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Plant Maintenance organizational Structure

Business Blueprint Document

Business Blueprint Document

Plant Maintenance Organizational


Submitted: Wednesday, October 16, 2019

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Plant Maintenance organizational Structure
Business Blueprint Document

The following table identifies those to whom this document has been distributed for review:

Document Distribution
Name Role Responsibility
Martin Hawkins General Manager - Operations Document Approver
Ahmed Al Mamari ERP Project Manager Document Approver
Binod Jha Area Manager Maintenance Document Approver
Jose Ordonez Area Manager Maintenance Document Approver
Christopher HANNAN Team Leader Projects & Integration Document Reviewer
Siraj Hussain Senior SAP PM Specialist Document Author

Version and Distribution History

Date Brief Comments on Change Author
V1 15.10.2019 Initially Created Siraj Hussain

Sign Off
Name Signature Date
Martin Hawkins

Ahmed Al Mamari

Binod Jha

Jose Ordonez

Christopher HANNAN

Siraj Hussain

Plant maintenance
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Plant Maintenance organizational Structure
Business Blueprint Document

1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY......................................................................................... 4
2 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 5
2.1 PURPOSE OF THIS DOCUMENT ......................................................................................................... 5
2.2 CONTEXT..................................................................................................................................... 5

3 BUSINESS BLUEPRINT ............................................................................................ 6

3.1 PROCESS SCOPE .......................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 PROCESS FLOW ............................................................................................................................ 6
3.3 PROCESS DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................. 6
3.4 BUSINESS ORGANISATION .............................................................................................................. 7
3.5 ROLES ......................................................................................................................................... 7
3.6 INTERDEPENDENCIES ..................................................................................................................... 7
3.7 WRICEF ..................................................................................................................................... 8
3.8 STANDARD REPORTS ..................................................................................................................... 8
3.9 BUSINESS CHANGE IMPACT / DEVIATIONS ........................................................................................ 9

4 IMPLEMENTATION BLUEPRINT ............................................................................. 9

4.1 SAP ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE ................................................................................................. 9
4.2 SAP PROCESS CORE CONFIGURATION FOR ORGANIZATIONAL ELEMENTS ............................................. 9
4.3 SAP MASTER DATA ..................................................................................................................... 12
4.4 MIGRATION NEEDS (HL) .............................................................................................................. 14
4.5 IDENTIFIED GAPS ....................................................................................................................... 14

5 OUTSTANDING ITEMS ........................................................................................ 16

6 APPENDIX A – ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................ 17

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Business Blueprint Document

1 Executive Summary
This Business Blueprint Document is focused on the plant maintenance Organizational elements.
Organizational structure in SAP contains the elements necessary to manage and control the
business. These organizational elements represent the legal, physical or managerial structure of a
company. The organizational structure provides SAP hierarchy, which is the backbone of SAP
system. SAP hierarchy is linked to every transaction and master data element. DUQM REFINERY will
use this process to build key organizational elements for plant maintenance module

The Organizational elements used in this document are:

✓ Maintenance plant
✓ Planning plant
✓ Planner groups
✓ Work centers

By building this master data DUQM REFINERY will be able to finalize the locations where maintenance
will be undertaken, place where planning will be undertaken, would be able to identify its planners and
technician groups for its maintenance locations,

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Business Blueprint Document

2 Introduction
2.1 Purpose of this document
The Business Blueprint Document is the main deliverable of the Business Blueprint phase. The
blueprint document is a framework for understanding how DUQM REFINERY’s future business
processes will be supported by SAP. The purpose of this document is to verify that a proper
understanding of how DUQM REFINERY’s requirements will be met by this process has been
The blueprint also finalizes the process scope of the project.

2.2 Context
Duqm Refinery and Petrochemical Industries Company L.L.C is a Joint Venture (JV) between Oman
Oil Company (OOC) and Kuwait Petroleum International (KPI). This strategic partnership between
OOC and KPI has been established in the incorporation of Duqm Refinery, based in Al Duqm located
in the South East Al Wusta Governorate of the Sultanate of Oman. This gives the project a strategic
maritime location and a competitive advantage being in the path of international shipping lines in the
Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea thus easing the process of transport in and out of the region.

Once the refinery is completed, it will have the capacity to process around 230,000 barrels of crude oil
per day. Diesel, jet fuel, naphtha and LPG are to be its primary products. DUQM REFINERY & ORPIC
are now under the umbrella of New Group and collaborates through agreement of SLA/MSA.

This Business Blueprint is based on DUQM REFINERY accepting ORPIC SAP practices & processes
with modifications only where necessary and where it will not impact any Group Operating

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3 Business blueprint
This section outlines the to-be DUQM REFINERY business locations.

DUQM REFINERY consists of Six (03) physical locations,

✓ Ras Markaz for Crude Tanks Terminal Operate & Maintain by OTTCO.
✓ Duqm for Refinery Processing &
- Solid Handling (Operate & Maintain by 3rd Party).
✓ Duqm Port for Product Terminal Operate & Maintain OTTCO.

