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In the praise of Hazrat Shah Kalimullah Jehanabadi

                Mausoleum of Hazrat Shah Kalimullah Jehanabadi

Oh Shah of Delhi you are master of the world

Your position is higher among all holy persons

Your status is great as you are master of the world

 You have given status to Islam at the higher level

You are great as you are among the holy persons

You are the world king and all are your servants 
You are on the right path of Allah and prophet
So you are the great Sultan of all holy persons

It shows that you are on the right path of Islam 

And for sake of Islam, you have tried very hard
May Allah increase your status of the holiness
There will be success to you for this reason
 Oh Sultan your name is famous and known     
 Your influence is the higher and very great
Oh, Shah of time, Fatima is your old servant 
 So do not forget her wishes and the desires
Kindly give success to your book of biography 
Which is going to be print all over the world
Oh Shah of Delhi grant wishes of Fatima and all 
As they are on your door of kindness and favor
We request you to grant wishes oh Shah of Delhi 
So we could not go back empty from your door
At last give permission to Fatima to leave your court 
 It is sad that still your works not known in the world
By your book, your works will be known in the world 
And there will be much pleasure and comfort to all

                 By Fatima Ather


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