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Assignment Acitivity 1

Look at the people and the Managers you have worked with in the past,
or are currently working with and choose one. Explain why they are a
good role model or why they do not act as a good role model in the
Explain your answers well and not just give a short basic answer. This is
a management unit so you are expected to have good written and
communication skills to clearly and professionally present examples and
reasons for your thinking that the manager is a good or a poor role
- They are good role model . Because they meet all the needs that the
Managers needs:
* A good training : - They guide the team and share the necessary
insights, for granted under valuable experiences
and development opportunities.
- They are good at the responsibility of training the
team in the organization.
* Collective empowerment and non-management according to the
individual : - They allow employees to freely develop their ideas,
to accept risks and to make mistakes.
- They also provide the necessary equipment and
facilities, allowing for flexible schedules arrangement and a working
- They give employees opportunities and challenges,
then evaluate what employees "know what to do" and what are the
* Create a teamwork environment, showing interest in success and
lower level of health.
- The best performance of teamwork is to create a "psychological
safety" environment.
* Who yield and focus the results :
- They motivate people around well, by setting their mirrors and
criticithe as needed. They are not afraid to roll their sleeves and help, as
long as it is good for the group.
* They are good communicators:
- They are the ones who listen
- They believe that knowledge is power. Therefore, they are willing to
share information with colleagues, let everyone know the cause of
information, events
* They know career development and performance support:
- They cheer their subordinates with sincere compliments. However,
they are not afraid to make criticisms in a clever manner in a spirit of
mutual support and development.
- They help employees achieve personal career goals. Subordinates,
from there, tend to "repay" by giving to the organization.
* They have a clear vision and strategy for the team
- They know exactly the position and situation of the group and what
they need to do to develop better
- They help members stay abreast of the plans, they also make sure
each member understands their individual role in implementing
* They possess important skills to advise the group :
- They understand the work of subordinates, including daily tasks and
- They always take the time to learn how things work and build trust
before work or give advice.
* Effective cooperation:
- They always work for the common good of the company and
encourage groups to move toward the good.
* Who make strong decisions:
- They dare to think, dare to do and have decision-making skills
- They have a good sense of mind, evaluate and predict the situation,
weigh the benefits of decisions, and have a deep understanding of what
they do.
- They have extensive knowledge, keen reasoning and experiences,
experiences in life and work.
Remember to present your assignment in a clear and professional.
manner that would be suitable for use in a business
Assignment Acitivity 2
Look at the business you work for or choose another hospitality business
with a mission statemen, motto or credo. Explain what the statement is
and what it is meant to achieve.
Do you think this statement is effective for the company? Give reasons.
Do they actually follow the statement ? Give examples if you can ?
If your business does not have a Mission Statement, Motto or Credo you
are also required to write one suitable for the business you work in .
* Coca-Cola Mission Statement:
“To refresh the world in mind, body and spirit; To inspire moments of
optimism and happiness through our brands and actions; To create value
and make a difference.”
- “To inspire moments of optimism and happiness… To create value
and make a difference”. Coca Cola's roadmap begins from a mission
statement that is enduring. It not just declares the soda giant's purpose of
existence but also serves as the measure against which it weighs its
actions and decisions.
- Their vision is to craft the brands and choice of drinks that people love,
to refresh them in body & spirit. And done in ways that create a more
sustainable business and better shared future that makes a difference in
people's lives, communities and the planet.
- The main objectives for the Coca-Cola of the Statement : Company are
to be globally known as a business that conducts business responsibility
and ethically and to accelerate sustainable growth to operate in
tomorrow's world. By having these objectives, it forms the foundation
for companies in the decision making process.
- To achieve our mission, we have developed a set of goals, which we
will work with our bottlers to deliver:
+) People: Inspiring each other to be the best we can be by providing a
great place to work
+) Portfolio: Offering the world a portfolio of drinks brands that
anticipate and satisfy people's desires and needs
+) Partners: Nurturing a winning network of partners and building
mutual loyalty
+) Planet: Being a responsible global citizen that makes a difference by
helping to build and support sustainable communities
+) Profit: Maximising long-term return to shareholders, while being
mindful of our overall responsibilities
+) Productivity: Being a highly effective, lean and fast-moving
*The Statement Values:
- Our shared values guide our actions and describe how we behave in the
+) Leadership: The courage to shape a better future
+) Collaboration: Leverage collective genius
+) Integrity: Be real
+) Accountability: If it is to be, it's up to me
+) Passion: Committed in heart and mind
+) Diversity: As inclusive as our brands
+) Quality: What we do, we do well
Remember to present your assignment in a clear and professional
manner manner that would be suitable for use in a business.
Assignment Activity 3
Case study
You need to communicate to staff that a new uniform will be introduced
in six weeks time. The new uniform will be introduced to coincide with
a change of corporate logo and new corporate colours.
How will you communicate this information ?
Will you use more than one method ?
Explain the methods you will use and give examples of your methods of
- I will :
* Formal meetings :
- Notify all staff at the meeting, then pass back information to the staff
about the dress change
- Tell them why we change clothes and brands, Because we need a new
look, need a drastic change, to attract customers.
- Inform them clearly of the date the new uniform was received, and
they need to be present in full to receive it.
* Paper based documents :
- Print the entire notice, the reasons, the information: day, month, year
the main content of the notice on multiple sheets of paper.
- Then, Ask his assistant to send them.
- On signature required or signed.
Remember to present your assignment in a clear and professional
manner manner that would be suitable for use in a business.

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