At Ras Al Markaz there some no. of Crude Tanks which will receive crude oil via shipping. Duqm
Refinery transports this oil to Duqm refinery location via 70-80 km pipelines. Oil is refined here and
transported to product terminals from where it will be distributed to product terminals and finally
exported from there. However, OTTCO (separate same group company) will operate and maintain
Pipelines and Terminals.

Maintenance functions have 04 execution departments depend upon areas of refinery and one central
/ shared service department. Each of these departments consists of various teams to cater to
maintenance requirements. The organogram of the Maintenance function depicts further details.

3.1 Process Scope

In Scope

The organizational elements finalized for this process would be limited to above locations and
departments mentioned. However, provision will be available for creating any new location at later

Out of scope /Limited scope

New Petrochemical Complex project is under way. The maintenance structure for this is not known.
Hence its implementation of PM Module will be considered at later stage.

3.2 Process flow

This document deals with Organizational elements. Hence no process flow is considered. These data
will be uploaded to system as part of realization phase.

3.3 Process description

This document deals with Organizational elements. Hence no process description is considered.
These data will be uploaded to system as part of realization phase.

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Business Blueprint Document

3.4 Business Organisation

NOTE: This can be changed as per group business blueprints. However, finalized plant-based
planner groups and work centres must remain same.

3.5 Roles
Depending on which position an DUQM REFINERY employee holds in the company SAP roles need
be assigned to enable their duties to be carried out according to their position in the process. SAP
best practise roles restrict users to specific transactions to ensure proper segregation of duties.

Each role involved in the process above is described below.

Business Role Descriptions

Role Technical Description
Refer to The maintenance master data team role holders will be responsible
master data
Master Data to maintaining Maintenance plant, assigning planning plant to
BBP maintenance plants, maintain planner groups and work centers.

3.6 Interdependencies
Required dependency with other modules
PM Objcet Integration with CO Integration with Integration with MM
Maintenance MM specialist must create Commented [BJ1]: Who will be material specialist Is SAP
pant logistics plant with reference of MM Mode owned by other( Who)
creation Duqm Refinery Company
WorkCenter For cost center For Employee
integration with PM
work center

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Business Blueprint Document

Required dependency with other modules

PM Objcet Integration with CO Integration with Integration with MM
For Activity type costing
for workcenter cost For PM work center
centers Integration with HR
For activity costing for
external work center .

Cost center design will

to view cost at
Maintenance Locations

Activity costing will help

to monitor external
contract / internal labour

3.7 WRICEF Commented [BJ2]: PLs elaborate what it mean

SAP applications can be customised to suit customer specific needs in a number of ways. Perhaps
the standard options are not sufficient to meet your mandatory requirements (e.g. a legal obligation)
or personalisation is desired (e.g. branding customer/supplier communications, DUQM REFINERY
KPI reporting).
One of Project stated objectives is to adopt ORPIC and SAP Oil and Gas best processes minimizing
customization, however WRICEFs can be accepted provided the development is approved by the
Project Change Control Procedure.

WRICEF Description
Type Business Justification Description Complexity

Note: This BBP document does not identify any WRICEF.

3.8 Standard Reports

SAP offers a number of standard reports that can be used to assist with this process. Important
reports are listed below.

SAP Standard Reports

T-Code Report Title Description
Display work centers This report helps to see details in individual work
Display capacity of a work
CR13 Display capacity of a work center
Work centre list This will list the work centers on many criteria like
CR08 Work Center Hierarchy View a work center hierarchy for a plant
Work Center where used
CA80 Lists where the work centers have been used

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Business Blueprint Document

3.9 Business change impact / deviations

No major Business impact rather it is aligned with business execution teams.

4 Implementation blueprint
4.1 SAP organizational structure
The maintenance organogram for DUQM REFINERY is as under.

4.2 SAP process core configuration for organizational elements

• Maintenance plant
Plant is an organizational unit serving to subdivide an enterprise according to production,
procurement, maintenance, and materials planning aspects. It is a place where either material
is produced or goods and services are provided.
A maintenance plant is a plant in which the technical objects (functional locations, equipment)
of a company are installed. The maintenance plants are assigned to the maintenance planning
plants. For Duqm Refinery, it will be 3101.

• Maintenance Planning plant

The maintenance planning plant for a technical object is the plant in which the maintenance
tasks for the object are planned and prepared. Maintenance planner groups work at the

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Business Blueprint Document

maintenance planning plant to plan and prepare the maintenance tasks for the plants that are
assigned to the maintenance planning plant. It will be same as maintenance plant 3101.

NOTE: Group OTTCO company will operate pipelines and terminals of Duqm Refinery. So,
related Maintenance & Planning plants will be covered in separate BBP of OTTCO. However,
all assets covered by Duqm Refinery EPCs will be capitalized under Duqm Refinery Company
code i.e. 3100.

