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Jay Kandampully, PhD, is Associate Professor

and Head of Services Management and Hospital-
ity, Faculty of Business, Economics and Law,
The University of Queensland, Ipswich, Australia.
Dr. Kandampully has nine years of managerial ex-
perience in hotels in Austria, India, and the United
States. He enjoys close alliances with leading ser-
vice organizations in the United States, United
Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore,
Malaysia, and India, where he is often invited to
conduct management seminars to update managers
with nascent strategies. He is the author of the book Hotels As Integrated
Services scheduled for publication in 2000. He has published over fifty
articles and has presented numerous papers at international conferences on
issues relating to service quality, services marketing, and services manage-
ment. His research publication on the concept of "Service Loyalty" earned
him the prestigious "Literati Award" for the most outstanding paper of
1997, published in the journal Managing Service Quality. Dr. Kandampul-
ly's recent publication in the journal Management Decision received the
"1999 Citation of Excellence Award." He was also recognized for "Excel-
lence in Teaching" in 1997 and 1998. Dr. Kandampully serves on the
editorial board of six refereed journals and is the editor of the journal
Managing Service Quality. He holds a PhD in service quality management,
and an MBA specializing in services marketing, both from the University of
Copyright © 2001. Routledge. All rights reserved.

Exeter, England. His undergraduate qualification was in Hotel Management

from Salzburg, Austria.
Connie Mok, PhD, is Associate Professor in the
Conrad N. Hilton College of Hotel and Restaurant
Management at the University of Houston in Tex-
as. Dr. Mok has extensive teaching, industrial, and
consulting experience in the hospitality and tour-
ism fields. She is the author or co-author of over
sixty-five published articles in academic journals,
conference proceedings, books, and trade journals.
Her research articles have been published in the
United States, United Kingdom, India, Hong Kong,
China, and Australia. She serves on the editorial
Mok, Connie, et al. Service Quality Management in Hospitality, Tourism, and Leisure, Routledge, 2001. ProQuest Ebook
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xii Service Quality Management in Hospitality, Tourism, and Leisure

boards of seven refereed academic journals. Dr. Mok received her PhD in
Marketing from Murdoch University, her Masters degree from Iowa State
University, and her undergraduate degree from the Conrad N. Hilton Col-
lege of Hotel and Restaurant Management at the University of Houston.
Beverley Sparks, PhD, is Associate Professor in
Hotel Management at the School of Tourism and
Hotel Management, Griffith University, Gold Coast,
Australia. Dr. Sparks has been involved in teaching
and research at the tertiary level for over twelve
years and maintains a close alliance with the hotel
industry. Prior to entering tertiary teaching, Dr. Sparks
ran her own restaurant in country Victoria, Austra-
lia. She has also worked in major hotels throughout
Australia and New Zealand. Her research interests
include service quality, customer satisfaction, and
service recovery. She has several publications in top international hospitality
journals. She serves on the editorial boards of numerous prestigious aca-
demic journals. Dr. Sparks is very active in presenting seminars and confer-
ence papers, both nationally and internationally. Her refereed paper won the
Best Paper Award in Marketing at the 1996 CHRIE conference. Dr. Sparks
is the president of the Australian and New Zealand Chapter of CHRIE.f
Copyright © 2001. Routledge. All rights reserved.

Mok, Connie, et al. Service Quality Management in Hospitality, Tourism, and Leisure, Routledge, 2001. ProQuest Ebook
Created from uwsau on 2019-12-10 02:18:40.

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