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Name of Students TOPIC

ALEGADA, ROSENY A. Public Administration vs.Private Administration

BALWIT, MICHAEL RAY D. The Role of Public Administration in Modern Society
BUSTAMANTE, MELVIN S. What is Bureaucracy and its nature?
CAPADOCIA, SANDRA M. Characteristics of Bureaucracy and give samples
CORDOVA, NOBEL Government and Politics,Politician-Administration Accord
DELA CRUZ, JOHN PAUL REYMUND C. Three Branches of the Government and its functions
DELA TORRE, RONALYN E. Types of Organization
DEJALDE, MARY CLAVIEGIL FE A. The Contradiction of Organization
DEL ROSARIO, MICHAEL G. Management Process of Public Administration
DIAZ, IZZA BEL MARIE C. Budgetary System in the Government
ESCALANTE, CHERRY MAE C. Budget Process in the Departments (sample in your office)
GONZALES, MAE ANN B. Budget Process in the DPWH
HERBOLARIO, JUSTINE CHRISTIAN M. Organizational Chart of your office
JACA, CATREENA MAE S. Special Problems in Public Administration
LLENA, ANDRIE BON E. Special Problems in Public Administration
MAGALLANO, ROSALINA B. Ecology of Public Administration: Administrator’s attitudes
towards environment
NICRO, PANFILO JR. A Ecology and Administrative effectiveness
PALMARES, CHARLENE MAY M. Factors of environment contraints
PATRIARCA, YVES LAURENCE MARIE G. Public-Private Partnership ( PPP)
SANTIAGO, JEROME Personnel Administration (simple flow)
SORIANO, ROMMEL C. Public Relations
TAN, NAPCELLE C. The Role of Public Relations in the Government
TANGAO, CRATLENE M. Phases of Decision-Making
URSULA, GISSELLE ANN D. Motivational Practices in Public Administration

References: Public Administration by Jose Leveriza

Public Administrations hand outs online and videos

1. Power Point Presentation

2. At least 15 slides only
3. Each reporter shall be given 10-15 minutes to present

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