• Planner group
Planner groups or maintenance planning groups must be defined separately for each
maintenance planning plant. Depending on the size and structure of your company, a
maintenance planning group may be an individual department (for central work preparation),
a group of skilled craftsmen or a workshop.
Every piece of equipment and functional location can be allocated to a maintenance planning

Maintenance planning groups can also be used for evaluation purposes.

You must also specify a maintenance planning group when processing maintenance tasks.

Configuration steps for Organizational elements Maintenance plant and

maintenance planning plants
SAP Config Desc Menu Path Rationale
Maintenance Creating maintenance SPRO(configuration)→Enterprise All locations Commented [BJ3]: Pls elaborate SPRO
planning planning plant structure → Definition→Plant where
plant Maintenance→ Maintain maintenance
maintenance planning plant takes place are
mapped as
Maintenance Assign maintenance SPRO(Configuration)→Enterprise Planning plants
plant planning plant to structure → Assignment →Plant are locations
Maintenance plant Maintenance→ Assign maintenance where
planning plant to maintenance plant maintenance
activities takes

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Business Blueprint Document

Planner Group Nomenclature

Planner group Code Description
First digit is discipline
R – Rotating
S – Static etc.

Second digit is the planner group number

1 – Planner group 1
2 – Planner group 2 etc.
Nil in case of single planner

Last digit is the plant

E.g.: R1S – Rotating Planner group 1 in Duqm S – Sohar Refinery
Refinery M – MAF Refinery
D – Duqm Refinery
Nil in case of TA Planners because they are
independent of plant

Configuration steps for Planner groups

SAP Config Desc Menu Path Rationale
Maintenance Creating maintenance SPRO→Plant Logic for coding planner
planner planner group maintenance and groups
group customer service

Maintenance planner groups finalised are as under .

Planning Plant * Planner group Planner group description
3101 C1D Civil planner
3101 E1D Electricl Planner1
3101 G1D Inspection Permit
3101 H1D HSE Planner
3101 I1D Instrm'nt planner1
3101 P1D Maint Project Plng
3101 R1D Rotating Planner 1
3101 R2D Rotating Planner 2
3101 S1D Static Planner 1
3101 S2D Static Planner 2 Commented [BJ4]: In new approach ORPIC is going to
merge Rotary and Static as Mechanical. Pls confirm to align
3101 T1 Turnaround planr 1 now
3101 T2 Turnaround planr 2
3101 T3 Turnaround planr 3
3101 T4 Turnaround planr 4
3101 W1D Workshop planner 1

* Planner groups may be added / modified at time of realization phase but before any Master
Data Uploads.

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Configuration steps for Planner groups

SAP Config Desc Menu Path Rationale

4.3 SAP master data

Work Center

In the ECC System work centers are business objects that can represent the following real work
centers, for example:
• Machines, machine groups
• Production lines
• Assembly work centers
• Employees, groups of employees

Data in work centers is used for

• Scheduling
Operating times and formulas are entered in the work center, so that the duration of an
operation can be calculated.
• Costing
Formulas are entered in the work center, so that the costs of an operation can be calculated. A
work center is also assigned to a cost center.

• Capacity planning
• The available capacity and formulas for calculating capacity requirements are entered in the
work center.

• Simplifying operation maintenance

Various default values for operations can be entered in the work center.

A work center is created for a plant and is identified by a key. The work center category, which
you define in Customizing the work center, determines which data can be maintained in the
work center.
The data is grouped thematically together in screens and screen groups. Examples of such
screen or screen groups are:
• Basic Data
• Assignments (to cost centers, Human Resource Management System (HR))
• Capacities
• Scheduling
• Default values
• Hierarchy
• Technical data

Work Center Hierarchies

Work centers can be arranged in hierarchies. These are important in capacity planning. You use
hierarchies to cumulate available capacities and capacity requirements in a hierarchy work
center. This will also be used as name of executing group on Daily Schedule report and Weekly
Schedule report.

Assignments to Objects in the Human Resource Management System

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Business Blueprint Document

A Logistics work center can be assigned to either an organizational unit or a work center in the
Human Resource Management System (HRMS). Assignments to other HR-objects, for example
employees or qualifications, can be maintained via the HR work center.

Work Center Nomenclature

Work Center Code Description
First Two characters – Plant Identification OR
SR – Sohar Refinery
MR – MAF Refinery
DR – Duqm Refinery OR
DL – Duqm Location

Next Two characters – Departments / Discipline

IN – Instrumentation
RT - Rotating
ST - Static
EL – Electrical etc.

Last two digits – Teams # OR Abbreviation

T1 – Team 1
T2 – Team 2
E.g.: DRRTT1 – Rotating Team 1 in Duqm CS – Control Systems etc.

