNS) and do its neurons provide porting and executing the physiological functions neces-
input to certain organs only? sary to support the behavior driven by the brain,” then it
can be hypothesized that the organization of the PNS and
SNS should follow the physiology. Consequently, it is
Differentiation of function within the
proposed that the ANS, whose output is controlled by
dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus
multiple areas within the brain, directs the body in sepa-
The answer to this question is revealing, showing speci- rate compartments and different functions rather than
ficity also within the DMV. A study by Hayakawa et al. as a whole. The reflexes will still be specifically aimed
(2003) analyzed the innervation of the stomach and at tuning particular organs, but they will take into
showed that the neurons projecting to the cardia, antrum, account the functionality of the whole compartment.
and pylorus are located throughout the entire DMV, sug-
gesting that the pylorus and the antrum are innervated
Intra-abdominal fat tissue and its
not only by the gastric branch, but also by the hepatic
relationship with disease
branch of the vagus nerve. In addition, this study indi-
cated that there is no distinctive topographic distribution Considering the specialization in the projections of DMV
in the DMV of gastric motor neurons that innervate dif- neurons to intra-abdominal fat or to subcutaneous fat,
ferent parts of the stomach, suggesting that there is no and the association of intra-abdominal fat with diabetes
topography in the DMV. However, a careful double- and hypertension, it has also been proposed that the
labeling study of the neurons innervating different parts body, with respect to the output of the ANS, can be
of the stomach showed that there is a differentiation of divided into different compartments: one that drives
function in the DMV neurons, because distinct neurons the region of the thorax and muscles and one that takes
in the DMV contact either the cardiac or the pyloric care of the organs in the abdomen (Kreier et al., 2003).
sphincter muscles. Additional confirmation of the target Anatomical evidence for such compartmentalization is
specificity of the DMV neurons can be found in the work given above. Since parasympathetic activity is associated
of Cailotto et al., who, after injections of the retrograde more with the uptake of glucose in the liver (Pocai et al.,
tracer CtB into the proximal and distal part of the ileum, 2005) and fat tissue (Kreier et al., 2002), and with the
observed the labeling of separate motor neurons in the release of insulin (Luzi et al., 1992), all neurons of the
DMV (Cailotto et al., 2012). Consequently, these results ANS involved in executing these functions can be con-
illustrate a high differentiation of function of DMV neu- sidered as belonging to one compartment. Normally
rons, which seems to coincide with the distinct tasks of the output of the ANS to such a compartment is in bal-
the targeted tissues. ance; however, lifestyle-associated behavior and other
The question whether this means a complete separa- disturbances may shift this balance and result in an
tion of function has featured in a study by Kreier et al., enhanced parasympathetic or sympathetic tone. It is pro-
who demonstrated that possibly not all neurons of the posed that in the metabolic syndrome resulting from life-
PNS and SNS target different organs, but that these neu- style changes and excessive food intake, this balance is
rons may be distinguished on the basis of their physiolog- shifted to a more sympathetic drive to the heart and mus-
ical function (Kreier et al., 2005). In this study it was cle compartment and a more parasympathetic drive to
observed that a large proportion of the DMV neurons the intra-abdominal compartment. This shift in auto-
project to the liver, and that a small number of these nomic balance consequently produces the accumulation

Fig. 1.4. Model of the metabolic syndrome caused by desynchronization. The disturbed output of the biological clock affects the
selective balance of the ANS in different parts of the body. In the intra-abdominal compartment, the ANS is shifted in favor of the
parasympathetic branch (blue), resulting in increased insulin secretion and growth of intra-abdominal fat tissue compared with
normal values (gray). Contrarily, in the thorax and movement compartment the sympathetic branch (red) prevails, leading to
high blood pressure and impaired glucose uptake by the muscle compared with normal values. In this model, the symptoms of
the metabolic syndrome are the result and not the cause of the disease. (Reproduced from Kreier et al., 2003.)