Work Control
Plant Center Short description Keys
3101 DRSTT1 Static Area1 -– DR PM01
3101 DRSTT2 Static Area2 -– DR PM01
3101 DRSTT3 Static Area3 - DR PM01
3101 DRSTT4 Static Area4 -– DR PM01
3101 DRRTT1 Rotating Area1 -– DR PM01 Commented [BJ5]: Orpic is going for Mechanical in place of
Static and rotary so do we need to align
3101 DRRTT2 Rotating Area2 -– DR PM01
3101 DRRTT3 Rotating Area3 - DR PM01
3101 DRRTT4 Rotating Area4 -– DR PM01
3101 DRINT1 Instrument Area1 -– DR PM01
3101 DRINT2 Instrument Area2 -– DR PM01
3101 DRINT3 Instrument Area3 - DR PM01
3101 DRINT4 Instrument Area4 -– DR PM01
3101 DLINWS Duqm Location Instrument Workshop PM01 Commented [BJ6]: Need to add for Analyser
Instrumentation and Control system DCS
3101 DRGNER DR General (ERC Costing) ZPM3
3101 DRELT1 Electrical Area1 -– DR PM01
3101 DRELT2 Electrical Area2 -– DR PM01
3101 DRELT3 Electrical Area3 - DR PM01

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3101 DRELT4 Electrical Area4 -– DR PM01

3101 DLELWS Duqm Location Electrical Workshop PM01 Commented [BJ7]: Repair and maintenance and Power
electronics to be 2 different work centre
3101 DRWST1 Workshop Team 1 - Machining 1 PM01
3101 DRWST2 Workshop Team 1 - Machining 2 PM01 Commented [BJ8]: Workshop each craft catagory will be a
work centre like we put for other discipline
3101 DRWST3 Workshop Team 2 -– Welding PM01
3101 DRWST4 Workshop Team 3 -– RVs PM01
Predictive -– Optional
3101 DRPDT1 Predictive Team 1 PM01
Operation -– Optional
3101 DRFST1 Fire Services Team 1 -– DR PM01
3101 DRFST2 Fire Services Team 2 -– DR
Operation -– Optional
3101 DROPT1 OperationArea1 -– DR PM01
3101 DROPT2 OperationArea2 -– DR PM01
3101 DROPT3 OperationArea3 - DR PM01
3101 DROPT4 OperationArea4 -– DR PM01
External Service Team (Only for Scheduling without Cost)
3101 DLMESF Mechanical Scaffolding Team - Duqm ZPM2
3101 DLMEIN Mechanical Insulation Team -– Duqm ZPM2
3101 DLMELF Mechanical Crane Lifting Team - Duqm ZPM2
3101 DLMEMT Mechanical Transportation Team - Duqm ZPM2
3101 DLMEPN Mechanical Painting Team -– Duqm ZPM2
Inspection Department Permit Applicants - Optional
3101 DLISPT Duqm Location Inspection Permits PM01
Project Department Permit Applicants -– Optional
3101 DLPSPT Duqm Location Projects Permits PM01

NOTE: Blue Colour Work centers are optional. All Work center will be created directly in QA
and PRD system as master data and any changes will be taken care.

4.4 Migration needs (HL)

For the maintenance plant, Planning plant, planner group , Work centers no data migration need
exists .. Since this is master data therefore it can be changed before creating in QA and PRD servers
only according to logic mentioned above. Above applicable control keys are mentioned in below
screen shots.

4.5 Identified GAPs

During the blueprint process number of GAPs have been identified that need to be kept in mind
throughout realisation and addressed prior to Go-Live.

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Business Blueprint Document

Title Description of Functional Recommendation to Fulfil

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Business Blueprint Document

5 Outstanding Items
At the time of submission not all open questions have been answered. The following items are
required to be clarified as early as possible during build or could jeopardise implementation timelines.

Outstanding Items
Item Owner Description / Expected Action
1 Binod Business Organization Structure Commented [BJ9]: Not yet approved
2 Binod Final List of Planner Groups Commented [BJ10]: Based on final organisation and
3 Binod Final List of Work Centers ORPIC approach clarity for Rotary amd Staic and other work
stream will finalize

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6 Appendix A – Abbreviations
A description of each of the symbols used in SAP best practice process flows is provided below.

• DR – Duqm Refinery
• PM – Plant Maintenance
• MDM – Master Data Management
• BBP – Business Blueprint
• OTTCO – Oman Tank Terminal Company
• WRICEF – Workflows, Reports, Interfaces, Conversions, Enhancements, Forms.

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Duqm Refinery
COO Organization
Structure & Mobilization
Plan 12-May-2020
COO Leadership Team

COO Leadership Team


Executive Executive
Administration Technical
Assistant Assistance

GM Operations GM Maintenance GM TSD GM HSSE&S

COO Leadership Team

Operations Maintenance Technical HSSE&S TOTAL

Final Plan (*) 258 185 102 96 641
Old plan (*) 259 193 86 113 651
(*) without Contractor Employees

Operations Dept.

Operations Department

General Manager

Refinery Shift
Executive Assistant
Superintendent (5)

Operations Complex Operations Complex Operations Complex

Operations Complex
Manager Hydro- Manager Manager Offsites
Manager Heavy Oils
Processing Sulfur/Utility/ WWTP and Logistic

Operations Department
Mobilization Plan
Incremental by Area 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
On-Seat Date May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
GM Ops and Maint
Operations Complex Area Manager
Refinery Shift Superintendents
Business Analyst
Executive Assistant
Operations Area Team Leader
Senior Operations Engineers SUW:1 HO:1 HP:1
Operations Engineers OL: 1
HOC: 1 HPC:1
Operations Maintenance Coordinator (OMC) OL: 1 HOD: 1 HPD:1
Operations Training Coordinators SUW: 1 HP:1
Operations Shift Team Leader (OSTL) HPD:4
OL: 3 HOD: 4 SUWS:4
HOC: 8 HOD: 8
Senior Operator (SO) SUWU: 8 HPD:4 OL: 4 HPD:4
SUWS:8 OL: 4
HOC: 8
HOD: 8
Panel Operator (PO) SUWU: 8 OL: 4 OL: 4 HPC:8
HOC: 12
Field Operator (FO) SUWU: 12 HPC:6 HPD:8 HPC:6 HOD: 12
OL: 10
OL: 10
30 21 54 36 28 31 12 24

Operations Department– Heavy Oils Complex

Operations Complex

Operations Operations Shift Team Operations

Operations Shift Team Leader DCU Operations Support Operations Training
Maintenance Maintenance
Leader CDU (1/Crew = 4) Team Leader Heavy Oils Coordinator
Coordinator CDU (1/Crew = 4) Coordinator DCU

Operations Senior/Panel Operations Senior/Panel

Operator DCU Senior/Operations
Operator CDU
Engineer (3)
(2/Crew = 8) (2/Crew = 8)

Operations Senior/Field Operations Senior/Field

Operator CDU Operator DCU
(5/Crew = 20) (5/Crew = 20)

Operations Department-- Hydroprocessing Complex

Operations Complex

Operations Shift Team Operations Operations Shift Team Operations Operations Support
Leader HCU Operations Training
Leader HPU/DHT Maintenance Maintenance Team Leader
(1/Crew = 4) Coordinator HPU/DHT (1/Crew = 4) Coordinator HCU Hydroprocessing

Operations Senior/Panel Operations Senior/Panel

Operator HCU Senior/Operations
Operator HPU/DHT
Engineer (3)
(2/Crew = 8) (2/Crew = 8)

Operations Senior/Field Operations Senior/Field

Operator HPU/DHT Operator HCU
(4/Crew = 16) (5/Crew = 20)

Operations Department -- Sulfur/Utilities Complex

Operations Complex

Operations Shift Team Operations Operations Shift Team Operations

Operations Support Operations Training Marafiq Power Plant Oman Gas Pipeline
Leader Sulfur Maintenance Leader Utilities Maintenance
Team Leader SUW Coordinator Manager Manager
(1/Crew = 4) Coordinator Sulfur (1/Crew = 4) Coordinator Utilities

Senior/Panel Operator Senior/Operations
Senior/Panel Operator
Utilities (2/Crew = Engineer (3)
Sulfur (2/Crew = 8)

Operations Senior/Field Operations Senior/Field

Operator Sulfur Operator Utilities
(4/Crew = 16) (5/Crew = 20)

Operations Department – Off sites and Logistics Complex

Operations Complex

Crude Receiving Terminal

Operations Area Shift Operations Maintenance
Senior Engineer Solids Handling and Product Export
Team Leader Offsites and Coordinator Offsites and
Operations Supervisor Contract Terminal Operations
Logistics (1/Crew = 4) Logistics
Manager (OTTCO)

Operations Senior/Panel
Operator Offsites and
Logistics (2/Crew = 8)

Operations Senior/Field
Operator Offsites and
Logistics (7/Crew = 28)

Maintenance Dept.

Maintenance Dept.



Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance

Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager
Static Rotary Instrumentation Electrical Planning
Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance
Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance
Team Leader Sr.Engineer Team Leader
Engineer Team Leader Engineer Rotary Team Team Leader Engineer Team Leader Team Leader
PdM and Instrumentation / Performance
Static Static (3) Rotating Leader (2) Control Systems Instrument (2) Electrical Electrical (3) Planning and
Workshop Supervisor and contract
Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Supervisor Supervisor Electric Power Maintenance Planner
Sr.Engineer Supervisor Supervisor Planner - Planner
Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor (3) Supervisor Control Systems Instruments Electric Controls & Supervisor Support
PdM (2) Analyzers (1) Testing and Planner Scheduler Metrics Contracts
Static (8) Civil Rotary (8) (5) communicatio Electrical (4) Services
Repair (2) Routine (4) Routine (2)
Technician Technician
n (2) Technician
Static Technician Maintenance Maintenance
Maintenance Fabrication Maintenance Technician Electric Electric Power Maintenance Plant and
Equipment Technician Scaffold, Painting, Technician Technical Technician Technician
Technician Technicians Machinist Technician System Control Testing and Controls & Technician Machinery
Technician Civil (5) Insulation (11) (6) Analyzers (4) Instruments Planner - SAP
Static (32) Contract (6) Contract (38) Contract (5) Rotary (20) Repair & communicatio Electric (12) Contractor
Contract (10) (15) Super User
HVAC (6) n (6) (20)