of intra-abdominal fat, since the uptake of fat is driven arising from the DMV (e.g., Magni and Carobi, 1983;
by the parasympathetic output. Lastly, this shifted bal- Kohno et al., 1987). The presence of retrograde labeled
ance of the ANS may also result in diabetes type 2 neurons in the DMV after tracer injection despite the
(enhanced parasympathetic drive to abdominal compart- absence of ACh in the liver indicates two important
ment) or hypertension (enhanced sympathetic drive to points, first that the DMV projects directly to the liver
thoracic compartment). (For more details and discussion without the mediation of a ganglion and second, that
on this topic see Kreier et al., 2003; Buijs and Kreier, the DMV might use neurotransmitters other than ACh
2006, and Fig. 1.4.) to signal to the liver, for example, dopamine, just as
has been shown for the stomach (Tsukamoto et al.,
2005). This might be true also for the other organs where
THE BLANK SPOTS the manner of innervation by parasympathetic nerves is
more controversial.
Interestingly, although all organs receive input from the
SNS, PNS input seems to be absent in some organs. Since
it is difficult to prove the absence of something, the
The spleen
absence of PNS innervation is mainly based on inability
to detect ACh and on the inability of some tracers to be Tracey’s group has demonstrated the inhibition of
taken up sufficiently to be detected in parasympathetic inflammation by stimulation of the vagus nerve, via an
motor nuclei. Relevant organs in this respect are the action on the Ach receptor in the spleen (Borovikova
spleen and white adipose tissue, while for organs such et al., 2000). The confirmation of this result of vagal
as kidney and adrenal it is generally accepted that they stimulation came later for intestinal inflammation (de
will not receive parasympathetic innervation, mainly Jonge et al., 2005). Following this, several studies have
due to the lack of macroscopic evidence for such input tried to investigate in more detail the importance of vagal
and the lack of retrograde tracing in the DMV. In spite of input and Ach receptors in the spleen. As early as 1929,
the fact that there is no evidence for the presence of ACh Henry Dale demonstrated the presence of acetylcholine
innervation of the liver (Schafer et al., 1998), tracing in the spleen (Dale and Dudley, 1929). However, ACh is
studies have for many years shown the presence of input now suggested to be present mainly in a specific memory
T cell population producing ACh, as these cells express surprisingly, these findings met with severe criticism from
choline acetyltransferase (Rosas-Ballina et al., 2011). those claiming that such DMV labeling is caused by leak-
Interestingly, in spite of neuroanatomical and physiolog- age of the tracers into the peritoneal cavity, thus causing
ical evidence for the presence of parasympathetic input nonspecific uptake and labeling of the DMV (Berthoud
to the spleen, as shown by means of retrograde tracing et al., 2006). However, these arguments do not explain
and the differential effect of parasympathetic denerva- the difference between DMV neurons specifically project-
tion or sympathetic denervation on the adaptive immune ing only to intra-abdominal fat tissue next to neurons only
response (Buijs et al., 2008), it has been suggested that the projecting to subcutaneous tissue, and the disappearance
vagal control of the spleen relies on vagal innervation of of this labeling after vagal denervation (Kreier and
splenic postganglionic sympathetic neurons (Rosas- Buijs, 2007). In addition, earlier studies have shown evi-
Ballina et al., 2008). This last suggestion was recently dence of the labeling of DMV neurons after PRV injection
challenged by a study showing the absence of neuronal into BAT tissue not receiving Ach innervation (Bamshad
contacts between vagus nerve fibers and ganglion neu- et al., 1999 – see Figures 2 and 3 in that paper). Recently,
rons projecting to the spleen (Bratton et al., 2012). Future in fact, support for a vagal influence for the growth of
studies will be necessary to determine how the vagus may intra-abdominal fat tissue was provided by a surgical inter-
influence the functioning of the spleen and which neuro- vention in humans. Since bodyweight loss is a common
transmitters may be used for this. With respect to the problem in patients after gastrectomy, it was hypothesized
vagal inflammatory pathway, all these studies taken that selective vagotomy in gastrectomy would result in
together suggest that, at least, the brain plays an impor- preferential reduction of visceral fat; indeed, sparing the
tant role in modifying the immune response by changing vagus nerve largely prevented this weight loss (Miyato
the autonomic outflow of the vagus. This was confirmed et al., 2012).