Sr Engineer

Maintenance Dept. - Static

Manager - Static

Team Leader
Engineer Static
Static (3)

Supervisor Static
Supervisor Civil

Maintenance Fabrication Static Equipment Technician

Technician Civil Scaffold, Painting,
Technician Static Technicians Technician Insulation Contract
(32) Contract (6) Contract (10) (38)

Maintenance Dept. - Rotary

Manager Rotary

Maintenance Team
Maintenance Engineer Maintenance Rotary
Leader PdM and
Rotating Team Leader (2)

Sr.Engineer PdM Supervisor (3)
Supervisor Rotary (8)

Maintenance Technical Maintenance

Technician (11) Machinist Contract (5) Technician Rotary (20)

Maintenance Dept. - Instrumentation


Sr. Engineer Maintenance Team
Instrumentation / Leader Instrument (2)
Control Systems

Supervisor Control Supervisor Analyzers Supervisor Instruments

Systems (2) (1) (5)

Technician System Technician Analyzers
Technician Instruments
Control (6) (4)

Maintenance Dept. - Electrical


Maintenance Maintenance Team

Engineer Electrical Leader Electrical (3)

Supervisor Electric Supervisor Electric Maintenance

Testing and Repair Power Controls & Supervisor Electrical
(2) communication (2) (4)

Technician Electric Technician Electric Maintenance

Testing and Repair & Power Controls & Technician Electric
HVAC (6) communication (6) (12)

Maintenance Dept. - Planning

Manager Planning

Maintenance Team
Maintenance Team Leader Performance Maintenance
Sr. Engineer RCM
Leader Planning and and contract Planning Engineer

Planner Support
Planner Routine (4) Scheduler Routine (2) Planner - Metrics Planner Contracts

Technician Plant and

Planner - SAP Super Machinery Contractor
User (20)

Maintenance Department
Mobilization Plan

Maintenance On-Seat Required Dates

2020 2021
On-Seat Date May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
Project Month 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

GM Maintenance 1
Executive Assistant Maint 1
Maintenance Manager Static ( MMS)
Maintenance Engineer Static ( MES) 1
Maintenance Team Leader Static (MTLS) 1 1
Maintenance Supervisor Static (MSS) 2 2 2 2
Maintenance Technician Static (MTS) 8 8 8 8
Maintenance Supervisor Civil (MSC ) 1
Maintenance Manager Rotary ( MMR)
Maintenance Engineer Rotating ( MER) 1
Maintenance Team Leader PdM and Workshop ( MTLPdm) 1
Maintenance Sr.Engineer PdM ( ME Pdm) 1
Maintenance Supervior PdM ( MS Pdm) 1
Maintenance Technician PdM ( MT Pdm) 1 2
Maintenance Supervisor Rotary Shop (MSR-S) 2
Maintenance Technician Rotary Shop (MTR-S) 8
Maintenance Team Leader Rotating (MTLR) 1
Maintenance Supervisor Rotary (MSR) 2 2 2 2
Maintenance Technician Rotary (MTR) 5 5 5 5

Maintenance Department
Mobilization Plan
Maintenance On-Seat Required Dates
2020 2021
On-Seat Date May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
Project Month 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

Maintenance Manager Instrumentation (MMI) 1

Maintenance Sr.Engineer Instrumentation / Control Systems (MEIC) 1
Maintenance Team Leader Instrument (MTLI) 1
Maintenance Supervisor Control Systems Instrumentation (MSCS) 1 1
Maintenance Techanician Control Systems Instrumentation ( MTCS) 2 2 2
Maintenance Supervisor Analyzers ( MSA) 1
Maintenance Technician Analyzers (MTA) 1 2 1
Maintenance Supervisor Instruments (Field Inst) (MSI) 2 2 1
Maintenace Technician Instrument (Field Inst) (MTI) 2 5 8
Maintenance Manager Electrical (MME) 1
Maintenance Engineer Electrical ( MEE) 1
Maint Team Leader Electrical (MTLE) 1 1
Maintenance Supervisor Electric Testing and Repair (MSET&R) 1 1
Maintenance Technician Electric Testing and Repair & HVAC ( MTET&R) 3 3
Maintenance Supervisor Electric Power Controls & communication (MSEP&C) 1 1