in a study by de Jonge et al. (2005), who used vagal stim- In view of the direct labeling of DMV neurons after
ulation and observed an amelioration of surgery-induced injection of the conventional tracer CtB into the spleen,
inflammation and postoperative ileus. The question liver and adipose tissue, the most likely explanation is
whether the vagus may indeed serve as a reflex arc that these organs receive direct input from the DMV
was recently answered by Cailotto et al. (2012), who dem- without the ganglion functioning as a go-between. This
onstrated that, after manipulation of the rat intestine, would explain both the retrograde labeling after injection
which normally leads to postoperative ileus, a vagovagal of nonviral retrograde tracers that cannot pass a synapse
reflex was indeed initiated, with a selective activation of and the absence of acetylcholine in liver, adipose tissue,
neurons in the NTS and DMV whereby nearly 50% of the and spleen nerve fibers. Research aimed at identifying
activated DMV neurons project to the zone of inflamma- the transmitters used by the DMV to transmit its
tion. Since the majority of the descending projections of message should clarify this.
the hypothalamus terminate in the NTS (Fig. 1.3), this con-
struction allows the brain an excellent opportunity to
modify this vagal reflex.
Although much is known about the organization of the
output of the ANS to our organs, there is relatively little
Adipose tissue
knowledge about the feedback of our organs to the
Based mainly on the absence of the presence of acetylcho- brain. It is safe to assume that every organ has the capac-
line (ACh) (Bryant et al., 1983), adipose tissue was also ity to reach the brain via the release of hormones and thus
assumed not to receive parasympathetic input, until its to provide feedback to the control center of the ANS.
presence was detected in brown adipose tissue (BAT) Examples of this are the secretion of cortisol and aldo-
around the heart (Schafer et al., 1998), in the form of the sterone by the adrenal, leptin and adiponectin by adipose
vesicular acetylcholine transporter. White adipose tissue tissue, renin by the kidney, angiotensinogen and fibro-
(WAT) also fails to show the presence of ACh or its trans- blast growth factors by the liver, and so on. Most of these
porter. Even so, just as in the spleen, injections of PRV substances also target at least the CNS, where, if they are
revealed the presence of retrogradely labeled neurons in unable to pass the blood–brain barrier, they act in areas
the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus. Interestingly, just where the blood–brain barrier is absent, such as the cir-
as with the spleen, injections of the retrograde monosynap- cumventricular organs (Smith and Ferguson, 2010).
tic retrograde tracers CtB or fluorogold revealed retro- Since these circumventricular organs have extensive pro-
gradely labeled neurons in the DMV, and the proof of jections to autonomic targets within the hypothalamus or
the specificity of this tracing was that it was undetectable in the brainstem and spinal cord, they form an excellent
after parasympathetic denervation of the organ (Kreier feedback circuit. For example, it is known that angioten-
et al., 2002; Buijs et al., 2008; Cailotto et al., 2012). Not sin II acts on the circumventricular organs not only to
stimulate water intake but also to increase blood pres- peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor, which leads
sure via the ANS in order to compensate for volume loss to liver steatosis, results in a loss of peripheral adiposity
(Hendel and Collister, 2005). In addition, much is known and an increase in energy expenditure. Tellingly, these
about visceral feedback that reaches the brainstem in the effects were nullified by selective sensory denervation
area of the NTS via the sensory vagus nerve. This feed- of the vagus nerve, which underlines the importance
back innervation has a general somatotopic distribution of sensory liver, brain signaling (Uno et al., 2006).