Maintenance Technician Electric Power Controls & communication (MTEP&C) 2 2 2

Maintenance Supervisor Electrical (MSE) 2 2
Maintenance Technician Electrical (MTE) 4 4 4
Maintenance Manager Planning ( MMP) 1
Maintenance Planning Engineer (MPE) 1
Maintenance Team Leader Planning and Scheduling (MTLP&S) 1
Maintenance Routine Planner(MRP) 2 2
Maintenance Routine Scheduler (MRS) 2
Maintenance Planner - SAP Super User (MPS) 1
Maintenance Team Leader Performance and contract (MTLP&C) 1
Maintenance Planner - Metrics (MPM) 1
Maintenance Planner Contracts (MPC) 1
Maintenance Planner Support Services (MPSS) 1
Sr Engineer RCM 1
4 8 27 19 37 44 31 1 1 7
Critical Positions

Technical Dept.

Technical Department

General Manager


Team Leader Manager Team Leader Manager Team Leader

Engineering Process Engg. Laboratory Asset Integrity Refinery Planning
(July’20) (June’20) (June’20) (May’20) (Dec’20)

Technical Department
Mobilization Plan
2020 2021
On-Seat Date May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
Project Month 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

GM Technical 1
Executive Assistant Technical 1
T/L Engineering 1
Sr Document Controller 1
Sr Engineer Mechanical / Piping 1
Sr Engineer Electrical 1
Sr Engineer Rotating Equip 1
Sr Engineer Instrumentation 1
Engineer Mechanical / Piping 1 1
Engineer Electrical 1
Engineer Rotating Equip 1
Engineer Instrumentation 1
Engineer Civil 1
Document Controller 1
Manager Process Engg. 1
T/L Heavy Oils 1
T/L Hydroprocessing 1
T/L Utilities 1
T/L Process Control & Automation 1
T/L Process Safety 1
Senior Engineer Heavy Oils 1
Senior Engineer Hydroprocessing 1
Senior Engineer Utilities 1
Senior Engineer Process Control & Automation 1
Senior Engineer Process Safety 1
Engineer Heavy Oils 1 1
Engineer Hydroprocessing 1 1
Engineer Utilities 1 1
Engineer Process Control & Automation 1
Engineer Process Safety 1 1
T/L Refinery Planning 1
LP Model Optimization Specialist 1
Sr. Operational Planning Engineer 1

Market Analyst 1

23 Continued…..
Technical Department
Mobilization Plan
T/L Laboratory 1
Shift T/L Lab 2 2
Senior Lab Analyst 2 2
Senior Chemist 1 1
Senior Lab Analyst 1 1
Lab Analyst 2 3 3
Chemist 1 1
Senior Lab Services Technician 2 2
Lab Services Technician 2 2
Lab Analyst 1 1
Senior Equipment Specialist 1
Equipment Specialist 1
Manager Asset Integrity 1
T/L Inspection Process Units 1
T/L Inspection Utilities 1
T/L Inspection Material & Corrosion 1
T/L Central Inspection 1
Senior Inspection Engineer Process Units 2
Senior Inspection Engineer Utilities 1
Senior Engineer Material & Corrosion 1
Senior Engineer Central Inspection 2
Senior Engineer RBI 1
Inspection Engineer Process Units 1 1
Inspection Engineer Utilities 1
Engineer Material & Corrosion 2
Senior Welding / NDT Engineer 1
Senior Inspector Process Units 2 2
Senior Inspector Utilities 2 1
Senior RBI Engineer 1
Engineer RCA 1
Systems Engineer 1
1 30 10 11 8 11 1 4 9 0 14 0 0 3 0 0


Team Leader

Mechanical & Piping Electrical Instrumentation Rotating Equipment Senior Document Senior Engineer
Civil Engineer
Sr. Engineer (June’20) Sr. Engineer (June’20) Sr. Engineer (July’20) Sr. Engineer (July’20) (March’21) Controller Reliability
Engineer (2) (July20) Engineer (July’20) Engineer (Aug’20) Engineer (Aug’20 (June’20) (June’20)

RCA Engineer
Controller (Jan’21)


Process Engineering

Manager PE

Team Leader Team Leader

Team Leader Team Leader
SUW and O&L Team Leader
Heavy Oils Hydro-processing Process Control
(Sulfur/Utilities/Waste Process Safety
Water & Offsites and
& Optimization (June’20)
(Sept’20) (Sept’20) (Sept’20)
Logistics) (June’20)

Senior Engineer Senior Engineer Senior Engineer Senior Engineer Senior Engineer
(March’21) (March’21) (June’20) (March’21) (June’20)

Engineer (2) Engineer (2) Engineer (2) Engineer (2)

(1stEngr. : June’20, 1st Engr. : June’20, (1stEngr. : June’20, (1st Engr. : June’20,
2nd Engr. : March’21) 2nd Engr. : March’21) 2nd Engr. : Sept’20) 2nd Engr. : Nov’20)


Team Leader - Lab

Shift Team Leader (4) Sr. Chemist (2) Sr. Lab Lab Analyst Sr. Equip. Equipment
Chemist (2) Specialist Specialist
(two : June’20, (Jan’21/June’21) Analyst (2) (2)
two : Sept’20) (June’20/Dec’20) (June’20/Dec’20) (Jan’21/June’21) (June’20) (Oct’20)

Senior Lab Analyst

(two : June’20,
two : Sept’20)

Lab Analyst (8)

(two : June’20,
three : Sept’20,
three : March’21)

Sr. Technician Lab

Services (4)
(two : July’20
two : Jan’21)

Technician Lab
Services (4)
(two : Aug’20,
two : March’21)

Asset Integrity

Asset Integrity

Process units Materials & Central Inspection Senior Engineer

Utilities Inspection Reliability
Inspection T/L Corrosion T/L T/L
T/L (June’20) (June’20)
(June’20) (Oct’20) (July’20)

Sr. Inspection Sr. Inspection Sr. Materials & Sr. QA/QC Engineer RCA Engineer
Engineer (2) Engineer Corrosion Engineer (2) (July’20) (Jan’21)
(June’20) (June’20) (Oct’20)

Materials & Sr. Welding/ NDT Systems

Inspection Engineer Inspection Engineer Engineer
Corrosion Engineer Engineer
(2) (June/July’20) (June’20) (July’20)
(2) (Oct’20) (June’20)

Sr. Inspector (4) Sr. Inspector (3) Sr. RBI Engineer

(Oct’20 -2, Jan’21 – 2) (Oct’20 -2, Jan’21 –1) (Oct’20)

Refinery Planning

Refinery Planning

Senior Specialist Sr. Operational

Market Analyst
LP Modeling Planning Engineer (March’21)
(Dec’20) (March’21)

HSSE Dept.

HSSE Dept.

General Manager


Manager Manager
T/L Environment
Occupational Fire Fighting &
Health & Safety Security

31 31
HSSE Department
Mobilization Plan
2020 2021
On-Seat Date Mar April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
Project Month 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
Snr HSSE Specialist 1
Occupational Health & Safety Manager 1
T/L - Operational HSSE 1
T/L - HSSE Management System 1
T/L - Technical Safety 1
T/L - Occupational Health 1
Senior Specialist - Occupational Health 1 1
Sr Specialist HSSE 2
Specialist HSSE 1
Sr Specialist HSSE Auditor 2
Sr Specialist HSSE Training 1
Sr Specialist BBS & PTW 1
Sr Specialist Incident Investigation 1
HSSE Officer 2 2
Quality & Emergency Officer 1
HSSE Data Analyst 1
HSSE Communication Officer 1
T/L Environmental Mangement 1
Senior Environmental Engineer 2
Senior Environmental Specialist 2
Fire Fighting and Security Manager 1
Deputy Chief Fire Officer 1
Senior Emergency Control Panel Officer 1
Station Officer 4
Emergency Control Panel Officer 4
Sub Officer 4
Specialist Logistic & Maintenance 2
Leading Fire Fighters 4
Fire Fighter 44
Fire & Safety Trainers 2
Total 3 6 11 4 12 1 1 47 1 0 3 3 2 2 0 0 0 0

32 32

T/L Environment

Sr. Environmental Sr. Environmental

Engineers (2) Specialists (2)
(Mar’21) (Apr 20)

33 33
Occupational Health & Safety

Manager -
Health & Safety
(Jun 20)

Operational HSSE Technical Safety

Technical & Loss Occupational Health HSSE Management
Team Lead Team Lead
Prevention Specialist Team Lead System Team Lead
(Jan 21) (Jun’20) (Apr 20)
(Apr 20) (Apr 20)
HSSE Sr. Specialist
Sr./Specialist (2) Sr. Specialist Sr. Specialist
Quality & Emergency Occ. Health HSSE Auditor BBS & PTW
(Feb 21) Officer (Aug’20) (2) (Sept’20)
(May 20)
Sr. Specialist (Jan 21) Sr. Specialist
HSSE Officer (4) Sr. Specialist
Occ. Health Incident
HSSE Training
(Sept’20/Apr 21) (Nov’20) Investigation & RCA
(June 20) (Oct 20)

HSSE Data Analyst

(Feb 20)

34 34
Fire Fighting & Security

Manager Fire Fighting

& Security
(Mar 20)

Snr Emergency Control Deputy Chief Fire

Station Officer (4)
Panel Officer
(Jul 20)
(May 20) (Apr 20)

Logistic & Maintenance

Emergency Control Specialist (2)
Sub Officer (4)
Panel (4)
(Jul 20) (May 20)
(May 20)

Leading Firefighter (4) Fire & Safety Trainers

(Jul 20)
(May 20)

Firefighter (44)
(Oct 20)

35 35

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