whereby even different areas of the alimentary tract Similarly, but in this case as a reflection of an unbalance
have different terminal fields in the NTS (Altschuler of the autonomic output of the brain, the association
et al., 1989; Broussard and Altschuler, 2000). In addition, between intra-abdominal fat and the metabolic syn-
the brain receives feedback from the organs via spinal drome might originate in a behavior that is not in line
sensory terminals (Khurana and Petras, 1991; Morita with the physiological demands of the body, but which
et al., 1991; Qin et al., 2003). Despite the fact that the eventually leads to symptoms of liver steatosis and/or
functional significance of the messages able to reach glucose unbalance, resulting in the accumulation of
the brain via spinal afferents from the organs is largely intra-abdominal fat in one case and hypertension in
unknown, more and more evidence has been presented the other (Kreier et al., 2003; Salgado-Delgado et al.,
that the sensory feedback via spinal sensory nerves is 2010, 2013). Animal experiments showing a disturbance
also associated with physiological changes perceived in the liver enzymes and glucose levels in the circulation
by the organ (de Jonge et al., 2003; Qin et al., 2003; after an unbalance of the autonomic interaction with the
Schliess and Haussinger, 2006; Reinehr et al., 2010; liver (Cailotto et al., 2007) also support the hypothesis
Doignon et al., 2011; Lechner et al., 2011). Most of these that lack of balance in the autonomic output to a single
signals may be aimed at regulating the function of the organ may have effects not only on the organ itself but
organ in a “reflex” manner, but there is also evidence also on the entire physiology.
that this feedback may influence the function of other
organs, or behavior, via neuronal sensory feedback CONCLUDING REMARKS
(Uno et al., 2006; Warne et al., 2007).
In this chapter, the importance of the interaction
between brain and body in order to maintain homeostasis
THE BRAIN BALANCES ITS has been emphasized. This is not just a matter of a top-
AUTONOMIC OUTPUT down or reflex regulation, it is also a matter of signals
from the organs influencing the functioning of the brain
As will become clear from many chapters in this book,
while the reflex regulation of blood pressure and heart is
the organs of our body need a careful balance between
subject to modulation by descending information from
themselves and the brain. The autonomic nervous system
several areas in hypothalamus or cortex. The output of
is the main carrier of direct information between all
the CNS to control its autonomic output shows an amaz-
these parts. If even only one organ is off balance this
ing differentiation; not only are there different neurons
may, via sensory and hormonal pathways, influence
within, for example, the biological clock or prefrontal
the functioning of the whole system. This becomes clear
cortex, which may influence selectively the parasympa-
when behavior is not in line with the message of the brain.
thetic or sympathetic motor neurons, there are also dif-
For instance, when our biological clock tells us that it is
ferent neurons that project to different body
time to fast and rest, and we eat or are active instead, as
compartments. Visceral sensory information may reach
is the case in shift work, the result is an increased risk of
higher centers in the CNS via vagal or spinal sensory
hypertension, obesity, and diabetes (Gangwisch et al.,
pathways, leading to integrated responses taking into
2006, 2007; Nabe-Nielsen et al., 2008; Scheer et al.,
account such factors as time of day, season, reproduc-
2009). Animal studies have shown that this might be
tive status, and mood. Based on all that information,
due to a lack of balance not only in physiological pro-
the brain sets the balance of the different parts of the
cesses but also in the molecular machinery of organs
ANS, changing the emphasis of the ANS output depend-
such as the liver, which could lead to liver steatosis
ing on the situation. If that balance is disturbed, either by
(Salgado-Delgado et al., 2010, 2013). What emphasizes
behavior or by disease of the organ, this may lead to
the importance of maintaining balance in the interaction
pathology that may affect the functioning of the whole
between the various organs is that liver steatosis, with or
without associated obesity, is often associated with kid-
ney disease (Targher et al., 2012; Abenavoli et al., 2013).
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